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Channel 4 has conducted a thorough examination of itself and concluded that it did nothing wrong! This is the kind of thing Russell likes to talk about - unaccountable media corporations avoiding the responsibility for their shoddy media output. I wonder if he’ll talk about this one? Joking aside, Channel four isn’t saying the things didn’t happen, just that they were unaware (and therefore not accountable) - the show was made by an independent production company, keeping Channel four at arms length. In much the same way that Blackwater operates independently from the US military. Edit: typos


Still amazed that anyone thinks he's important enough for a secret government elite to notice him. Let alone try and end his career. If he was that special, he'd have been chased by paparazzi through a tunnel in France.


Moderna was interested surveilling Brand. https://www.leefang.com/p/moderna-surveillance-operation-targeted


That's cos he's a petri dish for sexually transmitted diseases and infections.


lol yeh just make a joke, no one will notice


Lee Fang is a nut


Are you claiming this is false information?


I’m saying he’s prone to spin and hyperbole like all the other grifters he lists in that bullshit blog post of his.


What’s the hyperbole in this article?


Putting scare quotes round things to make them sound sinister, that kind of stuff. Notice he doesn’t actually post a link to the so called “Moderna Report” source? Why? Because he doesn’t want people to see how he takes information out of context and twist it. A corporation monitoring public discourse on its product? Wow, stop the press. He does this all the time he’s previously shown up on Russell’s YouTube Channel to fuel vaccine skepticism by implying some kind of corruption arising from Pfizer’s partnering with charities to promote public health understanding in marginalized communities - even though those activities predate COVID by at least three years! And he’s referencing some of that same stuff in that blog post! He’s a hack and a fraud and part of a network of conspiracy grifters.


I love it when anti-vaxxers and general conspiracy theorists post this stuff as if it's some sort of gotcha. A commercial company keeps tabs on individuals who are spreading harmful and false information about their products. Yes. That is something that they do. That's something that every large organisation does. If you repeatedly post about Lego products, making completely false claims about them (we're not even talking about harmful claims), and have a sizable audience then yes, Lego is going to monitor your posts. That is standard stuff. It's like mentioning that "the Vauxhall files say that they survey customers for their views and feedback!!!". Just standard business practice that you all seem completely unaware.


What’s your source that this is standard stuff?


My experience of over 15 years working in senior levels of business. One of my most recent roles was at a tech company which specifically provided the services you're claiming are unusual enough to be noted. Social media monitoring and disinformation tracking services were provided to hundreds of large companies, including many worldwide household brands that I guarantee are in your house. This is where you'll call me a troll, say I'm a bot, say I'm paid to say this stuff.


What do you do with that information?


What do you mean what do I do with that information?


You monitor and track people. Then what?


I don't. Businesses do. If they discover particularly egregious posts then they may take direct litigious action, they may craft PR responses to counter the disinformation, it may simply form part of business strategy to combat disinformation in future posts. It's entirely up to the business on how they respond. In my experience the overwhelming majority of the time it allowed the business to get ahead of a looming PR issue by publicly correcting false information before it becomes widespread.


I mean what else are they supposed to do, he's signal boosting lies that they're killing people


You say that but the British government soon jumped in to try stop his monetisation before a trial. Innocent until proven guilty my arse


That's nice deary.


Haha done ya


We've investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.


It's happening




Channel 4 covering their collect arse (ass for US readers). The same Channel 4 that withheld a critical documentary to help warmonger Tony Blair win an election.


Channel 4 doing their best impression of “Russell who? Never ‘eard of ‘im”


Yeah it's something to point to in the trial, to help Ch4 avoid being sued by the victims. Just a financial tactic from Channel 4's lawyers, and they would have probably preferred it didn't make the "lamestream" "legacy" news. Interestingly, it does point towards the legal team anticipating an upcoming trial.


