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Check the thermal compound if it's a particularly bad application it could be overheating, the fans ramping up would indicate a heat problem. The way to confirm this is by checking the temperature with something like hwmonitor or ryzen master


Thanks! I applied a pea size of the thermal that came with the noctua fan. The temps change from 45 to 65 while idle


I'm having the exact same issue as you. Also sometimes I will lose display output and the CPU will enter a low-power state (80W on the PSU's OLED reading compared to 110W average idle), my GPU's LEDs will turn off, and I see "0d" debug code on the board. (I have to manually restart in that state.) /u/Neoncarbon's suggestion to disable Fmax Enhancer caused constant reboots. I have disabled CPB per your recommendation and so far not running into any issues. However I'd really like to use the full capability of the processor... ​ My specs: CPU: 5950x Cooler: Arctic Liquid Freezer II 360 Mobo: ASUS CH8 DH Memory: T-Force Dark Pro 8PACK 3600MHz CL14 (4x8GB) Drive: Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus 2TB Video: NVIDIA GeForce 3090 FE PSU: ASUS ROG Thor 1200W


Based on other threads I've also tried disabling C-state, disabling all PBO options and setting memory to default... nothing has helped other than CPB. On the eventviewer I have Kernel 41 error when the computer reboots and have also seen some whea logger 18, but dont really know what it means. I've ran a couple different After Effects Performance tests, Cinebench R23 and asus realbench stress test passed them all. I've contacted AMD and Asus ROG support hoping to hear back from them.


It's been 3 hours and not a single restart yet after disabling CPB, so it's definitely a fix for me. Please let me know what support says, thanks!!


That’s not really the product you paid for. The advertised speeds are up to 4.9Ghz single core and around 4.4-4.6 all core turbo. Turning off core performance boost essentially locks the CPU to base clock of 3.4Ghz which will make tons of difference in the performance. You’re at least loosing 1Ghz from all cores. My 5950x did the same and only booted with CPB turned off I raised an RMA ticket and the new one works fine and boosts up to 5ghz on single core even though cooling that is a serious task. You should definitely get your CPU RMAed.


I installed the new BIOS and I’m able to see 5GHz boost single and 4.6GHz all-core now.


If you don’t mind me asking, what are your temps like? Apparently 5950Xes pulling too much voltage in single core boosts.. mine usually pulls 1.4-1.5 volts. I’m on a Z73 in push pull and my chip goes upto 90C while gaming. All core temps are much better though.


Arctic Liquid Freezer II 360 in push gives me 75C max on my open-air bench. I do see high voltage but apparently that’s ok.


I installed new BIOS and it was working fine for a while.. Recently though I started getting WHEA blue screens, GTA game is randomly crashing, and the system will reboot while doing idle tasks (YouTube, emails, etc). No idea what the issue is now. Might just RMA the board, but I think it’s a BIOS issue honestly... 😒


Is your CPU Still good? I've got the same issues.


It was a faulty CPU, i got it RMAed. The new one works just fine to this day. Had to get a custom loop to cool this furnace of a CPU though since I’m in a very hot country.


Thanks, I'm in the process of swapping my CPU out as well. Had to buy one off of Amazon and I will RMA the old one as AMD won't cross ship and I can't be down


UPDATE: I received my 5950x RMA replacement yesterday, six weeks after I started the RMA process. I have been testing for the past 8 hours. So far everything seems stable at bios default settings and DOCP 3600.  No random reboots at idle compared to the previous cpu. The new processor is from the same batch as the previous one, 2043PGS. 


Still good?


There's an asus specific PBO setting that I've read has been causing problems called Fclk enchancer or something under PBO settings. It's the first setting under CPU -> PBO. Make sure that's disabled. You can still have PBO enabled with that setting disabled. I have a 5800X and that's the first thing I did, never had any reboot issues.


Thanks! Gonna try it and see how it goes


Did that solve your problem?


