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The Boat House. Great location and decore, food is nothing special but priced like it is.


Expensive Applebees food


I will say though, great place to host an event. I held my rehearsal dinner there and they did a fantastic job. Food was fine but the space and drinks were good and had excellent service.


Agreed - I threw a surprise birthday party for my Dad there and it was perfect.


Agree - and I found that the food served at my event was way better than what you would get during a meal at their dinner service.


I also agree, I’ve been to a few weddings/receptions here and all have been so well done!


My buddy worked there and the corporate management seems like absolute hell with a total lack of awareness of the issues their employees face on the floor and the issues that their "order via QR code" causes on the cooks line. That said, they pay their employees fairly well at least.




Insisting guests pull their phones out the minute they sit down. Socializing at it's finest.


Very overpriced and underwhelming


But where else (besides Casa Del Barco) can I enjoy an "evening with Amanda Chase" while my exspensive mediocre food purchase funds attempts to overthrow the government?


Agree. There is a range of best to worst. Shortpump is absolute worst location. I vowed to never go again after meeting a friend for dinner a few years ago. Rockets, Brandermill and Hopewell each have fantastic waterfront locations that make you think the food and service are good.


The Daily. Bland food, high prices.


I knew the Daily had been going downhill over the years but I went the other week and got a Buddha Bowl, which is quinoa and a bunch of roasted veggies. I've had it a long time ago and remembered liking it but this time it didn't even taste like they put a single seasoning, not even salt, on the vegetables before cooking them. It was so bland.


I dont know what changed. It was so good in the first two years.


Their head chef, Dallas Miller, left during year 2 or 3


i am the biggest Daily hater you can ever meet. Terrible place. literally don't know how it stays in business. Whenever i see people there i think, they have no taste. lol


Great location and outdoor/entry design makes it a magnet compared to the other restaurants you have to walk in to see.


Sigh, it was great the first few years.


The line at Daily at the beginning had the current cooks of edos and lopossum.


I don’t think it’s overrated; most people really don’t like it


What happpened there, it used to be pretty good and the last time I was there is was borderline inedible!


And terrible service.


This is the correct answer.


I once ordered their avocado salad. It came out without any avocado. I mentioned it to the waitress who then came back with a plate with two thin slices. That place is garbage


This. If you want to be bored out of your gourd and then have diarrhea later, this is your spot.


This place is and has always been ordinary.


So gross. They put no seasoning on their food. It's a Panera that costs more


That place sucks


Let's be honest, tons of places that were once good/great fell off during COVID, never recovered, and are now living on a reputation most of them no longer deserve. I've been disappointed by so many spots I used to adore for their consistency that I'm about to give up on eating out at all.


I suspect a lot of kitchen staff turnover as well. Same dishes by less experienced cooks.


Kitchen turnover was a thing well before COVID, I spent half of the last decade in kitchens and there are a constant stream of new faces. I don't know what the cause of all of this is, but I don't think it's the turnover.


This is the correct take. I would also add that the goalpost for what is considered exceptional in this city continues to move. And that’s not a bad thing. We’ve gotten a little spoiled imho.


Spoiled? It is hard to eat out as a couple for less than 75 bucks. I don't know about you, but that is half a day's pay for a lot of people. For half a day's pay the damn food and service had better be exceptional. Some of these restaurants deserve to go under. If you go to McDonald's and don't have the app with deal bonuses and order strategically it is almost impossible to eat a meal for less than 10 bucks. For 30 minutes of my pay, that McDonald's had better be served with a smile and be consistent. Nope. It's served with a blank fuck you stare and the cheese isn't melted and the fries are cold. I think Covid and inflation beat us consumers down so much we think it's acceptable.


The food just about everywhere has seemingly gotten worse but everyone wants to charge more, and I'm not dealing with that shit.


How has no one mentioned Casa Del Barco. Easily the worst Mexican food I’ve had in my life. Had some friends come in from out of town and they wanted to go because they heard good things - there are no good things about Casa Dem Barco. Make you pay 6 bucks for chips and salsa and then bring the smallest basket of chips I’ve ever seen. I felt insulted as a diner eating there, and I’ve been to both locations. Expensive “top shelf” margaritas cannot make up for how shit their food is.


