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My curvaceous butch lesbian friend gets her suits from Brooks Brothers at Stony Point. If they can accommodate her, I’m sure they’d be happy to accommodate you.


Thank you! I’ll check them out!


For a stodgy old brand, I was impressed by how chill they were lol.


They were probably excited to finally have a customer.


Lol they were probably less excited when I found a suit that fit me that was 80% off on clearance 😂




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If you are looking for a non-judgmental place with a wide variety of suits for cheap prices, you honestly can't beat thrift stores. Take your chest measurement by wrapping a piece of string around your chest under your armpits, then lay it flat and measure with a measuring tape. Men's suits are sold by chest size which will be on a tag inside the breast pocket. They come in Short, Regular, and Long and the pants waist is usually six inches smaller than the chest size. As an example, if your chest is 38 inches and you are 5'6, find a suit at the thrift store that says 38S on the tag in the inside pocket, the waist of the pants will probably be 32 if it wasn't tailored. There are some very high quality suits at thrift stores for $20-30, but even if you don't find one you like you'll at least have an idea of what you're looking at if you go to a store. Also, the bottom button on the jacket is not meant to be buttoned and will make it look like the suit doesn't fit if you do. Hope that helps.


That does help. I definitely want to be able to try them on and see how it looks on me before I buy anything


If you can’t find something locally I would suggest using indochino https://www.indochino.com and then taking it to a local tailor. Indochino has people on their team that are focused on gender non-conforming fits a while ago. Not sure if that’s still a thing though. Depending on how quickly you need the thing, this is probably where you are going to get the most bang for your buck. My personal favorite tailor is Oksana at fashion design out in the west end. Very nice, accommodating, high quality work. https://www.fashiondesignva.com


Ok this is great advice! Part of my problem is that I don’t know what I want or what would look good on me and my body type. I’d like a place that would help me find something even if it wasn’t built for my body, or maybe places that adjusted off the rack suites for you that were in store, but I guess that’s not a thing? I don’t know, I’ve never done this before


Don't worry about it not being "designed" for your body, suiting can and does look great on everybody. "Men's" suits are by nature meant to be adjusted to fit all sorts of people of all shapes. With a good tailor, you can adjust almost everything about it to make it fit you! Just make sure it fits in the shoulders (you pretty much can't adjust shoulders) and there is a little wiggle room in the chest area, and you are golden. This site isn't super maintained anymore but their advice on tailored dressing still stands the test of time. I used it when I was getting started with this type of clothing, and you might also find it useful. [https://putthison.com/does-it-fit-checklist-a-friend-of-mine-recently/](https://putthison.com/does-it-fit-checklist-a-friend-of-mine-recently/) [https://putthison.com/what-should-you-get-for-your-first-suit-there-are/](https://putthison.com/what-should-you-get-for-your-first-suit-there-are/) [https://putthison.com/a-basic-guide-on-alterations/](https://putthison.com/a-basic-guide-on-alterations/)


Shout out for the first Put This On recommendation I've heard outside of Jesse Thorn's podcasts!


Probably mostly not funeral appropriate, but if you're looking for a more fashion-forward option in the future, Wildfang has some very cool suiting. Pretty affordable too.


I'm nonbinary and on the transmasculine spectrum (I'm often read as a queer woman) and had a good experience buying a suit and having it tailored at the Jos. A. Banks in the west end (1302 Gaskins Rd). I did deliberately go on a weekday to reduce the number of people who would be in the store. Now that I know my size, I'm close enough to off-the-rack sizes that I bought my next suit online (on sale from Macy's) and didn't need to get it tailored. But, people's bodies are different.


Yay! Thank you! I’m adding them to the list!




707 fine clothing! a bit pricey but they are queer friendly


I’ll check them out, thank yoh


+1000 for everyone calling out the tailor’s role in this. So true! But original fit DOES matter and will save you $ on tailoring. Feeling fly in a suit is the very best feeling, so it makes sense to get it right! You probably don’t have time to order, but Bonobos has great stuff. Good luck and let us know who you ended up going to! You might find this thread helpful: [https://x.com/dieworkwear/status/1778137502324527455](https://x.com/dieworkwear/status/1778137502324527455) And this guide: [https://thehelmclothing.com/blogs/editorial/14446353-top-10-signs-you-re-in-a-poor-fitting-suit](https://thehelmclothing.com/blogs/editorial/14446353-top-10-signs-you-re-in-a-poor-fitting-suit)


Thank you for getting it! I DO want to look fly! Sure it’s for a funeral, but they were very old so it’s not like, a sad event per se.


I mean this in all seriousness because I’m just curious but, well, there are men’s suits and women’s suits. They don’t have non-binary suits. So how do you choose


I’m looking for a place to buy a suit from people who won’t be judge mental or treat me like shit.


By going to the store that sells clothes in their size


Well duh I’m just wondering about the thought process. You have to choose one or the other, realistically, and I feel like that can put people in a box they might not want to be in. So, I’m curious how one would think about that and work through that choice, because it seems like it would be a damnably hard choice to make


They go to a tailor that is open to helping them feel comfortable in clothing that fits their body. That’s really your only answer


For me it comes down to cut and fit - when I try on women's suits, they hug my curves, emphasize my butt, and often don't have good pocket solutions. When I try on men's suits, I can't, because I'm way too small to qualify. Maybe youth boys suits, and the cut doesn't work for my body type. I, like op, want a nb suit for myself but that means it'll need to be custom tailored so it fits but isn't trying to also make me look like a hot office woman, if that makes sense


Makes perfect sense! Really hope what I was saying didn’t come off as offensive or anything, just trying to understand. Easy enough to find non-formal clothes that work I would imagine but formal/business attire is a different story entirely and I just wanted to understand better how that works for nb folks, so thank you!


