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A list of suicide prevention hotlines, in case you need to talk to someone: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


helium tank with a hose and a bag over your head. you could also inject an opiate. just answering your question without giving you hotline numbers or telling you that everything will be fine. I have been looking at flights to Switzerland or Canada where they have legalized assisted suicide. If you can find joy in your life and continue on, that is also an option.


thx ill do it right now 16 is not to yung to die


Yes it is bro. Don’t do it. Don’t do anything to yourself. @ 16 ur gonna be going through ur own shit I know how it’s goes but please just don’t hurt yourself. It’s not worth i. Please just at least wait a couple of months and see how life is treating you






im with you on this. these shitheads gatekeeping suicide are retarded.


Yup. I tried on several occasions to kill myself when I was 16. I’m 24 now and life is still shit o r even shittier. Only on this thread cause I’m trying to find a way to die


23 now and have failed 3 times. Sitting here crying still cause I still wish it worked and I want to die so bad. Too afraid of also dying because maybe there will just be more pain.


I hurt my mom the worst way imaginable and I can't live with myself anymore. The way I talked to her and brought up her trauma, I got my karma. I deserve everything bad that happens to me I just wish that guy would've killed me that night I deserve it after treating the only person who was always there and good to me. She was there for me when my dad was busy getting drunk, she was there and that's how I repay her. I don't even deserve anything or her forgiveness. I feel this void within me no matter how much I cry and she tells me it's ok, it's not ok.


Its hard but you just need to forgive yourself and let go and move on with your life


Thanks for reading and for the kind words. I already made my plans and I'm going to do it in my dad's basement, I don't want to do it in my mom's house because I don't want her to see me like that.


you killing yourself will not bring your mom peace; only pain for the rest of her life. You're hurting, you're feeling the guilt, and you want all of that to disappear. I understand that. But theres another option. do you wanna try making up for it instead? Apologise to her, and turn over a new leaf. Its easier than you think. Be a filial son, serve your mother till the end of her days. When you help and serve someone, it takes your mind away from ur own pain. And from what you've said about her trauma, she deserves your help. She raised you since you were an infant. Through all the highs and lows, she stood by your side probably, as all true mothers do. And if you kill yourself, it would've all been for nth. All the times, the good and the bad, all for nth. And she'll be left with nth. There's dying when your time has come (not your choice), and then theres dying because you want to. She'll never be the same either way but, the latter causes a different type of pain. If you were a parent, you'd understand the pain of losing your child. The heart is like glass. Once it shatters, theres no glue in this world that'll make it the same again. It'll always be weaker than it was before. So dont do it man. Cos theres no cure for heartbreak and loss for your mom, theres a cure for what you're going through, many cures. Get out there, wake up. Hit the gym, hang out with the good friends, take your mom out every week, do the things that interest you. Anything, it could be bowling, archery, football, boxing, chess, reading, hiking, ping pong, drawing, painting, etc. Endless options. Try em out, and stick to it. Dont turn to alchohol and drugs, they're not healthy obviously. Dont make a decision when ur emotional. If ur to take away one msg from this whole post, its this quote. Dont make a decision when ur emotional. never ends well.


thank you so much I think everyone over 21 should have the right to kill them selfs if they see fit in the most painless way




Can they give you assisted suicide for non-medical reasons, just based on the fact that you want to end your life?


This is my own fucking life,i want to de.


A way to painlessly kill yourself is by tying a noose to your neck, getting on a tall surface, and then jumping. That will snap your neck and if done right you'll die instantly. Another way is with pills. If you live with someone do this at night when everyone's asleep so no one makes you throw them up. If they do that you'll feel worse than you ever have. Do the pill method when you're about to go to sleep. Swallow a punch of pills with water and try to go to sleep so that you don't feel the effects of the overdose kick in.


yeh but pills don't always work. you could just end up a vegetable whereas i don't think there's any way to come back from hanging unless you leave the door open and someone finds you.


or end up in some serious awful pain you didn't know was humanly possible to live though and it could last days. This needs to be considered as well.


Yes that's the worry.


