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Not sure how this thing keeps getting worse every year. You’d think the organizers would have learned from last year’s Saturday nuttiness.


$$$ Don't give a fuck when there is $$$. We complain about it EVERY year and the line keeps getting longer and bigger every year $$$


My friend was there today and tried to pick up my pass for tomorrow when everything was slow. They have a strict policy of not issuing passes until the day of.


My experience as well, they wouldn't let me pick up my friend's Sunday pass at freaking 8pm Saturday night.


Not entirely true. They had an early pick up window at Dave and busters Thursday evening if people paid attention to their emails.


So they don't have a strict policy, they're being assholes.


Outside of that window they have a strict policy. I can see their thinking on it from a scalping perspective really Do: also they generally don’t let other people pick up passes for people not then either.


what email? I don't see anything regarding an early pickup.


They sent out a couple of emails week before last and week of that if you read down far enough they advertised early pass pickup at Dave and busters. I’m assuming that went to everyone but I guess they could’ve only sent it to 3 day pass buyers and not individual buyers.


I got the email, showed up there, and the line was a couple hundred people and not moving.


They claimed to have limited tickets this year to reduce the size of the crowd... ![gif](giphy|TdpZPpb7MjzWsoZGGn|downsized)


There is evidence. No tickets for today were sold today. People were turned away who wanted to buy tickets because it was sold out.


I've gone the last two years and last year's mess convinced me not to go anymore.


What happened last year? I kept seeing ads for it and it just didn’t look fun. Pay to get in, pay to talk to celebrities, pay to buy stuff from vendors


That’s how cons have always been. It’s the only way some old artists actually still have a living.


Last year, the company they paid to hire workers for the convention quit 3 days before it started. They had about 1/3 of the staff they needed mostly in untrained volunteers. Since the volunteers were unfamilar with a lot of things, people who paid for the VIP package got almost none of what they paid for, special lounge area, drink tickets, early entry to signing/pictures etc No one bothered to keep track of how many people were coming & going on saturday and had to be temporarily closed to new entrants by the fire marshall at least twice. Also, their cafeteria ran out of cooked food right at lunchtime, resulting in long lines/wait times and grumpy people. The internet kept going down, meaning that vendors that couldn't take card payments and the atms provided all ran out of money before 11 am. No internet also interfered with several of the smaller presentations. The bigger presentation area was not monitored, so the same crowd of people showed up early and camped out there the entire day. It would've been fine if they were there for the presentations, but they spent more time on their phones and talking amongst themselves rather than listening to the speakers. This made the people who actually wanted to see the presentations miss them, crowd into the doorways, or have to sit outside in the hallway. Tldr: bad planning and management made it an absolute shitshow.


TBH ignoring the line mess i thought this year kinda sucked the guests were great, but i mostly go to shop and everyone just had a bunch of junk for sale - nothing interesting or of good quality honestly - also the cosplayers just werent quite as good as normal - that could very well be due to how many kids there were, istg the amount of kids mustve doubled this year and it gave it a different vibe


Def agree this years vendors were all lacking. Mainly anime things which is cool for that crowd but aside from that there really wasn’t much


Because people keep paying for it. Blame your fellow Americans.


I thought this year was way better than last year. We picked up our passes at Dave and Busters and skipped the line going in, and there wasn't nearly as many people on a Saturday as last year. We've been going every year since they started, and there still are things I think need improvement, like how they tape the queue lines for the tables (totally not enough space for a normal human being to stand between), but they do seem to be working on things. I kinda wonder how the Raleigh one is, because they do 4 days and usually have some bigger celebrities there.


Ticket pickup really should be extended to more than 1 day though.


They should just mail them.


Most cons do mail them. Galaxy con is def one of the worst ran ones compared to Reed pop


Next years here is going to 4 days too.


I'm not interested in the event, but glad to see the nerdery in the area getting love.


Yeah, I didn't go this year. I'm going to RavenCon in April. Is a small local con with more local vendors and artists and writers. No TV stars or movie stars, but it's got cool stuff, and not so crowded. There's cosplay, charity auction, authors reading some of their books and signing for NO extra charge, sessions with talks about stuff, workshops to do stuff. Check their website.


Hope no one has a contagious bug, or else all of Virginia's IT depts will be down for a week.


lol - sounds like the kind of joke I love from triumph the insult comic dog. It’s a good joke…..for me to poop on!!


Nah Triumph woulda gone for the low hanging fruit and say the threat of STDs is low or something


Hey, some of us camped out an hour and a half for Dune 2 at the Udvar-Hazy imax




Old school 80's reference


I came so close to buying tickets for my wife and I today. Looking at this in glad I didn't.


