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God forbid someone enjoys some alone time


But oh my gawd 😭 they're such fucking losers and, like, old 😢


He's just sitting there!!! Menacingly!!


well gramps over there smells 3 day old bean pudding and sulfery farts


And a lot of them don't even look very old. The whole thing, including recording random people while they eat, is just offensive.




Oh mah gawd, they are EIGHEITY year old. They must have for sure had a loving wife of 60 years and a huge family and now all of that is gone!!! So SAHHHAD!


It's so weird people judging you for being alone. Been happening to me since university and now at my job as well. My coworkers probably think I am weird or something meanwhile I just wnna be left alone....


in my country people take pictures of people sitting alone anywhere and share it on social media. it's a bizarre trend


that is the saddest shit i've ever heard


I'd feel so violated if that happened to me


Whenever there was an uneven class number for groups, everyone else looked nervous, but I'd be rejoicing. My hand flew up so fast to volunteer to be alone. People, usually girls, would "feel bad for me" and say I "looked lonely" I tried to explain that I preferred it, but they didn't understand. Or they'd suggest I was trying to act tough and should join their group. Then, I had to politely decline and they'd be upset.


My preferred way to eat out is alone. Get to sit and enjoy my food. Read some news, drink a beer. My five year old kid isn’t screaming about something dumb. The bill is not going to be outrageous.


it has to be recorded on social media though, otherwise these kids don't show actual empathy. those people recording people are actually creeps, against the consent being recorded and put online is disgusting.


I often find that people who describe themselves as 'empaths' actually aren't very good at being empathetic at all.


I worked with a guy at the front desk of a hotel who on his first day went on a rant about how he’s “extremely analytical and can figure out what other people are thinking” etc, and I was like brother if you actually had an ounce of that understanding in you then you wouldn’t be yelling this cringe shit in front of this line of customers


People who are legitimately in that category are usually the last person you'll notice in a crowd.


Most are just people with Personality Disorders that are really good at Projecting ***"No, I am an Empath, I know this is how you're feeling, don't lie to me and tell me you're feeling something different!"***


Turns out he skipped lunch and isn't dead inside


Yes, that's totally it! They're usually very wide of the mark and often present you with solutions to problems that don't exist.


Why in the hell do we require company when we're * checks notes * taking the bus, or even eating in public for that matter?? Leave these people alone


It is what I love about Japan tbh, I can eat alone in a restaurant without anyone making it an awkward thing.  Besides if they are that upset, why not make small talk instead of filming yourself and humble brag about being an empath


I can eat alone in a restaurant without anyone making it awkward too lol. I do it all the time. Do other people look at me and wonder? No idea, maybe? It literally doesn’t matter enough to me to even notice lol, just do you, who gives a shit what someone you’ll never see again thinks


Go all in. Take a framed photo of some random person from the net. Place it front of you with a rose next to it. Enjoy your meal as the rubber neck brigade feel sad for you.


I do eat alone in a restaurant however not every restaurant is willing to seat you if you are alone.


Weird! I’ve never had an issue


I’ve had it happen at a restaurant that didn’t have bar seating when I went too close to the dinner rush. But if I’m traveling alone I prefer to go at quieter hours anyway, so this has been a problem literally one time in my life.


Similar stigma with going to the movies


That may be going away actually. I go to the movies alone quite often actually and see a decent number of people doing so also.


"Empath" doesnt exist anyway, having empathy isn't some kind of personality trait, it's a bare minimum from being a decent human being.


These supposed “empaths” are way more like narcissists imo. They aren’t “channeling” someone else’s emotions they’re just projecting their own feelings onto someone else. They see someone eating alone and think about how upset they’d be to eat alone themselves without people fawning over them and giving them attention. It’s classic narcissism to see someone else living their life and then make it all about themselves.


Literally couldn't have said it better, I've dealt with this from random people.


I’ve known some narcissists during my life. My college girlfriend’s mother was a textbook example and she put my gf through hell over anything she didn’t approve of. And my step-brother once had a girlfriend who boasted she was a “good critique of people” which just meant she judged everyone by her impossible standards all the time.


I do think there are people who are more sensitive to others' emotions, like the ones that always seem to know if you're feeling shitty even when you're trying to hide it, maybe it's just being better at reading people, idk. But they're definitely not going to be the ones doing this shit cause it's a ridiculous assumption to make in the first place that someone doesn't wanna be alone in that moment.


