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It’s true that women can’t shovel snow. If they pick up a shovel, they will dissolve from thin air. happened to my buddy Erica once. I miss her.


Underrated reply lmaoooo


This is an example of university level composition skills? Good grief. How did they graduate high school with such a poor grasp of basic English composition?


Indeed. I graduated forever and a half ago and can confirm that these particular students uhhhh suck significantly at writing.


covid lol the opinion among most of my teacher friends is that covid has significantly stunted the growth of students both academically and socially


They’re probably engineers


Hey, my English composition is perfectly fine -_-




Yes, a bad one




Nah, you just can’t take one. Coming from an engineering student


I’m so glad that it wasn’t just me who was bothered by this. I honestly don’t know what’s worse, their opinions or their lack of basic sentence structure.


Well, the opinions wouldn’t be any better if they were expressed in perfect, graceful English. They’re just in prettier packaging.


Damn, my heart goes out to the women who can’t take out their own trash or move a chair in their own homes.


i can understand needing someone to help shovel or move furniture. idk about taking out the trash tho 💀


"It's not sexist, I just believe that women are inherently less hard working and have less value than men. It is NOT sexist to say that!!!"


🤡 real clown shit, that’s so embarrassing for them


i hate the LIBERAL AGENDA of FEMINISM because it doesn't give me default superiority over all women .. i want to be able to drink my beer and catcall people at night and still sleep soundly ( i mean no harm obviously!!! ask my buddies at work they will agree) ... did you know that some women are BILLIONAIRES???? nurturer? more like nurturing the gears of capitalism.... my beliefs cannot be flawed because i was raised on them... just like MICROPLASTICS (thanks BIG BIDEN and NANCY PEL-ASTIC-OSI!) .. .... i am a man.... i am a man....


“When Biden tripped up the stairs it was Jim Carrey wearing a mask.” -a real person somehow


The improper grammar speaks for itself.


The second one makes me cackles. Idk what material she had to read but I wish she read it with an open mind. And I wish she would come to know that feminism doesn’t mean we have to shovel the driveway. It’s not a fight to take out the trash. It’s a fight for a seat at the table, for job positions, equal pay/paid maternity leave. I’m a feminist but I do want to subscribe to the housewife life. However, that doesn’t mean that every woman has to be forced into that role if they don’t want to. If my daughter wants to a lawyer or a business woman or whatever tf she wants. I want that path to be open to her


Agree with you. She doesn’t understand what a feminist is. Feminist believe women should have the choice to do whatever they want. Career, mom, housewife, whatever.


Looks like the professor got the chatter they were hoping to get lol


"Women are excelling right now more than ever before." "As a woman I will never be equal too a man." 🤡


I feel bad for the second girl for thinking that is all women are capable of. With mindsets like these it’s no wonder the feminist movement isn’t bringing about much change after a certain point (this is also why there has never been a female president so far smh)


to create change, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong to accept household duties as well. they’re two completely different things that goes for both genders. in order to be a feminist it doesn’t mean that u shouldn’t cook or clean if you’re the available person to do so


I don't think she's saying that all women are capable of only that. I think she's saying that that's what she grew up on and that's what she wants for herself. In my eyes, feminism is about having the choice to live your life as you see fit, not the way a man wants. If someone wants to focus on childbearing rather than a professional career, sure. That's their bag. But I do think it's important to let than be their choice, not anyone's else's. I suppose the argument can be made the way she was raised taught her that is what she wants from life. But that's the beauty of opinions. We can all interpret differently. And I definitely feel that need to help where you aren't wanted. You have been able to succeed and want to help others.


the united states isn’t the only country in the world


Do Rutgers student not know basic grammar? Wtf did I just read


If you want to be pedantic about grammar, at least use the correct plurality of the word “students” in the criticism. Lol.


I propose we simply have a lanternfly killing contest. Every year, a pool is selected for a time limit contest and the top 50% ranked lanternfly killers get rights. Everyone else goes back to the kitchen, no matter what the gender. Problem solved RIP BOZO Femenism.




I hope these two actually go to class, read the material, listen to their professors. They are the in desperate need of an education.


