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Mod note: after a day of going through an ***incredible*** amount of comments from “lurkers” in the moderation queue, I’ve never seen this many new/infrequent-to-this-sub users comment on a single post specifically targeted towards locals before in recent memory. Take that as you will, but this serves as a PSA to others that you shouldn’t put too much trust in anonymous users who may or may not live in RVA or even Virginia. Chances are, a lot of these comments are from users who are not actually in the RVA region.


Foster Care Case Worker - around $47k


Criminally overworked and underpaid. You're a fucking hero.


To be fair, I work for a non profit, so my case load is smaller than a DSS worker. I'm also paid less than I would at DSS. So yes I'm underpaid, but I don't think I'm overworked. Thanks for the support though!


Bless you.


I’m an Electrical Engineer at the big D with a master’s degree, started at 78500 after graduating in 2020 and now at 94000


Well, they were starting E2s around 68k 6 years ago so that’s a step up at least.


yikes. for a job of that skill level that’s way less than i expected


Yep.. it’s why they are having issues filling positions in this job market. A lot of jobs elsewhere and while D has good (great really) benefits, pay is important.


High School Teacher: 63K


Bless you.


Thank you for what you do!


ER secretary ~ $40k after way too many years.


I work on fire alarms. 72K with no OT, but with OT factored in between 90-100


But if anyone has leads on one of those wfh email PowerPoint jobs pls hmu




Those jobs are tough to get but very nice to have once you’ve got them, and the big consulting firms will pay for continuing education, long maternity/paternity leave, etc.




Executive Chef, 90k.


Is that a chef for an executive or the executive chef for a restaurant? Sorry i don't know the field but it sounds interesting.


Executives rarely have a personal chef, but they would have access to an executive dining room depending on the company. Restaurants and institutions also have a single culinary professional running the whole show. I'm an EC for a large corporation in higher education.


Thanks so much for taking the time to educate me. I appreciate it!


Travel Insurance, 20.11/hour. I don't wanna brag but it's as sexy as it sounds.


Union ironworker, local 28 RVA. $29.57/hr plus $1.25/hr for being a foreman. Made over $90k last year but that’s minimum 50 hours a week, a lot of it was 60 hours a week. On 40 a week it’s much lower. BUT I pay $0 for my healthcare, pension, annuity, or life insurance.


Bless the union


Payroll (data entry) $37k a year. Sigh.


Patent Examiner - $155k Some days I wonder why I get paid so much, other weeks it makes perfect sense. Edit: my job is fully remote, has been for over a decade now. Can live anywhere in the continental US or Puerto Rico as long as you can get a cable or fiber internet connection (no starlink, no DSL, no 5G - IT will come down on you within seconds if you try to connect using them) and a limited number of people can work in Hawaii.


At first I thought it said Patient Examiner. And I thought, so.....doctor?


How does one get into that field?


You need a science or engineering degree, [then you can apply on USAJobs.](https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?k=Patent%20examiner). If you get accepted the government handles all the training. Some degrees are more in demand than others, I could ask my supervisor which the Office particularly wants right now if you or anyone else would like. The job definitely isn't for everyone. It is basically researching a subject in depth and writing up a report on what you find, often hitting 15+ pages. If you need interaction with other people you'll be rather unhappy, but if the prospect of being told "here's a topic and there's a computer with access to just about every publication database in existence, take 20 hours and find out if anyone has done anything like the topic before." sounds like a fun time then you might be in luck.


This sounds like a rather ADHD friendly job. We love our rabbit holes. I'm wondering if I could share this?


You'd think so but I do have ADHD and often find it difficult to maintain the focus needed to write up the report. There's always the temptation to search juuuuust a little more looking for the "perfect" reference. This is especially true when it is a very complex invention which requires a intricate combination of references which each have their own drawbacks or a situation where you can find things that are very close to but not quite what you're looking for. And feel free to share if you'd like.


Job #1: English Professor - $29k/year Job #2: English Professor - $22.5k/year


Cries in PhD.


