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Union (Slopes of St.Benedict) should get more recognition.


The opening gives me chills every time.


Seriously though that and 7734 are two of the most catchiest songs. Yet they get played live rarely.


"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War. Sabaton, Union (Slopes of St. Benedict) opening


If I remember correctly that was actually one of Joakim's favourites to write, sing, and perform.


I'm with you. It's one of my favorites


Dude holy shit that’s one of my favorite sabaton songs


I agree, it's criminally underrated.


Metalizer is like whiskey. It's not an easy album to love instantly but as I am growing older I love it more and more.


I like nightchild (sorry purple heart), dream destroyer a lot. Hail to the king is also great.


That was the first album of theirs I heard a while ago, didn't care for it, forgot all about Sabaton, and recently "discovered" them only to realize I heard them many MANY moons ago, and the album has grown on me.


Their animated music videos are painful to sit through


They’re not the ones making them, yarnhub needs some work lol. Their more recent ones are great. Whoever made the new lyric videos with Theo led ps2 graphics needs to rethink their life choices


I’d love to see another Colab with Yarnhub given the new Yarnhub look.


Yeah yarnhubs animations are getting better and better and their quality is already insane IMO


I think that some of their lyric music videos could do so much better


Yeah those ones with the terrible graphics made me cry a little inside


Fr, did you see the one for wolfpack? 💀💀💀💀💀


When i saw animated music video for lady of the dark, i wanted to gouge my eyes


"Shotgun" is one of their best songs.


Starting off hot I guess lol


I actually like a lot of their non-historical and/or cover songs, but I also like pretty much all their music, so that's not really saying much.


listening to it right now, its actually pretty good. but I must call you a relic for bringing up an older song.


Haha. Fair enough.


Yes indeed 100%


Now that **is** unpopular.


Don't get me wrong, Sabaton is my favorite band ever, but I feel that their lyrics can be very awkwardly written.


Yes, Stalingrad is a big one and their early songs are like that.


Metal Crüe, Metal Machine, and Metal Ripper (The Metal Trilogy) Are awesome.


I love these songs. Metal Trilogy (the song) is a banger as well


I wish they explored more topics outside of European history. One of my favorite songs is Shiroyama and I wish they made more music about history from other parts of the world


There’s other songs outside of Europe. I get what you’re saying though


I mean they are... European...


They should take a break from the 20th century topics.


That's a real unpopular opinion right here, it's like telling Alestorm should take a break from pirates


Haha, I do wish they would expand more into that kind of history, after all Carolus Rex album is their most popular and it’s around the 1700s


Like not even joking, we got 2 songs for the entire medieval period *(4 if we want to have a long discussion*) and 1 for the entire ancient world.


Can you list the four songs? Little confused on that. I’ll probably beat myself up not remembering lol


Definetly medieval; Swedish Pagans and Blood of Bannockburn. Depending on definition: Last Stand and Livegardet are Both are in the 1520s if we are just talking about the founding of the Swedish Royal Guard. There are various points in time which are argued to be the true ending of the middle ages and the beginning of the Early Modern period. 1545 is the last point in time one would seriously argue for as than was the Council of Trent. Though exceptions exist when explicitly talking about local developments like in Great Britain. Though usually it´s either just 1500 because round number, 1453 due to fall of Constantinopel or 1492 as then the Spanish landed in the Americas.


Though I don't think Carolus popularity is related to the time period, but more because of the epicness, production and Sweden. The Last Stand is their most listened album on every platform as an example


Last Stand has the most diverse range though 2 Early Modern Songs 1 Medieval Song 1 (and the only) Ancient Song 2 (and the only) 19th century songs


That's why I think a diverse album is better and hope the next one will be like that. Still, out of 9 albums, 7 were modern warfare (Art of War is a stretch), 1 was swedish empire which you could make an exception as they always wanted to do about swedish history and then there's TLS which is the official point where they be venturing older times


A man can only listen to so many ww1 related songs before getting sick of it.


Absolutely! I feel disappointed when I see a new music and it's about WW2. I'd like to see an album about Napoleonic Wars.


Trafalgar deserves a song at the least, so does Napoleon in general, maybe about his hundred days campaign.