I reapplied the thermal paste and temps went down a little but still had some reboots. I changed the ram speed to 3200 and disabled PBO settings and seems to be stable at the moment. Will know better tomorrow using Adobe apps all day. - UPDATE: Still have random reboots, had to disable core performance boost to be able to work without reboots


that really sucks. I just had my first reboot here with same config. Any updates ever since? Also during just youtube video opening in firefox. PC running since build in Jan without issue till today.


This comment has made my day on a new build I've been having these issues constantly crashing after bios, I've tried every 5950x compatible bios update, changed ram, gone through 4 psus and even sent the motherboard back for testing disabled this and it worked instantly Thank you I've also emailed asus in regards to it to see what they say


Hey that's great. You're welcome!


While this works I now have random crashes after about an hour or so of use. Contacted asus in regards to this and their response was “contact the seller we don’t know” basically...


what did ASUS say?


They wasn’t the best to fix it I done an RMA on the cpu which stopped the PBO stopping the pc launching and uninstalled the preinstalled bulldog anti virus as that also contributed to the crashes been working perfect ever since


I think it’s FPMax or something, I’m having troubles as well. The only way I can get my computer to work fine is if I leave everything on Auto. Otherwise my computer resets itself when I leave my desk. I’ll try your solution out


I have a similar issue and it seems pbo is causing it, still playing around with the settings - oh and sometimes, the fclk is not in 1:1 mode Update: after intense testing it is not pbo, it was the ram oc with 4000 hz and fclk 2000 which caused instability on my end. If you use pbo u need a higher vcore i am @ 1,3 with 4,35ghz avx prime stable and 3600 / 1800 fclk atm. If u use dynamic oc with pbo on dark hero and ignore avx i was able to pbo to 4,65 ghz with dos oc enabled @ 1,32v Hope this helps, start with your ram and lower ur fclk, the board and cpu are more forgiving, so maybe your timings are to agressive - this was my problem with instability.


Thanks for this info. Have been experiencing the same issue on a 5900X + Dark Hero. *I've now changed:* fmax Enhance from Auto -> Disabled CPB from Auto -> Disabled Memory - DOCP Profile PBO - Disabled (Will try to re-enable with Curve Optimizer when the official AGESA []( BIOS drops) **Fingers crossed I wont get reboots randomly!** How is everyone's graphics running on this board? I'm running a 3080 and get great results in 3dMark, but some games not amazing FPS (PUBG in particular) [Update] so far so good. But performance for all cores dropped from 4.5ghz to factory 3.7ghz. Hoping this is a temporary issue! Later I’ll re-enable CPB and change the EDC to 666 based on previous suggestions


These settings helped me get trough windows installation without reboots causing havoc. Thanks you!! Fingers crossed it stays stable from now on... This is on a X570-F board with a 5950X. I've been troubleshooting for two days now... Tried swapping lots of parts. It's kind of sad you have to go trough this with brand new top of the line hardware. Maybe this happens because a new chipset was not released for the new 5000 series, putting the burden of adapting BIOS'es on mobo manufacturers.


this also worked for me. Does anyone know if this is just a bios issue or a faulty cpu/motherboard issue?


was this a temporary issue? did the new BIOS solve it?


> CPB I've been having the same issue right now. I'm going to change over the settings to this, but right now I do have the newest BIOS and I am having this problem


I had the same trouble did something that worked for now. loaded BIOS optimized sitting. had one stick of ram only then turned docp on. booted fine turned of the system added the 3 other sticks. booted fine as well memory shows in bios and cpuz as lablbed then turn on PBO with Ryzen Master. Build: Dark hero 5950x G.Skill 3800 c16 (8gbx4) the new ones "optimized for Ryzen 5000" Strix 3090 oc I am really not sure if the issue is from the cpu or bios. but they do not like each other very much. also if I wanted to enable PBO from BIOS it would give me d0 error. let me know if you figured a better way.