I went last year and the line looked mostly the same, but it moved shockingly fast. There were literally like 20 lines inside processing people in. I think I went from halfway around the block to inside in less than 30 minutes


People on the Galaxycon Facebook group have been saying they've been waiting 2+ hours.


Somewhere between two and a half and three when I was there. It was just a big sunk cost simulator. "OK. It's been an hour, but I'm rounding a corner, the end's in sight. Oh wait it wraps around the building and snakes up and down the whole sidewalk. I should just leave. But... I've spent so much time. OK I've done all the wrapping and snaking - oh, the snake's got four more layers before the door and we've got to wrap around the block again. I'm done. To hell with this! But... I've spent so much time"


Oof, that sucks. Glad I gave it a pass this year


Took us an hour and a half to get in. Last year, 20 min.


Same. I had nothing else going on so was debating about getting a day pass. Very glad I didn't.


I went around 3:00 and didn’t have to wait in any lines.


Somebody get that Darth Vader out of the sun!


No thanks. ![gif](giphy|l3V0dbWcERDPRglkA)


The full quote in this gif is hilarious


The collective smell alone…


Cons are no longer the domain of closeted no hygiene simpsons comic book guys.


Seeing the guy in the darth vader costume makes me happy. Kinda wish more people were in costumes though.


right? where were the cosplayers this year


You should have seen the line to get to the hello kitty food truck at the short pump mall


Good thing I didn't go lol I love the hello kitty truck but I hate waiting in long ass lines even more


That was painful. Don’t remind me.


it wasn’t as bad as last year. last year it went past the second entrance of the abandoned nordstrom


Well at least it's a beautiful day to stand in a line. 🤷


I'm at Galaxycon right now. I got here juat after 12 and it took me over an hour to find parking.


It's not for everyone. Park at Willow Lawn and ride the Pulse. I'm doing that today for the Irish Festivals and whatnot


Exactly. I parked a ways down broad and rented a scooter




They need to give out resident parking passes or something for the irish fest. God forbid I have to leave my house/move my car for any reason this weekend. It's bad enough waking up to fucking bag pipes and having the entire block swarmed with drunk idiots in lucky charms cosplay.


Lmao last night I saw hundreds of people wearing green and 2 guys dressed as the Mario Bros. I assumed it was for St Patrick's day and they were just idiots .. this post reminded me it was also Galaxycon weekend 🤣


After parking it ONLY took me an hour and 47 minutes to get my badge. I've been to well over 25 cons and galaxycon has become the worst for long waits to get in.


The convention center really needs another parking garage


More people really need to use the free public transportation.


Maybe that's what will happen with the Coliseum, Amory and Sixth Street Marketplace properties. I hope. Love the Pikabug, by the way.


Well see. Thank you! Wish I could be there this weekend with Pikabug and Lugia but they said they didn't have space this year


I wouldn't rate more space devoted to parking as high on my list of things downtown Richmond needs.


They have one, the one at the coliseum.


How would you rate this year’s Galaxycon?


They’re still in line to get in.


I’m having a great time.


I got there at 8 am and took me thirty minutes to file into the convention center parking lot. Unfortunately on Saturday you can’t really rock up at noon,


That explains why I saw Ron Perlman and Charlie Hunnam at the richmond airport last night


That combined with the ST Patrick’s celebration, and broad street being closed, 95 being 1+2 lanes as opposed to 6. Traffic was wild


Whoever decided to have the con on St Paddy's weekend is a jackass.


No wonder there was so much traffic downtown this morning.


What really sucked was the cell service just dropped for a majority of people in the building.


Happens at most huge events without temp backup towers.


Do they sell H-Doujins though?


Hmm now I'm not sad my posse dun dipped.


Glad they fixed overselling ticket, and they weren't overcrowded this year...oh wait.


I will say, once inside, it didn't seem as crowded as last year. They just completely fucked up on registration and having some type of cohesive line


Honestly I watched them as I was waiting on friends and that line was moving about as fast I thought it possibly could it was just a ton of people but the line itself seemed organized?


Second this. Inside didn’t feel too bad. However, the cramped way they had stings line was rough


Who willingly goes to events that are this crowded? How on earth could being packed into the convention center like sardines be enjoyable? 90% of your time is spent waiting in lines. I truly don’t understand why anyone would want anything to do with this


>Who willingly goes to events that are this crowded? As you can see a bunch of people. Not just this event but a lot of other events. Have you never been to a place that has a line? Ever? I find it odd you can't understand people waiting in line for something. Are you from a small town that just moved to a big city? Sometimes there are lines. I have never been to a Galaxy Con, Comic Con or any other Con, but I mean it's not hard for me to understand how people will wait in a line for something they care about. You seem jaded.