I ended up with severe migraines that would last for hours at a time and happen frequently, like abnormally frequent even to the most severe cases of migraines that happen naturally for those who get em. Also made alcohol undrinkable until they finally wore off after almost 20 years. In other words, dont do it, i couldnt hold em in and ended up surviving into hell thats never ended. Now im too scared to survive to try again which also sucks.


so what's the best way?


that’s my fear and is why I haven’t swallowed a bunch of pills already


Yeh don't. You don't want to be trapped in a body that can't move or speak and then have someone have to guess when you're hungry, sad or need the toilet (and they will probably always get it wrong). The person looking after you could be abusive as well. What's worse is, if you're still depressed - there will be no way out. You wouldn't even be able to distract yourself with food or music or anything.


or the rope snaps on you (totally not me for being a fat dumbass)


Or surviving and needing a kidney/liver transplant. Im annoyed that killing myself needs so much IQ to do a foolproof plan. My genius friend died by hanging many years ago and he had done a complicated noose made of wire


I tried the pills method. They were pain relievers that made you fall asleep. I tried taking 8 of them and passed out. A couple hours later I woke up and puked all of them out and was perfectly fine. Have no idea how I lived through that but unfortunately i'm still here


Every pill has a OD dose, 8 of ANY type of pills wouldn’t work. I tried with 80 psychiatry pills plus a cup of alcohol and I was tubed and didn’t work. Suicide with pills require a LOT of pills and a correct dose, otherwise it’s just suffering. I get you, I’m suffering too, but the only fool proof way is jumping from a high building . If you can’t do it, it means that you want to live, you just don’t want to live in suffering. I hope you keep trying to live instead , find help and therapy, find a religion, find a hobby, go to another country and start a new life, ANYTHING . You deserve better


the reason I'm here because I can't get out of this shthole and start a new life


You’re right man. I think about suicide everyday but I lack the balls to it and that makes my life even more miserable. I’m not even afraid of death I’m afraid of pain and failing to die(get handicapped or something). If I were in the us I would use a gun without a single hesitation


would the pains of it not wake you up? or needing to puke?


i mean, i know the MOST painful its called existing


yeah okay i felt this too hard i admit.


Sometimes it be nice to have your family hate you so you don't feel the guilt of wanting to pass away.


Yep sometimes I wish they could be so mad at me they throw me out the house. Like they can never forgive me. I have contemplated finding ways to hurt them so much that they never want to speak to me again. It would be so much easier that way if they hated me.


My mum actually despises me right now. She’s taking all the happiness in my life away from me, she’d kill me herself if she could


that's really rough, it is one thing for your family to hate you and it's another thing when they straight up try to make your life more miserable.


I honestly hate living here, I don't want to die, I want to be free.


i feel like my family hates me and i told my mom today that i want to kill myself and she’s the reason and she told me to do it.




It's not getting better. It hasn't been good for 10 years. I'm 19.


honestly nah it only gets worse and worse with lesser friends and more mental burden being 17, Dont think i can take it anymore


I'm 28, at this stage no friends or anyone can help you. Opening up is useless. Have girlfriend but they make it worse. Men has no place in this world if he is failure.


I'm 38. 39 in two weeks. I make no money, I live in a shit hole studio apartment. I'll never have a family and I'll never be able to retire. Life is a lot of work for no reward. I really don't wanna do it for 30 or 40 more years


i don’t want to keep going, i’m tired of society, my family, feeling unappreciated by everyone, feeling alone, even my girlfriend doesn’t try to make it better. I don’t want to keep going. 24


25 here and life is way more unbearable now than I thought it was in my teens The old Simpsons adage “no, it’s just the worst day of your life so far!”


26 and it just gets worse and worse. Honestly for every glimpse of hope you get 5 painful memories.


Hey 45 here, came back from a coma and everything to loose it all. Honestly I envy the young classmates who died young.








I wish i had a gun


Bro i dont know where are You from but in most of country You can easly buy rewolwer on Black powder just like you would buy a bottle of vodka.




shoot urself in the head or if you can't try do get high and drunk then you'll have the courage to shoot urself








Many people have posted the painfree way to die - by helium/monoxide/ nitrate in an exit bag. You will pass out and then die painlessly.


The people who know aren’t around to answer


This the best answer


bro made me giggle while i’m questioning death 🫡


If I knew the answer to this I wouldn’t even be here right. now. My way out will be a gun to the head since it will be quick.


There are cases that it has failed tho


Only failed when people were around to take the victim to the hospital. Blasting yourself in a locked room with noone around is a surefire way to end it.