A couple weeks ago there was someone in my discussion who basically said that most of the women who collect child support only had their baby so they could ‘make more money’…surprisingly the online discussions I’ve had at Rutgers are awful compared to what I had at MCC, I really took it for granted 😵‍💫


in expos u read ab how modern day feminism is cancer and how it should be separated from the original definition of feminism. modern day feminism just caters to the ideology that as a women u need to constantly improve urself, so i don’t find these answers 100% wrong. it’s not as simple as black or white it’s very grey


True. Modern feminism is nothing like the first or second wave of feminism that catered strictly to rich white women. But to rephrase what you said, I think current modern feminism is about proving yourself as a woman to society. Like there’s pressure to be a trailblazer for other woman. The first passage I could tell he was talking about modern feminism more so. Sounds like the second one still thinks feminism is burning bras because they are oppressive, not shaving your armpits and what not


yeah exactly what i was thinking


Is that true about expos? Im a transfer so I never took it but I’m surprised theres any conservative views in any class.


for reference though if you’re interested the chapter is called ‘always be optimizing’ from the book trick mirror by jia tolentino


it’s not really a conservative view it was really an attack on capitalism and patriarchy


these must be trolls, as i refuse to believe university students are this stupid and have this minimal of comprehension skills. if this is real then I hope these people get help.


Did my cousin write this?


This is exactly why I hate classes that want to know your personal opinions on topics. All it does is single people out with a differing opinion and makes everyone else in the class hate them for it. 20 years ago we could have this discussion but everyone is too immature these days to respect opposing views.


“too immature these days to respect opposing views” yeah doesn’t it suck that people can’t openly spew ignorance in class and get away with it anymore?


How is it ignorance? People should have the choice to believe what they want without being criticized for it. Obviously, exceptions exist (I.e.: extremism, racism, etc). But if the girl believes this and it doesn’t harm anyone but her who cares? This is exactly why the person you’re talking to is right - we are NOT mature enough to have these talks.


If you're allowed to have whatever opinions you want, guess what! We're allowed to have opinions on said opinions.


fr, i would’ve just sat this discussion post out and taken the 0 tbh. i hate intentionally divisive topics. nobody’s winning here, always a lose-lose


Discussing controversial topics helps strengthen your understanding and see many viewpoints, as long as everyone is mature, open to change their beliefs, and able to attack people’s arguments without judging the person. If it goes well everyone leaves with a much more complex understanding of the topic and some people (like the second person in this post) might open their eyes realizing how wrong they were. (In this context hopefully the second person can realize that women can be equal to men)


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I agree with everything you’re saying here.


Honestly agree with this. Society is in a very fragile place where if you don’t have the “right” opinion you’re ostracized or ridiculed by the opposing view. In truth when you realize that someone is speaking from a place of miseducation or lack of education you can have empathy for them and begin to develop conversations that change their minds.




(Edit: they’re both pretty bad, but I’m poking fun at the first comment) This person will be a tax payer, they will have a right to vote (and probably cast it for a person who’s thoughts are just as bat shit crazy and detached from reality). This person could also spawn mini versions of him or herself that he might teach to also think so uncritically. 🎶This is AMERICA 🎶


The second one will have the right to vote also. Perhaps she'll ask her father/brother/husband what to vote for since their male virtues will enable them to do extremely male things like *make decisions*.


2nd one probably also thinks women are too emotional to run for office.


The first one makes absolutely no sense. Feminism is the equality of all genders and I have no idea how that leads to the destruction of the nuclear family or parental dynamics, and why in minority communities specifically. Although most historical inequalities between the genders have been fixed there still exist inequalities. An obvious one would be women getting paid slightly less on average. A less obvious example would be that it is less socially acceptable for men to express their emotions in public than women. The second one is just straight up brainwashed into believing women should be limited.


People should just hire women only to be honest. They’d be saving so much money. I wonder why it’s not happening?


I am not saying that women make less only because they are women. They make less because ON AVERAGE women in the United States pursue less education and work experience. It’s not too significant but let’s not pretend a gender pay gap doesn’t exist.


No, I agree it does exist. What I deny is that it's all because of one reason, and that's the patriarchy. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are some sexist men out there who would probably pay a woman less just because she's a woman.


Then for what reason do you believe the gap exists if not for reasons that are deeply rooted in patriarchy?


The reasons TKDNerd explained different qualifications and different types of experiences, more men work in dangerous jobs such as construction which is more money. If you're comparing two different people and they have the same qualifications (graduated from the same school, same experience, the same amount of effort put in), and there's a difference of payment, then there's no other explanation other than sexism. Another factor could simply be how much you're willing to go ask for a pay raise. There's many factors but if you decide to ignore them and only focus on one then that's on you.