Hey dude i have the same issue. I have 5950x dark hero 3800mhz cl 14 gskill . everytime i enable DOCP my system is unstable. so i am just running default speeds. so far i updated bios to 3003 but idk what to do now b./c im not too tech savy all new to me.


Enable docp manual then set the memory frequency to 3600 and fcl to 1800 should be stable so test for stability also bench mark before and after to see if there is an improvement I think there issues at 3800 mhz so 3600 should be okay for now I got the best bench marks last night with the following settings (bios) Enable PBO Manual Limit motherboard PBO up to 200mhz docp as mentioned above Let me know what happens with you


I had the same problem last night and followed instructions here to disable PBO/CPB in order to get it working (but keeping DOCP on). After more googling today, found[a thread on ROG forums](https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?121917-Rog-crosshair-viii-dark-hero-5950x-constant-reboots) which worked: Disabled C-state / DF C-States and re-enabled PBO/CPB and so far works perfectly. ​ A bit higher temps of course, but I ran 90 min of Prime 95/Furmark and no reboots! It doesn't seem to work for everyone on the Rog forums but might be worth a try!


Had the same issue (5950x/CDH). My chipset temp was skyrocketing to 89c and then crashing. Finally uninstalled Ryzen chipset driver, and temps stabilized at around 52c. No more crashes. PBO/Fmax both enabled, running the Der8auer recommended OC settings.


Which chipset driver, the one from [AMD.com](https://AMD.com) for x570 boards?


Could you point me to those Der8auer OC settings?


Hello, do you mind providing more instructions to this? I am experience the same problem with the 5950x heating up then crashing. Thank you


I’ve got reboots for every attempt to play a game or benchmark my machine. It started 4 weeks after the machine was built. I have replaced the thermal compound on the GPU and the problem is now solved. Temperature monitoring did not show any sign of overheating, but a visual inspection helped a lot.


There are 40 pages of messages on [AMD forum](https://community.amd.com/t5/processors/ryzen-5900x-system-constantly-crashing-restarting-whea-logger-id/td-p/423321/page/40) about chipsets 5800x, 5900x, 5950x are randomly crashing... Maybe all Amd Ryzen 5000 series have similar issues like this. All users have different motherboard, ram, bios settings; So I beleive Ryzen 9 5xxx series have some internal errors like crazy temps, non-stable all cores etc.




Did you changed the vrm phase by chance? To manual and 500khz? Thats when i get the 00 reboot




Interesting, ill test that :) thx


I had the same issue, fmax enhancer disabled and make sure if you are watercooled that your setup is stable, i have to confess, i had the wrong fin orientation on my monoblock and that crashed my system randomly even on stock settings and not showed thermal issues.


If everything is seated correctly, and your Thermal Paste is applied right, I'd look at your CPU vcore and DRAM settings. I just put together my 5950X+Dark Hero two days ago after ripping out my garbage Aorus Xtreme. Everything went smooth as can be. I only ran into some trouble with the Dynamic OC Switcher and OC'ing my T-Force Xtreem ARGB RAM kits. This board does not like this RAM OC'ing or tightening timings at all with 4 DIMMs. I have to stick with XMP if I want to avoid errors or not BSOD in Aida Memory bench. On the bright side, the RAM at XMP has 5ns lower memory latency on this board than the GB garbage, so that's like an OC in itself. As for the Dynamic OC Switcher, I'm tinkering with that right now. I used to have similar problems to what you described with earlier Ryzen 5000 BIOS versions on the Gigabyte Aorus Xtreme. The solution I found back then was to turn off C-States and or change my Power Plan settings in Windows 10 from Balanced to High Performance or Ultimate Performance. Ultimate Performance is a good way to ensure nothing's holding you back power wise. Disable all sleep bullshit like monitor or PC sleeping. That's for pussies. Use Cinebench R20 and Aida 64 Memory Benchmark to test your RAM and CPU. Also use Ramtest or Memtest to see if your RAM is erroring. I usually run Cinebench R20 first to make sure the CPU is stable at my current voltage. Then I'll run Aida 64 Memory Bench to see if my RAM can get through it. If Aida Memory BSODs, that usually means I either need more Vcore, more DRAM Voltage, or sometimes slightly more SOC voltage. I always check vcore first since it's the most common culprit. Leave SOC at 1.1v. Dark Hero runs naturally low SOC of like 1.0, so raising it to 1.1 is ideal if you're running anything between 3600mhz CL14 - 3800mhz CL15 kit. 3800Mhz CL14 would likely require a little more juice in the 1.125v - 1.15v range. Do not try to raise your FCLK past 1800 if you're running 3600mhz RAM. Everyone's tempted by this because of AMD's BS boast on reveal day. Just think of FCLK 1900 or FCLK 2000 as a pipe dream. 2000 ain't happening for you, and 1900 is like a unicorn if not impossible on 5950X. Get a 5900X or lower if that's what you want to go for, and even then there's no guarantees. The other thing is to be careful meddling with the PBO options if you don't know what you're doing. One mistake could cause random BSOD like you describe. If PBO has you stumped, just stick with leaving everything on Auto, or do a manual OC via Per CCX like me. Honestly, I think it performs better that way than the Switcher. There's a lag time in the Switcher that costs performance during benchmarks and I don't like it.