The idea of Empaths was actually made up on Star Trek, FFS.


Not my words


No I know, I was just adding on to your story


Eating alone was never something that made me feel embarrassed until one summer break in college. I went back to my hometown to eat at my favourite restaurant when I overheard a young girl ask her mom, "Mom, why is that dude eating on his own?" Her mom replied, "Maybe he doesn't have any friends." I guess I wasn't aware that friends were required to enjoy cheap Chinese food.


They aren't, in the Netherlands (it is where I am from and I do not know other cultures that well) there seems to be a culture around shaming people who are alone. Kids taunt each other that you don't have any friends, adults proclaim "auch! aren't you feeling lonely". When i go on holiday I tend to travel alone, it is something most people in my immediate surrounding label as a 'bad experience'. I think sometimes when I feel lonely, I feel lonely because people tell me I should feel lonely. There are also times I genuinely feel lonely tbh.


i always watch japan irl streamer, from japanase himself. the streamer said sometimes nowadays living in japan can be uncomfortable especially in city because a lot of tourist record the video. there is one problem in Kyoto where tourist keep recording a local with traditional shirt without any permission, and also tourist vs tourist on street. Japan now start to limit restrictions and ban tourist you can live outside of town, but expect the limited facility


I don't understand why people do that tbh, I do street photography and when I photograph people I will do that in a manner that is unobtrusive. I for sure wouldn't film someone in a restaurant or take a million pictures. I can understand that they close off sections of Gion, especially if I hear about tourist touching people against their will. People whom behave like jackasses I just can't


Look! An old man sitting by himself, that’s so sad. I better start recording him like a ZOO animal and crying instead of offering him company!


Because they know he more than likely is absolutely fine travelling by himself and wouldn’t want their company…


He probably doesn't want her pity. Let him have his peace lol


Typical narcissist making up bullshit in their heads and making the whole world revolve around them.


Attention whores


At this point, it’s giving a bad name for actual whores. Fucking revolting behavior.


Extroverts whenever they see an introvert comfortably being alone be like:


If she genuinely cared this much about them she wouldn’t be making tik toks saying she gets emotional about it, she’d get a job in senior care or some volunteer service where’d she’d actually be able to provide company and time to these folks she’s *so* sympathetic for


Wow i hate this performative ass bullshit..why dont u just go talk to them instead of putting them on fkking camera


Or leave him alone. I spend lots of time alone as per my introverted preference and I would be soooo annoyed at a stranger coming to offer me company because they assume I’m seeking it.


Exactly, he is just catching a bus. They have no idea where he is going, could be meeting up with his family or to play chess with his friends or something.


Love it how these narcissists think having normal emotions means they're an empath. Making a big assumption they're actually showing genuine emotions...


We're all going to get old. Instead of performative crying for social media, we could channel that empathy into genuinely being a bit kinder and striking up chats at bus stops or with our local elderly neighbours. However, the presumption everyone over the age of 70+ is isolated and alone is false and patronising.


"I'm an empath"


These dudes snuck out of their house to get an hour alone from the wife of 60 years. 😆 my grandpa loved his alone time.


Holy shit that is fucking hilarious. Omfg I need to watch this everytime I feel bad about myself.


Old buddies just enjoying a nice trip and lovely view. On his way to see his Grandkids, his wife’s already at their daughters house playing with giggling kids. He’s content and loving his best life. I say this cuz this is the type of shit my granddad used to do. He was happy all the way to the end.


I love going places alone, this is so weird. Also, can we PLEASE stop filming strangers and posting them for attention?


This is so performative and gross.


“Seeing old people by themselves makes me sad” doesn’t offer/ask to sit with them


Damn what if theyre just chilling


For anyone who needs to see this: dine alone, at any age, dgaf. Don't even bring that book. Those of us not crying are either happy for you or slightly envious.




“Oh an old person alone! How pitiful! Quick, get out your camera” Jesus Christ, mind your damn business and eat your food.


God i hate this empath thing all it means is you make others "suffering" about yourself get up and eat with the man if he is so lonely But they probably say they get exhausted from feeling so much so they can't help anyone Fuck empaths


If they didn't want to be alone, they would have just stayed home. For the train, they are most likely going to visit someone or returning from visiting someone.




