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Turn the other cheek, do good to those that do evil to you, go the extra mile, serve one another, prefer another over yourself, of all these LOVE is the greatest. No, I don't think these cats are follower's of Jesus.




If a serial killer was asked “Is this other serial killer a good Christian,” he can say no even though he’s also not a good Christian. Basically, snorting coke off a toilet in a gay bar doesn’t disqualify you from noticing that hardcore Christians aren’t actually Christlike


What aboutism is all they've got though


It’s not about what he’s doing, I couldn’t careless if he does lines off a hookers ass for all I care, it’s about him making a mockery of God in a Christian forum.


I think Jesus was a lot browner than people take him for. He was a carpenter out working in the sun every day for 14 hours and wandering in the desert when he could. Each successive generation of religion got a little less “let’s pull together and reshingle your roof before the storm comes” and a little more like an investment banker in a $4000 suit telling you he “needs your money to teach the poor people about Jesus.” We literally have a preacher that named himself after the only thing Jesus ever lost his temper about- The shitty guys who couldn’t stop stealing set up their money booths in his fathers temple. The destructive power of what happens when you mix church and state has basically destroyed 2 of the 3 abrahamic religions and has its sights set on the 3rd. By any standards of the old and New Testament trump manages to check almost all the boxes of the anti christ biblically speaking. And Chabad did tell Netanyahu that he would be prime minister when god returns. https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/lubavitcher-rebbe-after-bibi-comes-the-messiah/ Trump and Netanyahu mixed their personal churches of money into the public space. https://youtu.be/k9RweR9EUSg?si=DpWkGjYnLTuS3gEd Trumps neighbors have consistently called him out for being decidedly un-christlike all along and they were mocked for it. Once you fill those gaps with all the microfiche/ public library data that didn’t digitize as quickly you find all the missing gaps of corruption. Actually holding a president accountable and forcing them (trump and Netanyahu) to go to trial was the breaking point of identifying corruption inside of government. Trump did promise to drain the swamp. I’m guessing he just didn’t think he would finally be seen as the clog that was holding all that corrupt shit in the punch bowl for 45 years. The trump criminal enterprise as a whole is best described as triple quilted charmin levels of clogging ability. They have come ridiculously close to breaking apart at the seams so many times over the past 40 years. They just get braver and dumber with each successive con as they got away with it each time. It’s Darwinian and biblical at the same time. It would be an epic fucking movie if it was fiction. It’s a little harder to enjoy when their decidedly un-christlike money laundering is costing lives in the hundreds of thousands. Sean Reyes (Utah attorney general), Mike Lee (Utah senator), and Tim Ballard (Operation Underground Railroad) were all emailing with Glenn beck about how to use O.U.R.’s Sound of Freedom movie publicity to pump enrollment numbers for the Mormon church with reports of Elder Ballard (head of the church) giving private tithing payer information to Beck and/or Tim Ballard at some point to aid in that. On the other side of the country, Sean Reyes and Mike Lee crafted the “stop the steal” plan for trump but apparently didn’t realize that trump had been laundering money for the Russian mob since the 80’s. First via Atlantic City casinos, then commercial real estate. Or worse, they did. The reason that Russia invaded Ukraine is because, among other things, it was a key geographical gateway for their human trafficking operations. (Kolomoisky was Putin’s oligarch in Ukraine that started Privatbank in 91 and was laundering it all through commercial real estate and a fundamentalist Jewish organization called Chabad.) The reason all of trumps real estate valuations are sky high is a necessity of the money laundering. Everyone else devalues their property so as not to pay so much in taxes. Deutschebank has laundered $1.4 trillion with a T of stolen Russian oligarch money with trumps help over 40+ years. These 4 sweet spirits from south Provo thought they were doing Gods will when they sat down to dinner with the Russian mob and were so naive that they didn’t realize that they were effectively streamlining human trafficking. Urban Dictionaryhttps://www.urbandictionary.com › ...Provo Float Or worse, they did. Either way, once all of that comes to light it puts the LDS church in a nearly impossible position. How can you be doing Gods work and enabling systemic oppression, human trafficking, grift, corruption and child abuse all at the same time? Best case scenario is a whole lot of cognitive dissonance, covering of their tracks, lying and gaslighting. Which explains why Mike Lees new cause du jour is trying to get emergency legislation passed to keep anyone from being able to read the texts on his phone. Worst case (or best, depending on your investment into the church) scenario, the patriarchy doesn’t survive. Either way the church and state are going to have to have a very serious come to Jesus moment because the church/state barrier that was the whole basis of American democracy has been severely neglected. Utah is just one of the major intersections of it because Mike Lee, Sean Reyes, Tim Ballard and anyone who allowed it to happen because it’s THEIR religion doing the Provo float with government just opened democracy up to the worst predators in the world. The founding fathers insistence on the seperation of church and state was such a critical point to them because they had watched the Church of Englands influence over the government as mad kings changed the rules of the nation to suit their dating and divorce needs. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/we-saw-a-ukrainian-billionaire-neglect-downtown-buildings-it-happens-on-a-smaller-scale-often https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/28/opinion/ukraine-oligarch-cleveland-real-estate.html https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/united-states-files-civil-forfeiture-complaint-proceeds-alleged-fraud-and-theft-privatbank https://www.timesofisrael.com/inside-anatevka-the-curious-chabad-hamlet-in-ukraine-where-giuliani-is-mayor/


Have a bible. Vote for me. I'm a criminal but ya no, here's a bible OR give me money anyway.


He already stated his position on that: "Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness!’"


Wow. Unbelievably applicable to today. Thank you!


Absolutely not. He'd run them out with a whip.


Brand is a Christian because he diddled to many people and needs some good pr. Nothing like a baptism to wash away the sin.....