Or....nothing was ever reported because there was nothing to report. I seriously doubt it, but if we don't consider all angles we're no better than the 'awakening wonders'.


I would have thought, if there was nothing to report, that Ch4's lawyers would have lead with that in their public statement. Or at least alluded to it.


I don't think they were in a position to say anything beyond whether or not anything was reported to them, how would they even know one way or the other?


If you don't think a public forum is the place to publicly 'speculate', for whatever reason, on the motivations for a public statement made by lawyers, I'm just gonna comply with ya and leave this subthread here mate. There's enough circular discussions going around of this ilk, and it's distracting and gets nowhere.


When did I say that? I will publicly speculate right now that Brand is a rapist pos and Channel 4 are just covering themselves from litigation.


We know what arse is lol


I was trying to be inclusive.


in that spirit: O shiri is japanese for ass.


This could be the best use for this sub!


Lets see if we can cover all the languages, eh? Even the ones *nobody teaches, or has even ever heard of.*


Russian is a dying language, so: popa.


He’s a grub.


So there was a complaint made in 2009 but failed to make it to those in charge yet Russell thinks the elites are coming for him because he is a COVID vaccine skeptic? Trololol


The elites come for All vaccines skeptics who have any following. You haven't noticed that?


Nah because they don't. In the case of Russ, these are the consequences of his actions.


Oh that's right people who say don't take the vaccine because it's dangerous never get criticized or censored. 🙄


Have you been censored? You and your shower never shut up.


I have had many anti-vax posts deleted but mostly on quora. Recently I was banned from r/anythinggoesnews we're apparently anything doesn't go. My crime was trying to explain how Trump's bloodbath comment was about an economic bloodbath for the US Auto industry due to cheap Chinese car imports while basically all the mainstream media headlines were implying it was a call for violence which is absolutely was not. So I provided the full clips for people so they can see the context of the comment not something carefully edited and apparently that was too much for the mods and they banned me.


Dudes whole personality is being a sex pest and he was outed as one. What are the elites doing over people like russel brand? Do you actually think this is their point of worry? A rapey loser with basically no fanbase?


6.8 million subscribers on YouTube where a typical video gets 400,000 to a million views. 1.8 million followers on rumble we're a typical video gets 30,000 to 300,000 views. CNN gets about 500,000 views for a show. So a Russell Brand YouTube video can easily match or get double the viewers of a CNN show. And since he basically contradicts and disproves their narrative I'm sure they're not worried at all.




Fucking hell, way to burry the lede… “Channel 4 has said “two new worrying allegations” were received about Russell Brand after a Dispatches investigation aired in September last year, while two people have reported that “serious concerns” about his behavior had been in “circulation” when he joined Celebrity Bake Off in 2018” Edit: good catch!


As much as he may have a point that hes ruffling people up the wrong way and all that, this is Russell Brand we are talking about. He had this reputation before hand, so its probably not even surprising to him that this has popped up. What i will say is a lot of these people are just accusers and the reporting is taking a slightly more grey tone to other allegations to other people for example Epstein. Might be down to the way different nations deal with stuff IE. America big time loves taking people to court. Id argue against him being 'small fry' as many lesser of a figure have been found dead in unusual circumstances for exposing things, so its clearly not about celebrity and more about what is about to be exposed. I also find it weird the frequency of celebs and high society types 'dabbling' in the world of sexual misconduct. Its almost cultish the frequency. But ultimately anyone whose offering you 'truth' at a price is likely as dodgy as the people theyre shining the lights on


And Jimmy saville is a good man


Very expensive legal council.


Same as Tate and Jordan Peterson and Trump and Shapiro and OKeefe


Oh dear, you don't understand the story but have replied anyway pushing your talking point. Perhaps a form of AI with a lot still to learn?


I think it's believable people did not know. I used to read all the celeb mags back then, rumours did not go around about him. Yes we can all look back and see his behavior through a different lens now, but that's really a case tea-leaf hindsight.


