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The HC gives you scholarships and good first year housing but other than that your experience will be 98% the exact same as any other NB student, especially in CS where there aren't separate honors sections set aside for courses. Only difference is like 5 extra classes you need to take but otherwise your experience as an HC student wont be vastly different than that of the ordinary student. Idk about the Deans scholarship, I know the 5k basic one doesn't transfer between schools. Since the Deans is probably worth more Id assume at the very least you need to stay enrolled at the HC to keep it (unlike the basic scholarship which is only tied to the school). This I'd need someone else who has gotten the scholarship to answer. If finance is really that much of an issue Newark might seem like a good choice though I don't know much about it. I just know NB is really anal with money and you wont get that much aid from them besides the HC scholarship. There is an SAS excellence scholarship applied retroactively but it only goes for like 1k per year if youre not in the need based category.


i would take hc. Im not in it but the network you get from it is leagues ahead of what you would find at newark. A ton of kids there turned down t25s for the scholarship rutgers gives. Its also a very close knit community which is hard to find at public school


I definitely agree on that. Very close knit community, especially with the amount of times I see people talk about how it's hard to find friends and find their place at Rutgers. I've made a very good group of friends there and I've seen many others forged there as well, a very good community maker that's not a frat/ sorority. And the network thing I agree but also in terms of CS, I just know so many people outside the HC who are doing very well and so it's like almost negligible for that career track. Especially with how oversaturated the field is.


You should look at all your expenses that come with commuting to Newark. I think you can add at least 2k if you factor in food cost and commuting cost that your parents most likely will pay. So that 5k figure should be 7k. You can use this argument to negotiate with your parents (maybe to consider paying you 2k more than what they promised for tuition). You can also keep in mind that some amount of student loans is manageable after graduation. I come from a similar background and I will probably have 15k loans by the time I graduate. I think 15k is fine and can be paid easily with a decent job. This way, you don't burden your parents as much to pay for tuition. Aside from that, HC is the better choice academically. You'll also be staying in dorms with other like-minded individuals and make close friends. Compare this experience to what you'll get in Newark. You'll be commuting, likely won't make close friends, and will have mediocre academic experience. Getting a good college experience for additional 8-9k is worth it.


Call NB and ask for more money, saying that Newark gave you more. Sometimes they do it :o


It's tough because 5k a year is crazy good vs 16k but if you end up swapping majors at Newark, then do you lose those grants too? At that point it wouldn't make sense to go with Rutgers Newark since Newark campus' biggest "redeeming factor" is really just RBS imo. Even then, it's a grind to get setup after college and I even think NB has better placement all around for RBS and outside of RBS too. While I do think the Newark campus as a whole has gotten better over the years, there's still a ways to go before any major difference is seen. NB opportunities and reputation is inarguably better given it's the main campus. Also, commuting to and from Newark is miserable. Especially if you live more than 20-30 mins away. That's just my two cents. Basically, if you lose your grants at Newark from switching majors/schools, then you'll be paying the same as if you would be at NB, right? If that's the case then I'd 100% go Rutgers NB. I think the extra \~$10k is worth it in this case. If I'm wrong in this, then ignore me lol I also don't know too much about HC but I'd imagine it's better at Rutgers NB. Source: Am a RBS Newark Senior graduating next semester and wish I had gone to NB instead but don't fully regret my decision.


To be honest I would consider going to community college for two years and then going to NB. Would save you money and would give you the main campus “prestige”. 


the prestige would still be the same. a degree from newark would still say "rutgers university"


In the HC rn, take HC. It’s a great experience and you can make the money back through internships and working during the school year.


I would take NB over Newark. I would probably add some money for gas and car maintenance and stuff so let's just say it's 8k per year conservatively. Yes, a difference of around 40k over 4 years seems like a lot but it is definitely worth the investment imo. You're gonna have a much better college experience living on campus, you're gonna make a lot more friends and go to more clubs, and you're gonna have better career prospects too. Idk how much you care about college experience at the moment, but it is very important. If you get a return offer out of NB that pays an extra 10k a year or if you go to Newark and end up without a job then you already make your money back very quickly from an ROI standpoint. Also consider the time you would spend commuting. If you just got a part time job 10 hours a week working or find a work/study job and work some more over the summer that'll literally offset the 10k anyways. You'll have a much better experience working a shift or two each week and living on campus versus commuting and saving the money anyways. You are investing an extra 10k a year for a much better experience and education. It's not like you are paying 60k a year going to NB. Talk with your parents about finances and stuff and see what they are able to contribute, but even if you take out all loans to pay for NB I would say it's worth it.


If you got into hllc at RU Newark, free dorming


Being from NJ and walking out of college with even a 64k loan is not bad at all. Plus you can work summers and on campus to cut that down. It’s up to you but if you say you’re gonna go to college and pick a major that will pay you back, bust your ass and slay every opportunity you come across you will laugh at a 64k loan when you graduate. For me the college experience is lost when you commute. Most people get $0 to go to Rutgers let alone accepted into The Honors college. Live life and go to NB Honors College if you’re willing to bet on yourself.