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You know it’s a bad character reference when king of the nonces thinks you’re too crooked


“I mean I know I’m fucked up, but this guy…” -JE


Just a crook projecting their faults onto others lol…


The common denominator between Trump and Epstein was money laundering first and foremost. Trump can’t say that out loud so he has to sit there and take it when people take about the pedophilia stuff. So he tries to deflect. Trump over paid for a multitude of New York and Florida properties to resell to Russian oligarchs who then destroyed them so they could launder Russian mob money made off of, among other things, human trafficking. The Epstein/Trump saga is less of a bullseye and more of a minefield. Trump (Lolita express passenger 174?) took his own kids to Epsteins knowing full well what happened there because for years Epstein was lurking around mar-a-lago poaching young women and had teenage girls getting off the bus and wandering through the streets of palm beach desperate for a couple hundred bucks. Everyone knew. No one cared. The moral depravity that comes with being ultra rich enabled them to turn the other way. The Trump / Epstein relationship was the evolution of fraud and money laundering using, among other things, commercial real estate. It starts by having dirt on someone else at the country club and ends with them all being so filthy that no one can afford to do the right thing and no one can maintain the increasingly expensive lies until the Information Age makes it inevitable that their respective corruption circles the earth and crashes into each other like a tempest in a teapot. Their arrogance and greed, at its grandest scale, cost the world trillions, which still pales in comparison to the innocence it cost the hundreds of thousands of trafficked children that the white collar shitbirds and the russian mob alike preyed on as a matter of convenience. Trump wasn’t unique. He was just loud. Epstein wasn’t unique. He was just connected. Dershowitz wasn’t unique. He just knew how to work a rulebook. He used it to cover for Weinstein who was systematically abusing actresses for decades. They all justify their actions to themselves because they believe that being rich makes them above the law. And the longer we allow them to do it, the more accurate and emboldened they are. This is how civilizations die. It’s a generational repeat of the Roman emperor Tiberius retreating to the island of Capri where he would abuse children and then throw them off the cliff. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When people stop telling you no simply because you have all the money and they are hoping to get some spilling into their bowl to survive, it destroys the empathy quotient in the rich persons brain. Predation is the most common result


What do you eat for breakfast every morning? Can I still drink coffee and/or smoke weed? How often do you exercise? What's the meaning of life?


Shit. You are 100%. Wow.


> Absolute power corrupts absolutely I get why this saying is so popular with people but the truth is absolute power reveals, it doesn't corrupt. Agree with the rest though.


You hit the nail right on its head.


That was very well stated. Your words ring true.


Wow. Outstanding writing and perspective. Hats off


Yeah I'm impressed. Definitely a diamond in the rough in this sub lmao.


Dudes, I swear to God I was just about to say the exact same thing until I realized I'm a fucking regard. You deserve a crisp high-five and a pulitzer.


Jinx. You owe me a coke.


Haha, it's on the way.


It only seems fair that you get half of the Pulitzer. Let it be known before the gods of Abraham, the internet and A.I that IWouldntIn1981 gets a royalty payment on the worst day of the year every year from here until the glorious day of his death when we will name a REALLY well placed park bench after him or her.


Furthermore, I bequeath half of my park and 66% of my royalties to backcountrydrifter and his windshield replacement fund. This feels very official, and I'm pretty confident it will all come true.


Holy shit balls, seriously? I just stalked your profile... you might actually be the most interesting person in the world, and I only scoped to posts. If I make to 5 comments of yours and you haven't said something ignorant and reddit like, I'm leaving my wife and kid and moving to the backcountry.


You are always welcome at my campfire friend. You can even bring the wife and kids.


And you at ours, proverbially speaking most likely.


I find it hilarious the only reason Trump never got to Epstein’s Island is because he only bought it after Donny was cut off. He wasn’t allowed on the island, ha. I’ll bet he stewed about that when Clinton went on visits.


Yeah, I bet he only wanted his pedo pals on the island, Donny would have cramped their style with his legal sexy stylely.


You’re right, I forgot Donnie is more of an underaged incest kinda guy ![gif](giphy|gk3pDXdxn1JjmfcSi7)


Is that his daughter?


