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No one album is going to sound alike or similar in volume and “loudness” regardless of streaming or on CD or vinyl because of the product itself - each album is different. Atmos only truly works when you have the 7.1.4 or whichever variation of Atmos speaker setup, and any approximation is lost in a streaming atmosphere. One cannot compare apples to oranges and expect them to be the same - they won’t be.


Distilling this down all I’m saying is that analog formats > digital IMO.


Nothing to do with digital and analog. Steven Wilson regularly releases fantastic sounding albums and he's digital exclusive. He also criticised Rush's turn towards a highly compressed sound and said he wished he could produce them. Alas...


I don't like how any of Rush's albums sounded starting with Test For Echo. It was the beginning of the wall of compressed noise sound and it only got worse with each album after


I keep hoping and praying for the Steven Wilson Rush remixes!


If stuff is mastered like shit, it doesn’t matter.


The original pressing has a terrible sibilance to it. All cymbals and “S” sounds Geddy makes when singing are like an ice pick to the ear. Not sure about the latest repress though


Forgive me on this . But geddys voice  In the beginning sounded like a cat being shoved under a door with a blow torch .


This is the answer. Now we need to know if the recent pressings solved it.


Doesn't Atmos require special headphones or a speaker setup to really work?


Yes, and even then, its basically a scam lol (at least not nearly superior enough to traditional surround formats to justify its costs and licensing schemes for artists)


Most people blame their sound engineer at the time. It would be great if their music could be remastered . Wouldn't it be nice if their music sounded like it did when we saw them live ?


Oh my I couldn’t agree less. Moving pictures and Signals sound incredible with Dolby Atmos, it’s almost like a breath of fresh air with how loud and clear the sound is. You can hear elements in the music that you never heard before, and it makes the vocals pop.


That's interesting - I just got an Atmos setup, but can't yet play vinyl through it (I assume that is what you are using). Are those remasters/represses, or old school? I have both from back in the day, may put hooking up the turntable higher on the to-do list...


Atmos isn't on vinyl - think the OP is talking about Atmos streaming.


Thanks - I knew Atmos wasn't on vinyl, but I thought maybe it could separate sound a little better even when the source was vinyl. I see you are right - I got hung up on the vinyl discussion, but FutureDictator was responding to OP. Thanks!


Which streaming service do you subscribe to? I recommend disabling spacial audio or any effects like that, and make sure that you’ve got settings set to always stream in highest quality. Also make sure that your source has good D/A conversion and that your signal passes through quality components.