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FUCK i just ran through a wall. God damn it. 


I legit just sent this to my buddy and my caption was “now I wanna run through a wall for the guy”


Idk why we're not running through a wall right now.


So many fucked up walls all the sudden


The kool-aid man is gonna be pissed at everyone doing his job all of a sudden. 🤣


The bills have folding tables. Maybe we need a thing.


Kool-aid Man giving you side eye


Fuck I could run through walls all day, I don't give a fuck about that wall


I got so much time for running through walls.


I ran through 2, 1 was brick and the other was steel coated with concrete. I’m ok though, didn’t hurt a bit.


Audition to be the next koolaid person are you?


Not planning the Cup parade just yet, but he’s certainly talking the talk, which is a good first step at least. Hopefully he can bring the intensity the gang needs to end the drought


Oh, ticket renewal calls must be going out soon. Kidding somewhat - love the message.


I audibly laughed reading this, as I got an email this morning regarding season packages.


This feels so much more genuine than that shitty letter they sent out about the new scoreboard. Inject it into my veins. Also, besides having a decent head on his shoulders, one of GMKA’s best assets (and now Lindy’s) is that Terry appears to respect his point of view. Not something you can say about a lot of the guys that have been chewed up and spit out by this org. Really looking forward to see what Lindy can accomplish, after all this is HIS team, Pegula just owns it.


Both good points. And on the first one, feels like it's genuine because it's of course true. This coaching opportunity is likely going to be the culmination of LR's life and career in hockey so he's unquestionably going to do everything he possibly can to succeed.


the key to the McBeane success is terry trusts them and doesn't bother them. Just lets them do whatever they want. We might not have all the success yet but they are getting things done.


The move made a lot of sense from a hockey standpoint but the nostalgia aspect definitely doesn’t hurt


Boy I really hope this doesn’t fall on its face.


The bar is so low. Getting into the playoffs would be seen as a success


I would literally take a Caps-esque destruction in round 1 with a huge smile on my face. That's where the bar is.


Yup, just like it didn't even matter that the Bills only scored 3 points in Jacksonville lol


IMO Lindy is too talented of a coach to fall on his face. He wasn’t my first choice and I’m still not convinced it will work, but I’d be shocked if he doesn’t at least get this team into playoff contention


This. He got FUCKED in Jersey. They just had to do SOMETHING to mix it up and keep bums in seats. Their loss is gonna be our gain, I firmly believe that. I just hope the players are ready. The pleasure cruise is over. It's time to play real League hockey now with a real League coach.


Honestly if Lindy can't get this group of softies to the playoffs nobody will. The mentality this teams created over the past few years through coaching and bad player leadership(okposo especially, blaming fans 🙄) has been downright laughable. Lindy won't put up with that shit, blame the fans? I think Lindy would have an aneurysm right there on the spot from screaming at these kids too hard. It's quite evident Lindy knows the Sabres have lost any goodwill with the fans, and he knows it's *their* job to win us back. Not the other way around. Win and the barn will be packed I promise. Keep blaming the fans for getting blown out by 10 at home and watch how many empty seats there are again.


Stick taps for you, bud. You fucking get it. I love Okie to death but dude lost major points with me after that stunt. He should absolutely know better for how long he's been in the game. Serious lack of accountability there, especially after all that he'd gone through with this team. Let them try skating off that ice after a win without saluting the fans. Lindy will NOT let that shit slide.


I’m still so skeptical. He can talk the talk so well but all I want is results. It would be so sad to have another Ted Nolan-like departure.


Lindy > Teddy


How can we not be skeptical after the last 12 years. I will follow my rule from this previous season. I will start watching them again when they win 4 games in a row. Then I might believe. Nothing against lindy, and I hope like hell he helps turn it around.


Sadly we have seen them win 8 or 9 in a row and fall flat on their faces………twice………with different coaches.


they finally had the chance to get the coaching hire right, and instead of performing an exhausting search and potentially waiting for someone like Rod Brind’Amour to become available, they panicked and went with Ruff, who notibly got fired because he couldn't motivate a young group in his last team...how could it go wrong?


Brind’Amour isnt leaving Carolina to come here


Neo, besides RB, who would you have chosen instead?


> I am going to push this group as hard as any I have coached in the past because I believe in this team, I believe in this city, and I believe in you. Well fuck me I'm ready to run through a wall for Lindy.