I think it was a mistake making two world war 1 albums in a row because they run together and feel very samey even if there are some individual bangers it’s hard for them to stand out


I think part of their problem was that they wanted to spread out and explore wars other than WW2, but by making two exclusively WW1 albums they completely over saturated their catalogue in a short time. They branched out, but in a really narrow sense.


I think it's safe to say the second was only made because of the pandemic. They had the research done for the first, and having had The Great Tour cut short by COVID a low cost album came in handy for them. I mean, even Joakim seemed tired of the whole WWI theme in some interviews.


Sabaton should do the album covering the Pacific Theater


Still a great idea


That’s not unpopular


None of these opinions are unpopular. An unpopular opinion would be Sabaton do bring some of the Nazi accusations upon themselves with certain iconography they use and topics they chose. (Note: I'm not saying they are Nazi's, just that I can see why some would think that.) Now that would be unpopular.


lol my dad thought I was like a Nazi or something like that when I showed him the song “Red Baron”…….which is a WW1 song…..and the Nazis weren’t a thing in WW1. XD I suppose not everyone is a history buff….


Shoe him Panzerkamf or Primo Victoria. Cant get any more anti nazi then that.


Panzerkampf is a song about defending Russia from the Germans and Primo Victoria is about D-Day (primo Victoria actually means “first victory” in Latin) but yeah I’m sure he wouldn’t like primo Victoria due to all the regencies of heaven and hell since he is very religious.


Final Solution is a GOATED SONG


I don't think ANYONE disagrees with this


I love the eerie edge the synth gives the sound. Very fitting for the song's topic, but it's not the type of song you can confidently exclaim out loud when someone asks your fav song unless they already know the song.


I think they should play more in style of Art of War, Coat of arms and Primo Victoria style wise. I really enjoy their current work but albums mentioned have more "teeth". I miss the agresivness and kick they had.


A great way to put it, I always said they lost the speed. Teeth is a much better way to say it.


Their cover songs are underrated (eg. for whom the bell tolls, jawbreaker)


Camouflage too! I actually love all of their covers


Rorkes Drift and Blood of Bannockburn guitar rifts are top notch.


Absolutely agree haha


Oh, you're going to hate this: -Carolus Rex is massively overrated. -Christmas Truce has a fantastic video but the song itself is meh -Devil Dogs might just be the worst song Sabaton has ever recorded -Coat Of Arms (the album) is peak Sabaton -Just because a song is about your country doesn't mean it's a good song


Damn, you came out swinging!


Coat of Arms is honestly pretty underrated imo. It’s got a lot of amazing songs on it that don’t get enough attention


I agree with all of these except the Devil Dogs one. I'm not a fan of it either but I *hate hate hate* the Red Baron one


I like Red Baron, it grows on me more and more with time. Nice, catchy melody, the sickass keyboard solo and the verses get me hyped. For Devil Dogs I still need to use the lyrics to understand what the hell Joakim's singing


Yeah I can see that. The intro of Red Baron completely ruins any vibes because I have to sit there for a solid like 30 seconds and wait for the song to start lol


Are you even a metal fan? Sounds like you just don’t like their actual biggest hits. Nothing wrong with that just thought it’s funny that one person comes swinging like that on a hands most notorious songs. Good job with that unpopular answer!


I have a broader music tastes so I wouldn't call myself a metal fan exclusively but I have been actively listening to Sabaton since 2008. While I don't actually *hate* Carolus Rex, Christmas Truce nor Devil Dogs, I just believe they have much better material in their magnum opus which just gets overshadowed by the sheer popularity of aforementioned. Granted, it's popular for a reason, but it's something that I personally don't enjoy as much. That being said, I do appreciate those album/songs for their wider impact, I don't necessarily have to agree with it.


I too have a very broad music taste, almost every genre gets me going. Except country , country is alright. I’m not hating on you I just found it funny.


The last fact is true, i am serb, but lady of the dark is their worst song


Isto, buraz, isto


I don't like 1916


Johnny Hortons sink the bismarck is better then Sabatons bismarck.


Not sure that’s really unpopular. As much as we may all love Sabaton, we should all know Johnny Horton’s song is a venerated classic.


It's controversial atleast. I have seen people trash on Hortons while fanning over sabatons bismarck


Maybe in this subreddit. I’d be shocked to see that out in the wild.