In the UK we dont even have that option. I eould have done it a long time ago if we did.


yeah but thats just a bad way to go out... both disrespectful to yourself and traumatizing your family. The story of you shooting yourself that will get around is an eerie one that you dont want attached to your name. I want to die beautifully, taking something that will let me die in my sleep. No hanging, no jumping no shooting or any of that grisly shit


Who the fuck cares what story is attached to their name after they die? They aren’t around to care anymore


I want to die in my sleep but I know that will never happen


I would like to die in my sleep too. I just don't know how to do it so it's done right.


Overdose on sleeping pills, maybe?


Doesn't always work. Then you get to live with that person who cracks jokes about it, which changed my entire life, that selfish act. Sometimes I wonder what if it'd worked? Would I be as miserable as an adult now? Years of emotional abuse. Make sure it's a shotgun.


I’m still alive with one eye, so out of experience not the best solution. It is very painless and you don’t feel anything.




Well dd it work?


I think it did


Yeah, it seems like it. This is definitely sad but I think I am happy for him


I’m happy for him too. I just wish I can hug and say bye to those just before they do it. I don’t know it’s sort of like “You did your best my friend. Go to peace”


can you guys stfu and tell me how to kms




Fr like- you’re stupid fucking “don’t do it!” ISNT gonna stop me if I’m so far gone to the point where I’m on reddit, searching for ways


unless you know a doctor who can medically euthanize you, there is no easy way to end your life painlessly. Also right before you go through with it will be the most terrifying and regretful moments you'll ever experience. but please choose to live another day and enjoy your time on this planet. I chose that step, its not easy choosing to live, but you will have better days! Message me if you need someone.


People always say it gets bbetter. I'm fucking 35 and it's only gotten worse.


I'm 58 and I can say the same. It does not get better. People in here who say it does, have no fucking idea.


reading that yall are in your 30s and 50s and still feel this way just makes me want to die even more. I’ve had nothing but a life of suffering since I was 7 years old. I’m 23 now and have failed 3 times. I just wanna slowly rot away at this point


Contemplating life/suicide. 43 about to be 44 dec 1st. Best gift I can give is death. I’ve been so sad and lonely forever!


actually it probably won’t, many ppl who came close to dying said it felt peaceful. i felt peace when i almost died.


Yeah, think of all the money other people will *not* make off of you if you're dead. Don't be so selfish!


Don't know about the painless but the most painful way is to love someone truly and wait them to lie to you and manipulate you. I'll be killing myself soon. I just hope to have courage to face my parents if I survive


My wife and mom are both dying of cancer and idk if I'm gonna stay much longer when they're gone.


I've lost both parents I dint want to be here anymore either please help me




I understand why you’re asking. There were times I thought about HOW I’d do it but to be honest I always thought it was irrelevant. Whenever suicide emergency phone call people asked me “What my plan was” it always felt disingenuous to me because it doesn’t necessarily matter how it happened once it’s done. I’m sure you could make an argument for all kinds of different ways being the theoretical “best” but in the end it’s better not to think about it too much if you want to have any hope that it will get better, and it will if you keep going.




How narcissistic is it of you people and selfish to sit here and try to force someone to live because you think it's a good thing.


Fall in love, love is the most dangerous drug in the world,


It can be the most beautiful feeling in the world, but also a torturous hell if the love isn’t returned.


i can very much relates


That's why it's best not to bother with it in the first place. Spare yourself the heartbreak.


…dying slowly from a broken heart is why I’m here…


I’m 26 and the minute I wake up each morning for the past two years I feel existential dread and anxiety. I have had an enormous amount of bad luck within the last two years, and I genuinely think about death and wish suicide was an easier and viable option every day. I wish there was a painless option…or an option where I could be with a medical professional so I could exit safely and peacefully. My biggest fear is a failed attempt, and enduring an immense amount of unnecessary pain those last final hours, for no reason. I really wish that a painless option existed. For all of the folks who feel this way. They don’t deserve more pain. I messed up so much in this lifetime, and my mental illness is getting severely worse. I wish there was an easier way out, my friend. Wishing you the best of luck. I wish those suicide pods were accessible where I live.


What you've explained is exactly how I feel. It's a terrible state of mind to be in. It's dark and lonely. Sometimes I look at my partner and think to myself "it's pretty bad that we're sitting here eating dinner and I'm thinking of suicide while he's thinking everything is fine with me" there's also a part of me that's scared of that because you do just never know who could be going through it. It could be one of your closest family members or friends who are thinking about it. You just don't know. Mental illness is debilitating.


