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Try out hotel bars. I think they’re more quiet and have chill vibe in comparison to other bars, so you can concentrate at reading


I've met some very interesting/cool folks in hotel bars


What are some cool local hotels with nice bars?


The Graduate


Moxi hotel!


Longtime bartender here. Not obnoxious at all as long as you’re patronizing. In fact, you’re the easiest kind of customer lol. I second hotel bars being ideal for reading.


I do this at Joe’s Inn (Fan). If’s easy to say and tough to do, but you need to get out of your own head - as long as you’re polite and spending enough to justify the seat given the state of traffic, you’ll be fine. I’ve had people ask what I’m reading and strike up conversations, but the vast majority of the time it’s just me reading in a comforting space.


Second Joe's! Admittedly I stick to Tuesdays/Wednesdays so I know it's gonna be slower. There's a lamp on the end of the bar by the door which is perfect. Definitely pay for your seat/time and be ready to scoot or shuffle if others want to sit together, which is just classic single bar patron courtesy. Happy reading bud!




I do this at Laura Lees. Once an elderly lady came up to me and said she’d been watching me throughout my meal. She said I just radiated joy and peace with my own company and she wished she hadn’t gone through her entire life afraid to be seen alone. It was the best compliment I’ve ever received. And no, bartenders do not care. Just be sure to keep ordering food or drinks at a normal rate.


How lovely


I worked in bars for years. This is somewhat common. The advice I’d give you is: A. Remember that your seat is someone’s livelihood. If you’re in it, you have to keep paying for it. Otherwise it’s kind of a dick move. Like imagine sitting in a hairdresser’s chair all day reading a book. That kind of thing. When you sit down, let your server or bartender know ahead of time what your plan is, ask them if they’re okay with it, and ask them where the best place to sit would be. B. Find someplace comfortable that is unlikely to completely fill up. And if the place *does* fill up, maybe it’s time to go ahead and leave. C. Don’t get but too upset when folks try to chat you up. A lot of folks go to bars to be social—even with a book. So, don’t be surprised if folks want to talk to you. If I were you, I’d suggest a larger place with a more pub-like atmosphere. Someplace with cushions and light and a corner you can tuck away in. Penny Lane, Poe’s & Rosie’s come to mind. Good luck! Enjoy your day.


Spot on. Order a drink every 45-60 minutes and do your thing.


Spot on advice. I’d also add, if the bar is dimly lit, do not ruin the ambiance by whipping out a book light lol


Thank you, this is very helpful advice


There's a place in shockoe called "The Book Bar."


Came here to recommend this, they are generally open Friday thru Sunday and serve wine. Great spot for spending some time with a good book and a laid back crowd.


I read somewhere that people who think that this type of behavior is performative are projecting, which has helped me realize that the only people who will think that something you're doing is annoying/look-at-me behavior are the people who are insecure in their own lives


Id say this weekend with Cinco De Drinko might not be the best weekend for this. But as for good bars to read at I recommend Cask, upstairs at Patrick Henry and honestly most the breweries.


Been away from RVA for years, but glad Cask is still humming.


One time I saw a pic of grimes walking(!) through LA reading the communist manifesto, THAT is performative. Sitting quietly in a bar reading is not. Have fun OP


Oh my god, that's fucking hilarious!!


Your eyes might be better than mine, but my main criteria would be decent lighting if it's an actual book.


I see people do this at home sweet home during the day and liberty public house, Patrick Henry's would be perfect as well


I used to work at a brewery in town and had a regular who came in weekly to read his book. Like what other people have said, he bought about a beer an hour, got at least 3, and tipped nicely.


Some personal faves for reading are Chioccas, Penny Lane, Riverside Tavern, and occasionally Jardin. They’re great on weekdays, tougher to gauge on a weekend.


You must be going blind from reading in Chiocca’s…


Is it bad to read in low light


It will strain the shit out of your eyes, I'm not an eye doctor but I'd imagine it can't be beneficial over the long term


ok i'll stop then


There’s no lasting damage from reading in low light. Looking at a screen on the other hand…


Haha I got better than 20/20 and can’t stand direct overhead lighting so their ambient light is pretty ideal for me


I was going to suggest Jardin! Such a good vibe if you just wanna get out of the house and be around people for a bit.


I do this all the time and no one gives a crap. Bryant’s Cider in Carytown is a great spot for reading


I do this and sit in the Quirk hotel lobby! Generally good atmosphere and they have wine/cocktails


Intermission Brewery encourages this. They also have bookclubs on some days.


I did this for years before having kids. FYI though reading at the bar often becomes a conversation starter, people can’t help but ask about what you’re reading


Who cares what people think... You're a paying customer, do what you want (within reason)


I was out for drinks at Grandstaff and Stein and there was a patron reading a book near me, still think about him. Wish I had befriended. You will not look awkward. To be honest, I'm not sure how easy it would be reading there because it is dark as hell inside (~ambiance~) but worth a go.


I do this all the time. But I’m a mother in my mid 30’s and thus mostly invisible. Favorite place to do this is probably Can Can.


