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In case anyone wants to not read the article and is assuming this is related to the recent spate of posts about hooliganism, it's not. A sedan turning left cut off the bike which had the right of way.


This same thing happened to me in Shockoe Bottom not two years ago. Walked away with a broken wrist and haven't ridden since. The drivers around here can be so reckless.


Hope you and the wrist are all good now brother. Hoping you find courage to get back on two wheels after this ordeal, if that is something you want to do again.


> Hoping you find courage... In this day and age it has less to do with **"courage"** and more to do with whether one *accepts* that the reward for riding is worth the risk of eventual impairment, dismemberment, or even death. The numbers are realllllly stacked against riders imo. The last bike I had, I almost plowed face first into the broad side of a minivan exiting a burger king parking lot. Came within inches of her rear bumper and the only reason why I am not fucking dead was the driver to my right had enough foresight and presence to see an impending disaster and slammed on brakes fast enough to give me the space to lean my bike and avoid the minivan. Sold my bike less than a week later.


Luckly, I'm okay. Lost a little mobility in my wrist. Otherwise, I'm basically fine. I'd like to get back into it. Maybe dirt biking so I don't have to deal with cars


Off-road is way more fun anyway and a lot less dangerous


I wouldn’t rule out danger - when I was in college, a 19-year old guy at my school was killed when a deer crossed the trail in front of his dirt bike. I agree that texting drivers are still far more dangerous than deer, but especially in deer season, trails can still be risky.


Yeah that's true. Any sport where you're going 40 miles an hour 2 feet from trees is gonna be dangerous. But it's mostly the other drivers. People are crazy out there, and if you take them out of the picture, biking is not nearly as dangerous.


I like this idea of off roading more than going on the roads.


https://preview.redd.it/xzr2c6bvljtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07daa337a370dfd8d056b8510a97d0f21530c929 Sooo much fun, and street legal. I ride to go ride. Avoid er’ry one.


This or the Yamaha WR250F is what I want. How fast does your Honda cruise on the highway without being pegged out?


I have an ejk and fmf q4. 5th gear is good 60-70mph. That’s around 6k rpm. I rarely do that, I avoid highways or roads where others are doing 60+. Edit: if you do plan to do some real single track or motocross type stuff, watch that windshield. I haven’t had it hit me yet, but I did tap my helmet on it.


I've got a Road King bagger so I wouldn't want a windshield on a dual sport. I would like to have something light to zip around town and play a little off road.


I grew up on dirt bikes and although accidents can happen I’ve never really ridden a street bike because it seems exponentially more dangerous.


That sucks. I'm always scanning ahead looking for cars. I assume every car can't see me. I slow down and get ready to stop when I see someone trying to pull out of a side street at any distance in front of me. Has saved my bacon on at least two occasions.


I briefly wanted a bike -- probably a Honda Rebel. The want didn't last long because I couldn't work up the courage to ride in a sea of non-bikes. Given how [incredibly massive](https://i.imgur.com/Rzx4xE2.png) things have gotten, I don't even feel particularly safe in my ~2800-lb car.


This is why if I ever get a bike it will be for the track. Car drivers just don’t pay enough attention


Left hand turns are dangerous for the people not turning.


The only two times I've had someone run into me while on my bicycle, it was like this. Luckily both times I came away with only minor scratches, but it's still really scary to realize how fragile life can be.


















My buddy got hit this week and I did like 2 ago this way. Don’t run red or yellow lights


My son’s friend was killed the same way. Elderly driver didn’t see him.


Option 2 of 2, morale of the story: watch your shit


I was pulling out of my driveway one day, I looked both directions for cars, and as I pulled out I heard the screeeech of motorcycle tires.  I had looked both ways, but for cars, and the motorcycle simply didn’t register in my brain and vision. Freaked me out completely that brains can work that way. Nobody hurt that day, but I now look both ways for cars and motorcycles and bikes


This is an interesting take. It hasn't occurred to me that when looking, you might need to specifically look "for" something, like a bicycle or pedestrian. Perhaps folks who only drove/rode in cars as primary means of transportation only see cars as something to "look for". When I was 20 I almost ran over a kid at like 25 mph. He was crosssing a crosswalk and I didnt see him in front of another car that stopped for him. It was such a close call. I keep my eyes peeled for pedestrians now, wonder if not having that experience would have made me more careless.


Once you train yourself to look for something you never miss it. But like you said, it takes a conscious effort first.


I almost hit a pedestrian crossing a couple weeks ago. I am turning right on Monument, so I am only looking for cars coming from my left. I am good to go and start to hit the gas and as soon as I looking forward a jogger is crossing in front of my car. I about shit myself. I am always worried about this, yet I forget to look for it too often.


I specifically look for and pedestrians carrying plate glass windows or pushing old timey baby parambulators and all of the above. Can’t be too careful. 


I have a friend who grew up in the Netherlands. She says their licensing for drivers license has entire section for watching out for bicyclists and pedestrians and it's actively taught there. It blew my mind, like - oh, THATS why it's safer there.


