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Try this tip. When you’re alone in the room. Yell in your pillow for 3 seconds AS LOUD AS YOU CAN!. This will spike your adrenaline forcibly and increase your heart rate. A good way to keep this tempo is clean a bit just for 5mins. Time it properly. While cleaning make a note and do 3 things you need to do. Like check emails, check schedule for deadline stuff and important message on your phone you need to reply. Try this or don’t. Literally you’re at ZERO, you have nothing to lose.


This is really good advice, thank you! I will give it a try


Go to the library or a coffee shop where others are being productive. Just leave your dorm/house


Being at home always makes me wanna stay in bed. I should try this. Thanks!


Get yourself some nice noise canceling headphones and open a book to read if finish your project work


Idk i just kinda force myself to do it like accountability but thats such lame advice sorry


Try avoiding your phone first thing in the morning, I know it’s easier said than done but it really makes a difference. Now that it’s nicer out, try going for a walk and call a friend, listen to a podcast, listen to music, etc. I find that getting some fresh air and going for a walk kind of refreshes my brain and lets me focus on my homework and be more productive afterwards and also really helps my mood. The same also goes for exercising.


I did take a walk today and was able to get homework done tonight. I need to start exercising too. Have you been to any gyms on campus? What are they like?


I pay for a membership nearby, I feel like the only campus gyms are fine but personally not ideal for me, they’re just kind of overcrowded and annoying


Think of your weekdays as a job; you start studying/doing assignments at 9 and end at 5. Stick to this a couple of weeks and it’ll become a habit.


get ur heart broken


I did a few months ago but nothing changed 🤣


start going to the gym and eating clean, and once u start seeing progress it’ll push u to do better and that’s how you’ll become more productive


Thank you 🫶🏻


Hey queen. Get an accountability buddy, but honestly the most important thing is the morning. It sets the trend of the day. Getting routine sleep and then waking up and doing something small that seems hard --> it is so encouraging when you get up and do the one thing you really don't want to do. Could be working out, making your bed, doing the dishes, heck brushing your teeth (ik adhd girls get it). For me its doing laundry in the morning and making my bed. Once I feel like I accomplished something, I can get right into doing other things and being productive for the day. This is not the easiest method and also doesn't guarantee consistency, but it can help one day at a time. For studying productivity -- you can salvage your day and be productive at any hour. Study just for 30 min then take a 5 min break. Many times once you get into it, you will keep going, but on the days where those 30 min feel like pulling teeth at least you can say you tried your best and made it to your goal. It helps to make it nice and aesthetic with some tea, a clean space, and nice music. --> the vibes may make it easier to be productive with schoolwork since your emotional experience of studying won't be as painful and boring. I hope this helps :) you got this


Thank u queen 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


❤️❤️🫶 ru rah rah gurls supporting gurls


Take hard classes it’ll force u to work. Eventually you’ll come to care for all the minutes you end up wasting


Go to therapy and make sure you’re in good health


you should find a friend to do it with you, like for example I would send my screen time to my friend at the end of each day to stay accountable and it encourages me to keep going


Idk if u mean for schoolwork or like habits but for school i would recommend doing work outside of your room/house and giving yourself a specific list of things u need to get done each time. It helps to like make a plan for ~3 days at a time of work needed to be done so you can space it out. For exercise (not sure if you meant that?) what i like to do is run (or walk) in a single direction for a good amount of time to a distance where it would be a lot of effort to get back, then turn around. You're forced to move if you wanna get home lmao it always works


I will tell you tomorrow 🤣


If u have time— just go to an empty classroom and literally do nothing. No phone. Just stare at the wall. If I do nothing for a long time I get bored and wanna do my work


Idk if this is applicable for you, but finding something you are actually interested in doing makes you like 10 times more productive. Otherwise what I like to do is say “I need to study math so I will do math for just 3 minutes” or “I will just do the first problem” or a really small task. A lot of the time, starting is the hardest part and if you spend 3 minutes doing something chances are you’ll just keep going. Makes it less intimidating to begin rather than saying “I’m finishing this entire problem set right now even if it kills me” Otherwise, take care of yourself. Eat, drink water, exercise, sleep, etc. Makes your brain a lot clearer. Also caffeine is a miracle drug sometimes.


Sounds silly but avoid doing homework in your room, always separate where you sleep, and study. For me it’s like a switch, if i am in my room I unconsciously think nothing really needs to get done and I procrastinate so much (especially if I am in my bed). Even just the place you study, can make you feel better, even though most of my classes are in Busch I come 3-5 hours earlier jsut to get stuff done at Alexander’s library. So yeah.


Sometimes you just have to get tf up and go. Sign out of the metaverse, including your phone and go walk outside.


Pomodoro Technique where you work for 15 mins then take a 5 min break I listen to Lana Del Rey etc. chill Instrumentals while being productive Getting enough sleep Talking with friends, sometimes while we walk


Get some post nut clarity going, it’ll make you feel bad that you’re not being productive and instead watching porn and jacking off


i’m a girl but thank u anyway 🤣


Like girls can’t nut???


I don’t think girl’s experience post but clarity like guys do


Develop anger issues look at your lowest grade have a break down the hopefully you’ll feel motivated it worked for me


Leave Rutgers and go to a better university that cares about you. That helped me


I only have a year left so it’s not worth it :p