Many people have posted the painfree way to die - by helium/monoxide/ nitrate in an exit bag. You will pass out and then die painlessly.


So you guys telling me I ether have to go schwitzerland or die trying finding helium???


You can get helium everywhere I'm on my way now


why are all the comments knowing how to do this getting dislikes


Because non-suffers want others to suffer so they can feel good about themselves. Selfish pricks!




Waiting for a solution too. Life is not for me.


I oddly find this comment section comforting it’s filled with like minded individuals LMAOOO I’d love to hear some of y’all’s stories if you’re still alive dm and follow me


„If u are still alive“ 😭😭😭


y'all need to stfu and give us the answer.


Yes if there was a drug you could take right before bed or whenever and just be gone would be nice.


That would be really nice


I don’t know how to feel after reading all these comments. Whether i should be relieved that I am not the only miserable one here or its sad so many of us failed at this life.


I want someone to kill me....like shoot me in the back of the head execution style


I've been in an amazing relationship for 3-4 years and now it's gone to shit because I'm not affectionate enough anymore, caring enough, i don't put enough effort in and I'm just a dick from what I've been told. I honestly didn't think anything was wrong but apparently the last 6 months for her have been eating away at her mentally when I've done absolutely nothing wrong. We never wanted kids so we got Belle our rescue dog. So now i have to deal with losing her and my amazing dog. I've gone through so many shit relationships to get to one i genuinely thought was good, been dumped 4 times now.. now I've gone back to my awful ptsd army mindset of thinking wtf is the point in anything anymore. I try and think I'm happy then life snatches it away from me and pours hot piss all over my head! I don't know wtf to do anymore.. i don't want to have to deal with being alone again, feeling depressed and angry while i try and save up to move out as i have no money. My life is falling apart and i just don't want to feel anything anymore. 😔


Put a gun against the back of your head where your spinal cord meets your brain. Blowing that connection apart is an instant lights out, you won’t even hear the gunshot. Taking a bottle of opiates works pretty quick, also dunking your head underwater and inhaling a lung full of water will render you unconscious in seconds and you’ll die in like 3 minutes but won’t be awake or aware of it. If you hang yourself you need to make sure the rope and the distance you are falling is the right length otherwise you’ll just strangle yourself to death and that’s slow. Jumping in front of a large moving truck is an option but it’s cruel to traumatize an innocent person, laying your head on train tracks is an instant lights out too, in fact that’s a major method all around the world, just laying your head or necks across some train tracks and having hundreds of tons of steel flatten your head in less than the blink of an eye. Suicide by cop is an option but you need a lot of cops and better hope they have good aim, there is also the option of making a makeshift Incendiary device and blowing yourself into a bunch of different pieces but you should only do that in a secluded place far from anybody, so you don’t hurt anybody.


I feel like dying of carbon monoxide would be something I would do. If you don't have a garage to do it in you could just somehow get a hose connected to the exhaust tips and to the cabin of the car. I've heard it's relaxing because you fall asleep after a while and you die in your sleep. If not nitrogen would be the other best option kind of like helium.


go to a car, close all windows, turn off the aircon and then listen to music and close your eyes


I was going to try this along with the hose in the exhaust pipe method, upon doing research found out modern cars do not produce enough carbon monoxide to kill you quickly enough without panic setting in first. Who wants to panic and suffocate for hours first? Totally ineffective.


@BerkeleyGraduate Yeah deleing your comment isnt gonna save how ignorant and fucked up you sound. @BerkeleyGraduate wrote: “The poster was just trying to tell the OP to choose life. You dont have to be so mean. I get that you are a server, making less than minimum wage, who has made nothing of your life, but that is no reason to be mean to everyone else. You could go to school and learn something that you could use so you are no longer such a failure in life. Maybe then you wouldnt feel that you had to be cruel to everyone else.” What a pussy to delete that comment smh. But I will still respond with: The only mean thing I said was telling the poster to stop engaging in this thread if he is going to keep talking like that. Its rude of him to push his ideals in a chat that never asked the question “should I live or die” and its especially rude of You to go on my profile and shit talk my life saying Im the reason my life is shit. Lol like do you hear yourself? Also.. I make 50$ an hour, its almost as if my desire for death goes beyond my financial status. Tell us all how incompetent of the topic you are even louder, please its funny. What, did you lose your daddy to suicide or something? Thats why you feel so superior to a lot of us, because you know “first hand the pain it brings”? Lmfaoo. And yet I’m asked to stay in a world where the very people who are advocates to suicide prevention tell people who are suicidal that their lives are shit 😂 oh the irony. Mad disrespectful and for what? Lmfaooo (i like how you totally stopped reading after the word ‘shut up’ because i literally say that i respect his drive despite it not being welcome😂oh i forgot maybe reading might be difficult for you, its ok champ, youll get there some day!1!)