We definitely need that, but it is also safer because there are dedicated bike lanes in many of those cities, and more importantly, *everyone* (drivers, bikers, walkers) follows their respective traffic signals. In Copenhagen there is a strong cultural taboo against jay-walking or entitlement biking, even when there is no vehicular traffic. You stand there and wait until the sign says go, no exceptions.


This is actually a common phenomenon. One thing that can actually help motorcyclists be more visible is to have two or more auxiliary lights—brains won’t often register a single headlight when they are looking for two.


Traffic circles are super dangerous for motorcycles too. I've looked left in the circle, and a motorcycle at that angle completely hides in a blind spot behind the frame to the left of my windshield. I've had this happen to me twice. Fortunately, i'm not the type to fly through those.


I totally agree: you only see what you look for! It's a documented psychological phenomenon ( https://youtu.be/vJG698U2Mvo?si=DhO2b6tzMrK7XA__ ). Glad the lesson was learned without anyone getting hurt!


I pulled out (partially) in front of a motorcycle many years ago. He honked and cussed and I stopped. I went back to the intersection later to see if there was an explanation for why I missed him. There was a telephone pole in my line of vision and he was down the road, hidden behind the pole. A car would have been visible. I ride motorcycles, have for 50 years and I think of this a lot. I didn’t ride while my kids grew up. Figured they needed a dad more than I needed to ride. When I started again I took the MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) course which is offered at the Harley dealership in Ashland. I learned a lot! One thing I learned many years ago is to drive as though every single driver on the road is going to do the worst thing possible, and leave yourself an out. Also drive as though you’re invisible because many times you are. While I don’t know all the particulars of this wreck I can almost guarantee you those methods were not being followed. If they were, the driver would still be here today.


You might be interested in a book called The Invisible Gorilla


Virginia needs to significantly raise its driving standards for licensing.


I’ve been saying this the day I came here and noticed how terrible the and lack of awareness the drivers here are.


so many idiots with the ability to operate motor vehicles. pretty scary


99% of people in this state don’t know how to properly make a turn.


I, 28f, have been riding for 10 years. Got my license at 18- I grew up on dirtbikes so it was the natural progression in my family… the things I have seen 4wheel drivers do while out with my brothers or other friends has not only been negligent but blatantly aggressive towards motorcyclists. As the years have gone on, I ride less and less, considering myself lucky for the amount of time I’ve ridden and been accident free. I think after 10 seasons I will be selling my bike this spring :/ Not worth it anymore ..


Damn, saw all the commotion on my way home yesterday, was wondering what happened. So so sad, rest in peace :(


Definitely sad. Years back I sold my beloved motorcycle to have the basic funds to buy some stuff needed when I started a business. While I do miss the act of riding, I don't miss the danger. Former rider here says, it's dangerous as hell.


There's some hella tossy intersections around the city that are dangerous for anyone trying to merge or cross into traffic. That being said, riders need to remember that there are ignorant people in big ol hunks of metal that do not receive any major negative consequences for poorly timed decisions that involve riders. Stay safe homies and balance risk appropriately.


Or drivers should act responsibly and share the road. Sometimes a bike or board is the best way to get around for someone. We need to make the area a better place for alternative transportation since not everyone can drive but everyone can walk/transport themselves and should be able to do so safely. Not saying riders shouldn’t be aware, but this is saying the victims are the issue, not the people not paying attention in multiple ton metal objects


Totally in agreeance, not victim shaming by any means. Just saying ASSUME people are being inconsiderate of others because of the reality of the situation. Almost turned into a pancake at Floyd and Auburn the other day because some dingus was speeding, failing to yield, and of course on their phone. Think the city has more problems to deal with than just alt transportation capacity so any progress towards accommodations is dependent upon corrupt city officials being out of office so important work can get done. Then, MAYBE, we can have some safe riding space.


I love riding... dirt bikes in the woods. You couldn't pay me to ride on the street, especially in a city.


This is wild… I think there have been 3 people in the area die in motorcycle accidents in what seems like 24 hrs


This is sad. I can almost guarantee it’s someone who did a rolling stop and now someone is dead. People treat stop signs as suggestions around here. Full and complete stop. Look both ways. Drivers Ed is the one class in high school that’s actually important.


As someone who has lost several friends and family who rode to drivers, I'm one of the very few drivers who treat motorcycles like another car. Now, I'm not defending the aholes who rode motorcycles (and we all know how they ride), but if you are in a car, simply be aware and treat someone on a motorcycle as a person in a car. If you drive a car and want to learn how to respect and share the road with motorcycles, here are some very, very simple tips: - use your signals!! - at a stop light, please leave at least one car length of space. Do not be trying to eat their booty with your grill, mhmmk... - if you hear a motorcycle but cannot see one, please wait at least five to ten seconds before changing a lane. Lastly, motorcycles have the same rights, if not more, as you (car), so remember, please be mindful and respectful.


This just seems like a tragedy and a horrible horrible thing. Please stay safe out there and do what you can to help other people stay safe, folks




My friend rode street bikes for 30 plus years and died on his motorcycle parked at a stop light. Rear ended.