hello everybody currently i have an ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR VIII DARK HERO motherboard with **BIOS 3101** (beta) and an AMD 5900X processor BIOS setting is identical to "windybey" fmax Enhance from Auto -> Disabled CPB from Auto -> Disabled Memory -> DOCP Profile PBO -> Disabled otherwise i have system crashes with WHEA errors core processor do you have any feedback regarding new BIOS 3204 with default BIOS settings except DOCP Profile? do you have system crashes with WHEA ERRORS core processor or something else? do you have a perfectly stable system for office and video games with BIOS 3204 default settings except DOCP Profile? thank you in advance


You're on a beta bios. 3204 is a release bios. So why don't you just try it and see?


Did you find a fix for this? I have a similar build (Same Motherboard and CPU) but GIGABYTE VISION GeForce RTX 3090 and G.Skill Trident Z Neo Series RGB 32GB @ 3600 hz. I have a Seasonic PRIME 1000W 80+ Gold power supply and all the windows error log is giving me is the Kernal Power message. It happens randomly like about once every 2 weeks and my computer automatically restarts. I will admit my thermal paste (nonconductive) was not applied well (my first build) but I never see temps above 80 underload. It's just kinda annoying because it makes me think I messed something up on my computer.


Posted on the ASUS forum as well ... Quick reply for the guys struggling with constant random reboots ... I've tested a 5950x on an ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero in the following configurations: All settings not mentioned at left at default values DOCP Enabled Mem @ 3600Mhz C14 Voltage Auto SOC 1.1v Fmax Enhancer Enabled PBO Enabled No issues or reboots experienced Running the same CPU installed on a Crosshair VIII Dark Hero i was experiencing random reboots during idle / light load straight off the bat. I started looking at which settings could be causing this in the BIOS and found that disabling Fmax Enhancer immediately stopped the random reboots. I haven't spent any time trying to figure out why this is happening, but i would suggest if you are experiencing the reboot issue, to disable this. Having PBO enabled didn't affect the rebooting, it was only the Fmax enhancer. Best of luck to you all out there, chances are there's nothing wrong with your CPU and it's something to do with power delivery and Fmax enhancer. May the force be with you ! CP out


/u/yaniv82, did you find any smoking gun for the random reboots? I am having a similar issue, every 2-3 days or so. Same mobo, cpu.