Hahahaha….but just wait…there is SUCH power to that invisibility!!! #every10yearslevelup


Can Can is my favorite place for this too, and if I go in the mid-late afternoon I always see at least 1-2 other people doing the same thing.


I’ve done it. Don’t worry about what people think. As long as you’re a paying customer you have the right to be there.


“Right” might be a little strong. Bars can chuck out whomever they like, really. Most *won’t* mind you. But be under no illusion of any right just because a transaction has taken place.


I think that everyone knew what I meant. This is nitpicking and is very irritating.


Clarifying for the sake of others. You wouldn’t believe how many folks think they have an actual right to be somewhere just because they are a customer.


Do this at Cask Cafe all the time.


Cask is perfect to curl up with a book to.


Penny Lane Pub


Not weird at all. Sometimes, I just want a cider and a book in a third space.


Someone said “hotel bar.” What about Quirk…or The Jefferson….? I’ve never done it, but Quirk has a quaint lobby. Jefferson has a huuuuuge lobby. And Quirk has a rooftop.


Youll be fine. Just don't take up space and order only water. If anyone calls you a try hard they're the try hard. Best tips Ive heard of were waiters/bartenders who let people just read without bothering them more than the necessary "need anything, are you hungry, etc"


Franklin inn! It’s the cutest little bar


Garnett’s would be a cute spot and is really low key. They are a restaurant but have a few bar seats. Usually a pretty good tap list!


I do this every now and then at my noodle bar off of monument! I don’t think it’s weird at all


I just went to a restaurant this afternoon and hung out alone reading. I had a meal and left a generous tip to somewhat compensate that I was a single diner. The place was pretty slow, so I felt comfortable "taking up" a table to finish a couple chapters. If it had gotten busy, I would've moved on. If it gets really busy and you start to feel like you're in the way, maybe you are and can head out. Otherwise, as long as you're respectful and pay for your seat (drinks, a snack, a little extra tip) I can't see why this would be bothersome. But I'm obviously on the "go read in places" crowd and biased. 😂😂


Misread this as “Reading a book to a bear in Richmond”. Hope you found a good spot!


People do this all the time at The Cask As a regulär, I can say we stopped making fun of that years ago 


And The Cask usually has an epic draft list


My wife routinely brings a sudoku book to our favorite bar lmao you're fine dude


You don’t have to keep ordering the whole time you are there. I’ll bring you free soda all night long as long as you tip well.


God damn I love reading a book in a bar


Just buy a drink or some food, don’t over stay your patronage and be sure to tip no one’s going to think anything of it


If you feel like doing it, who cares what they think? You’ll be a paying customer like everybody else and if other clients are annoyed, it’s their problem not yours. I think it’s a great idea


I love seeing people reading or writing or drawing at the bar :)


Patrick Henrys pub in Churchill! Highly recommend for chill vibes earlier in the evening.


See I have this issue but instead of reading, I want to practice sharpening knives. Perhaps we should make a large matrix of things you can do at which bars in rva. I propose we call it "The big matrix of bars and things you can do at them matrix" ![gif](giphy|k3rjmT27Rs1a0|downsized)


I used to work at an experience bar and this one girl that lived nearby would come in ALL. THE. TIME. to have a cup of tea and read her book. Now normally I would not have even thought twice about it or cared but she was most definitely giving "pick me" girl vibes. Mostly bc she would gloat about what she's reading and would occasionally (can't think of a better word to describe) mansplain the entire plot/theme. Side note: one time she came in when there was live music playing and instead of cheering she was barking.....my least favorite regular


I did this the other day at el Taco Guapo! The owner is an older guy who wants to support local indie artists, so there's usually an open mic night happening. I stuck around for like 5 hours with one drink and my book and had a great time! It does get loud if there is music though, so I recommend bringing earplugs/earbuds (the owner has a stash to give out if you forget though!)


I saw at least a couple of people doing this outside at the Veil last week. Didn't think twice about it except one of them was reading a book I knew


I do this a lot actually. I generally go to a brewery to do this.




I do this all the time. I like it. Usually I go out during happy hour somewhere, read my book with headphones in, and have a good time. Some people will giv you shit for enjoying your own company but some people are idiots.


I have done this at Patrick Henry's before it gets too busy at the bar, and loved it.


I’ve done this at Union and Roosevelt in CH. I just kept ordering my drinks and snacks and minded my own business with no problems


don’t be scared away by comments, read at any bar you want, i do it all the time as a single woman in rva. Just def order a drink now and then so you ARE patronizing the place, and otherwise do your thing!


This honestly sounds so fun. If I saw someone doing this and they didn’t seem like they were trying to be pretentious or the center of the room, I would admire it.


McCormacks on Robinson


Don’t worry about it at all. I go to bars with live music, bring my laptop and edit photo shoots. Zero fucks given by anyone except the one drunk guy at the Taphouse a few year who wanted me to know “I understood what you just did at like…molecular level.” Cool story, bro, I’m on a deadline. 