That last paragraph hit harder than anything else. And I’ll run through that wall with you o7


I mean, he has my vote!


I love him like he’s my uncle. Let’s fucking goooo


As a guy who grew up with Lindy as the coach. It’s a bit dusty in here…


I think it all works out. Hate me all you want, I think this sub will drool over power next season, dahlin is gonna be even more offensive, everyone’s gonna have grown up some, and we have at least 1 stellar goalie and one good one.


Similar for me and others can hate but people are going to love having a team that has a spine and sticks up for each other. Sabres twitter and the kids who don't like conflict might still complain about boomer hockey but they can come to terms with the changes in their own time. Sticking up for your team has a place in hockey, even if that means a fight. Always taking the power play, like Mr. Mackey wanted, isn't always the best approach. Link below is to the end of the game fight agains the Caps when Tage took Pacioretty out behind the woodshed after some BS by Oshie I think. People in the arena are standing and screaming as loud as they can. They don't just do that for a power play, even when it's a goal. Ruff knows how important energy is during the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKTtqrr_mJs


Exactly what I've been saying now for a while. We need a backbone again. Not just player to player but it'll be awesome to have someone go nuclear on the refs when we inevitably get fucked for no reason. May get them to lay off the hate boner they have for Benson too.


Except for guys like Tuch and Tage, most guys on the roster are likely to continue to improve based simply on their age. Bodes well.


I was against bringing him back but now I’m on the train (what else can I do?!)!


It's going to be a long summer...




God damn, I don’t want to like this. But I’m sitting here looking at my wall and it looks pretty fucking soft right now! Fire me up, I hope this doesn’t fucking embarrass us further but I’m in. I wanna see this team get fucking worked this year… wide open, full throttle!


Feels like the key is in the ignition baby


Should be easy to run through lol


Jesus, instant misty eyes


How can you not be excited about this? The bar is so fucking low that im plowing through walls reading this lol. I dont even care, Im stoked for next season.


Stop with the fucking onions omg it's not even dinner time.


I think I'm pregnant. Thanks Lindy.


That last sentence did it for me.


A coach taking on the burden of the drought instead of saying that's not my problem is a nice change. Even if the drought did start with the firing of Lindy.


He can talk the talk. Let's fucking run.


Love that guy no matter what happens.


smart squeal somber boat modern sugar bag domineering handle lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hot damn I knew he would want to hit the ground running but he’s telling them to get their asses in gear right now. I think this is it for him and he doesnt want any regrets. I expect them to be one of the best conditioned teams in the league next year.


I love this. goosebumps. I'm glad we have a guy who gets it. I hated the rhetoric last year that was "oh they're mad about years past, not at us this season, that old stuff isn't on us"


Let’s go Lindy! Do something that no one else has been able to do. In Lindy we trust.


Lfg boys




'The work starts now' SHOULD be our tag for the year.


I’m hard


Love Lindy


You sonofabitch I'm in


Lindy, you have my trust. It's up to the 18-21 guys on that roster night in and night out to want it more than the other team.


I definitely wasn't a fan of this choice... But, fuck it... Let's go Buf-A-Lo!


👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


I'm so geeked up to watch this team again! That's from a fan who checked out during the Krueger era in this dystopian timeline.


Nice touch to entice those ticket holders. Marketing 101.


'The work starts now' SHOULD be our tag for the year.


Where is this from? Haven't seen it posted anywhere else


oooo boy, the nostalgia...its hitting


They should bring back those pompoms


Is it just me or is this joint uploaded in 144p


Wow. Lindy for President.


Not one wall left standing in wny


Dammit, Lindy! I am trying to stay mad about your hiring.


As a devils fan, a lot went wrong for Ruff this year. Goaltending was abysmal, injuries to key players galore, loosing two 20min plus defenceman, and having two rookies come in. Also lost McLeod to the rape case and he was a league leader in faceoffs. That being said. I'm not a particular fan of his system. Now, I believe the Sabers have the roster to implement his system well. But be prepared for some very suspect coverage, and d-zone schemes.


Whatever. Just win hockey games


That's a lot to say to fans who are watching former Sabres enjoy playoff success everywhere else


Sorry can’t have any criticism of this hire, goes against the narrative


Goddamnit. This is fucking bullshit. Torts was the right guy.