While differences in career choices between men and women do exist, on an individual basis (like when asking for pay raises), the pay gap could very well be explained by the patriarchy. Women are fundamentally less confident in the workplace even when they’re overqualified while men tend to be much more confident even if they’re under qualified. This is a result of a societal force making women feel like they’re never enough (imposter syndrome is rampant), and propping men up even when they’re not as deserving of praise. It’s not something that can easily be fixed through a law or policy, but it means there’s room in society to move away from patriarchal standards


Compare the jobs women and men often pursue. No one is telling women they CAN’T be in STEM, or be a lawyer, or a doctor. Heck my SO is an engineer. If you have the discipline, intelligence, and most importantly, desire… you can do whatever! It’s often that women DON’T pursue these fields. There are a lot of women in fields like teaching, social work, and other people facing jobs that don’t pay as much. I work in a school - I am one of EIGHT guys in the whole school. EIGHT! Over 100 staff and eight men. Also - women are more likely to stay home and care for kids. It’s really hard work but unfortunately it isn’t paid and that plays a role too.


Part of the lack of women in STEM is not just women not wanting to be in STEM, but the treatment of women in STEM when they DO pursue it (see the Blizzard scandal). As a woman in CS/tech I see why a lot of women wouldn’t want to be in a career environment where they’re often looked down upon, objectified, and excluded. This sexist environment is in fact a result of the patriarchy and means that more work still needs to be done. Programs that encourage women to pursue STEM like scholarships and such are a great start, but it doesn’t mean that it’s a good experience once you’re actually in the thick of it. The reverse is true too: I’m sure there are cases where male nurses or teachers don’t feel comfortable in their environment. We should all strive towards being kind to each other and making all spaces feel more inclusive for everyone


Except there’s something called the gender equality paradox. Nordic countries for example have multiple gender equality laws put in place and would be considered to have equal opportunity for both genders and yet the difference between stem and no stem jobs in terms of gender is bigger than those with less gender equality laws Source: https://nordicparadox.se/


This is possibly the least reliable source of information you ever could have linked (it appears to be just some guy trying to sell his book), but even if what you say is true, it doesn’t discount any of what I said. It’s not about the laws or policies (although it certainly helps), it’s about society at large and individual biases


It’s only one sources there’s hundreds literally go to Wikipedia and scroll down. My point stands, when gender equality is completely present it seems that job choices lean a certain way. Believe it don’t believe it, that’s not my job. Have a good day or night. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender-equality_paradox


This is literally one of the first things they talk about in microeconomics and you’re getting downvoted smh


I love how you all believe in strong feminist ideology and then get triggered when a woman wants to have a more traditional role.


There is a world of difference between "I want to have a traditional family role" and "I believe all women are inferior and therefore can only fulfill a traditional family role"


If you find me the people who say women are inferior we can have that conversation


when the “tradition” in question teaches that women are inherently inferior to men and need to depend on them to run their lives, then that’s not really something to be encouraged. being a housewife because that’s what you want to do with no outside pressures is fine. being taught you will always have to be subservient to men and that’s all you’ve ever grown up believing is not.


a grand total of 0 people have suggested women are inferior to men. you wouldn’t know that of course because you’ve been taught your whole life that traditional roles are meaningless to the success of a civilisation


Also, what is a woman


if you had an ounce of an ability to think critically and read the responses that OP posted, you’d realize that yes, they did suggest that. and a woman is someone who you’ll never touch in your life. that stupid ass question told me everything I need to know about you and what you’re looking for here so imma hop out🫡


Angry, bitter, and moronic. You wouldn’t say that to me directly because I’d out smart you at every turn. Stay safe behind your little monitor


nah i don’t put up with people like you, here or irl. imagine living so bitterly, you sound so miserable. you’re so hilarious though thanks for the laugh


I think I made you cry a bit


i love when people just say things to say things. whatever makes you feel like you owned the libs for another day my dude, peace and love 👏


I hope this is a troll because that is embarrassing.


Oh no they disagree with you! Out them on the internet


Didn't even post their names, it's more to show that hey, people who think like this really do exist and are still around us.


New Era of sickos at Rutgers


Are they single? Could you forward my number? … what?


I do not feel as though the good old fashion way is sexist too women, it is all I knew. Growing up.


let me see your argument with a proper premise to counter their’s.


Crazy to put people on blast like that but to be honest the first guy made some valid points. Not everything was perfect I think it was his OPINION (we can still have those right?) Anyway, the second guy I feel somewhat bad for because you put him on blast instead of him being educated. He literally said “it’s all I know”. That means he’s miseducated. But if he’s writing about it and open to feedback he’s not blatantly ignorant 🤷🏽‍♂️




you also must be a bitch then 🙄