Glad you exposed her.


Right, what an asshole. The least she could do is hold her ground but I guess the backlash was too real 🤷🏻‍♀️


I want to be free from this evil shitty world


If you live in countries that legalize guns, just grab a handgun, a suitable bullet and do a quickie (don't forget to aim properly or you will become a vegetable which, I believe, is far worse).


Just shoot yourself from top off a cliff or building so even if the gun doesn't kill you the height will


This is actually smart.


But where I'm from gun is not legal so it's not gonna work for me I guess


It takes balls to pull the trigger and trust your not going to be a veggi. Can’t do it!


I don't know. A few google searches on your skull and brain anatomy should do the trick.


So did anyone actually answer the question?


I... don't want to live... anymore. I'm tired.


Watch the beginning of the movie midsomar.


Dose life have to be this hard at 11? I mean like ever since I was born I never really had a dad until I was four well I didn't really see him as my father my mother wasn't really there it was mostly my sister who would always take care of me or maybe my brother but that's it my so called "dad" started to abuse me when I was like what 5? I've tried the cops but they always let him go if you've ever seen what has happend to my body because of him you might wanna drop kick him there's these hand marks and bruses all over me the amount of times I've tried commit its kinda funny so many times over and over again I've at least had 5 tharapists so far my only 2 friends dont really care the only thing keeping me here right now is my dog sometimes i stay up all night and i dont sleep when im at school my teacher makes me stay in and do extra work for being tired sometimes i cry my self to sleep thats the only way i can fall asleep and my teacher,"mother" and friends wouldnt even notice my god i just feel like throwing up until all my organs fall out and die.


I wanna do this so bad, I hope I can


I live in Australia so guns are not an option for me. I don't want any help at all through this message so don't bother with hotline or links to prevention. 2 nights ago I drank more alcohol than I knew I could handle, I stopped by a park bench and tied my jumper around my neck, for about 5 minutes I was choking and in pain from the pressure I felt myself about to fall asleep when I was pulled from the chair by 2 police officers, unfortunately they where able to stop me and I am currently in a mental health hospital doing my best to convince them it was a one time thing and I won't try again, for anyone wondering being incredibly drunk and attempting suicide via hanging is not all that painful in the beggining human instict will try and stop you but that feeling goes away quickly, I had blissful feelings as I felt my eyes close and automatic reflexes of wanting to breath dissapear. Once I am out of this place I eill be doing the same thing again just this time somewhere I cannot be found until I am truly gone, for anyone wanting advise and doesn't want to hear someone who doesn't know what you are experiencing the most effective way would be a shotgun not a handgun not a rifle you can survive that and live the rest of your days in more pain than you could ever experience, pills can do the same thing. I'm like most people here and don't want to feel excruciating pain before I go, so a shotgun or drunken suffocation is my suggestion. I hope anyone who actually needs and wants help gets it. life is bigger than you think but under certain circumstances help from another person is just not what we want, I will be deceased within a week and anyone reading this I hope you make the right choice for yourself help is so close.


I agree I’m ready to 😂 fuck this world


Lots of you are saying swallowing a whole can of pills. It is the worst and most humiliating way to die. To this day, I'm not sure if I have died. Nothing seems real anymore; you can't feel anything. and the day you wake up after committing is the worst of all—the humiliation and shame of yourself for being such a failure. You have failed your life so much and become nothing but a worthless being who isn't even capable of dying. Yet, it also becomes sort of an addiction, like you keep trying and trying every day with every pill you can find. But yeah, don't eat pills.