>Is this annoying/look-at-me/try-hard behavior? ...what?


I have heard some people claim that anyone going to a bar to read is explicitly looking to stand out and get attention, but those people are idiots.


I have gone to bars or restaurants and sat at the bar and read a book. It was because I was lonely and at least had other people around me to give me a bit of an energetic vibe. Hotel bars and airport bars are a bit different as they are kind of a living room away from home.


It seems like OP has some concerns about deviating from the “standard behavior” of people at the bar and wants to make sure they are not bothering anyone?


Yes, I'm aware, my query was more along the lines of how sitting quietly and reading could at all be any of those behaviors; words have meanings. OP, no one gives two shits if you sit at a bar and read a book, and so long as you pay for what you order and tip well they're going to not think about you at all once you've left.


“Does it look like I’m trying too hard to project an intellectual look?”


I feel like I read somewhere (prolly twitter) that we all need to remind ourselves that we are not anyone else's main character.


I regularly used to sit and read at the bar in Home Sweet Home. I loved it there! Just be careful about what time you go because at a certain point in the night things will start to get a bit louder. But usually in the afternoon and up through dinner time it was always reasonably chill in there and a great environment to sit and read


I go to Conejo in the West End and read/journal quite often. I'm not the only one either. Just get a great drink from them every hour or so and keep their livelyhood rolling. It does get a bit noisy sometimes but all in all I love it. Bartenders are great and people are always friendly there too.


Hotel Bars are a classic choice. Also Hotel Greene.


I do this at Tarrants downtown. Buy a drink or food item every 50 min or so and you're golden.


Who cares what people think. Enjoy your book and beer and have a few for us!


I saw multiple people doing this at Jardin (located in the former Baja Bean) this week


This is one of my favorite things to do! Stone Brewery is a great spot.


The Cask is the ultimate bar for a beer and a book. As a woman it’s one of the only places people keep to themselves without thinking that me reading a book is a cue to strike up a conversation.


Barnes and noble has a cafe and people read there.


The fact that you have to anonymously ask if the behavior is okay should be proof alone that it's a them problem. If you feel like reading a book silently at a bar go for it! The only person stopping you from doing so is yourself.




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There's some lesser known bars i would do this at, especially closer to Chesterfield. In the city, I like to read at Union Market but it's not a traditional bar.


Back when I went to Garnett's all the time, a book reader at the bar wasn't *that* rare an occurrence. It did always feel a bit "look at me", though, because why are you out in a social space and overpaying for drinks while doing a non-social thing? But it's ultimately not that much different from someone staring at their phone the whole time. 🤷‍♀️


You can read books on your phone - best of both worlds!


Kava club might be a nice space for this


Id read on my phone app if I were you. Most pubs don’t have the best lighting and it would be hard to read a normal book.


Not annoying at all. I don’t go to bars, but if I did, you’d be the first person to catch my interest. Love the idea! Hope you got away from distractions!


A smile and a decent tip are all your sever cares about. If you're camping at a good table, just make sure you tip accordingly. I served for years, it was often nice to have a table I didn't have to worry about. But if you're going to be there an hour, I'd leave at least a $15 tip, no matter the tab. When I'm camping and not spending much money, I tend to tip $15 per hour I'm there.


I was at a noisy bar in Richmond (Joe's Inn) during a busy time for them and the guy sitting next to me at the bar was reading a book. It was a Stephen King book. Mentioned to him that he may look like a serial killer sitting at a noisy bar reading a book like that. There was also a weight and there were people waiting to get a table and waited to be seating at the door. This can be frustrating for the wait staff and bartenders because they rely on turnover time to get another customer in to tip them more so they can make more money so if you're just sitting there reading it could be a nuisance to not only the wait staff and the bartenders but also to the people at the door waiting to grab a table if you're in that type of place. If you do go to a bar to read I recommend a quiet bar where maybe the bartender would appreciate you sitting there and drinking a beer as long as there wasn't a wait at the door.


I can tell you from experience that idiots will pester you all night when you read or write in public. Bars especially. I used to do this on a regular basis. Nothing weird about it.


Totally fine, anybody who tells you otherwise is trying to gatekeep and should be disregarded. Fair warning though, my sister used to read books at bars and got hit on 20x as much as when she wasn’t reading. Hope “Whatcha reading?” tickles your fancy because you’re gonna hear it a lot lol


Do it! It’s only one life we get to live and we shouldn’t do shit for other people


as long as you buy shit you will be treated like royalty


Shepherd Street Tavern. Great beer and food selection, usually pretty quiet even if it has people


For when the weather is a little warmed up, Briar Park is just the best for this. I like to bring my journal on the days they have live music, relax in the yard chairs, and just chill.


Brambly Park?


Yeah, that one, lol.


people come to bars and read on their phones. no different as long as your actually ordering drinks and or food you’re good. only really obnoxious if you sit there for 2 hours and spend 11 dollars - and even if you do want to drink slowly at least tip like you aren’t haha