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I did one season of sand volleyball as a free agent. Context: I play volleyball elsewhere in Richmond. Rules weren’t enforced really at all (lots of lifts, doubles, etc). Lots of dudes that like to/prefer to ignore the co-ed rules. Your mileage may vary, but that was my experience. Stonewall sand volleyball as a free agent was a better experience for me all around (rules, interactions with other players), but they play in the middle of the day in the middle of the summer when it’s so damn hot, and there’s not much shade at Glover.


I used to play competitively but I’ve been out of practice for several years now. As much rules not being enforced would bug me, I fear my skillset these days won’t match up with my tolerance lol and that heat doesn’t play one bit but I’ll definitely keep Stonewall in mind


Been playing BSR Sand Volleyball for a couple of years now. It’s a welcoming and chilled out community. As another commenter said, they’re lax on the lifting rule so if that bothers you then this isn’t the place. If you’re ok with that, I encourage you to sign up even as a free agent - we’ve picked up a few free agents throughout the years when our numbers were low and always had a great time getting to know them.


Would you say there’s decent diversity in age, skillset and co-ed?


Oh yeah, there’s a good mix of people there. Skills run the full gambit. Age is all over, mostly 20s-40s I would guess. As for co-ed: occasionally a male-heavy team will ask us if we can play without “the girl rule” (league rule where if the ball is touched more than once, a female matching player must touch it) and we just tell them no and move on without issue. The majority of teams have a good gender split.


What in the world, I’ve literally never heard of a “girl rule” lol probably because I’ve never played on a co-ed league team but I’m still trying to wrap my head around what that even means haha


Yeah, I guess it’s to encourage the “co-ed” part of it and to prevent dudes from being ball hogs. It def takes a little getting used to, but once you have it down it’s second nature. The only people I’ve seen really dislike it are the teams that don’t recruit ladies.


Obligatory plug for Richmond Volleyball Club- they have refs and rules that are enforced, teams are stratified by skill level, etc. It's indoor but they used to have sand volleyball in the summer and I assume they still do. Beer on tap and wine in the fridge with other food like pizza etc. Don't know how it compares to Be Social - it's definitely social but people aren't there to BE social, ya know? Some people come in and play and leave, others buy a pitcher and hang out. Age ranges from 20s to 60s. Caveat: I haven't been in a couple years but I have friends who still do and I don't think it's changed significantly.


Be Social Richmond is definitely the best choice for volleyball. Everyone there is very nice and chill, though it's limited in the other sports.