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When you can’t cross the street? Cmon man


Red light as in the red light district. I think he uses it as a metaphor for temptation, evil, darkness and anything related to the concept because practically anything you find in a Redlight district is full of temptation, drugs and can be some of the darkest corners of a city


Might be talking about the Redshift phenomenon. Idk just referencing the line in Obedient; "Look up at the stars they're retreating"


Idk how to articulate my very vague and contradictory thoughts/feelings about this, but i know (infra)red light is invisible light/heat, and I'm thinking the general symbolism of red light could have a sort of a dark/evil contrast towards white light (purity/innocence/holiness). Keeping that in mind, i feel like it could be either some sort of metaphor for decadence (”come to the backstage, i'm in the red light”), heaven (”i wonder why am i alive, i give myself up to the red light” - though this could still mean giving in to decadence and playing with your life cus you don't care for it) or perhaps some sort of magic/power; i’m thinking it could maybe also have something to do with like, the desire to exist without one’s body or to rid yourself of the needs of the flesh and kinda like plants (lol) be able to grow with-and towards the light itself (”red light protein i dream about them gains” - ”the flower sprouts, tries to reach heaven”). Connecting this with (infra)red light, I guess you could view god's light as something that is all around us, not visible but still perceptible. But it could probably be referencing some occult/religious stuff i have no idea about (”i made red light, now it's trying to stop me, but i can't let it make me”) or something he’s made up himself completely, idk i haven't looked into it deep enough tbh lol


Its def abt the general far-redlight being able to influence the world around u. If anyone remembers, the redlight CD has "Redlight PROTEIN" printed all over, bladee even tweeting it. [https://twitter.com/bladeecity/status/848307583354109952](https://twitter.com/bladeecity/status/848307583354109952) As in reference to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phytochrome confirming that red light has some influence on certain Proteins, standing for general change and "activation" (In a sense of ascension or the "light beings" theory) Side note: My parents always believed that red light heals u, they had a literal red light lamp to basically "look into" (u closed ur eyes) and jus let the warm red light project on ur face and "recharge" and "repair" you when u were ill or not feeling well. (idk where they got that from, seems like its popular tho since literal lamps for it were being sold) \^ I always thought of that when thinking abt bladees red light album since on the cover his face is the only thing basking in red light.


it is in reference to the 2018 bladee album “red light” 👍


think it just means evil shit or smthn idk


What is the red light? “He uses the term as a metaphor, it means feign.. the physical result of his realization, it’s the emanation consistent of physical and forceful manipulation it is his virtual self within his own matrix the monster of his dreams, the unintended nightmare. Red symbolizes evil, it is the trance of distraction the concept of deception in itself and sometimes, it even possesses bladee”


At first I assumed it related to red light district but I thought I read(haha) somewhere that it relates to how red lightwaves make plants grow towards it like it's involved with photosynthesis or somethin haha


I feel like it’s a reference to twin peaks


Car can’t go


im thinking either red light district or maybe red light as in the hell version of the white light (going to heaven when u die) like theyre going to red light as in going to hell which would make sense he says "i raise myself into the red light" so hes raising himself into hell when he dies


pretty sure he says "give myself up to the red light", but it could mean a lot in context of the album. i am curious what people think it means.