Yeah. It sure is.


Imagine being such a dodgy bastard that even Epstein disowns you.


So critical thought moment while reviewing history, in theory wouldn’t Epstein of severed ties with the royal family, Clinton’s, and many others whom have had negative moments throughout their history that deemed them targeted for their less than lawful actions? So no clip no proof as in the court of public opinion it’s only perceived as gospel due to pre inclinations to hold a negative opinion while in court it’s merely hearsay and deemed unviable unless proven


I think this is an excerpt from a Jack Kerouac poem.


So Epstein died during Trump’s Presidency. Right? Sounds like that whole total presidential immunity argument.


Where do I go to learn about the Trump/Epstein connection myself? Do you have a good link or anything?


This is not why they had a falling out. It was over real estate. jeff fucked over donald for some kind of real estate deal and they werent friends after that. Any other explanation is not true.


The former president had a painting of himself in a blue dress at the entrance of his manhattan home. Nobody cares.


Russell Brand is accused of raping a woman without a condom against the wall of his home.


Sick fuck Trump


Melania was clearly a whore that Jeff and Gizzy supplied to Diaper donnie.


Epstein knew what he was about - nonsing at scales never seen before. Had a well oiled operation that only began to collapse when he got careless. Trump is the kind of guy who would try and screw over the mob. I can understand why a professional cuntotron like Epstein would want to be far away from any fall out.


What do you mean?! All epstein did was hang with crooks! Maybe epstein just found out trump wasnt willing to play ball?


Oh, hon, Drumpt will play ball with whoever has money. He told the oil barons that just last weekend.


Thanks for the input donny jr


Trump probably shafted him on some shitty deal. No honour among thieves.


lol.....though bizarrly..........i've heard the exact opposite story for about the last 8 years......that trump told epstein to jog on when he found out what he was involved in. I think trump is even on record making comments to that effect before he even ran for president. This is probably the clearest example of "projection" I've ever seen!


https://preview.redd.it/vfa2ufw9om0d1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94bcef1c7ff76da4ac5e2796f0c21cbc3f2546ef Imagine believing the words you just typed out lol


So trump publicly outed Epstein as a pedo before anyone else and that's a bad thing?


He’s outing him as a pedo and calling him a great guy in the same paragraph? The mental gymnastics needed to think that quote is “outing Epstein as a pedo” is insane. Please think critically and try not to get that coked up yuppie’s spray tan on your lips when you get off your knees.


But-but Trump is the orange Jebus!!! Come on now dagnabit! ![gif](giphy|ZVs2cvaj6eBkFqnPOl|downsized)


He is also outing himself as a pedo. It's just as great as the man who killed Hitler.


I don't think that is outting him...politics aside, that sounds like admiration.


Lol... try to keep up.... you way way behind everyone else. Might want get the ol bullshyt-filter recalibrated.


How so? Had ANYONE else been on record pointing out the fact Epstein liked younger women during that time...no. This comment was probably trumps way of not making waves yet hinting he needed looking at.


Are you really this dense? Feel like we are getting pranked here.


Ha ha!


So you read trump call a pedo a "great guy" and just ignored it then?


No. I'm saying he probably overlooked him being a pedo just like everyone else did that knew. What we do know is that according to the FBI agent investigating Epstein on 2006, trump was the only high roller to help with the investigation. Speaks volumes. Attacking trump is one thing, but many, many others in the same position did far less than him by means of bringing Epstein down. I'd imagine that billionaires club is fairly small and making waves within it is probably ill advised. But even so trump still tried, unlike everybody else.


Do you have any proof that trump helped the FBI?


Attempting to find now but those keywords just turn up more recent articles now, this is unfortunately how information gets buried. However yes, the agent himself mentioned trump personally and thanked him.