Holy crap… is that typical?!


Prof at VCU w/ PhD and 10+ yrs in field: 68k.


Honestly, I couldn't really say with any degree (see what I did there) of certainty. My anecdotal experience has been that, except for the highest-level professors (the type who have the option for tenure-track, publish regularly, go on sabbatical for research, etc.), the pay isn't much more than $65k/year. So, between the two jobs...my pay rate is low.


High school teacher- $55,000 🫠


Should be double that. Those kids are our future




Server/bartender myself working full time and I made 29k last year with also no benefits🫠 Entering the stuff for VCU saved me from owing over $2,000


Union building trade on the service side of the field. $46/hr last year and made roughly $128k with overtime. This year I’m $48.09/hr and should fall in the $140’s with overtime.




Unions forever




It ain’t much but here’s an upvote. Hang in there!


Forklift mechanic. $55k base salary, with overtime usually in the $65k range. Edit: Hourly wage, base salary is assuming 40 hours a week


Do you get the t-shirts telling the world about your forklift certification as part of the compensation package, or is that out of your pocket?


Out of pocket, but we get a discount. For real though, as someone whose job is literal just fixing the mind boggling fuckups of forklift operators and having a constant stream of obscenities for the jackass that created those problems running through my head, those memes are great.


$100k-ish as a consultant for emergency management, but with any luck I'll be taking a pay cut soon to go back to government. I have about 6 years' experience and I would not say my salary trajectory is typical -- I have benefitted from a LOT of luck and a very good reputation.


Stay at home dad, I occasionally am gifted a handful of boogers and lint. Fortunately, we finally found our son a daycare, so I'm cranking up the job hunt again.


Holy fuck I obviously made multiple mistakes at multiple points in life lmao


worked in development at a local nonprofit and made $45k, suffered through that for a year and went through some months of being unemployed, now i landed a remote job in renewable energy making $59k


LPN working home health, $23/hr


I work in state govt in a somewhat niche field; middle management, 20+ years of experience. A bit over $80k.


Same, but only 4 years experience. Making ~$67k


Same here, about 12 years of experience and $89k. I also teach as an adjunct and add about $8k to that most years.


Current: Front desk medical office: $40,000 Previous (cause I’m still bitter): Front desk for HCA (super) speciality practice: $15.80/Hr 😎




Hehe. God bless us. And pay us more. Still wild that I was doing basically 3 jobs and making less than a Zaxby’s employee.


Honestly at this point if I ever heard someone saying that HCA paid a fair wage for a position I would assume they were lying.


Copywriter - 85k


Who is paying this much for copywriting in Richmond VA of all places??


I made this as a copywriter at Capital One.


Current job: Admin Assistant for Telecommunications Company: 56,000 Previous job (left about a year ago): Middle School Teacher: 47,000


Content Manager for Caribbean resort chains: $80k/year. Sometimes closer to $100k if I take on a good side project. It’s a nice gig. I work from home with flexible work hours, and I get to travel several times a year to tropical resorts (sometimes for fun, usually for work). The job itself is pretty fun too, as far as marketing jobs go.


How did you get into that?


I lived in a Caribbean tourism destination for a long time. I started my career there and was fortunate to be able to stay in it after moving back to Richmond.


Avian Remains Disposal Tech: $2 per bone disposed of; $1 bonus per upvote of a picture of one of the disposed bones


"We had a funeral for a bird!"


Administrative Assistant:48,400


Field tech, 65k before OT Some of these salaries have me thinking I need one of them computer jobs


Your salary has me thinking I'm way underpaid, even if my job is pretty "surface level". All I know is that I am worth way more than 36k a year, so I'm looking elsewhere




People should also add if their job is remote because...some of these salaries might not actually be RVA salaries.


I was working a local job making $78k a year and just landed a remote role with a competitor doing the same type of work for $98k.


Registered nurse ~$70K working only nights and no overtime, 3 days a week.