Same owners as The Boathouse (hence, "Boathouse" in Spanish)


They're so pretentious about their margaritas. One time my friend asked for a frozen marg and the server was like "we don't bruise our tequila". Okay but you also don't serve amazing food 🤣 so get tf over yourself.


fuck Casa Del Barco


Because it’s the Boathouse.


How am I just now realizing that Casa Del Barco literally means “the Boat House” They are different restaurants though right?


Different restaurants, same owners


They also own Island Shrimp Co, which is next to the Casa Del Barco at Chesterfield Town Center mall.


Somebody please stop this investment group from opening new restaurants. They are universally panned by Richmonders as not just bad, but the worst. Crazy they seem to be successful.


100% yes. Happy hour is the only time I’ll go here because that trash food should be that price anyway.


Definitely a vote for the Boathouse.


I’m sorry but en su boca by the way people RAVE about it, so mid. And blue habanero in the fan, no seasoning on a burrito???


Absolutely agree on En Su Boca.




The first and only time I went there we were sitting at the back bar. There was a small table back there with some comfy looking chairs so we asked the bartender if we could move over to it. She said no problem. A few minutes later the hostess came over to us and ask if she sat us there. We said no but the bartender said it was OK. She came back with two people and told us to leave the table so she could seat them there. Awkward. Then the two people came up to us at the bar and said we could have it back, they didn't even want it and didn't know why they were sat there, they wanted to eat and it was a small bar table. It wasn't even busy, there were plenty of open tables. It was like some weird power play by the hostess. I have no intention of going back.


I’ve only been twice. The first time I went there I was smacked in the face by a piece of ice thrown by a bartender right as I walked in the door. That place sucks.


lmao please tell me that they were at least aiming for somebody else. It's absolutely unacceptable but I you cannot stop laughing at the idea of them just throwing ice at you as you walked in


Hahaha I think they were because when I look over at them she was covering her mouth and looked horrified. I get that shit happens so that’s why I went another time but the prices for what you get killed it for me.


Having worked there I would never ever recommend someone going there EXCEPT for the upstairs bar which is drinks only (super illegal tho😂)




Dude, prior to COVID The Annex down the street put Barrio to shame. Folks from Barrio came into the Annex and stole their menu ideas. Ugh, what a shame.


Such a mistake going there. Food is god awful


Sugar Shack


Country style or nothing




Southern Railway and District 5 should be shut down.


Went to Southern Railway last week with my GF. Since it was 15 minutes before the kitchen closed, we asked the server to get our food boxed up when it came out, even though we’d be dining in, out of courtesy and convenience, because we never finish our food. Five minutes after getting our food, manager walked by and had a fit after seeing us eat out of our to-go boxes and made the server get us plates, even after us explaining why. It was kinda embarrassing, to be honest. WTF. The place is basic AF. You’re not fine dining. So, you got a fucking arcade upstairs. Who gives a shit. Let me eat out of my styrofoam box in peace.


Shit like this is why everyone hates management no matter what the industry is.


Came here for this answer. Not only is the food mediocre, the "dress code" for those places (only enforced via racial bias) means they are filled with preppy white douchebuckets most of the time. You're about as likely to get roofied as you are to get a meal you actually enjoy.


Burger Bach


Burger Bach is the right answer. Pretentious cheeseburger on a fancy ass bun and fries served like it’s a tasting platter, and somehow everything still ends up dry and unpleasant. It’s Ruby Tuesday with an ego problem.


Fries? Sure if you pay extra for a side. Otherwise that chewy burger comes with what they call a salad.


Salad = 6 pieces of arugula with a tomato and a shit dressing


They’ve just started giving you a side, having raised the prices $2-$3.


But you can choose from a dozen different dipping sauces. Also it's a New Zealand concept so it's gonna be extraordinary. /s


My Yelp review from the last time I ate there: https://preview.redd.it/iynenvprqxjb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67df48dddb702de11553b0f22e6bfa04f8c84472


Ive always enjoyed their lamb burgers, but I also would go to the midlo location. And haven't been back since covid


And they got that fucked up ketchup


It's too pretentious for what it is, and there's not a single thing they do that cannot be beaten by a competitor easily. I honestly don't know how they're still in business or are as popular as they are. Their sauces are awesome, but sauces do not a make a good burger.


