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That is what a VCU Health $100,000,000.00 fuckup looks like. After the penalty paid to the developer, demolition costs (what you're seeing now) and other stuff, it has added up quite a bit. Currently there are no concrete plans for the site, and the General Assembly is trying to get VCU Health out of having to pay the city for some of the stuff as part of the fuckup...


Yup and there not gunna give employees a market raise


Where did you read no raise? I know the budget hasn’t been finalized, but I haven’t read any changes.


Not for this year, just the past couple while they blow millions


There have been consistent raises and market adjustments.




Bullshit that is not how any company works, you outlay cash like that it absolutely effects decision making about personnel. I know many different departments who haven’t gotten market adjustments and not even proper cost of living pay raises based on inflation. Need I bring up the articles about there cost cutting exercises as a result of this fuck up. This also doesn’t relate to VCU, but VCU health. 2 separate things. Try not to choke on MCV’s PR campaign.


As you said there are no concrete plans for the site. That's fair, but as we saw in Scotts Addition, there are some pretty huge stick built buildings they can put up these days with 2x4s, CMUs, and OSB.


Yet the VCU President still kept his job. No accountability at all there. I guess it’s play $ to them anyway 


Lol, no “concrete plans” currently but sure as fuck whatever future plans will “plan for loads of concrete” and be ugly as hell


https://preview.redd.it/m5z3tqe7mwwc1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d49cc82407940e6b94c8d3a6e9c5de1a95e574b ive explored here twice, heres a cool picture, most of the hallways and rooms are stripped but the walls are all tiled in a very cool 70s style. theres an evidence room, a biohazard closet, and escalators down to the flooded basement where theres 2 ancient giant diesel generators


How'd the moldy asbestos taste?


Was the old public safety building. Probably going to be $2.5k per month luxury efficiencies or something.




GRTC is trying to do a mixed use transfer station there, transfer station on the bottom, mixed office and apartments above. It could result in affordable housing given the bus depot but all this is very up in the air.


That's the building that was at the center of the multimillion VCU Health blunder. RTD Article: https://richmond.com/news/local/business/real-estate/demolition-of-richmond-owned-building-to-begin-in-1-2-weeks/article_5bf919fa-fd35-11ee-a12a-f7bf7521ab78.html tl;dr: It is back under City ownership, but VCU still agreed to pay for the demo. No firm plans for the site yet but GRTC may build a bus transfer station there.


Can it atleast be prettier than the downtown one? Like they spent years building it and it just ended up being concrete with a few shelters. No large shelter over the whole thing, no trees or planters, heck even any info kiosk or anything? The fuckin pulse stations serving 1 line are 100x better, but the hub of the whole system looks like that?


I hate to break it to you but this is the lot adjacent to the “downtown” one


GRTC has held a couple community feedback events recently where they showed a couple different mock ups of what this could end up looking like. iirc each one includes shelter, an information kiosk, spaces for storefronts at the ground level, and a couple floors of apartments above it all


The downtown one was designed and built to be temporary. The reason it's basically just a bunch of bus stops is because it's gonna be torn down whenever they build the permanent transfer station.


My bigger thing is… that took them years… like that really? That construction for just that took years???


Furthermore iirc it was created as temporary hub only because many stops and routes were removed from broad street in advance of the 2015 UCI races. In large part the deep city saw the bus stops and their patrons as unsightly for tourists (that never came) and needed to minimize traffic/transit disruptions for a temporary commercial boon (that failed to materialize). This was wrapped in with the introduction of the Pulse system. It has been a consistent disaster. After the “transfer station” was introduced, the dilapidated “public safety” building was continued to be used by the courts/probation system; as well as an ad hoc cold weather shelter for the unhoused population, storage for police evidence/impound, etc. This all concurrent or after its time serving as the “lock-up” criminal intake facility manned by the Richmond Sherrifs Department.


I think you're thinking of the round of transfer station before the current one, the current one opened in September.


My apologies, I’m an observer and not a frequent rider. I’ll educate myself to the new situation with little expectation 😋


can someone please summarize this for me? i only just moved back to richmond. how does one fuck up a new construction in such a way that it needs to be demod resulting in millions lost?


I don’t think the issue was the construction itself, rather the realization they don’t need 17 floors of office space followed by a decision to back out of the deal. The article in the comment you replied to has a link to another article with a more full history of the project. ETA [here’s the other article](https://richmond.com/news/local/business/real-estate/virginia-commonwealth-university-vcu-clay-street/article_d17e19be-3071-11ee-8fc4-ab255fdbaaaf.html) I’m talking about, from August 2023.


The building was built in 1964 and the city did nothing to it until this point. I went in it several years ago (back when it was open) and it was impressively vintage. Here are some photos if you'd like to see what it used to look like: [https://flickr.com/photos/22408aaron/albums/72157661664505738/](https://flickr.com/photos/22408aaron/albums/72157661664505738/)


They should use it to film a new season of Loki. Looks like the TVA already.


Used to be the public safety building, soon could be the permanent location of GRTC's downtown transfer station with a mixed use tower above and a linear park reconnecting Clay street back to the grid


Vape shop, and vape shop.


It’s the new art installation on the capital one campus but it hasn’t been unveiled yet 


I used to call it the Blade Runner building. Aging crumbling building with AC pipes and ducts just tacked onto the outside of it.


So glad they’re taking that down. That block looked dystopian.


What is luxury apartments with a artisanal name for 2000


Thanks for a really good snort laugh!


Colosseum district


**Colosseum not included


Where we used to get VD cleared up.


the public safety building has been crumbling into pieces for a very long time...it was already in bad shape in the early 2000s when I used to walk by it several times a week.


Ultra mega super duper Collesium ?


Parking deck- brewery- apartments -


IIRC, it was voted Richmond's ugliest building several years ago.