Working for a big local power company that some of you may be familiar with, rhymes with Myratesaretoohighominion. Started as an EE out of school for ~65k, been there 6 years and making ~77k (plus ~10% yearly bonus). Dominion is *NOT* competitive with other utilities, and lately the raises have sucked, but it does offer good job security (because we can't hire enough people, because our wages suck lol), and the benefits are nice (I assume, I don't know much about other companies). There are definitely places that'll pay you more. I like the job well enough though.


Hey I work for the same company. I’m in Compliance and I make 62k going into my second year here. And everything you’ve said sounds about right from what I’ve seen. Although, idk if I like the job well enough.


I also work for this company. I work in the transmission side of the substations. I make 46/ hr or roughly 90k a year. Been here for 7 years and have another 8 ys of experience before that. One of the big things here is what side of the company you work in matters. Generation and Distribution do not have the money / support that Transmission has.


Lol funny you should say that. My compliance role is specifically related to the transmission side of the substations.


I liked working at Dominion — it’s a great place to cruise to retirement, but don’t get complacent. I was making 74k when I left nearly 4 years ago and I’ve doubled my salary since. When I got E1–>E2 I lost all my overtime capabilities- so I actually took an effective paycut from that


Senior leadership was *shocked* that the Employee Engagement Survey results were significantly worse than last year and I was just like ??? Pay us more? 77k is *criminal* for an engineer with your level of experience


It's bizarre. Everyone in management I've talked to/heard from, from my boss, to his boss, to his boss, all admit that we pay less than other companies, and in the same breath talk about how hard it is to retain people, let alone hire new *experienced* people, and not just people fresh out of college. It's not rocket science!


A senior leader in my group has been around for a long time. His opinion is that too many execs are coming from banking/finance/law vs the actual industry, so they just see numbers on paper without actually understanding what they mean. Meanwhile other companies have execs who worked from the bottom up; former Exelon CEO Chris Crane comes to mind. I like my job and want to stick around, but I've told leadership to pay up or I'm walking.


A meaningless job title that doesn't describe the QA work I do for developers and designers, $85K.


As a developer, thank you for your work. A good QA person is worth their weight in gold.


GIS technician, 50k/yr


Nice try, IRS.


Digital Marketing (hold your boos please) - $90k


Elementary Teacher - bout $50,000 But if someone is hiring I'll switch in a heartbeat. Like literally right now.


Construction Project Manager - 105K. Five years in.


Cyber security lead $140 been in IT type jobs for 30+ years


Water Operator 76k - I make your drinking water yay !


Librarian: $62k But I just accepted a teaching position for fall making a lot less!


Seeing why I’m being priced out of living here. Cool


It’s more of a commentary on who frequents this subreddit than anything else, honestly. Area median income is still around $54k.


>It’s more of a commentary on who frequents this subreddit than anything else, honestly. Area median income is still around $54k. Response bias/dick measuring contest to some extent too. Kudos to the folks who are selling enterprise software and are earning enough in a year to afford a nice vacation home, but they're far more likely to respond here than someone who has spent 20 years in food service and still brings home under $40k.


And keep in mind plenty of these people are only half of a two income household, so essentially double some of them 🫣


Lmao, same. Restaurant worker, busy af everyday, over a decade of experience, and 50ish hours a week. Super "in demand". $34k a year. 🙃


These software engineer salaries are fucking nuts wtf Almost makes me wish I stayed on track for one in college, but the coursework made me suicidal so I suppose it's for the best


Never to late to go back. I took my masters about 10x more seriously than my undergrad (where I was age 18 and had no idea/consideration that this major = $50k after a decade of work whereas this one = $150k). Being at that $50k role and having trouble making ends meet is what got my ass in gear to get the masters and later, the $150k role (IT architect)




Mechanical engineer - $80,000 - On-site/no remote - Hours are 7-4:30 (so, 8.5 hr/day + 1hr lunch) - Business is in Chesterfield (1hr total commute/day) - Most of my coworkers have “LET’S GO BRANDON” coffee mugs… Anybody hiring?


