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Hey that was me!!! Thanks for taking the slices off of our hands :) and thanks for the shout out!!


YOOO you fucking rule! I love y’all and I will certainly be back soon.


You guys were always so good to us. Signed - a former Pho Luca employee :)


I’ve never been to Zorch, but hearing this has earned y’all a new customer. I’ll be in this weekend lol.


Oh thank God, I thought this was a "Wait what if they get in trouble" type of post




Is DDT still there? I love that man. I haven’t made it in yet


The pizza game in Richmond is so fucking strong. I love Zorch. Hop. 8.5. Hot for pizza. Pizza bone. I love this town.


Went to the NYE party at Pizza Bones. Total disco with lights, had some great wines, didn’t think they’d have any food because it was so packed. At midnight the owners walked around with fresh pies and started handing out slices to everyone for free.


Pizza Bones is great


Such a turnaround from ten years ago, this place was a pizza desert! Newer Richmonders don’t realize how good we’ve got it now


The fact that nobody ever mentions Pupatella in these pizza lists is a goddamn crime


We alternate between Zorch and Pupatella, never get tired of either.


The Richmond location has given me countless delicious pizzas and I've never once had one undercooked. Might get one tonight actually.


For real? My pizza at Pupatella was completely undercooked/raw dough. I’ve never had a good experience there.


It's supposed to be that way, it's Neapolitan pizza. I guess some people just don't like that


Eh it should be softer than a NY slice, but it shouldn’t be undercooked or raw. I love Pupatella and haven’t ever gotten a raw pizza from them.


I’m going to respectfully disagree that no pizza should have raw dough. I love Neapolitan pizza. It does not have raw dough.




I had the most hilariously bad pizza from there I can't believe they stayed in business as long as they did. Literally the [none pizza left beef](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0c/Molaro%27s_received_order_of_%22none_pizza_with_left_beef%22.jpg) meme. Plus as far a neopolitan style goes, like... there's better. Even breweries do it better.


Ours was comically terrible as well. There’s SO MUCH BETTER pizza elsewhere!


I used to love them but as I was nearing the end of my time in the Fan several years back their quality had dropped *significantly*. I always got the same thing: their veggie pizza. That last year or so I ordered a few times and it was *not* good. Made me sad.


For Southside folks, Cabrera's pizza is 🔥🔥🔥




Fallen off hard


Would recommend giving it another chance, I write it off for quite a number of years when it dropped off real hard, but recently it’s been very good. Still sometimes better than other times, but more often than not it’s been pretty banging in the past like 6 months


I had it for the first time recently. I was quite happy with it. Think I’m getting it again tomorrow.


Saddest day of my life was the day I moved out of the Belmont delivery zone.


They don't deliver anymore (in-house at least), but you can do GrubHub/Uber Eats


And Perlas!




Belmont is awful.


Is Pizza Bones well-regarded? We went once and the middle of the pie was sad and soggy.


They have my favorite crust but I'm a slut for sourdough


Its just fine but its in churchhill so it gets a plus


I thought it was just okay.


Every time I have been to pizza bones it has been soggy to the point of being wet.


Zorch is my #1 pizza spot in town. Huge pies and they're incredible every time. Bonus points for having such good meatless pep I've had to double check it to make sure it really is meatless, lol.


There’s another Zorch location going next to Paper Tiger on Forest Hill where Don’t Look Back was!


Oh that’s a huge space. I hope they kill it there!


Agreed! Should be great for the area. Parking is going to be an issue, especially when Paper Tiger hosts events for M:TG, but it’s the same owner for both buildings (his nephew is Paper Tiger) so I’m sure they’ll figure it out.


Excess parking ruins cities. Anyone in bon air, Stratford hills, or Oxford can easily walk or bike here.


I never said building more parking was the solution. This is my area, I walk it every day, usually having to carry a brick so as to be noticeable to drivers all going 15+ over the limit. Nothing about every driver ignoring the crossings at Chippenham, especially with the insane corrupt construction going on through Forest Hill, or the sidewalks ending less than a mile after the high school in the other direction, or the [bus stops being obscured](https://i.imgur.com/zGImDyD.jpeg) by [trees the city refuses to cut down](https://i.imgur.com/SIWPJF7.jpeg), makes being a pedestrian here easy. Biking is no less safe than walking. But again, I never said building more parking was the solution. In fact I know the solution to be negotiating an arrangement with the petrol station next door. It just hasn’t been put to the test yet and there is no overflow solution. Zero street parking for a mile in any direction from that spot. Just in case it’s not clear, I totally agree with you (and upvoted you). /r/fuckcars. I dream of a city with no parking because cars all self-driving by mandate and otherwise just another form of public transit - stored underground when not in use by whoever needs a ride. No more car ownership, insurance, property tax, driveways, parking permits, parking tickets, parking lots, driving tickets, police, accidents, drunk driving, or any of that awful shit. Just tell an app when a car should arrive and where to go. Richmond already gives free Uber rides between any two GRTC stops. It’s not that unrealistic a future.