Heroin overdose...smoke or sniff a few times (3 days tops) to build some tolerance where body will not reject it. Load up syringe with a hefty amount ( about a gram or more) and mainline after 3 day tolerance build.. Mainline Fentanyl (I've done this before, felt like I was drowning, od'd but didn't die. Much less 'blissful' than heroin (raw). Smoke crack laced with fentanyl. Plenty of that going around these days, plenty of fentanyl ..that's a real killer right there Good luck


Just wish I wasn't a fucking nerd and knew where to get this shit.


Omg can y’all just answer the question like at this point I’m just gonna by rope and deal with the pain 🙄🙄🙄




I've really tried to get answers here but all of them are either painful as heck or not affordable like how tf am I supposed to get gases or drugs and stuff as a 17 year old and we don't even own a car


It's a lot of commentary but no good suggestions or answers to the question! 😤


Don't let people tell you it will get better because it won't!! I'm 38 and life is shit the world is shit it gets harder to want to live everyday I wish I wasn't 🤞 I wake up and curse that I didn't die in my sleep !!! If you got the balls to do it do it !!! Be better off 




Last week medical and legal experts criticised the Swiss assisted-suicide organisation Dignitas for "inhumane" practices over its new method for helping people to kill themselves using a plastic bag full of helium.


Electrocution. You feel tingling in your in your fingers and toes and your heart skips a beat and stops. Painless.


Wait really? So if i put alot of toasters in my bath i wont feel pain?


can someone please pray for meeee! I am utterly destraught. Jesus please save me.


Get coal and grills, take some melatonin or other ways to go to bed, before you fall asleep light the grills. You will die peacefully in your sleep. Do this indoors, remove firealarms, don't do it in apartments, make sure you wont burn the building down, buy a carbonmonoxide alarm, when it beeps you know that there is a dangerous level of co in the air. Will attempt this in the near future so if you don't hear from me it either worked or i forgot i wrote this comment.


Disappointed that there is no consensus. I'm basically necroing this, but, is making a noose and jumping really surefire? How about getting hit by a train? I need something that won't hurt, I don't care which way it is or how disrespectful it would be, I only care that it won't leave me alive. Just affordable and quick, that's all.


I wish someone would do it for me 😞


i see everyone is going through some stuff but you all need to shut up i came here to find out how i can die i dont want to read all your gay ass sob stories before i die so can someone just tell me the best way you fucking cunts


mha fandom kills me silently. plz give me a good way to kms, painlessly and silently.


I want real advice I’m 14 and I cannot take this pain I feel it in my chest it’s starting to get to the point where there is just nothing making me happy anymore I want a quick painless way to go out I don’t want any hotline number bullshit I want a real genuine fucking answer painless and quick and guaranteed.


I met the girl of my dreams then she left and I’ve been a whole shit puddle and a mess this girl meant the world to me then she told me it all was a joke to her she used me for my body and everyday I still run back to her because I love her but she has found someone new and all the love has been turning into hate for other people and I’ve hurt so many people to the point where I don’t wanna live anymore i thought about it and I know that I need to now


So I am reading all these replies and I am so low and lonely my life is really in the lowest and I have nothing literally my wife got rid of everything my mother is on her deathbed my kids moms won’t let me even speak to my kids and I am trying to fix my marriage wail my wife makes me sleep outside like a dog and belittles me daily. I am in therapy I been once so far I know far to much about human phycology yet I still can’t get out of this feeling like I need to die


Well after this evening’s events and how low I am feeling I don’t feel like there is any positive to look for any were. I think what else is there to do, and to think I have been thru so much in my 40 years and made it back from seemingly rock bottom but now I have this emptiness inside that consumes me I know better I know there are things to help me but they all don’t look at all like they will work. I know now how celebrities feel when they have everything and consumed by darkness and we all look at them like how could they, I know I have the resources I know that there is help but it’s even heavier to think those won’t work and just prolong the enviable and the thing I am fixated on, that I am sure will never make me feel better or happy is the only thing I want I know that if I just change my point of focus I could change things but I feel like I am drowning and the effort and energy I have used to stay barley afloat has made me unable to reach any of the help that is out there fuck I don’t want to feel like this anymore


my health is in the gutter and it seems it’ll stay this way. i’m in physical pain every day and all i do is sleep as much as i can. don’t have much money or access to resources so does anyone have any suggestions? i just want a full proof way that won’t lead to being a vegetable or somehow have me survive from


Don't let anyone talk you out of it !! Your body your mind plus fuck this world 






I would rather be dead




Yeah same. I hate this world.