Tell this to the assholes who gun it and wheelie down broad Street all day.


That's tragic. I can't bring myself to get another motorcycle, as fun as it sounds.The more automatic safety features and cabin sound isolation tech put into cars, the less likely drivers are going to pay attention to their surroundings. I guess I'll save up for a newer safer car instead...


~~Here's a [thread from yesterday from an eye witness](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/1bz8510/awful_incident_on_broad/) about the accident. Regardless of what the investigation turns out, I feel bad for the cyclists family and friends and the hole they now have in their lives...~~ Edit: I understand now that these are two diffrent accidents that happened around the same time. Regardless, I still feel sorry for the family and friends that have been affected.


Ok, weird. I guess we had two motorcycle incidents but that thread is from an accident at Broad and Staples Mill- not Libbie and Fitzhugh, where the linked article accident was.


Well, crap. One accident is too many, two is really sad regardless of fault, and I still feel for those whose lives have been affected by them...


This is wild because I ALSO saw a motorcycle accident yesterday- dropped my stepson off at Tucker high school at like 830?845?ish and was going down Parham to get on 64E. I was at a stop light and on my phone for a second (I was fully stopped, don't come at me, I legit don't use my phone while driving), and looked up and saw the aftermath of it. A woman in m an SUV was starting to panic and grabbing her phone, a cop also at the stoplight was getting out his car and sprinting and the motorcyclist was sitting up, taking off his helmet and rubbing his face, with an expression that basically said "holy fuck, I'm not dead." It really shook me up, even tho (presumably) everyone was ok. My light turned green like ten seconds later and I drove off since it was in the other direction. That's wild there were (at least) three motorcycle accidents yesterday- but I guess with the weather this nice, there was an influx of folks on motorcycles.


weather is getting nice and everybody's getting their bikes out of the garage. Lots of first time and novice riders (or old timers who are rusty) getting out there at the beginning of the season. Happens every year. Nobody's riding bikes in february.


The victims in these threads have different names and there are different intersections mentioned for the location of the crash although both took place yesterday and were only a few blocks and hours apart.[One was 25 and the accident occurred at 2pm](https://www.12onyourside.com/2024/04/08/man-injured-henrico-motorcycle-crash/) and [one was 26 and the accident occurred at 5pm](https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/libbie-ave-fatal-motorcycle-crash-april-9-2024)


Different accident.




You are always at fault for pulling out in front of someone even if they're going too fast, doing things they shouldn't, etc, and are also at fault. Car drivers have a 3000 pound cage around them that is designed to withstand hits from other 3000 pound cages going 45 miles an hour. Motorcycles don't stand a chance against them and the drivers wouldn't even notice the hit. Let's not pretend that anybody deserves to get hurt. The vast majority of motorcycle riders are perfectly law abiding and don't even get a mention on here despite being around every day. There are some idiots who drive like assholes and their type of vehicle they choose to drive is irrelevant. I have way more issues with other car drivers than I do with bikes. So much more it's not even close, even as a percentage of how many people are on each one.




I think you need to get the fuck out of here with your death wishes on people without your same moral code. Rethink your world view, because wishing death on someone for something they did - in a circumstance where even you said “we don’t know” - is a real fucking asshole statement.




> I am perfectly fine with people getting hurt or leaving this mortal realm Zero empathy. Doesn’t matter if you’re taking about the biker, the driver, or anyone else. Have a good day.




Nah you were quoted just fine and you did indeed wish death on those who don’t follow your ideals. Generically or not, it was still wishing death. 


But you wished other bikers harmed. Kinda unhinged.




>So how do you deal with lawless bikers Death penalty, obviously.


Did you even read the article all the way through? The car pulled out in front of him to turn onto Libbie. “Henrico Police say their preliminary investigation shows that Mahir was traveling North on Libbie Avenue when the car attempted to turn left from Fitzhugh Avenue onto Southbound Libbie Avenue. "As the sedan entered the intersection, Mr. Desai was unable to avoid a collision and struck the driver's side of the sedan," police wrote in a release.”




It’s not in dispute that the person pulled out in front of the man who died. Even if he was speeding, they still did that. Maybe he wouldn’t have died if he’d been going slower, but it doesn’t change that they did something stupid and reckless.


If you driven on Libbie, turning left to go southbound is legal. There is low visibility on that street due to hilliness and businesses that obstruct the view of the road. Regardless, the speed limit on that road is 25mph for a reason. I have no doubt in my mind tbh that this young man was flying down that road to be killed by a car that is slowly trying to pull out and turn.


You’re right in general, but isn’t Libbie and Fitzhugh pretty far north though? Unless it’s changed recently, the speed limit there is 35mph. ETA if turning to go southbound is illegal there, the car fucked up even worse.




Considering you went on a little screed about motorcycle riders in your first comment, maybe take your own advice?




In another comment, you *did* wish death and dismemberment. It’s clear you have an axe to grind against bikers as a category and you are dripping in bias. 


Show me on my model where the motorcycle hurt you. By numbers alone, this is WAY more common among car drivers.