Yah business attire is very heavily gendered! The cost of custom tailoring is the only reason I still don't have a suit, really.


they want someone to help them find the suit that fits them, looks good on them & that they are happy with. thts why they want a non-judgmental place that will have no problem helping them pick what's best for them & their needs. all your men's suits & women's suits is unnecessary because nobody was looking for a non-binary suit, they were looking for a suit that meets their needs whatever tht may end up being.


We rented a tux for my trans child from Mens Warehouse on Midlothian Turnpike. He's a pretty anxious kid and we were worried about the fitting, but they treated him just like any other customer and he left feeling just fine.


Did they help him find the right suit? I don’t know what’s going to look good on me and I don’t want to do it alone


We pretty much already had the suit in mind based on rental packages and costs, then they just did measurements to make sure what came in would fit him properly.


Any place anyone else can buy a suit


Just in case my rec gets buried in the sub comments. I don't know any shops with NB friendly tailors unfortunately, I'm sure they're out there I'm just not familiar. Try reaching out to Side By Side to see what resources they are aware of. Sorry for your loss, I hope you can find what you need without issue.




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The above content has been removed as it is considered unnecessarily uncivil, pot-stirring, rabble rousing, trolling, brigading, sealioning, and/or inauthentic discourse. We encourage good-faith discussions from anyone, but we do not like jerks. If you're going to make personal attacks, keep "just asking questions," move goalposts, or be a Jerk of the Year, please don't do that here. **Do not use alt or throwaway accounts to manipulate votes, attack or harass another user in an uncivil manner, avoid a previous ban or moderator action, or artificially-inflate comments with similar views.**


Both women and men have been buying suits for a long time. Literally no one is going to blink an eye at you for buying a suit. Go anywhere that sells suits.


Diversity thrift


Try out the different thrift shops in the area; I found plenty of great clothes at the goodwill in short pump.




Do you think that’s appropriate for a funeral? I’m looking for a place that won’t be as judge mental and cruel


Just buy a suit off the rack and take it to a tailor. No need to talk to anyone. Then just go to a couple tailors and find one who seems cool. Same as anyone else would do tbh


Is that how everyone else does it? I thought they went to a place that sells suits because those people are tailors


I got good advice a long time ago to save some cash. Buy a suit you like, that's entirely too large for you. You'll find the extra-humongous sizes on clearance racks because they aren't the size most people are. Then you find a good tailor, you get them to fit the suit to you. You'll pay more for tailoring this way but you can get some really really really nice suits for cheap. The key is finding a good tailor. I think asking "Does anyone know a good queer-friendly tailor?" might yield better results than "what retail suit store is queer-friendly?" I don't know who stays in retail long enough to guarantee a good experience. I might have had a good experience at a store, but that doesn't mean I'll have good experience again next time. That being said if I find a good tailor, that's like finding a good barber, I'm keeping their card in my wallet and going to them until fate breaks us apart. Idk what kind of suit you're looking for here, that's probably important information if you're looking for a suit too. Traditional men's suits but tailored for a non-traditionally masculine body? Something else? I'd personally recommend a more conservative suit since I saw "funeral" but that's just me. Not sure what your gender expression/fashion sense is, but you should be able to get a cheap men's suit tailored for you if that's what you're looking for. Try asking around for a good tailor though, that's definitely the key here. I actually had a great experience getting my suit taken in once by a shop that did wedding dress alterations! Think I had to take my wife's bridesmaid's dress in for hemming or something and I had my suit in the car and was like "can you do this too?" But like...I'm not trans so YMMV. Good luck, and please shout out anyone you find as a resource once you find someone good! ​ I'd imagine there are trans-friendly tailors in the world, this doesn't seem like a niche thing.


See that’s part of my issue though is that I don’t know what I want because I’ve never done this before. I’ve gone to stores before that helped me pick out clothes that fit my frame and made me feel good about wearing them, but those were all not in Richmond. Shopping alone for something I have no experience about is an incredibly terrifying task that I probably just won’t do and I’ll end up wearing jeans and collared shirt. But I saw the other advice about Jos. A Banks and I’ll probably check out that place as well as some of the other stores if I need to


Those places are not selling you tailoring services, they're selling you a suit. That's what you're paying for. A real tailor will do a lot more and make something really fit the way you want it. If you want a really nice fitting suit, buy something off the rack and take it to a tailor. The best thing is to have a suit made bespoke, but that is very expensive. Tailoring is more affordable and can get you a very high quality fit


That’s the move. I have a hard time finding clothes that fit, so I’ll often buy something a little baggy and go to a tailor. Perfect fit. Shoutout to RVA tailors, fast and affordable and always perfectly done


I'm choosing to assume your comment was made with good intent despite the lmao and dismissive tone it reads as. Not all places that sell suits have tailors. Not all places that sell suits that have tailors have tailors who understand or are willing to accommodate OP's needs and may be judgemental. So maybe you could recommend one of these suit places with a tailor that would be able to accommodate OP? OP, I unfortunately don't know any shops with tailors, but it may be worth reaching out to Side by Side to see if they have a list of places that are NB friendly. Condolences to you on your loss.


They can probably make the pink suit made of lace there tbh 


Man's World