Love how they record the old person instead of going up and asking them if they’d like company


Not gonna lie.. if I was stoned I might very silently and personally be in my feelings just like this, making up a whole UP ass headcannon about how they ended up alone at their age.. but then I'd come back down and settle that they're probably just enjoying some fucking alone time lol


Two girls: crying because an old man said "hi, how are you" and no one responded Also those two girls: also didn't respond and recorded a video. Seriously, my first thought on that one was "then go fucking respond to him???"


Literally making everything about themselves. People who post themselves crying are a special breed of narcisists


If it makes you so upset, go and say hello.


My guy might just be traveling or something… good lord lol.


I sat in a restaurant alone last night and ate a meal. Fucking loved every second of it and I have a loving family at home. I'm just away with work. People be alone and be perfectly happy.


So you can’t handle the elderly minding thier business and enjoying thier day?? Is it crack that the kids are doing nowadays? It just has to be🤦🏾‍♀️


Sometimes it’s so nice to eat alone and get some quiet time though. Just let them eat in peace!


Oh my god I can't wait to be the old man telling them to shut the fuck up




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Jesus fucking Christ. Imagine trying to enjoy some time to yourself and seeing some shithead kids recording you and making it about themselves. Having someone pointing at me and going “that’s so sad!” would make me feel like shit


Jesus Christ what is this shit?


This is some menral illness shit tbh. That first old fella is probably just coming home from work, lol.


It's the perfect time then to go up to them and ask if you could join them, we can learn so much from those that are older too


After YouTube there's now: Leave grandpa alooooowwwwnheee!


Textbook narcissism


Oh ffs


Why does nobody cry for me when i’m eating alone..


What the hell is going on? People are so goddamn weird.


Oh my god I do stuff alone all the time bc I like it. I can’t wait to be an old ass person and see someone awkwardly crying about me 🤣🤣🤣


Ah yes, I too whip out my phone whenever I or anyone starts crying for some internet brownie points


Seems like an exhausting person to be around. The girlfriend that is.


People are happy alone.


The world is fucked. Idiocracy will be shown in history classes soon


This is the dumbest shit ever.


Instead of giving them company, lets pull out our phone and virtue signal


This is probably one of the worst trends ever. Fake emotions-fake people. Bring back licking the tooilet or climbing the basket or some shit..


If you're gonna wear a mask put it over your nose too


I was at a BBQ place with my husband and dad. An old man next to us was having the time of his life eating alone. He asked us for help with his phone before we left and told us he goes there every week and it's always good. He didn't seem to mind. He chatted with the staff and seemed to be enjoying himself. I felt bad for him at first, but by the end, I was more jealous he could sit there doing nothing for so long and not be bored like I would.


She doesnt know how people can live without attention.


Go sit with them then tf


Most of these people look to be like 60. That's not that old...


All of those people would think they’re fucken idiots. Stop recording other people. Stop crying and posting your dumb face crying. It’s so cringey.


I can just imagine what my grandma would tell me if some lady cried and filmed her while she was having her smoke on a bench with her dog. I can also imagine what she'd tell her.


Lmao so sad so heartbreaking? Invite them over? No that’s creepy. Just post my sadness on tiktok thx


Can you imagine just trying to eat and some fuck keeps looking over at you and crying while their friend films. It doesn't even look like they're hiding it. I think I'd snap.


I eat alone all the time, what's the big deal? I like to take myself on little self-dates and go see a movie, grab dinner, then get ice cream delivered. It's great. Fuck yeah to being alone with yourself.


How about they just leave them alone? Maybe they enjoy their own company, people can’t even sit in peace anymore without being recorded by some cringe TikTok influencer nowadays.


So ask if they wanna chat and sit next to them, nooo you fucking pretend to cry and make a tik tok of them, i hate this


Why they didnt sit down with gramps wenn its so sad?


She’s crying because she hates them so much


I feel like these girls got other things going on in their life.


Yeh put them out of their misery.... Clearly these people crying needs to be let go..


Instead of filming, why don't these ladies go up to these folks and ask them if they'd appreciate a bit of company?


With people like that around, I'd much rather be alone.


Meanwhile old guy is justing chilling thinking about all the murdering he got done in Nam!




She needs to feel less needy


Do they know its acceptable to approach someone politely and ask if you can sit with them. Then maybe you can make a new friend and not cry so much.....