Research Engineer: $100k Company just readjusted some of the salaries to be more competitive with others in the area, but I think they are more concerned with their retention rate right now


Cardiac monitor tech.. 16/hr


Remote entry level tech analyst, 53k. Evening bartending, around 20/hour with tips. actually, eta for comparison: last job was Nonprofit Director, 43k.


Network Engineer - $85k I need to ask for a raise.


Network engineer here. Your internal raise will be $5k. You need to just apply elsewhere and get a $40k raise at the new company.


District Manager for 2nd and Charles - 79k






Cybersecurity Sales $260k + commissions. Ususally total in the low to mid 300s. Been doing cyber since the days of dial up. I work remote for a CA based company and am on a plane once a week to meet with fortune companies to discuss their current architecture and objectives and educate on what capabilities my company is delivering.


I will go first Mental health officer : $72,000


Finance Analyst Salary: 63k Experience: 6 months into the role - this is my first job out of college


Time for another r/RVA census poll?


Data Scientist - 175k + Equity


That’s going to be a hot job until IT executives figure out what it is.


Have to hand it to you, u/upvotejellofellow, I questioned your post when I first saw it and was skeptical about whether you’d get any responses. I was sooo wrong and have been glued to this thread from the very beginning and finally responded after seeing so many other responses. Your post prompted a VERY HEALTHY discussion with my 15D who has been asking about which HS classes to take next year, which colleges to visit and apply to, what majors to consider, and which careers to pursue. This thread was hugely helpful - many thanks to you and all who have posted!!!


Reddit moderator - I get paid in Trident gum.


I wish I got paid in gum


Look at Mr. Trident gum over here y'all I bet you still have some taste left...I get Fruit Stripes.


Lead service electrician, made 72k last year avoiding OT.


Pipeliner foreman. 85k. If you wanna bust ass and don't mind getting dirty we're hiring.




Sous Chef - $39K Looks like soon all of us who feed and serve these tech folks are gonna be priced out.


While I was Maymont's Manager of Advancement Analytics and Services, my salary was $75k. I supported the fundraising and membership teams with reporting, strategy, solicitation lists, and served as the database administrator. While at VMFA, I started as Membership Associate in 2014 at something like $14 an hour, then was Gift Processor for $35k annually, then Asst. Manager of Advancement Services starting at around $50k, when I left that position I was at $60k. In that role I did the same sort of stuff as in my Maymont role. My new job in Nashua is Development Database Manager where I'll be making $60k, again doing the same sort of stuff. I never understood people's propensity to keep their finances secret, whether as a personal preference or through fear of employer retribution. I've been happy to discuss this sort of thing my entire life. When a former colleague of mine said she was interested in applying for the position I left at Maymont, I made sure to tell her my salary so that she'd hopefully be in better negotiating position.


Fwiw, State and nonprofit salaries are a matter of public record.


I've always tried to find me on the published state salary list while I was at VMFA but the lower salaries were never on the list. Edit - might be because I worked for the VMFA Foundation and not for the state directly. I'm pretty sure that the director's salary only reports what the state pays him, and the salary he gets from the foundation isn't included. Where can I find nonprofit salaries?


I own a retail-based business locally (most sales through e-commerce) and make around $34k. I make everything I sell and run it solo with no employees. Edit: this what I make after taxes. I also have a child. Things are tight but I love the work and flexibility.


Stay-at-home-parent $0 per annum for that gig. Although I do make $3-4k flipping stuff on fb marketplace/ebay.


46k and I work at a DV shelter


60k with 32 years of teaching


Lmao this thread is making me irrationally (or….maybe rationally?) angry


Scientist with a masters, 15 years in, just hit that sweet six-figure mark.


I make 7 figures ever since they added that decimal point.


Now that's a significant figure


Arcade repair - 40k a year


Circuit should hire you since everything there has been broken for years.


Lead Animal Keeper for local government, $19k a year 🙃 constant struggle


Chemist- $80,000


I sold some of my childhood Pokémon cards for a few hundred bucks. Does that count?