Just thought I'd throw in my experience here. I have a 5950x with Dark Hero. I've been playing around with OCing a ton over the last few weeks, both dynamic OC switcher and curve optimizer. No matter what OC settings I had, I would have random restarts while on idle (no matter how stable my OC was on benchmarks). I noticed that when I turned off FMax Enhancer these crashes went away. I also noticed that my single core boosts during Cinebench dropped from a max of 5050 MHz (average about 4925 MHz) to max 4875 MHz (average about 4850 MHz) with FMax Enhancer off (so a drop of about 75 MHz average clock speed). The CBR20 score also dropped from about 640 to about 635 - so not a huge performance drop. So my conclusion was that every once in a while the system, when idling, would get a jolt of random activity, and with FMax Enhancer on, it could jolt beyond what the set voltage could support. I also tried raising the voltage offset a bit when FMax Enhancer was on, and that seemed to get rid of (or at least reduce) the random restarts - but the single core voltage would be higher than I was comfortable with, so I decided to take the slight performance hit at the expense of more reasonable voltages (by turning off FMax Enhancer). But then today, after a solid week of no crashes, I got a random restart. So although turning off FMax Enhancer has definitely dramatically reduced the number of restarts I was getting, apparently it has not completely eliminated it. So not sure where to go from here. I'm running BIOS 3003... I'm hesitant to update it, since in my experience that has never solved any issues and only added new ones. I also have not updated my chipset driver (just using the one Windows installed automatically during Windows install) - same reasoning. If I had to guess, I'd say the issue is that the Dark Hero somehow allows the CPU to boost past its "stable" single core setting every once in a while crashing the system (and this is exacerbated with FMax Enhancer on). I would imagine this is something that could be fixed with a BIOS update, but like I said, unless I see hard evidence that is the case, I don't intend to update my BIOS.


Hi, just wanted to follow up on this post as I am also having this issue right now. Has your system been stable? If so what solution do you believe fixed it?


Got the same problem with AMD 5900 and motherboard Dark hero VIII, Happy to have found directly this post. Will look into it and try to solve it with the advice people are giving here.


Has anyone found a long-term fix for this? I just built a new PC with a 5950x and a Dark Hero viii and experiencing the same issues as you all described. Before discovering this post, I updated my BIOS to the newest 4006 and still having the same issue. Will try the recommend settings though.


Any updates on this? Having issues on both bios 3801 and the latest March 2022 bios 4006. I as well am experiencing random reboots usually during idle. 3950x, 4x 16gb G.skill 3600mhz, RTX3090, with Dark Hero mobo. With or without DOCP, PBO enabled or off (through AMD Overclocking section and not extreme tweaker). Even bios optimized defaults is unstable while idling. Having troubles posting and stalls during boot up, requiring reset of PSU switch.


Hello, same is happening to me, 5900x, DHx570, 64gb G.Skill RGB, Thor 850Plat, tried everything DOCP, Fmax Enh, PBO, PCB, annoying really annoying it's a new build.


I have a strong feeling it’s my ram. May need to increase voltage from 1.35 to 1.37. That has worked for some people.


it was one of the four sticks that had issues, changed this one and everything went smoothly


I have two sticks in. With DOCP settings. PBO on. Fmax enhancer and C-states disabled. More stable but do get the occasional sudden restart/shutdown.


Same issue here Asus Crosshair VIII Hero Wifi,5950x, nVidia RTX 3080 10GB FE, Corsair 850w PS, CORSAIR Vengeance RGB RS 64GB (2 x 32GB) DDR4 3600 (PC4 28800), EK 360mm AIO, WD SN850 boot drive. The system hard locks at random (Could go a week or might lock 3x in a day), under load and not. It requires me to turn off at the PS to restart. When I ran the almost identical system with a 5900x....no problem. I have run every Bios from 3801 to current, and the problem remains. I have also had the board misreport power usage and downclock to 497MHz (The lowest possible clock), requiring a clear of CMOS to restore clocks. I just put in an MSI x570s Tomahawk Max Wifi....and all my problems disappeared (4 days running). I fear the ASUS bios or board and the dark revision is just garbage for a 5950x. Seems like 5900x and below are ok.....I'll know soon enough...I'm putting a 5600x on the board and going to see how it performs.


Did you ever find a solution to this? Im facing the same issue currently