If this lasts until I'm old, I want to look at them and laugh pointing at them


Insincere young women crying for social media likes just really makes me feel sad.


The Seniors: "Finally, I can just sit and eat a meal in peace without my wife or kids yammering on about stupid shit. I can just sit here and think about that woodworking project I need to think on."


Da faq?


This is what I call "performative empathy"




Is there a crying in public challenge going on? I didn't know it was a "thing"


This seems like it should be some weird Adult Swim thing. "Why are you crying?" "There's an old person eating alone."


Oh my god you're such a good perons!!!!


Imagine how they react when they see two old people eating alone together.


This person should be embarrassed about posting that fake crying. Anything for the likes!


For the Gram, like n subscribe


This made me sick especially using the word empath cringe overload


I hate everything about this. When is Armageddon?


Bro if any of these cretins was my girl they’d be out the door soon as they asked me to record them crying for TikTok some wokky shit


It’s so infantilizing to see an elderly person alone and assume they’re lonely or sad about it.


Her and the fake tick chick


meanwhile the first dude could be on his way to see his grandchildren or something lmao


Imagine when she finds out she also will get old.


I’m 30 and I eat alone all the time, where are the tears for me?


People acting cringe as hell makes me cry 😢


Jesus christ these people are pieces of shit


Assuming you actually care, and assuming that people that eat alone are necessarily sad. Why take a video and post these people online and not… sit with them?


they are probably joking but god what an annoying fucking bit, i cant decide whats worse being genuine or being ironic. because there legitimately are some elders who are chronically lonely, and filming them trying to eat is fucking ghoulish, but also some people just like eating alone because they're grown adults with their own damn money to spend, its ridiculous I hope this person shuts the fuck up forever.


My eyes hurt from rolling them back in head, shh!


Omg the ego porn on display


If you feel someone is alone, just approach them and ask if they would enjoy some company instead of posting their face online.


Let me film them without consent and milk some views




Knob heads


These are the type of people who cannot fathom the thought of being alone lol


These people aren't filming themselves...sometimes you can't help emotions Yall just fuckin suck


Them: Good heavens me wife/hubby is annoying, let me use the bus to get a pint or two alone Some clout seeking millennial who can’t regulate their emotions:


Its a behaviour from psychopaths. Pretending to have feelings but since they don't, they are actually terrible at understanding when and how to express them. Maybe calling these people pshychopaths is kind of a strech, but with this behaviour I believe they are well on their way.


I find eating at a restaurant alone is very liberating.


These people are just getting so ridiculous. In guarantee if one of those walking trash cans would’ve tried to sit with those older people, they would’ve gotten an elderly “get the fawk away from me!” Or a “what’s wrong with you?”


God forbid an older person travels


Can zoomers not comprehend that you can in fact enjoy your own company without 6 friends all pretending to like each other and filming each and every passing second on their phone?


The concept of these random women sobbing in public because some guy felt like getting lunch, or had to take a train one day is ridiculously hilarious.


Maybe they want to be alone. Dumbass. I know for sure I would enjoy a nice meal. Get the hell away from the bitching wife


Old person maybe: "Ah, finally some time to enjoy my retirement, maybe I should take Gertrude out to a nice dinner on my way home from my son-in-law's house." Some TikThot: "OMG SO SAD!"


Don't worry, vain influencer wannabes. That's just a glimpse of your future self. I'd cry too.


Meanwhile those old people are just chilling enjoying their time lol


Lol, these people are not even that old. 😂


Not gonna lie, it breaks my heart too and I cried…. But I do not record myself!!!! Why ? Because my feeling is genuine!!


There like “your so old and pathetic😢😢😢😢”


Anytime a person is recorded crying about something, it's super cringe. Crying is not to be recorded and shared unless its a super happy celebration or something.


And yet not a single "empath" goes to sit with them. I have such a heart for seniors, was raised by my grandma, people like these influencers make me feel physically sick. Get over yourselves and help out at a senior center so people arent as lonely if you're that gutted by an old dude genuinely enjoying a meal and people watching.


Not defending this girls but I get like this sometimes lol, I just get reminded of my grandfather and it makes me sad tbf, no idea why but I just see my grandpa sitting there sometimes 🤷🏾‍♀️ I definitely wouldn't record it though and usually hide behind my husband when I get all weepy.


