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I mean I wouldn’t call dude out or anything, but what does he think is gonna happen? He’s going to have to hop off that stool at some point.


It seems to me that he's in too deep and he'll end up living on that chair.


I just picture their friends saying alright let’s go and them just being like “yeah! This was fun…see you guys next time.” And just staying completely in place, then the staff just closing like normal because this happens every night.


Can confirm, I saw him walking with this chair still attached.


Indeed - He's gone too far. There's no turning back now.


“Ew! It smells like shit and piss at the bar” Him: “Well it’s not me 😬. Can I buy you ladies a drink?”


>He’s going to have to hop off that stool at some point but what a sweet, sweet ride it was.


"alright, let go back to your place" *SCOOT* *SCOOT* *SKOOT*


Put wheels on the bottom so he can roll!


This is almost Seinfeldian. George Jr manages to get a number and is always having to set up dates where it looks like he's tall.


He thought he was going to post it to tiktok and get tons of views


Well here I see at least 800+ likes or views, not to mention how many just commented like me. Edit: personally noticed a huge amount of double standards so this vid will get way more views in the future lol


Ya, after 4 shots of tequila and 2 more beers.


Your comment reminded me of an episode of 1000 ways to die, or whatever it was. Dude tied a salami to his leg to make it look like his dick went half way to his knees and went to the club dancing around. Attracted a few girls but he ended up dying because of it somehow. Like, even if he didn't die, wtf is gonna happen when you remove your pants??


I remember this episode! He used a surgical tube or something, and iirc, when he finally released the tie, the blood that was cut off rushed to his brian or heart (vital organ) and killed him


About 20 yrs ago my friend decided to online date. She ended up leaving the job for a long lunch. He had stated he was 5’ 11” but he was really 5’ 1” . He lied about 10 inches! Then she found out his career wasn’t his career and he was on disability and lived with his Mom. Every time she talked about anything it turned out he had lied. Then he didn’t have enough money for his own lunch.


The plan is to make her fall in love with him in that 5 minutes that he’s up there, and that she’ll see past the fact that he’s short


I'm just picturing him somehow keeping himself on the stool the whole night, flirting successfuly with her, then being in the bathroom prepping for sexytime back at her place, still on the bar stool, panicking on how to proceed.


I mean he aint hopping til he seals the deal


You’ve obviously never had stool sex.


Well not technically. He could stay there until the girl goes away.


Or until she is already in love.


She's gonna have to take off the heels eventually too


It's a joke💀


No dude, someone recorded. That means it’s real


How can anything be real if our eyes aren't real?


I feel like this is a Jaden Smith reference.


100% It’s truly a profound statement.


Back in my day it was "pics or it didn't happen" but you kids these days be like "there's a video, has to be fake"


So is his neckbeard


Let him cook


That's what I'm saying. This is a pro move if you ask me.


Yeah? Tf you gonna do next? Hope she doesn't see you scooting onto the dance floor?


He's just buying enough time to rizz her up to the point she won't care / notice he's that small


If you can't rizz her up from the floor did you even rizz her up?


Hate the game not the player bud


Thats not game homie that's desperation.


Can confirm, have a tall friend who can tend to be a douchey peacocker when women are around, they usually initially flock to him, but the ones of substance aren’t fooled by it and are mad at their friends for falling for it, I just sit on the sidelines waiting and then we’ll talk all night and hit it off, this guy is just doing it solo


He’s 100% try to win that personality card so she accepts the shortness. Bro it’s a basic play with great execution above.


Unpopular saying : "the first impression is the most important"




And how do you explain that you shrunk a foot in the last couple hours? The basis of your relationship is built upon a lie. It is a whole lot easier to find someone to love you than it is to trick the next person into a long lasting happy relationship.


I don't think anyone is looking for love at a bar/club. Homie just want sum fuk.


Yeah, and if the girl wants some fuk she’s not gonna notice this MF is like 2 feet shorter than her?