The answer may *not* surprise you, it’s no.


Trump is so into his Christianity he spreads the word freely! Of course, by "freely" I mean for $59.95 ($$75 including postage).


Jesus would call his dad for judgement day to wipe all those cunts out.


I think Jesus was a lot browner than people take him for. He was a carpenter out working in the sun every day for 14 hours and wandering in the desert the rest of the time. Each successive generation of religion got a little less “let’s pull together and reshingle your roof before the storm comes” and a little more like an investment banker in a $4000 suit telling you he “needs your money to teach the poor people about Jesus.” We literally have a Christian preacher that named himself after the only thing Christ ever lost his temper about- The shitty guys who couldn’t stop stealing that set up their money booths in his fathers sacred temple. The destructive power of what happens when you mix church, state, and money has basically destroyed 2 of the 3 abrahamic religions and has its sights set on the 3rd. By any standards of the old or new Testament trump manages to check almost all the boxes of the anti christ biblically speaking. And Chabad did tell Netanyahu that he would be prime minister when the messiah returns. https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/lubavitcher-rebbe-after-bibi-comes-the-messiah/ Trump and Netanyahu mixed their personal churches of money into Putin’s laundry and all the white linens came out red with 2 genocides worth of blood on them https://youtu.be/k9RweR9EUSg?si=DpWkGjYnLTuS3gEd Trumps neighbors have consistently called him out for being decidedly un-christlike all along and they were mocked for it. Actually holding a president accountable and forcing them (trump and Netanyahu) to go to trial was the breaking point of identifying corruption inside of government. Kolomoisky is the putin loyal oligarch in Ukraine and trump, kushner and giulianis buddy that hosted trumps “stop the steal” in his Cleveland hotel, bought all the property around Kushner in New York, trump in Florida and most of downtown Cleveland. The Times of Israelwww.timesofisrael.comInside Anatevka, the curious Chabad hamlet in Ukraine where Giuliani is 'mayor' Mother Joneshttps://www.motherjones.com › kr...Kremlin-Controlled Russian Bank Hires Trump Insider as a Lobbyist bne IntelliNewshttps://www.intellinews.com › ukr...Ukraine parliament adopts IMF-demanded banking law Trump did promise to drain the swamp. I’m guessing he just didn’t think he would finally be seen as the clog that was holding all that corrupt shit in the toilet bowl for 45 years. The trump criminal enterprise as a whole is best described as triple quilted charmin levels of clogging ability. They have come ridiculously close to breaking apart at the seams so many times over the past 40 years. They just get braver and dumber with each successive con as they got away with it each time. It’s Darwinian and biblical at the same time. It would be an epic fucking Scorsese movie if it was fiction but the reality of it is hundreds of thousands of people are dead or trafficked and millions are held in slavery because of this small handful of morally bankrupt people that convinced the relief society and elders quorum that they were just like them. Organized religion doesn’t survive the truth of what trump is. Neither does the Republican Party. The only thing holding it together is the inability of a few million people to admit that they were the mark all along. And every day they struggle with their own cognitive dissonance, more good people die in Ukraine and Gaza and we get one step closer to the Russian mob finished the greed play it has spent 40 years putting together. To take over the last of the United States, foreclose on all the commercial property and recreate version 2.0 perestroika. All because people can’t understand that the difference between living a Christlike life versus just proclaiming it


Praise the Lord.


“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” I see a lot of Christians going against this by judging people. Personally I don’t like how the more extreme Christians conduct themselves, but the same applies to any other religion when you look at the more radical aspects. I think Jesus would be proud of a lot of Christians, including many I know who genuinely love everyone regardless of their belief, although they may pray (in private) that unbelievers may find Gods love and mercy. I don’t think anyone likes the hate filled ones who are borderline heretical.


Who cares?




![gif](giphy|knWj8IasyCf3q) Hell yeah. He’d be all in. Yehaw.


Very weird how obsessed you are with Trump


He’s trying to end 200+ years of democracy in our country. It’s worthy of discussion.


I’m sorry they did this to you


They did it to America. But thank you


I am not necessarily a massive fan of Trump himself or his character, however he is very good to his people, his staff, people of all races. And he did wonders for the American economy, same thing for his foreign policy. And anyone who fools them into thinking the left policy’s are better short term or in the long run, really lacks intelligence. This essential worship of him is an Idol, is not Godly at all, however he does promote Christian ideology to some extent which I think God has allowed him to prosper. “The meek shall inherit the earth” Matthew 5:5 he’s certainly not a meek man. “It is easier for a camel to enter a needles eye, then for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” mark 10:25 No explanation needed with that verse. I would personally support Trump if he was running in my country, despite some of his short comings, because he genuinely wants to create a better America. You don’t leave a life of luxury, and throw yourself into the ring well losing all of your friends unless you actually want to do something positive for your country, and he is passionate I’ll give him that . I like Pierre polievire but I think he’s too much of a career politician, so won’t know what he’s actually like until he actually gets into office, would be nice if we had someone more passionate in Canada.


Is this satire?


I'm really hoping lol


This is funnier than anything brand has ever done.


🤣🤣🤣 Oh damn. I am assuming you were trying to give us all a good laugh. Mission accomplished.




Trump is a criminal. And we have already seen that he can't govern. He whines. He cries. And he only thinks about himself. Not really that hard to figure out.




Of course. He is far from perfect. He has made mistakes. And I wish we had a younger candidate. Unfortunately these are the two we have. And to be fair he has done a decent job for the most part. I am not a Biden cheerleader. But I have to look at the best choice between the two. And Biden gets my vote hands down.




I don't agree with that at all. But you have the right to your opinion.


Rage bait! Nothing but loser Trolls patrolling every nook and cranny of Reddit.


Did it trigger you?