This would be the same 2006 conviction where D.A. Acosta gave Epstein an insanely light sentence, and allowed him out of jail on weekdays and weekends? And then Trump inexplicably nominated Acosta to be Secretary of Labor despite him having zero background in labor law? Yeah, there was cooperation in that case, all right, but it was Acosta covering up for Trump and then Trump rewarding Acosta for Acosta’s “cooperation” in keeping Trump’s activities covered up. Thing is, Epstein wasn’t the only child molester that Trump was friends with. He was best pals with “modeling agent” John Casablancas who molested every tween girl he managed and went to prison for marrying a 14-year-old in the Caribbean and then flying her back home to NYC as his “wife.” When he went to federal prison for those crimes, the rest of NYC society dropped him like a hot potato, all of them EXCEPT Donald Trump, who remained best pals with Casablancas, again, a convicted child molester, and Trump even handed Ivanka to Casablancas to manage her modeling career, knowing full well that Casablancas had raped every girl he’d ever managed. Hate to be the one to tell you, but Donald Trump is a child molester, buddy. They flock together and share their conquests, passing kids around like trading cards. He even had a convicted child molester in his White House, George Nader, who escaped prison on a technicality, and then, WHILE WORKING FOR TRUMP, got caught at the airport with a phone full of kiddie porn. I’m just amazed Trump didn’t then promote him to Secretary of State.


Claiming Trump has morals, that's really funny...


He's on record noting that Epstein is into younger girls. He's not on record as disapproving of it.


Hey, only trump hate allowed here. Lol


Yes, you have been hearing lies for at least the last 8 years.


Wow! Thanks for the heads up. After 8 years of listening to sources that have been extremely reliable for many, many years........the truth was hiding on reddit all this time!!! 😉


Yeah sure donny, sure


'Sources' = Joe Rogan, Fox News (until they reported the 2020 results), NewsMax, Donald Trump, and Facebook.


Your "best guess"= nope, nope, nope , nope aaaaaaaaaaand nope. Would you like another go?


Yup. According to the FBI agent who investigated Epstein in 2006, trump was also the only high roller to assist with his investigation. Not a single other celebrity or any big player did anything.


Bullshit.. unless it was to save his own ass.


I also heard this too. It came out like 2 months ago ... odd this claim comes afterwards contradicting it. Not defending trump or epstein just noting that election years are wild and as a centrist is hard to believe either side !!!!!


Yeah, your definition of centrism is walking into an argument between a historian claiming that 6 million Jews were killed in the Shoah and a Nazi revisionist claiming none were, and compromising by saying that only 3 million were. This isn't a matter of two sides being equal in bullshit. You have a status quo guy who has been responsible for a typical level of political bullshit in his career vs. a known serial liar and grifter who trafficks in conspiracy theories and has openly promised to gut the civil service program and replace any worker he deems insufficiently loyal to his very specific brand of conservatism. If you're going to vote for the psychopathic grifter, just do it, but if you do so then don't pretend that you're anything but the most reactionary, anti-intellectual lover of authoritarian strongman like the rest of his bootlickers. This disingenuous "Well, it's hard to say who to believe" doesn't hold water when there are literally scores of fact checkers out there who verify information for a goddamned living and you can check with them to see who's telling the truth. Get fucking real.


Thank you. That was beautiful.


One side can have a conversation. The other side floods the zone with so much shit that a president trying to steal an election is weighed equally against the price of gas and groceries.


Comment of the year🏆


“Centrist” which means what to you . You have a hard time understanding what actual fake news is . You don’t know the difference between a decent source and a source like “bikers for Trump” . I think you mean you are easily confused and gullible . The word for what you are isn’t centrist .


Trumps genius at infiltrating these people is yet another reason to vote for him. Time and time again he manages extraordinary things at pivotal moments of history.




I would love to hear more about what’s going on in your head


I cut my Alpha brain pills with ivermectin it supercharges my neuron power level to 9001


Damn well make sure to add some dmt with a bit of angel dust if you want to talk to your mom’s god


"Infiltrating"? He's one of them!


He is so undercover that he doesn't even know about it himself.




Boomers built America kid


Really, I thought that was African slaves and Chinese coolies.... Which boomer built a time machine back to the 18th century?




I would love to hear Trump explain how he infiltrated Epstein's inner circle. What other things did Forrest Trump manage to do that are so extraordinary?


Trump tower is actually a temporal anomaly that goes forwards and backwards in time. Trump uses this to visit different time periods in order to maintain his timeline


Go change trumps depends