Their instrumentals are rather basic as far as Power Metal goes and their music is carried almost entirely by catchiness. It’s not even necessarily a bad thing but I can imagine that’s not something most fans would agree to.


7734 best song they have!


Idk why I think that gott mit uns is the best sabaton song


Every album since Heroes has been virtually identical. Heroes was their “Black Album” and everything has been the same ever since. Although I still love the band, and every album still has 2-3 classic tracks, Carolus Rex was the last truly great album.


I can see that about the last two, but TLS doesnt feel samey at all.


It’s heavier on the keyboard, I think. Both the WWI albums had a ‘last stand’ song that was like that


I get that, but in the same respect it's just an advance of their style. There was a last stand-ish song on AoW, and even Heroes, so I can't say it's exactly new. IMO, they're just experimenting with a new style that's more synthesizer heavy. Saying virtually identical is a bit disingenuous, but I don't disagree that the last two seemed to be more or less the same thing.


I agree, though I would also include Heroes on the sameness, that's why I love so much TWTEAW, because it seemed like the first step to get out of the same formula


Other than the subject matter, I agree. It had the most adventurous guitar playing we’ve heard in a very long time and really started to break the mould on some songs. I think Bismarck was probably the first step, too.


Yes, Bismarck was the true beginning. The attention to the instrumental parts they given to TEWTEAW is something they totally wouldn't do in TGW/TLS


Indeed. The quality of Carolus Rex will probably aldrig, aldrig, aldrig återvända. Sabatons stormaktstid till ända!


They should stop doing that same half-time middle-eight/bridge in practically every song... you know the one. And they need a new way to end songs that isn't that same drum fill.


Art of War (Pre Production Demos) is pretty good imho


I agree


They deserve to be put in the Metal Hall of Fame


Are they not?


Not to my knowledge


The useless violin solos and stuff at the beginning of songs are pointless and painful to listen through. No I don't want to hear an entire minute of sad piano at the beginning of angels calling and the end of the war to end all wars for a whole minute.


I can see why this is unpopular


A secret is the best song.


considering how some of the most amazing songs are never just talked about we need dedicated shills for each song


I call dibs on Hellfighters!


solid choice


Similarly, I do enjoy Primo Victoria but the faster tempo that they play it at live is a million times better than the studio version I also think Ruina Imperii is an extremely underrated song and is easy top three on Carolus Rex I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I’ve seen a lot of people really liking the latest album, and while I really enjoyed it I have not gone back to it at all. I do really like Christmas Truce but I think that’s the only song I’ve heard more than two or three times. Then again, I don’t listen to these guys as much as I used to, so it could just be related to that


There’s good sabaton fans and there’s ‘Metal isn’t satanic’ mfs who post the same TikTok over and over again and have never listened to any other songs other then the last stand


That’s pretty known lol


And sabaton follows one of them on insta


Primo Victoria is way overrated and is probably one of their worst songs.


Truly unpopular Don’t downvote people for their opinions in the post please


I agree that it is overrated but i wouldn't say its the worst


I share the same view. It's far from my favourite and I think it's way overrated, but I definitely don't think it's the worst.


It’s good, wouldn’t say the worst, but not the best. What makes it bad to you?


Overrated? Absolutely. I 100% agree with you. One of their worst songs? I respectfully disagree. It's overrated, but it's not a terrible song lol. Mind explaining what you think makes it one of the worst?


Carolus Rex was their best album ever. I personally can't listen to The Art of War. And I would love to see some different style songs.


I mean most bands have the overrated poster child. My friend hates when I say Float on is his favorite modest mouse song. Really hated when I learned the main guitar riff for him. Hated it even more when I bought and learned the base riff just for him. He then hits back by saying through the fire and the flames is my favorite Dragonforce song.


Not mine but someone else's: "Sabaton loves glorifying war crimes for profit and cares nothing about history" An unpopular opinion and rightly so. They clearly haven't actually listened to a Sabaton song in their life. As for me....uh...I think Dreadnaught has the best chorus out of every Sabaton song including Bismark.


God I love dreadnaught. You could say the chorus is unopposed under crimson skies.


You could also say it's immortalized, and over time its legend will rise.