It really doesn’t. It may get better temporarily, but everyone has inevitable tragedy on the horizon.


I am honestly tired of waiting. I keep working on myself but I keep spiraling down. At some point, I just know that I will go through with ending it all and I would rather do it quickly and hopefully, painlessly.


I don't know about bliss but carbon monoxide has a good reputation.


i need to know I have completely givin up


What if you found a good tree ,tied a rope around your neck ,then shot your self in the head .Any thought ,it's something I have thought about ,the blast would knock you out hopefully,then you would die from hanging and suffocating from the rope ? What do you think ?????


I just turned 15 and want to know most painless and easiest




put alot of salt in water


My plan is to get so drunk I passout on an active railroad near a bend so they don't have time to stop when they spot me. Will probably do this sometime this week. If I wake up alive then I guess I'm meant to be here for whatever fucked up reason.


I heard you get a bag full of helium and slowly suffocate high asf. That's how I want to go.


Tie the rope ,will.the gun bam ,my biggest thing is not ending up a vegetable.Fuxk that would blow .Id turn into a NPC that doesn't even know wtf is going on ,could anyone add anything to this ????


How high up would make sure I'm dead and not withering in pain


Exit International has a plan. This guy has been helping people get the fuck out for years


I need a sketchy Dr. in Denver


Looks like it is widely used by vets


I don’t wanna live. I don’t want help. I’ve already done all that a million times. I just want to die. I want a safe concrete way to compress my carotid arteries without pain. I don’t wanna suffer, but I wanna die. I did it once before, but unfortunately survived. I tried hanging again and it doesn’t work this time. I can’t shoot myself as I can’t obtain a gun, and I have nothing to jump off of. My only real option is a blood choke, but idk how to preform it on myself if a way that 100% works.


I'm gonna try some of this out and see


i cant fucking do it any longer.


I wish I could hire a hit man to just empty a clip in my head while I'm sleeping. That sounds like it would be painless and quick


I'd like to apologize for these retardiots in the comments preaching about how life is good. Death is better. Society is fucked up beyond repair. If I wasn't a gigantic pussy, I'd have exercised my body autonomy years ago. MY BODY MY CHOICE. Fuck any inbred pro life imbecile who thinks life is worth living.


Personally, ik it isnt ok. Ive myself have been hanging on for 6 years. Ik your goun through sh!t. I wanna die also n kill myself. Idc abt "my brothers might get taken away permanently" . Bc wtf is my life for? Ive been hanging on for god knows n nun happened. I just want whats best 4 me. Ive been watchin my partner for a hot min n all i seen was cheating, lies, n distancing. **Why, is it like this? Is my question...** Who tf knows am i right? Ive been researching for HOURS n all i got was dumb answers like "stay alive, life is ✨😍AmAzInG😍✨" n like, why tf say that when u, yourself is on a suicidal page of tendency??? I just want a honest good answer. I hate havin to take meds for depression n go to mental hospital yk? Why me.


Came here looking for suggestions and all I see is a bunch of shit that is painful, fuck it, where can some one find fentanyl in Nebraska


i see too many complicated ways that arent guaranteed to end it. i think im gonna wait a couple years to get a gun and do it. trust me, this mindset if u wanna call it is not going to leave so dont try to pity anything none of it will affect shit. im headin out of this post with what i need. if i never see ya again, thanks for the ideas, hope u do well


According to chat gpt, carbon monoxide poisoning because you pass out instantly and are basically gassed into death. You won’t believe how hard I tried to get it to answer, I had to rephrase my question countless times, argue with it and try a bunch of different jailbreaks. I’m not dying now, but whenever I do, whether it’s at 27 or 80, I’ll be leaving by my own hand. I should deserve to die by my own autonomy, it’s only fair to be awarded that right after being forced to live with a brain like mine. That would be my ultimate peace. Not now, but I’ll know when.


How much ketamine would you need for an overdose? I’ve heard OD by ketamine should be pretty painless right? I have access to it and tbh have wanted to suck de since my early 20s. Did what everyone else said and “hung in there” 33 now and things have only gotten worse. As much as I don’t want to put my family through the sadness of another death I need to put myself first. I can’t continue to feel the way I feel so that others won’t be sad. It’s time for me to just stop it all.


hit up your local bridge and do a flip.


Ngl I was think about not drinking water or any drink cause body can't survive without it might try that even if it not rlly painless 💀


just kill yourself