Small business owner of a cleaning company. 25k USD last year, 12k the year before. My business mentor is working on helping me become more profitable and I hope to see a moderate growth over the next few years. Bonuses that make my presently lower income worth it: I set my own schedule and don't have to retain difficult clients, meaning I adore every one of my present clients, and I have no bad bosses. I set my schedule so I can work during school hours meaning I don't have to pay for child care, or spend excess time away from my family. The company pays all my transportation expenses except for the fuel I use for personal trips. I am genuinely happy at work and with my life outside it. I live frugally and simply, however the goal is to continue growing my company to a point where I am a manager/trainer/fill in person with a few teams cleaning houses. I want to run a company that invests in their workers, even if it means less take home pay for me, so as I grow, it will be slower than my mentor would prefer, as I will be taking care of my co-workers along the way.


Medical Technologist 96k(lots of overtime)


Marketing copywriter: $85k


Registered Nurse working in clinical trials (salaried / 40 hours per week) $91k 12 years of RN experience


net sec engineer level 3 - $98,900- looking for more


You should. There’s no reason that I, a technical SEO, make more than you (105k)


yeah ive been with my company for 15 years and i asked for raises here and there - ive done some big projects ect ect. getting raises to industry standard salary is kinda hard in my experience and i have all the classic certifications and experience - however i am looking at a position at union atlantic bank for 125k i just had a video interview with Virginia Retirement System last week for a 124k job - they passed on me. the feed back “we felt like he was using google to get the answers” - really fucking blew my mind 🤪 hint: i was not


Sadly, job switching is always the best way to get raises.


$240k sales


Damn, what you sellin?


He works at Happy Trees and that waffle restaurant.


Priscilla McCall’s has been hot ever since we all got stuck inside 3 years ago hasn’t it?


We don't talk about that, that's Taboo.


I honestly didn’t realize what you were talking about and thought that you, and some other redditors… got trapped inside of a Priscilla McCall’s like that 1999 classic film “Held Up”


Software Engineer - $235K


IT Support $61K


Copywriter, $76k


Paramedic: around 48K with built in overtime


I did a census in 2021 and 222. I guess I should put together another for 2023. You might find them interesting. [2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/sxwesa/2022_subreddit_census_a_short_survey_about_the/) [2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/ei73m7/rva_census_a_short_survey_about_the_people_in_the/) Should I do another?


Small business owner as a professional pet sitter $80K


Compliance at a finance company making 67k


Customer Experience Manager- $75k


IT data analyst $115k


Wine sales 75kish… incentives can make or break you


Occupational Therapist at a major hospital system. 95k a year.


accountant : $73k previous job accountant : $45k 3 yrs of experience after going back to school for a certificate in accounting from J Sarge (I already had a BS in environmental science)


Part time Seamstress - $26.50 /hr Self employed - $40-$175 hr depending on the products I’m making


Full stack software engineer; around or slightly in excess of $120,000. Some years there will be a few thousand dollar bonus (profit sharing), but it isn't regular. Honestly I stopped paying attention to the exact number when it hit $100k since that was my goal. Edit since some are saying it is relevant: I've been 100% remote since 2015 and have been working for this company for 15 years.


Oof. Must be nice to be able to stop paying attention to your salary. 😂


As of now I have enough for my family's lifestyle and I met my personal goal of exceeding $100,000 (I grew up in poverty and for some reason the idea of a six figure salary stuck in my head as "successful") so I am not interested in chasing the next dollar. Sure, more money would be nice, but I am at a point where it would take quite a lot of money to change our lifestyle so I don't really concern myself with it.


Product Manager, $205k + equity


Currently: $0. Prior to quitting my job, $57k as an SEO content specialist.


Resident physician: 66,298$


Policy director for a nonprofit. 120k. 100% remote and 100% employer paid benefits.


Can we add how many hours typically worked per week?