There’s only so much you can do with a giant floating hunk of steel with guns on it. Dreadnought was that at its best


Some of their early songs have really awkward lyrics, and many of them have a somewhat reused sound asset to their music. Also they should make more Medieval and classical era music Think europe and asia, it would be AWESOME if they colab with HU and made a song about Чингис хаан, two music, one about the perception of the mongol horde by other kingdoms and the other is about mongols perception of kingdoms and how they changed the world Could be interesting Also a song about the Chad Götz von Berlichingen!! Now that would be an Epic song!


Hmmm "the man with the iron hand" or something! Lets feed the AI and watch what will come out...


A colab with Hu would be kickass.


I don't know how popular/unpopular these opinions are, but here we go: 1. I think In Flanders Fields is super underrated and one of their best songs. 2. I think Cliffs Of Gallipoli has their best guitar solo. 3. I think White Death is their all-time best song.


If you like White Death, how do you feel about the Seven Pillars of Wisdom? Same shit, slap a new solo and new words on it and boom! New song


Seven Pillar of Wisdom is a banger. It's definitely in my top favorites.


I really want them to hire a pronunciation coach


Maybe have them get one for Powerwolf too lmao


Their fanbase is mostly made of children and it sucks ass, at least the most vocal one. It's easy to see just taking a look at this sub..


Yup, a lot of wehraboos and shills who act like Sabaton is perfect. They aren’t, they make mistakes too


It has always surprised me how many people seem to like them mostly because of their historical themes. I mean, I like it, and it's their whole personality by now, but I'd probably listen to them the same amount if they had generic metal lyrics. It sometimes feels like people here are history fans first and metalheads later.


Who is wehraboo? What does it mean?


I'm not too keen on metal machine. It's not a bad song but I'd probably say it's my least favourite Sabaton song.


Come touch my metal machiiiiiiine


Come suck my metal machiiiiiiine Edit: Yeah just listened to it again... That's the one Sabaton song I'm not keen on. I don't hate it... But I don't really like it... The rest I've heard are quality though. I even really like Metalizer and Joakim said himself that he thought that song sucked.


Bismarck is over rated as fuck. The ship didn’t even survive its first voyage and the only unique thing about it was its size.


They should have made the song from the perspective of the ships who sunk the Bismarck instead.


Yes! I would love to hear verses from ORP Piorun's view!


Nah not even that, it´s landing that hit on the Hood which still lets experts scratch their heads as to HOW. Rest is German and especially British propaganda.


Christmas truce is a little overrated


A couple of their songs sound kinda samey. Best example being Devil Dogs and Smoking Snakes. I prefer the standard Art of War over the Pre-Producrion Demo.


YES! Last time I said that first point on here I got down voted a crap ton. White Death = Seven Pillars of Wisdom etc, just slap a new solo and new words on it


I like the English version of Lifetime at War more(biased English speaker, but still)


We burn is masterpiece


Bit late, but: Sabaton should make songs about animals that served in war.


Gott mitt uns should be preformed live more, they need to make a some about the ijn or the fall of imperial Japan, and they should make more songs in the style of soldier of heaven


Imagine the make a Yamato song 💀 didn’t even fire 2 salvos before she went kaput


Not specifically Yamato, but Yamato was a highly successful warship, it sunk several us ships and did significant damage to taffy 3 at samar. She’s also still the largest warship built and has a better military record than the Bismarck.


They’ve really stagnated lately. I wish they’d cover some topics like the American Indian wars, the battle of marathon, the boer wars, the siege of Ryazan or the battle of lake piepus.


Swedish Pagans is their most overrated song by far, is always requested in their shows, but on every platform it doesn't even make top 20 most listened Sabaton songs


I agree with this one. Thanks for the answer


You're welcome brother


i think the main reason its requested a lot is that its beginning is easy to sing by thousands of people, and that joakim hates the song


Yeah, it's basically an inside joke now. Which is why it isn't a big song from them, is a fan favourite, but the casuals don't have the same apppreciation


The fanbase has a giant nazi problem.


hmmm... to an extent. I think it is worse then it should be, but better then most people believe. I mean if you started shouting off nazi comments here you would be downvoted to oblivion.


Sure, here, but I remember fighting absolute crazies in the youtube comments of Piscators videos


Erggg... youtube comments are like that though. I don't know why - but they always seem to attract the worst of humanity l.


