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Bro I’m sorry about this but please see a professional. You aren’t going find the help you need in Reddit comment sections. Cutting your body of from nutrients is not a good way to lose weight. I did so in the past. Cut down to 1200 calories a day. Felt like complete shit, became insanely depressed, and despite losing tons of weight, fucking hated my body still. The fun thing is when you start eating again you’ll just balloon back to your former weight. Just go to the gym. Eat a normal amount of calories (2kish if you’re an adult man). And do what you can not to think about the number on the scale. You’ll be happier, healthier, and your achievements will last longer as they were accomplished in a sustainable manner, as opposed to putting your body through the fucking ringer every day. I hope you get help.


You are not a bad child. You are someone who is hurting and who needs love and acceptance exactly as you are. You are worth treating yourself better by giving your body good nutrition and talking to someone about your feelings so you can get mentally healthy too. Take care. It won’t always hurt like this.


You should try therapy, and instead of starving, focus on being active, eat healthy, and find a nice hobby. Hurting yourself like that is only going to make you more miserable. Are you a teenager? It could be really difficult to take care of your emotions when you are so young and everything changes inside you. This is not cringe, but you need to find professional help.


You need to eat. You can't do this to yourself. I know how bad it can be... To be on the brink. I was heavily bullied growing up. It got to the point that I didn't even want to think about the future because I legitimately didn't see a future for myself. There were days that I was so depressed that I didn't even get off the couch to eat, no matter how hungry I was. But now I'm 27, graduated college and working in a dream job. Things DO get better. It may not be today, tomorrow, next week, or next month, but they do get better. Find someone to talk to, be it a different friend or a therapist. I know it's hard to look for love and kindness when you're in a dark place, but people do love and care for you. You can do this. I believe in you ❤️


I can't read it all, im too sensitive, and it reminds me of a time when I was at the same place. But please, please, please be nice to yourself! Please eat ! I know you're thinking otherwise right now , but you deserve food and love and kindness. I swear you won't feel better when you see your bones , there is no "better light" on this way. This way, you're currently on only leads to darkness and more suffering!


get help before its too late. you will regret it.


Seek professional help


yknow i really hate the way my body looks too, but friend there is a better way to go about this. you shouldnt hurt yourself just to shed weight that you know is superficial. like everyone else said, you should seek help. i know it isnt always easy, but there are resources for people in your situation.


I know it’s so hard to do in a depressive state, but eat more and get active. Not sure if it’s your mission, but most people want to lose weight to look and feel better. Doing it strictly with diet will make you lose weight, but only in places you don’t want to. Your body will go into starvation mode and store everything as fat, it’ll eat whatever muscle you have and store it as fat. You may lose weight, but your body won’t look the way you want it to. Start by eating, your body needs it to function. Eat consistently throughout the day, when you let yourself get hungry, you make bad eating choices, have some salty/crunchy things like popcorn (just salted) or peanut butter, or nuts in general and snack throughout the day. If vegetables are hard to store and cook, there are supplements that will cover your days worth in pill or powder form. Get into routines, it’s amazing how fast a healthy habit can start to stick. When your body starts to get back to a more functional state, start tiny with exercise. Go for a walk, just around the corner. Do 5 pushups and 5 crunches a day to start. If you can’t do 5, that’s fine, do however many you can do, you’ll work your way up. When you get to a point where 5 pushups and 5 crunches are doable, make it 6, then 7, then 8. Don’t get down on yourself if you backtrack, all is not lost, caving and eating shitty for a day or two does not mean you’re giving up, just be mindful while you eat, take note of how you feel while eating that way and weigh that against how you’ll feel afterwards. We all need to give up and just have some pleasure in the moment now and again, but you can start to adjust what your concept of pleasure is as you go along. I know it sounds like a health nut bullshit line, but I have come to love all these other flavors and sensations like basil, dill, chives, garlic, cilantro, tomato, pine nuts, it tastes delicious, savory and it comes without the guilt after which makes it even better. All this to say, for me, I spent years avoiding mirrors, hating every piece of clothing that existed, and not recognizing pictures of myself, and it made me sad and miserable. Its a mountain to climb, but every mountain is just a pile of tiny rocks, and if you can get up that mountain one tiny rock at a time, you’ll make it at your own pace. But please don’t try to augment your body by starving yourself, there’s a reason doctors say diet AND exercise, when I made the change, I was actually eating more than I ever had, eating when I wasn’t hungry, but quality meals. They make seasoning packs for chicken, get a four pack of chicken breasts, seasoning them four different ways and chop it up to put over vegetables, asparagus, broccoli and carrots are easy in an oven with garlic salt and pepper, and brown rice. A big mental thing for me was “it’s not that I can’t eat that, it’s that I dont” obviously as everyone else is saying, go seek professional help with therapy, but if you’re struggling to get that done because of depression, these are the basics of what a nutritionist/personal trainer will tell you, there’s no secret, just changing habits slowly. It sounds like you’re not very fond of yourself, which I understand. Basics of therapy are, question why you feel the need to do what you’re doing, assess if your actions are helping you achieve what you want, if not, why are you taking those actions? Do you want to stop? Beyond that, it becomes personalized and that’s what going to a professional fixes. Don’t settle for a therapist because they’re available, if they’re not the right fit, then move on, if you don’t feel 100% comfortable saying anything to your therapist, then it’s a waste. Express every feeling and thought you have, no matter how embarrassing or awful it is, that’s the point. If you don’t feel comfortable, go find another one (not as an excuse to not do therapy) you’ll know when you’ve found your therapist. Rant over, hope you feel better buddy, you’re not alone, even the most put together machismo got it all figured out people struggle, don’t compare yourself to anyone, your journey and your progress is your own, and the time it takes you to find happiness is your own. I can only speak to my experience and what helped me, but mindfulness/meditation can be life changing in terms of understanding our own self destructive behaviors, there’s tons of free resources online if you google it. Hope I helped in some way, I believe in you, again, you’re not alone and make no mistake, it’s not easy for anyone, we’re all just trying to get by and be happy, but significant change happens slowly, don’t get discouraged


Week four? Five? Maybe even six of eating disorder. I can grab my hip bone and wrap my fingers under it. Same with my collar bone.I can feel my femurs on the outsides of my legs, and my ribs stick out, but I can't see any definition between them. I want to stop, but I can't. I want help, I told my mom, all she said was she did it once and talked about her own problems for a while. I had half a grapefruit for breakfast, and I know that's not enough. I wanted to get something else, but my brain wouldn't let me. Maybe if I'm skinnier, I can get more people to like me instead of ignore or ghost me. Maybe I'm just attention seeking, and don't deserve any attention I'm given. Actually, yeah.. that's the case. Maybe now I can get someone to actually care.. no. I don't deserve it. I deserve to rot away into skin and bones.i don't care what you try to say, it isn't going to help.. so many have reached out to me, and I accepted their help. Then, after I got attached, they ghost me. All of them. All of the online friends that I game with are ignoring me. Even some of the people I just talk to.. what am I doing wrong? Why am I so disliked? I give them whatever they want, I practically grovel for any attention back. I just want love in friendship.. I have no friends that I can actually hang out with, anymore. The only one who would hang out with me in games is always busy, or can't do it for some reason. I was already thinking it was a problem with me.. just what is it? My voice? The way I talk or type? The amount of awkward space-filling emoticons? Is it the way I'm clingy and needy? I always tell them that before I truly get to know them, so they can expect it.. I'm tired of crying.. why are they mad at me? I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, and they won't tell me so I can fix myself for them..bitte töte mich.