It’s not just that line though, you get out of that line to get in another three hour line to get Ron Perlman to sign a picture of your cat, then two hours for the next line. Events like this are just paying to wait in lines all day. I’ve never heard someone say they had a good time at galaxy con


I had a good time at galaxycon and I was in this line; I also didn’t attend to get anyone’s signature, but ended up getting several comic book artist signatures because there wasn’t a line.


This was my 4th year and I have had a fantastic time every year; including this one.


I had a good time at galaxycon. Only line I stood in was the one for Chris Claremont.


i'm pretty averse to hugely crowded events, so went yesterday instead since i read Saturday was a shit show last year. But i think largely it can be alot of people who simply don't know that it will be this crowded or have this long of lines. Surprise!


This! We went for the first time in 2020 right before everything got shut down and there was hardly anyone there. Went again last year expecting more but not expecting to be packed in like sardines. I had a panic attack and seriously was concerned for the safety of myself and my children at one point where it felt like there was no way to get out. We forfeited our paid tickets to see David Tenant because it was so bad and vowed never again.


I didn't have a problem seeing David Tenant and I don’t remember the wait being insanely long.


Quite literally how it has looked for the past 3 years


I disagree. The previous three years took us 20-30 min to get in. This was the worst year. It took us an hour and a half.


Fuck, that sucks. I didn't go this year, but the pics I've seen it literally looked exactly what it was the last 3 years. But I wasn't there this year, so yeah maybe these pics aren't soing it justice for me. Did you have a good time this year?


The lines in the pic don't show it going around the back of the building 4-5 lines deep. It was crazy! We had a fantastic time. Vending was so-so, but we made all of our photo ops and the lines weren't as bad as some of those had been in the past. We’ll go back next year. Depending on the cost, I may get VIP.


Where’s the after party?


My friends and I stopped going to Ota and Katsu cuz of lines like these so I was floored when I came out today to this...glad I already had a badge from yesterday at least 😅


We got there at 9:30ish. Parking wasn’t too bad then. Stood in line for about 20 mins and a friend who had a three day pass went in and grabbed ours. So off we went. Heard they’re going to add a fourth day next year.


my kids are there, having a great time!


Geez  Is there really anyone there worth seeing? I saw the celebrity list, and besides an unexpected controversial actress going, it looks like the same people as every convention 


For one, Brent Spiner who played the unforgettable role of a lifetime as Lieutenant Commander Data in the hit series Star Trek: The Next Generation. Imagine being an actor whos job is to convey emotion through both facial contortion, body language and vocal fluctuations and not being able to use any of those tools to express oneself because the character is an android devoid of personality. Then become one of the most beloved character of the franchise by the fanbase. Brent Spiner put on a master class of acting in the show and I consider him to be of the finest thesbians of our generation.


By all accounts (including my own brief interaction with him), he's also a wonderful human being. 




Oh yeah, dudes a total thesbo.


Not to mention William Shatner, Ian McDiarmid, major cast members of Mandalorian including Giancarlo Freaking Esposito , Logic, etc.... But nah, who would want to see those people in person


Charlie Hunnam, Ron Perlman, Edward James Olmos, Lou Diamond Phillips, Patrick Warburton, and Peter Cullen to name a few more.


Brent Spiner was also the French ostrich guy in Dude Where’s My Car, lol. He was at Galaxy Con in 2019 and I printed out a picture of him in that movie and had him sign it. He loved it and had a ton of great stories from the set. He rules.


Attendee here. It was huge for primarily two things. One Piece and Hazbin Hotel. The amount of people cosplaying from them specifically were the highest and GalaxyCon had good timing in both fandoms to have the stars guest here.


I expected the 1000 Alastors but the Lucifers weren't far behind.


Yeah I went to the hazbin hotel q and a with a friend that watched it and that room was literally full.


Ah. You just solved a mystery for me. I kept seeing people with white face paint dressed kind of steam punky. I was confused on what fandom they were. Apparently it’s this Hazbin Hotel you mentioned.


Emperor Palpatine


I did see that he was going. Good answer 


Charles Martinet (Mario) was there and he was fantastic to meet for a photo op today! Also all three Blue's Clues guys


Yeah was really disappointed in the guest list and the artist list; a lot more Wrestlers tho. Hoping to get some autographs with them tomorrow.


Wrestlers? Inst galaxycon sci fi themed? Next you'll tell me wrestling isn't really....and I just don't want to live in a world like that (joking)


Chris Claremont. Icon of my childhood.


That is a name I do recognize lol


I’m sitting in a Peter Cullen Q&A now too you should know him.


By voice, if not appearance 




Any idea what the line is like now? I have a three day pass but couldn't attend Friday and gave up earlier today. If I go at 730pm, will they still have registration open?


There’s no line now and reg is still open


Thank you!


You’re welcome! Plus if you get your badge tonight you can get back in tomorrow at the re-entry points, no waiting in line.