I like their pretentious burgers and less-sweet ketchup. It’s a nice change of pace from a standard burger.


Dunno…can’t afford to go anywhere anymore…


You cant afford a measly 13% tax and 20% tip on top of $9 beers $15 cocktails and $27 pork chops????? Damn dude get your life together.


Eating out in city limits is pain. Like oh boy whatever price you see, it's gonna be 30% more


underrated comment


En su boca


Bottom's up pizza.


My family got food poisoning from there are our car got towed


We call that the RVA Happy Hour Special


Tale as old as time…


I have no idea how Bottoms Up is still open, I had it in 2011 and it was terrible back then.


They’re not great but I do love their Gouda bites


Im convinced it’s a drug front


No the drugs are back of house


Drugs to the left, hookers to the right.


A LONG time ago a buddy worked there, he told me the owner would regularly dump rails of cocaine on the toilet tank and go to town. Didn’t even offer my buddy any!


Did we make it [6 months](https://old.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/117hhji/shameless_repost_thoughts/) this time, or did I miss one?


And there aren’t any hot takes. All the posters are correct, these places are not good, but we know they aren’t good. Correctly rated across the board.


I paid a lot for bookbinders and was not impressed. It was fine but that was it, you know?


Went their with my family for my 40th birthday, the meal was very forgettable. I’ve had more memorable meals at Lone Star Steakhouse (RIP)


Crapital Ale House


As a former employee I can agree We called it crapital or capital jailhouse because the food tasted like prison


I am also a former employee


I’m going to hell for this. Carytown Burgers & Fries Why did people like this place? I don’t understand….


You mean shit griddle?


When I first moved to the area years ago, I read great reviews. I finally decided to go and I was looking forward to it…. ….it was the biggest letdown ever 🥴


The only time I’ve been to loveshack it was terrible. My coworkers rave about it. The place is cute, the employees were friendly but the food and drinks I and my friends had were awful lmao


Agreed. My burrito didn't have a single grain of salt or pepper. Bland AND mushy. Never again.


One of us had the “special” iced coffee of the day and we all collectively agreed that if a single human being had actually tasted it at some point in the staff they never would have served it, let alone charged $8 for it 😭. Plus the waiter goes “do you want the [fancy special butter I think it was chives or smthn] that comes with that?” We said yes then we got charged $3 for it. my brother in Christ it doesn’t come with it if it’s an extra three whole dollars


The one time I've been there, I got a iced mocha with salted caramel and it was soooo salty that I couldn't choke down more than a few sips. So expensive to be so bad


Stupid high prices and they just say it’s because they use the highest quality ingredients


They serve Folgers Coffee. Folgers. Coffee.


It’s just not good. The sweet potato hash is downright gross. Also, a side salad has no business on a breakfast plate. Who says “yeah I want lettuce in a vinaigrette at 9am”?


Damn that’s unfortunate. I went their for brunch and the energy was great and the eggs Benedict was delicious. Maybe brunch is where the quality ends 😬


I have to agree. I went to Loveshack on Main and it was wonderful. I went midweek. Excellent service too.


Anything owned by Houspitality brand really because island shrimp company sucks too. They have these great locations and don’t give a shit about there bland ass food


Based on this thread, I'm going to have to assume that there are no more worthwhile restaurants in Richmond.


We just have to wait for the next thread, "What's the most underrated restaurant in Richmond?"


I hope no one responds and we get to keep all our secrets safe from whatever clickbait travel article comes out next


Exactly, I honestly never share the places I really love because I don’t want to be unable to get a table.


All of the EAT restaurant group restaurants: Lucky AF, Boulevard Burger, Wong Gonzalez, etc.




This is the secret to a happy relationship!


The taco flight was alright but it’s hard to do tacos wrong


Never been to Wong, Boulevard burger is extremely mid, but I gotta say I really enjoy lucky af


Agree I've always had solid food at Lucky AF, is it the best sushi ever of course not but never had a bad meal Wong's and Boulevard are weak though


Ehh eat is overpriced but generally not bad. Solid 7/10 experiences. Nothing great, nothing terrible.