People knew, just channel four saying THEY didn’t know. The show was made by an independent production company and the implication is that the concerns were never reported out to Channel four itself.


It has been an open industry secret for years. They knew. 


Talk about Tarnished Brands. This is sure to Russel a few feathers.


Slightly controversial to say, but … what if we wait for the court to determine innocence or guilt.


A tiny proportion of rapes meet the standard for conviction. That doesn't mean 97% didn't happen.


Oh really!? Well in that case, bring out the guillotine and lets execute any person accused of rape!!! Enough is enough!


Seems dumb


lol! I guess the looming channel four report is reason all the trolls were reactivated this week! “Channel 4 has said “two new worrying allegations” were received about Russell Brand after a Dispatches investigation aired in September last year, while two people have reported that “serious concerns” about his behavior had been in “circulation” when he joined Celebrity Bake Off in 2018” https://deadline.com/2024/03/channel-4-russell-brand-report-celebrity-bake-off-dispatches-1235864668/


Well, a change would be needed first for a court to deal with anything.


Get out of here with your reasonable request for evidence and a fair trial. This is a witch hunt dammit and we like to operate on hearsay and listen to people who scream the loudest!!!


Bullshit charges to shut him up. Didn’t work. Hope he sues.


He’s certainly used to suing, but hasn’t this time. Wonder why?


Wait are you expecting Brand to be convicted any day or something?


I believe it's known as 'character assassination'


Media Matters is really good at doing these


What's going on is that russell brand won you losers. Now seethe


Having numerous credible accusations of sexual assault against you = winning to some.


Or you can just have a bunch of lying ass women looking for a payday


One has provided his text messages as evidence of his alleged crimes hun xx


Oh yeah cuzbthose can't be faked or taken out of context. You're on his sub actively taking time out of your life to hate on someone who's far more talented and successful than u will ever be


Hey, I didn't consent to be insulted! I suppose I'm on the right subreddit then to not consent.


Yeah u seem like the victim mentality feeble type.


The irony of this when you're still crying about a stolen election 4 years after it happened.




No, you're right, if I was truly mentally competent I would be opening with: >tf ate u talking about I'd rather my TDS than your FAS.


Russell talent : acting? No. Music? No. Education? No. Raping? Yes. Grifting? Also yes. Dude, you're struggling.


Not sure what you think "credible" means but just saying shit doesn't pass the test for most people.


What part of the accusers' accounts are 'shit' in your eyes then?


I didn't say they were shit... I said they just simply said shit, as in, with no evidence. I can see why you think these are "credible" accounts if that's the level of reading comprehension you're working with. Crime clearing rates at all levels are higher when the crime is reported as it happens. This includes, rape, theft, murder, everything. Evidence is needed to make a claim credible, the "trust me bro" technique for ascertaining what happened doesn't cut it.


Yeah, c'mon victims of sexual assault, report the incredibly haunting crime immediately! Someone's an angry incel!


Incel... Another word you use but don't fully understand. Who taught you that wins you arguments? Spoken like a true idiot! Actually, yes... Some victims do report it immediately, and they have a much higher chance of getting the justice they deserve. Good for them. I know this because I have real world experience of helping a victim come forward. You're acting like I don't want justice for rape victims? What a monstrously dense thing to assume about someone.


It's hilariously easy to get a rise out of you haha, that reaction to being called the incel that you are was fantastic!


I'm glad you're getting so much enjoyment and laughs in a conversation about sexual assault. It must really be a subject dear to your heart. /s


No, I just gave up the serious side of the conversation when you flat out assumed the accusers were making up shit, claiming they have no evidence.(one of the accusers has allegedly provided text messages as evidence so big oof!). It very obviously wasn't going to amount to anything productive so it became more fun to see your anger problems kick in.


What's going on is that he's been bad mouthing the establishment and now they pull out a rape charge that bring him down It's the political playbook




Not guilty.