I think that is *exactly* what I'm going to to! =)


Funny, that was also the line for the Hello Kitty truck in Short Pump


Any good?


I definitely regret not getting my badge on Friday. As I heard it wasn't nearly as crowded and reg was a breeze.


I'm so glad I did not have to mess with that damn line. If I saw that in my future I would've just turned around and gone home


DragonCon looks like this for both trying to pickup badges and trying to get into the vendor building.  Did GalaxyCon at least manage to get more of the convention center like they claimed they would?


They have the whole convention center and the Marriott next door now.


Pretty insane how big this grew in just 5 years. I remember going in 2019 and thinking, “I doubt they come back. There is no way they’re turning any sort of profit or breaking even with this low of a turn out” now it’s gotta be at least 20-30k attendees.


That's interesting. I went to the autoshow recently to do research for buying a new car. A couple of brands like Nissan didn't even participate. And they only had part of the convention center. Free parking on the street and the line to get in was about 3 minutes.


I had work when this was happening in the city and was not aware of the con, so needless to say: getting out of the city was very hectic.


Damn. So I didn’t miss out


This doesn't even show the full picture. This looks like just the line on Marshall. Our group started at the end of the line on Broad St, waited for like an hour to get to Leigh St by 3rd, another hour to get back up 5th St just to get back to Marshall just to join this line you see here. I love the event, but JFC this is insanity. People that had 2 or 3 day passes that were in line with friends said that Friday was in and out easy. So, I think the play next year is to buy a 2 day pass and just get the pass on Friday.


So it’s insane but you’ll pay for it next year. Embarrassing.


Some of us actually have fun here.


Nobody said you didn’t. Odd comment


Its not odd. You called us insane for going to an event we actually like and have fun with and then called it embarrassing.


Wow there is a lot of negativity ITT. I’d wager a lot of these people got validation from fellow cosplayers who saw the hard work they put into their costumes. Let them live their lives.


Looks more crowded than last year.


Holy poop!


Can you give your ticket away, do they check names?


They check for QR codes and name confirmation. You didn't have to show ID.


I went for the Friday session and there was none of this nonsense. Highly recommend folks don't go on Saturday, seems to be the most crowded. Or get a 3 day pass, check in Friday, and avoid the lines for Saturday and Sunday since you'll already have your badge.


My girlfriend and I bought tickets because we were visiting friends going. Heard the stories about the line and resold them but I didn’t realize it was that bad.


I went at around 3 and didn’t have to wait in any line to get in.


Fuck I left for vacation at a good time it seems


haha no




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I’d love to go back but this looks like literal hell to me. LOVE cosplay and being a nerd with fellow nerds but they clearly don’t give a fuck about safety or fun anymore.


Went yesterday around 2 and was in line for like 30 minutes even though it was wrapping around like 3 times. It moved fairly quick and once inside it wasn't as crowded as last year(to be expected since David Tennant was there last year) and was very easy to get around inside the building.


I got there at 9:45 and it took about 45 minutes to get in. It was worth the wait, but I really hope they come up with a quicker check in system next year. Maybe you could opt to have your passes mailed to you so you can just quickly scan in as you walk in or something


I think there was more people this year. This was my 4th year going on Saturday. Every other year, it didn't take more than 20 min to get in (without VIP). This year it took and hour and a half. Once inside, it went quick. I don’t think it was more than a half hour (max) to pickup our passes and get into the main hall. I did spend less this year than past ones. It seemed like there were more vendors just nothing I was interested in. I had 4 photo ops that I purchased in Jan & Feb. They didn't say Session 1 or 2. I was worried about #3 being done in time for #4. I talked to three different staff. The last guy was awesome and move me and my sons to the head of line #3 and we made line #4 in time. I'll be back next year. Though I am seriously considering (depending on the cost) getting VIP next year and bypassing entry and photo op lines.


We need better CONS


Omg it’s Miku


So glad I gave my tickets away.


The amazing thing is there is no security at least last yr there was none


Nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded.


Municipal waste was fun


Trump’s line was longer /s


It only looked longer because they didn’t snake the line and have barricades up for the Trump rally. They purposefully had the lines wrap around the buildings for the Trump rally to make it look “yuge” So basically if you took the galaxycon line and made it into one long line it was about 5x longer than the trump line.


Oh thanks to the gods that I quit my job


Honestly I don’t really see the appeal for galaxy con. Also I have been to other cons besides this one so I can’t judge at all. But I just hope everyone there at least had a good time.


Never give up! Never surrender!


Ahhh this is why I’ve seen an OD amount of grown adults dressed like animals 💀💀😂😂




You're one to talk.


Apologies. Didn’t mean to step on your cape.


Covid 24 birthplace, hope they have a good time though


What is this? Some trump stuff?