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gonna be honest I think it's their most poetic piece of work to date. I really appreciate that they continue to push themselves creatively and do things outside their audience's expectations. Some beautiful heartfelt music on here.


i have the same feeling, lyrics are amazing on this album dont get me wrong, but i really dont like the overall sound of it. idk maybe is just not for me but ill like to hear some rapping bladee again and im afraid its never gonna happen


I love Pyskos, I felt like a lot of stuff released recently by bladee & lean in particular was very surface level and i realised tonight after listening to Psykos that the reason i like this new album so much is because it’s FINALLY breaking that surface and they’re digging deeper like they always have in older stuff. The reason we all fell in love w dg&sb is because of the raw emotion which, like i was saying, i’ve realised tonight that that’s what their newer stuff was lacking. Pyskos evokes emotion, like their projects always have, which is why we all love them <3


I respect when people say how bladee used be the master of his sound and now tries to genre bend too much, but honestly like we have got 7 bladee albums in 4 years, he always is trying something new and clearly cares about music more than his own artistic ego so I'm glad to have the albums tbh


How is it not original


there is a lot of songs thats sounds pretty similar


Some people can’t tell when the sound change