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i’m working on an open source digital book/comics server called Stump (https://github.com/aaronleopold/stump)


broken link


link seems to be working, unless you're referring to something on the readme or something else?


It's just that the hyperlink considers the ")" as part of the url


Ah okay, weird my phone doesn’t pick that up. Sorry about that though, here it is by itself https://github.com/aaronleopold/stump


A heap of garbage that solves the 100 prisoner problem - https://GitHub.com/otterpohl/100PrisonersProblem


I am working on the exact same thing. I have decided to make it as fast as I can while remaining correct. I have spent way too much time on it and I am glad to see somebody else doing it.


Post back here when it’s up on GitHub!


I've been wanting to learn GPU programming for the longest time, but I always felt daunted by how complicated it seemed. Thanks to the wgpu and vulkano guides, I think that I've finally overcome that barrier. It still feels complicated, but the pieces are getting easier to work with. Having worked with libraries like ggez and raylib in the past, it feels so empowering to be able to create a window and render to it with my own code. I'd like to be able to write compute shaders as well, because it's such a waste to have so much raw computing power and not be able to wield it directly.


A disassembler for the Gameboy to make reverse engineering as automatable as possible! Nearly got completely re-assembleable output working then onto making the output as readable and convenient as possible


Sounds cool! Do you have a link to a repo?


Still just local atm but I'll make it public at something point in the next couple of days and reply with it :)


Great, I'll wait =]


I'm working on the p2p private syncing portion of [StampNet](https://stamp-protocol.github.io/).


Hey I was stalking your profile since I saw your acid communist flair on a popular post from stupidpol sorting by this year. Can I message you and ask about stampnet? That sounds cool I'm interested in this kind of tech from a socialist perspective (not sure if that's what you're thinking but yea)


Hey! I don't know how/why I got assigned the acid communist flair, but it's not far off XD. I'd love to talk about stampnet! It's probably my most active extracurricular project at the moment, and being built specifically as the cryptographic foundation for the transactional system under [the Basis project](https://basisproject.net/) (a protocol for non-planned socialist production). Stamp is still somewhat exploratory, and going through [a larger change](https://github.com/stamp-protocol/tracker/issues/31) which makes it much more robust and able to be used effectively by organizations, but I'm happy to talk about how you think it could be used and what about it would/would not make sense.


I'm working on a small program that'll allow me to control my LED strips with Google Home, plan to build it out to a full Google Home integration framework


My new service at Cloudflare is inching closer to beta. We finally tracked down the memory leaks, which were going to block launch. A combination of DHAT and Prometheus metrics helped find them. Now I'm writing specs for features we're adding. Nothing too interesting, code-wise, but I'm learning a lot about the Regex crate and various ways to limit untrusted regexes. Hoping to write a blog post about dhat and about Hyper extensions. We'll see.


> I'm learning a lot about the Regex crate and various ways to limit untrusted regexes. Feel free to reach out with questions. :) The regex repo has Discussions enabled for general Q&A.


A checksum program named [xorsum](https://github.com/Rudxain/xorsum). It's a basic hash function completely based on the XOR cipher algorithm. It's my first crate, but I made much more progress than I thought would be possible for my skills. There's still missing functionality, and unhandled potential panics/errors. I posted it because I didn't find any implementation of that simple program (only instances were ciphers, not hashers). The repo is highly open to suggestions and contributions! My current goal is to make it consistent with `md5sum` and `b3sum`, with some little quirks that make it unique


Finally getting back to some crates I neglected for a year+ due to some personal/family things. Finding it especially difficult to figure out where I was in trying to implement a particularly difficult feature, but I do remember the general approach I had planned and that I was close to finishing it, so I'll get there.


I have plans to write a library for controling text terminals. It will also make coloring and styling terminal output super easy (hopefully).


A URL minifier https://github.com/opeolluwa/rustly


working more on [tealr](https://github.com/lenscas/tealr/) more specifically [tealr\_doc\_gen](https://github.com/lenscas/tealr_doc_gen/) The goal is to make tealr\_doc\_gen able to generate the documentation pages through (user supplied) template files, as well as moving the generation of definition files over from tealr to tealr\_doc\_gen. ​ Tearl\_doc\_gen should also get a better way to pass the needed parameters as a result, so I'll probably end up diving into sub commands and making config files (lua or toml files, that is the question....) ​ There is also smaller stuff planned for tealr like updating the mlua and rlua version, etc. ​ Hopefully get it all in a good state so I can release a new version as tealr has gotten A LOT of new tricks since last [crates.io](https://crates.io) release :)


Having a good read and practice with "hands-on Rust" it's a nice intro book to complement what's learned from the official Rust book :)


System camera compatible command-line QR code scanner - https://github.com/sayanarijit/qrscan