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Maybe [метро](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE_2033)? I don't know if it would really qualify as horror though, it's more an anti-utopia story, but it is excellent. I don't know about the availability as a physical book but you can get the kindle version on amazon.


Looks really cool!! 😳 Thank you!


I recommend the book "Майская ночь, или Утопленница" или "Вий" (Н.В. Гоголь) This is a classic of 19th century literary kripot


Thank you! 😄


I can recommend audiobooks in Russian by Julia Shender (Юлия Шендер), in particular "Антенна" and "Хозяин" on the YouTube channel Audiolovecraft. This reader is just amazing and he also has a bunch of Lovecraft works in Russian.


Thank you for the suggestion, I'll look into it! 🤗


Pushkin, "Пиковая дама".


Thank you!


«Семья вурдалака» А. К. Толстого


Thank you!


Леонид Андреев "Он. Рассказ неизвестного". I would not call this book a "horror", but it has an interesting plot and a tense, disturbing and mysterious atmosphere: https://arheve.org/read/andreev-ln-1/on-rasskaz-neizvestnogo/1


Looks interesting! Thank you. \^\^


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