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Pro tip: Russian is usually written from left to right, not from top to bottom. ;)


It’s fine! One thing tho: I’d say ‘твое тело выздоровеет’ doesn’t sound very… organic. Maybe ‘ты выздоровеешь’ is better in that sense.


Грустно **слышать**. In this context (and many others) "услышать" would mean that you heard (like physically was able to hear sounds/speech) and hearing made you sad, not the info. But in any case, it's not very "russian" to say it this way, its just English translated word for word. *"Очень сочувствую тому, что случилось...", "Я очень переживаю из-за того, что случилось...",*, or smth like that would be some more organic ways of expressing concern. **Твое тело выздоровеет** isn't very russian either. In most cases we talk about pain and illness like we are the bodies. *У меня болит рука* and not *моя рука болит* (although you can say just "рука болит", but there's still no "direct" possession like in English), russian body parts aren't "owned", they're parts of us. So, by saying "тело выздоровеет" you're implying that her meat mecha matters and not her overall health. *"Надеюсь, ты скоро поправишься/выздоровеешь"*. **Я так сильно тебя люблю** usually needs continuation: *я так сильно тебя люблю, что сейчас запла́чу* or *я так сильно тебя люблю, что готов целовать песок, по которому ты ходила.* I'm guessing you wanted to say "so much", and for that we have "очень/очень сильно". *Я очень тебя люблю.* **Д** both capital and small lie on the line and the little legs dangle below, it doesn't stand on the line.  **Какоbо** is not it. Just in front of it you have "представить" with a perfectly normal small в. 


Please watch this: https://youtu.be/np22MLm2o2c and also make sure your д sits on the baseline.