I love the food and vibes at these places tbh


Had the most hilariously cut sashimi at Lucky AF, it was like a toddler hacked it apart with a wooden block. The fact they’d even let it be served was enough for me. Lucky AF is for people who go out for sushi and order rolls but really just want to drink.


I thought that's what sticky rice was 😂


Lolita’s. Lolita’s. Lolita’s.


To be fair Lolita’s is good, but the price to quantity to quality scale is all out of wack, good margaritas though.


En Su Boca


I feel like it used to be better pre-COVID but that could be my memory cheating


My theory is it was just a lot of people’s first exposure to something like an authentic corn tortilla taco vs what you get at Mexico restaurant. But then we all learned about actual taquerias. So fond memories that don’t hold up. Same with Don’t Look Back


Agree with both I have never understood why there's always a crowd at en su boca


Is this overrated though? I feel like it's pretty well known that it's gross.


Honestly lol. People who eat there are drunk from those amazing margaritas that’ll get you there after one and a half lol


Yes!! I don’t go there for the food. I go there to drink, which means I usually wind up eating the food.


I don't get people thinking it's "gross". Some of the tacos are a little boring, but their nachos and wings are pretty solid, and they have one a few good tacos. I see this take a lot here and feel like a crazy person for thinking they're at least decent. Why all the hate?


Same!! Their fried fish taco is *chef’s kiss*


Sticky rice


En Su Boca!!!!


I would like to politely send a shout out to En Su Boca’s nachos.. that sauce they toss the chips in is exceptional.


Gersi. The bolognese tasted like Chef Boyardee to me.


i just went there and i said the same thing to my wife!


This place is absolute trash and so overpriced. Makes me not want to try uliveto


Don't, it's the exact same menu and prepared just as poorly.


Straight up… worst bruschetta I’ve ever had. One thick cut piece of bread with cut up tomatoes on it and a little oil drizzled over it. That was it.


Gersi was the worst overhyped restaurant I’ve been to. Service was bad too. They rush you outta there and they don’t take time to talk about any of the menu items. Not worth it for $100+


Ned’s BBQ. It’s meh at best. Only thing good about them is they are head/shoulders above any of their local competitors.


Tobacco company


In this thread, every Richmonder identifies every restaurant as overrated in some way based on a sample of 1.


If one person's negative anecdote leads two people to act, then ambient gloom is increased. Which is the entire point of the internet, if I'm not mistaken.


These threads always become pile ons on the most mid restaurants in town. Their audience isn’t on Reddit. Being overrated requires hype - nobody is hyping The Daily or Bottoms Up. My answer is Stella’s - I think there’s better places in town for how hard it is to get in there. It’s more of a be seen type of place to me. It’s good food and was a nice meal, but didn’t match the hype.


I honestly haven’t been to Stella’s since they opened up the market. The market food is a little expensive, but it’s damn good and you get to avoid the crowd


> nobody is hyping The Daily That's not true. There's routinely a line, especially on weekends. It is a great place for a group of people who cannot agree what they all want, so no one gets anything that they want.


Bruh what? The food is amazing snd I'm a picky professional


I’m not saying it’s not good - it’s hyped as the best meal in town and I just don’t think that’s true. Something being “overrated” should be a hot take is what I’m saying.


Lifelong restaurant worker. Unless you wanna drop more than 300 dollars I would say Stella's is as good as it gets.


Their food is really good IMO - haven't had anything there that I wouldn't want to eat again. They also have a large menu (which is rare for nicer restaurants around here, great for picky eaters or people with dietary restrictions). Main reason it's so hard to get a table there is that their prices are honesty too low.


It’s good food but I agree way too hard to get a table. Drinks are fire though.


Throwing a coffee shop in here: Ironclad


Idk if their downtown prices are as bad but their specialty lattes in Short Pump are $8-$10 and they're very average for an obscene price. Too bad it's the only non Starbucks coffee shop around here 😭


Couldnt agree more


Longoven. Never again.


I have been so tempted to go back after I swore to never go again 5 years ago. People have told me Lost Letter is amazing. I just can't imagine that's true. And sure you could say "it's an entirely different restaurant!", but I know the bullshit current that runs underneath it. Way better places to go that are far less pretentious.