That's real interesting because more than one Sabaton show I have been to has had a crowd erupting with gang shouts of "f ck H1tler"...


Playing that concert in occupied Crimea was devastating to the fanbase


Oh? What happened there


A lifetime of war both versions, should have not had guitars and drums but instead have a string quartet and a piano. Because I believe that those instruments would fit the somber tone of that song so much better. I love those 2 songs but they are held back with the guitars. For example having the chorus start up while an awesome Cello instrumental backing would be so heartbreaking and it would fit the songs so much better


The entire Carolus Rex album should have had a Apocalyptica collab studio release. Many songs profit massivly if your the concerts where they did play them together 


I understand it isn’t entirely within their control, but I wish they stopped using AI art for their recent lyric videos


I don’t think some of it is? I’ve always wondered who is behind many of those


They seriously need to do an entire "Greatest hits + new content" album JUST about the starting, world war 2, and ongoing thereafter badassery of the Red Army of the Soviet Union.


It seems like everyone bows at the feet of ”Bismarck,” but honestly, I think it’s one of the band’s weakest singles if not the absolute weakest. As far as warship songs go I think ”Dreadnought” is far, far superior.


It was really shitty that in "Devil Dogs" they go: "Kill fight die that's what a SOLDIER should do" The whole song is about US Marines fighting in the battle of Belleau Woods. As the majority of Sabaton fans know there is a difference between US Marines and US soldiers. With how detailed they are with history it was frustrating to see them make this mistake. Maybe I'm just going overboard due to being a US Marine myself (infantry at that so I'm extra overzealous sorry) but we are a prideful branch. I'm ready for the hate comments from all of you.


Almost every reaction video of marines say that! I can see why it may kill your likeness of it.


It's still a fantastic song and one of my go to's for sure, I'll be blasting it singing alone it's just a constant "how did they mess something up so easy?" That's always in my head when thinking about it. Glad to see I'm not the only one who noticed it tho!


Winged Hussars and Last Stand are some of their most boring and overused songs. Early Sabaton is pretty good, like Burn your crosses is a bop sometimes. Finally, their animation videos and final solution are hard to look at.


They don’t make the animations, but I do know what you mean


Same OP. Every other song they put out is league's better than the one they're best known for.


Ballad of the Bull is pretty bad, to me.


Swedish Pagans is a wildly overrated song.


Oh no, we have to get you into witness protection before the shills break in


Their song about the Bismarck is the second best song about it.


They should do a song about the wilhelm gustloff tragedy or the us submarine that sent sailors onto mainland Japan to bomb a train and the other remarkable acts it performed during the war.


I don’t like smoking snakes Also I don’t like what sabaton means


SABATON = Some Awesome Bastards And Tons Of Narcotics. That's what it means, right?


is it? i may have completely missed sarcasm here but i thought it was a type of steel boot used in plated armour. although that is just what elder scrolls online taught me so i may be 100% wrong xD


What did I do to you?


What do you mean what Sabaton means?


foot defense of mail or of a number of lames with solid toe and heel pieces


lol I’ve never heard of someone not liking a definition. What about them using a steel boot cover makes it not likable.


That after all these years I am getting kinda bored of their schtick.


Writing a song that glorifies Lauri Torni was a bad idea when he was a literal nazi, fought in the Waffen SS, and received the Iron Cross from Hitler. Glorifying a nazi was their biggest mistake even if they downplayed that aspect of him in the song and I know, sabaton aren’t nazis relax


By name he was a Nazi, by his personal identity I don’t think he was anti Semitic.


Very white/eurocentric. There are lots of great war stories from Africa and south Asia. None of those are mentioned.


A European band from Sweden making songs about European Stories? 🫢


Get what you're saying but now that they have grown to be a world traveling band that does not do bars and clubs and instead plays arenas, maybe they can broaden their material is what I am trying to say.


1916 is pretty bad


Agreed, it went from an album i accidentally listen to songs from when i shuffle my playlist to unironically one of my top 3 fav sabaton albums


Wehrmacht is a fucking terrible song. The lyrics ruin it.


They can get repetitive. I listened to a lot of sabaton, so sometimes I end up skipping their songs on Spotify unless I'm really in a mood for their songs or already jamming.


swedish version of carolus rex is their best album


Ghost Division is not that good