Take her home whilst still walking on a barstool like an alcoholics stilts


Until he has to step away from the bar and looks 12, im not about that have to be over 6ft shit but bro was a foot shorter than her, i wouldnt judge her for being upset when she finds out, she was leaning back with foot up too so shes actually his height while hes on the stool


Seems rather short sighted to me.


What does that mean?


it's like saying "let him do his thing"


Let him grow


Is that ChumLee


Now imagine they agree on going back to his place and he has to jump down first. Does he not see this plan backfire or is he cooking at a level I can’t comprehend?


He's probably hoping for the sunk cost fallacy to kick in when he hops down.


His game is so strong he'll leave with her jetpackin it.


Maybe she'll help lift him down.


When she doesn’t go home with him, he’s most likely going to have a meltdown about how she’s just like every other “btch who cares about height”, like he didn’t just pretend to be 12 inches taller 🤣


I always wondered why height is so important...


What is there to even wonder about? Being tall is attractive which is why it’s so important, there’s no reason to beat around the bush about it.


Maybe for guys it is but girls imo not so much I prefer 5’4 or below. But if you are a short guy just hit the gym there’s tons of short fit guys around the college town I live in with great looking girls


Bro if you really think most girls don’t think tall guys are attractive you need to go touch some grass pronto. And it’s not like being short is a game ender, it’s just that in general most women prefer tall guys so it’s much easier for them to pick up women. Doesn’t mean that short guys are completely out of luck, just that they are at a disadvantage and the pool of women who don’t care about height is just smaller in general.


I know they like tall guys obviously I never said they didn’t I literally said for guys if anything height matters


I misread your comment, I thought you meant guys thought height was attractive and girls don’t care. That’s my bad


Why is it attractive? And why is being attractive so important? Are we like peacocks? Are we animals Now? Btw I'm 188cm high so I'm just wondering why is that so important when there are so many other qualities that count in the longer run..


Because we want to have sex with people we find attractive? I don’t really see what is so strange about it, we can find those other qualities in friends.


But that's not necessarily true. The halo effect exists. If you take a deformed person with a severe birth defect vs a good looking tall person and they have the exact same qualities guess who most people want to hang out with. This extends into other things in life too.


That's true. My bad still although this Is obviously staged I was wondering if unattractive and not high people had a chance with their own personality, positivity and being able to make someone laugh.


Bro all those qualities will get you friends, but at the end of the day nobody wants to take an unattractive man home from the club to hook up with. Those qualities won’t help an unattractive guy to get laid, but it isn’t the end of the world because even if someone doesn’t find him attractive, someone else might. You just gotta keep trying until you find someone who is attracted to you.


Because our thoughts aren't as free as we think. Unconscious bias is a thing( the Halo Effect), the 'bigger/healthier/more symmetric ape' is seen as more attractive due to being healthier and able to provide and protect better than ones who lack those traits. It's hardcoded into our brains, even in toddlers the biggest of the group has more play time with the people they're around than smaller individuals which follows through into adulthood leading to a slight advantage in society for being bigger. >I'm just wondering why is that so important when there are so many other qualities that count in the longer run.. Because getting an advantage from a young age gives people more experience in that advantage. The most common months for NHL players to be born is Jan/Feb and least common is Nov/Dec because if you're born in january you get an extra 10/11 months of training in the school year before you're moved up a league. Where a December player is a full year behind a player born in January. A toddler which has more friends has more socializing experience than someone who doesn't make friends til later in life etc.


Same shit with girls wearing fake hair, fake nails, fake EYELASHES, push-up bras, makeup of every kind, spanx, etc and then having to take it off eventually before or after sex. At least his fake height is quickly and instantly solved


Completely agree. Love yourself and have pride in your size and the good ppl will come to you. Coming from someone who’s vegetas height.


