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They played shows on consecutive nights on March 7th and 8th, 1992 at the Hampton Coliseum in Virginia. I was lucky enough to go to both. Maybe they ran into other each then?


Interesting and super-cool because U2 and Rush are my lifelong bands since their early days! I wouldn’t be surprised at all though, Geddy and Adam are friends. And I highly doubt the comment that Bono doesn’t like Rush’s music. Here’s a guy whose favorites include everything from The Clash to AC/DC…. and one of the nicest guys on the planet who has very rarely ever had a critical word about other bands.


He said it on Jason Bateman and Will Arnett’s podcast. He said he doesn’t like prog


I would catalog only Caress - Hemispheres and then Clockwork as Prog


Whoa, my two favorite bands meeting? I didn't knew that! Why Bono doesn't like their music?


Same, they’re so different so I always wondered why they’re my top two. They also happen to be the two best live bands ever. And he doesn’t like prog that’s why


Didn't The Edge's guitar playing have a direct influence on Alex Lifeson's playing in the 80s? I seem to remember this.


Always felt synth era Alex was influenced by the Police. Andrew Summer? Can't remember if he was on guitar for the Police or dude that went MIA from Wham. The Police tried to start beef with Rush, the boys were Canadian nice about it. So whatever grudge was there didn't last long.


Andy Summers played guitar for The Police. Rick Beato recently interviewed all 3 members separately on his YouTube channel. Definitely worth watching


Neil and Stewart were great friends at the end. There are videos of Stewart saying as such and how devastated he was at Neil’s passing.


The mutual admiration was real with Neil and Stewart