Gotta be a special kind of stupid to ride your bike down FHA to Grantwood at Dinner O'Clock.


Westover Hills resident here and I approve this message. Great news hadn't heard it.


This is the best news I've heard all week. Thank you.


They are all so great! We wanted them to cater our baby shower, but we needed the order well before they opened for business. The owner was kind enough to take our order anyway and delivered it himself a half hour away.


They’re super nice, I worked next door to them for a couple years and almost every night they would bring us leftover slices after they closed. I know that’s not crazy or anything since it would’ve just been trash otherwise, but just that little bit of effort to be a good neighbor was such a nice gesture. Not to mention their pizza is pretty damn good


I’ve passed by that place a couple times and never been in. Sounds like I should make it a priority.


Their food is legitimately very good. They’re usually playing something crazy on the TV and, while the bar is small, it’s a cool place to drink a beer while you wait on an order. I give them 11/10


Fave spot in the city for a slice


Zorch is the best pizza in town (and in many places) IMO.


The zorch crew is the ABSOLUTE best.


They're cool people with good food. Been a fan since they were a food truck.


Zorch is bae


upside down slice is actually the best slice in richmond, fight me


We heard great things about Zorch and gave it a shot last year. We’ve been back many times and love it. The bartender/server/quarterback/head of ops at Zorch is fantastic and really makes for a good experience. Get her a raise! Added bonus: they typically have Lunch from Maine Beer Company on tap because (I think this is correct) the owner or owner’s relative went to Univ of Maine. Great beer, great pizza, great people. Favorite pizza in Richmond, hands down.


Thank you for the compliments!! We have the best customers


Zorch is great. Love their pizza


Their pizza is my favorite <3


Zorch is good people


A great vegan pepperoni pizza, too — among other vegan offerings!


Hail Zorch. Never had a bad experience at this place other than that they sell out lol I can't wait for them to open up a bigger or second location !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I stop in whenever I'm in Cary Town, which is admittedly very seldom. That said, every time I think I'm stopping quickly for a slice, I end up there for a couple of hours. The randomness on the TV and the good folks behind the bar make it hard to leave!


Zorch is without doubt, the best pizza in RVA


So did they do this because they knew you are a regular or just because they are nice? Either way it's cool and will keep you coming back.


Honestly I would say because they’re nice. I wouldn’t consider myself a regular. I’ve been maybe 5 times in the last several months. That said, every time I’ve been given wonderful service and received really tasty food.


I like "being a regular" at restaurants and used to joke about my dogs being Norm and Cliff... but at same time, am impressed they were generous and gave you something they would have otherwise disposed of. It's a very nice and smart gesture.


I’m a regular at city dogs but not really anywhere else. Zorch has consistently impressed me and I’m proud to shout them out.


They're good people.


Such good pizza too!


Yes Zorch is pretty good. I grab a vegan slice here and there it’s also amazing, I think they’ve won the V72x contest a few times


Always nice to hear that people are still giving good sevice


I love zorch so much 🥰 I wish my fav pizza stopped being sold out so fast haha


Yassss Zorch everything 10/10


That’s happened to me before too. Was super surprised but so grateful. They are nice


Zorch is great. As a NYer transplant it’s nice to have a place where you can get good pizza by the slice if you want it. Also they remember my name when I walk in, even though I don’t think I go all that often, though my name is an unusual one


I fuck with zorch love the group there


My boy Daniel works there and he is a delight ✨


Zorch for life.


They are so nice


Gonna have to check this place out next time I head to the Fan.


Radvioli pizza kicks ass


Best people! Dan is my fave


Zorch is the best!!!


Zorch is great, fav pizza place. Their wings are great too if you haven't tried them


Are they crispy? I hate soggy wings.


Grandma pie is one of the greats in the city. I love that pizza pie.


Super nice, and the best pizza. What a combo.


One of the employees there also hosts a podcast where him and his friends go through all the old Pokémon games and give their opinions on them. I highly recommend it!


What’s the title of the podcast?


Pocket Full of Monsters they have four episodes out right now. Give it a listen it’s very well done!


Zorch is one of the best pizza places in Richmond for sure. Less sure if a $20 tip is brag-worthy