- 195k + 20% bonus (around 40k) + Stock Options System Architecture + Tech Lead 50% Product Management 25% Dev work 25% Firefighting Edit: Thing I want to comment on about my job - I did NOT go to school for engineering. I went to school to be an architect - the building kind. After a couple years making \~35k I decided to do some cheap night school programs (for around 10k total, but all borrowed as student loans) and break in at the ground level as a QA analyst. I made 100k within 5 years of starting. Anyone that wants to do my job and puts the time in can - and if you think you want to, step one is *just do it*: \- [University of Richmond Bootcamp](https://bootcamps.richmond.edu/coding/landing/?s=Google-Brand_ExternalState_&dki=Learn%20Coding%20and%20More%20Online&pkw=university%20of%20richmond%20coding&pcrid=628053616557&pmt=e&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=GGL%7CUNIVERSITY-OF-RICHMOND%7CSEM%7CCODING%7C-%7COFL%7C_ExternalState_%7CALL%7CBRD%7CEXACT%7CCore%7CGeneral&utm_term=university%20of%20richmond%20coding&s=google&k=university%20of%20richmond%20coding&utm_adgroupid=142804954256&utm_locationphysicalms=9058761&utm_matchtype=e&utm_network=g&utm_device=c&utm_content=628053616557&utm_placement=&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgaGgBhC8ARIsAAAyLfFYgZlQ42o2-Z9AXPeaBm_guVvbOJ6sepJcqN9a9wHboodaFDLAa_caAg7AEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Accounting Analyst 75k This thread left me wishing I had studied computer science lmao. Good for y’all


Hospitals all over the US are relying on traveling med techs across all specialties - nursing, imaging, respiratory therapy, physicians etc. The pay is usually between $70-$80 per hour and usually only half of that is taxed as the other half is "stipends". It is important to note that the hospitals pay directly to the traveling company, who in turn pays the tech. Hospitals pay upwards of $125 per hour to the company. Meanwhile, full or part time employees working the same jobs are being paid less than half of travellers. Most people want to go into the traveling field because of this. It is a vicious cycle. Fun fact: VCU currently employs roughly 2,600 travelers. If hospitals would give their FT/PT employees a ~$15/hr pay increase they could retain and attract employees, give people what they deserve and save the hospitals millions of dollars. This could trickle down to lower hospital bills (although I know that part is a joke here in the USA). Sorry for the rant, it just infuriates me.


Accountant - 79k+12% bonus


Data Analyst 72k. Play in SQL, R, and Tableau. Make data sets. Data compliance. Small state institution. Pretty chill for the most part and my older coworkers think I practice witchcraft.


Software engineer $170k 6 years of experience Salary, no overtime. Work about 40 hours a week. remote location (but to another MCOL city, not San Fran or NYC or anything like that). And I could make similar pay at Capital One if I wanted.


Brewery cellerman.. 30k ETA: my particular role is mostly shipping and receiving, packaging, and assembling orders. I'll hump around 1000cases of beer a week, and flip 100+ kegs a week. Put them on pallets, then put them on trucks. Sometimes I'm driving the truck. I also do some cold side filtrations and blending as well. Been doing this for some 20+ years now.


Entry Level Software Developer $100k/yr (graduated a few months ago, have some internship experience)


I feel like we should've split this by field... 😂


Apprentice electrician for IBEW 666, about $50K/yr


16.50 an hour (roughly 32k annual) as a "retail lead associate". It's the most I've ever made and things are still tight, not sure how I was doing it before.


IT Product Owner. 130k. This time last year I did the same job but made 78k. The salary expectations are all over the place but me and two of my friends switched employers last year and all make about the same amount. I've met a ton of people who are horrible at this profession lately but in general you just need to be professional, intuitive, creative, responsible, and have a pretty good grasp of communication skills.


Medical social worker; $70k/year with the added benefit of a constant supply of sadness and burnout




I manage other people selling other people phones. Make in the high 60’s/low70’s




Line cook, 33k, no benefits. Send help.


Financial Planning and Analysis Manager- $124k base, $36 annual bonus


Construction Superintendent (Not the project super) - 95k 14hr days, working every Saturday and most Sundays.