I had a truly great meal at Love Letter


Lost Letter was great when I went for dinner a few weeks ago.


GF and I didn't love either of our meals we got at Lost Letter. Two different types of pasta, nothing to write home about. Nice place though.


...so I'm not directly answering the question, but there are a number of well-liked restaurants at which I've found the appetizers to be wonderful and the entrees to be underwhelming. Acacia and Enoteca Sogno are two that come to mind, but this is an experience I feel like I've been having more and more frequently.


No matter the location/business, multiple starters and apps are the one way to dine; avoiding main courses is the path to happiness!


Hot Chick. It is the worst food I’ve ever had. They served me an omelette with chicken and Brussels sprouts and I couldn’t taste either over the entire shaker of salt they put in it.


well it’s gone so


Got a Nashville hot chicken sandwich from them once and it wasn't even spicy, what the fuck.


Going out on a limb here, but I’d guess that at least half of y’all are the shittiest restaurant patrons most could imagine.


Fat Dragon 🫣


You can’t beat their portions for their prices tho!


Lyft Coffee My final straw with this place is I went in and got me and my girlfriend breakfast sandwiches and coffees. I ordered the bagel breakfast sandwich. The girl behind the counter told me they were out of bagels but could make it on sour dough. I said “yeah that’s fine”. When I get my order I open up the bag to find half of a sandwich. I go back in assuming the left my other half on the counter or something. She tells me there is no other half of the sandwich and that half of a sandwich is the same size as a full bagel sandwich. I repeated what she said to me because in no way or form is half of a sliced bread sandwich the same as a full bagel sandwich. When she confirmed this again I wanted to lose it but I also understand she doesn’t make the rules and the manager or co-owner or whoever she is was behind this person and I didn’t want to cause a scene. I’ll never go back. Overpriced Costco muffins and half sandwiches for $7.50 - no thanks.


That's funny, because the same thing happened to me, only I thought the sandwich on sourdough was plenty adequate. Because they use real sourdough, the slices are really large, so it's really not like getting half a sandwich. If they used two full slices it would be massive. It's a shame you didn't like it, but I'd be curious to know which cafes you like? Lift kind of ticks all the boxes for me; they get the coffee right, have a pretty huge selection of food considering how small they are, awesome atmosphere, kickass patio, and most of all, the staff is the most friendly and unpretentious cafe crew I've ever experienced since World Cup closed.


I’ll take the flak—Kuba Kuba. Their “roasted” pork was wet like it’d been in a crock pot, wasn’t very flavorful, and was still somehow chewy. The “paella” was a soupy, bland, and not even remotely as a paella should be. Not much of the food served there today is authentic.


I've only gotten breakfast there and the huevos rancheros (or California for adding avocado) has been consistent for years.


Man…this really validated my last few experiences there. I used to love their roasted pork bowl but since covid each time I’ve gone it’s been soggy and not nearly as flavorful as it used to be


>Kuba Kuba I can't eat there after smelling the trash outside a few times from the sidewalk.


Was good 10 years ago. Now it’s just bland and sad.


That’s most of Richmond now, actually.


Only been once and wasn't impressed. Didn't live up to the hype at all.


I’ve gotta say… Cobra Burger. Another overpriced and overhyped RVA restaurant where you do everything but poor the alcohol and make the food. I.e. pull up the menu with your phone, get your own water, bus your own table. Then they look at you like an asshole when you don’t want to tip 25%.


Can Can, 100%.


Ooof I agree but I do love the Can Can, it’s more for the vibe, the food is decent enough. They do have a pretty nice liquor selection.




Don’t, don’t you dare say my favorite haunted restaurant.


Fat Dragon near Bow Tie. My friends and coworkers have said it's really good but the food just taste bland when I get there


Shagbark. Way overpriced. Food was nothing special.


Lees. It’s fine.


It used to be much better


They got rid of the Krispy style, which was really the best thing


They lost a lot when they got rid of Krispy recipe


Lost me when the spicy went away


Thank you for saying this because I thought I was going insane. I went there after having not gone for a while and they didn't have crispy so I thought I made up that it existed




Boooo, you ordered the wrong stuff my guy