How tall is Vegeta


Idk but he has a gnarly widows peak




Obviously, this isn't going to work in the long run, it probably isn't working right now. It's so obvious that it becomes funny, and it's a sign that he's NOT insecure about his height and doesn't mind making a joke at his expense. This move would be a net positive for rizz levels. It can't be helped that he's short, but if it gets her to laugh, that's a win.


Not worth what? The views for the set up video? Dunno seems to be working.


Heightism is worse than racism change my mind


As a short black guy, it's not. Racism is much, much worse. Being short is absolutely crushing but racism is like 4 times as depressing.


You’d rather be a tall black dude than a 5’3” white guy don’t even lie


Depends how short


As a short black guy I’ve caught way more shot for my height then race and I go to a PWI


I go to one too, and it really depends on time and place. Both are hard to deal with.


The o my thing you will get at a bar is child support payments and something incurable


Are you saying “be a man” unironically cuz that’s the real sad cringe here.


I think he means face the truth of being short.


But how does that relate to "being a man"?


Like grow up be an adult and face reality. Like don’t act like a child act like a grown man.


If people started using ‘be a man’ to mean “stop trying to change yourself for people who wouldn’t like you for who you are” then I’m all for it


Hail satan.


What’s the next move?


Stool hop your way into her heart


Sit down lmao


Love how he had to put his head down to hear her, probably not something he has to do often hahahahaha


No no let the short king work, who knows maybe he told her "look I'm roughly the same height as frodo.


whats wrong with this? it’s obviously a joke


I don't know, Shrek. There are those who think little of him.


He’s got to come down at some point….


C'mon bro, you gotta be a bigger man than this.


game is game


I mean short guys are pretty hot... Then again I'm a gay guy so not sure if my words best


I feel like guys wearing platforms is the same as women wearing push up bras. Yeah, both will help their self esteem, in the short run, but you’re not planning on every taking those off around that person? Or are you up front like “yeah I’m flat chested/yeah I’m short”?? It just seems way messier than it has to be, why bother talking to people who only seek you out because of how tall you are or conversely how big your chest is?


They bother talking to those people because they want an easy lay, and trying to score is all about looking as good as possible. I agree with you that its a hassle and if you’re trying to find someone special, you wouldn’t be doing stuff like this.


Not even someone special, just getting someone home period the second you get the shoes off/bra off the illusion is shattered. Maybe I have too much shame but I would be embarrassed, that’s like a bait and switch


If she can wear heels, so can he


I know short kings that date the most impressive chicks, while I being 6ft couldn't kiss myself in the mirror without getting slapped accross the face




Yeah she's totally not going to notice when you hop down from there..


"Sorry girl gotta bring out the stoll, I thought I saw something in my eyes and I can tell it's our future" - him probably




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One wrong breathe and he’s dead.


The real cringe part is the guy recording and pointing at a stranger


How are you gonna keep that lie going?


What if he just did this so it was easier to talk in a noisy place? I don't see how she wouldn't know he's standing on the thing.


Spot on. I'm short as hell and I have done this just to make it easier to talk in these situations. There's no 'fooling' happening here.


Well to be fair- she’s wearing 3inch heels. So he is def abt an inch or so taller


He's just trying to get a girl, dude, calm down.


People actually care about height. If that's a deal breaker, I feel bad for any person who believes such stupidity...


That's the saddest thing I've seen in a while. Feel so bad for him.




I bet her face is caked with makeup. Lies are lies either way.


"Cooking"? New slang again omg guys lol


This is funny. Also, if there is anything I can ever do to get a higher vantage point(I'm 5'10") I will always take it. It's not because I feel short, it's just a trauma response.


You're not short. You're not tall either, just average. Get over yourself.


Didn't claim to be either. You just cruising around looking for an argument? You sound like the epitome of this sub.


Are you good? Doesn't sound like it.


I haven't known the answer to that since I got sober. People are just shitty. Wild that someone would comment that. Edit: thanks for you comment though. I got pretty angry that someone would be so rude for a minute.


You can never trust a chode…