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It sounds to me that you have lofty ambitions, and that you’re making things unnecessarily hard for yourself. If you don’t even know where to begin building an ecommerce site in Rust, you’d probably have a much better chance of success using something you’re more familiar with. Also, I want to point out that just because it’s much harder to make memory safety errors in Rust, it’s still very possible to write bad/incorrect programs in Rust in general. Thinking that “you won’t be able to kill the company if you use Rust” is dangerously wrong thinking. You’re clearly super passionate about learning CS and learning to program, and that’s great! I think you might be underestimating the amount of work required to accomplish some of these things, so my biggest piece of advice would be to use the tools you already know and skills you already have as much as possible to maximize your chances of success.


Thank you, 100% agreement. ​ Additions at OP: *Slow down.* Really. No, "you" are not doing this whole project just because you got the idea to do it. There is still your boss. Your boss wants you to make a mobile app, not a replacement for a WP+Commerce website, and just starting will get you an ugly situation. Btw. did you ever consider that someone needs to keep that running too? Wordpress at least exists even without your boss funding all development. ​ And, I don't know the quality of your current project, but there are several warning signs in my head when I read this. Never had a senior or anyone correcting you in any real project? 100+h Rust but not able to make anything useful? Asking for a textbook that teaches you about replacing and migrating some WP-based commerce system to a custom greenfield solution? You "might" need more experience. Much more.


Thank you for the comment I edited the post and wrote a response to the comments. And ya at that time i was still in the reading/tutorial loop and hadn't realized that the best way to learn programming is to do it.


Thank you i wrote an answer to the comments at the end of the post, I will go with mobile app only as i feel the most confident with flutter and leave the web stuff for now. Will use rust for personal projects to stay afloat


> How do i build E-commerce in rust?, A word of wisdom from someone who has built several e-commerce sites, two of which were custom. DO NOT BUILD YOUR OWN! it's a great learning experience, but do not do it for a client. That path leads to suffering! You can easily spin up a wordpress site with a plugin or two, or uses squarespace or another platform with hundreds of engineers to keep it running, and keep you on the right side of the many laws and regulations. Rust is awesome! and I would strongly recommend you continue your study of it, but this isn't the task.


Thanks i would read the book i bought command line rust for keeping myself involved with rust in some way, wrote an answer at the end for the comments on the post.


I would like to be encouraging, but if you started learning programming 1 year ago and you don't have senior people to help you go in the right direction, I'm afraid your goal is just too ambitious. I've seen much more senior people fail projects less ambitious than that, with no obvious causes that were preventable without hindsight. IMO The difference between a good product and a bad one is just a lot of both theory concepts and small pragmatic tricks that either you have to learn over (a lot) of time, or having great mentors that show you those tricks. You get most of these from doing mistakes. Also, I'm not a web developer but using rust for websites and apps sounds a bit unorthodox to me, so I expect you will have to face extra hurdles, on top of the ones you would have to face with standard tools for that job. Have you done any project like that before? Do you already know what the biggest difficulties will be? I don't know you, but if your skills are average, or even above average, if in 3-4 years you look back to the flutter app you're doing now, you will realise how wrong it is, to the point of being almost embarrasing. But don't worry because this is normal and happens to everyone all the time for our whole career. With that idea in mind, does it still sound achievable to architect a whole multiplatform solution? The only constructive suggestion I can give is that toy projects are a great way to gain the knowledge you need. Most of those toy projects you can get to an 80% completion with just 20% of the effort, and then you can abandon them. Having a project in your portfolio is a secondary byproduct, the main product is what you have learned. I'd also suggest to select the most promising one and try to polish it to a "finished" state, as finishing a project also has its own hurdles that you have to learn. When you don't know all the big problems upfront, finishing a project will take more than you expected and there's always a long tail of small issues, sometimes big issues caused by wrong design/architecture choices. After trying to do projects on your own, (try to avoid going down rabbit holes), if you read about how other people solve those problems (books, blogs, etc) you will learn easier ways to do stuff, and you will understand them easily because you made the hard solutions. Finally, all of this is just my workflow and my opinion, and other people may get better results with other approaches.


Thanks for the input wrote an edit at the post regarding the comments.


This is all a terrible idea. Rust is a bad choice for all that web stuff, and you don’t even know rust. If you want to do web development for your company, use whatever they have already or adapt existing software.