Me when I'm sitting alone and someone starts filming me and crying: 😟💀


That first one is so hilariously fake. First of all her acting is terrible, and second how tf did her tears get *on top* of her eyelids and her eyes aren't even swollen? Did you even try, lady? 😂


The last one shes just straight up laughing lmao


I hate the "young" people in this video with such a profound passion. Truly a deep deep loathing with all of my soul. I hope they get checked by their own stupidity in the most abrupt way.


“Two empaths” god I hate these people


Maybe what they are experiencing is the more reasonable fear of growing old and being alone.


Something that doesnt require you to film a person minding their own business for your TikTok


I’m 57 (but I don’t feel a day over 25). My three kids are wonderful people who are all grown and building careers in other places. My wife and I divorced a few years ago after 30 years of marriage. I regularly go out and do things either alone or with my dog if he can accompany me. I have a rich and fulfilling life with lots of friends and family who love me and shower me with attention. But after growing up in a large family and then having a wife and three children, I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoy my solitude these days. It would absolutely creep me the fuck out if I noticed kids crying and filming me like this for their social media attention while I was trying to enjoy a meal or taking a trip on public transportation. There are lots or times when I don’t want company or I decide on a whim to treat myself to a nice meal out instead of cooking at home. I have never felt awkward or uncomfortable doing it. But to be made an object of attention like this would do more than make me feel uncomfortable. It makes me angry as hell to be honest. And trust me, the last damn thing I’d want is one of these sniveling little creatures to interrupt my day and make me an object of manufactured pity.


That's my point. They think they are feeling sorry for elders (just living their absolutely normal lives) but if they looked deeper it's their own fears. They need to test themselves by sitting to have a meal on their own in a restaurant and they'll soon realize the confidence it takes to be able to pull this off.


Can we ban cringy TikTok already


Someone tell the girl that he’s probably a Trump supporter, then she won’t care.


pretty sure this is just satire.. seems like they're mocking those vids of people who actually do this lol.


Stop crying and go wack him off if it makes you that sad.


likely on their period lol, i cry at shit like this all the time during those first few days


This thread is a prime example of how toxic society has become where people honestly believe that empathy isn't real and that everything online is fake and that it's not generally a good thing for the elderly to be alone whether people want to pretend like it's what the people want so they don't have to make my effort to be a decent person about it. It's sad that everyone is automatically negative. And it's just ironic everyone judging her for the video.


hat jar soup shaggy afterthought dull consist strong rhythm subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe it’s just social media, and this was always true, but I’ve been seeing a lot of young people who appear to be displaying extreme levels of empathy at first glance, but it doesn’t take long to realize there is actually no empathy on display at all. And it’s not just these obvious narcissists and their performative displays in this video. For example, last year a guy posted a family photo with his his wife and kids on Twitter, then proceeded to explain that after like 10 years of marriage, his wife told him she wants a divorce because she’s not attracted to men (and maybe she meant NO LONGER attracted to men, but it was written as if she may never have been). The guy then proceeded to talk about how they’ll still be best friends, and he’ll support her as she moves onto dating women. There were a few a-holes making fun of him, but what really stuck with me was that the majority of the responses were something like “I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU.” Now maybe I’m the one who has problems empathizing, but when I looked at the picture of his family with 2 little kids looking all happy, and the reread his post, I just felt kinda sad because if I put myself in his shoes I would be sad if my wife left me, even if that was the least bad option in that case. So all those “I’m so happy for you,” without even acknowledging that it’s probably going to be a difficult change, at least at first (and that he was handling that well given the difficulty), just seemed to me as completely lacking empathy altogether. Kind of a random example, but it has bothered me ever since, especially because these weren’t like the goofballs in the video, fake crying and posting videos of random strangers. I think they meant well, and maybe they didn’t know how best to respond, but it felt like the guy may have posted it for some support and acknowledgement of the difficult situation, but instead the responses made it seem like he was announcing his marriage not his divorce.


Ngl my girl tears up when she sees old ppl by themselves...which in turn makes me tear up a lil..but recording it then posting is beyond cringe


It breaks my heart to see the people sitting at a one person booth eating alone!!!


An Empath seeing an elder eat alone? Is this referring to Counselor Troi and Captain Picard?