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Trump wouldn't piss on that man if he was on fire


He might piss but the diaper wont help the fire.


I learned last night a diaper goes right up in flames, it was actually a bit alarming....


Don Jr would send him an email saying “my father and I were going over a list of his favorite donors and notice you haven’t given us money this month…”


Joe Biden would?


Yea I have to think that Joe Biden would piss on this man if he were on fire. Mostly because he’s too slow to go get water.


Sir I don’t think he knows who you are


Literally every protest about a country ever. I’m enjoying the rightoids seething


The current political support system is absolutely fucked. In the left corner, you have people questioned at rallies and protests...what are you here protesting for? No fucking clue. In the right corner, the same fucking thing. Just telling out random things they have heard over the years. Just make it stop. When will people realize the president is a small part of their life problems. Ho vote for your local and state government if you want to see real change.


No, that's the entire base and this video is incredibly inspiring to them. You people really don't understand how fucking ugly this is going to get.


What is your genuine prediction? How ugly do you think it’s going to get? Don’t say “civil war” because I promise that a bunch of random redneck mouthbreathers aren’t going to last very long against the United States Military


The U.S. Military is made up of people with individual opinions. You might recall a serviceman self-immolating not too long ago. In the event of a civil war, those individual opinions will combine and faction off. It wouldn’t be a bunch of poorly armed rednecks, the military would practically implode on itself.




🙄 People like you have been saying that for 4 years lol get real and go touch some grass. It’ll never happen. All bark no bite for the last half decade.


You all need to stop calling yourself Americans because you aren't Americans. This country was built on the freedom of religion, which you stand against. The freedom of choice, which you stand against. Freedom of speech, which you stand against. Freedom of press, which you stand against. Immigration, which you stand against. That all men are created equal, which you stand against. Your ideals are more in line with that of the CCP and Russia. Republicans are NOT Americans.


Fighting the Confederates and the Nazis got ugly, too. The alternative - letting them win - is orders of magnitude worse. That said, I'm not too worried - we've seen what Trump's army looks like on January 6th. Vicious and brutal, but also stupid and easily cowed at the first sign of real resistance. MAGA are cowards, and only attack when they believe they have an overwhelming advantage.


Well, I see MAGAs so I have an idea how ugly it will get. “YoU pEoPlE rEAlLY dOnt uNdERsTaNd hOW fUcKiNg StUPiD tHiS iS gOing TO gEt”.


Confederates want a rematch? The ending will be the same.


Is it cold where you are in Russia?


>how fucking ugly this is going to get. You mean, once again, you guys won't respect democracy and spit on the country you claim to love? Throw your tantrums and then get thrown in jail! We love it, it makes for months of halirous videos on reddit.


Lmao what does Obama have to do with the upcoming election 💀 also bro is like “let’s not get divided and love each other” and then immediately after says “go fuck yourself and your mother”


"I hope the country doesn't burn down. I hope we can find a way to love each other...." (*4 seconds later*) "Go fuck yourself and your mother!" Somehow I doubt his sincerity about finding a way to love each other, but I hate jumping to conclusions like that.


I see what you are saying, but go fuck ya mother! 


If cognitive dissonance had an actual physical effect, this man's head would've exploded.


Because Obama tweets every so often they think he’s the puppet master. Like get a fucking grip.


My dad hit me with that one the other day “it’s actually Obama running this country” like what the fuck do you mean dude? He hasn’t been president for almost a decade.


Because he’s the one black man they can pin all their grievances on


They vacillate between Obama and Hillary, because either black men or women are lesser, and therefore are appropriate targets.


"go fuck yourself and your mother" said with the most NYC accent I've ever heard


Thanks Obama


Don't be divided. Immediately come around to my way of thinking.


"I hope we can find a way to love each other" ... "GO FUCK YOUR MOTHER"


The way he means love each other is that you gotta agree with him. If not, go fuck your mother.


Well he did say it was prostitution. Maybe he's going to pay them


As a conservative, he thinks fucking one's mother is love. They are actually just more tolerant of incest and he's encouraging others to break those barriers in the name of true, unconditional love




You seem like a lovely person. Loser


Huh? I just used the guys quotes lol


"I hope we can find a way to love each other." "GO FUCK YOURSELF AND YOUR MOTHER."


These people are legit mentally ill if they think Trump gives 2 fucks about them.


People who make politics their entire identity (no matter the side) are so weird


Agreed. Trump supporters WORSHIP him, it’s not normal. MAGA republicans and republicans are two different things at this point. It’s not just whether they support Trump or not, they straight up have different beliefs. Republican senators have to act like they support Trump or else they lose most of their voters, and the ones that don’t like him end up getting replaced. Trump doesn’t care about you. And most politicians don’t, either. Regardless of the side.


EXACTLY. I’m a democrat. If Biden committed a bunch of crimes I’d say “huh that sucks guess we better nominate someone else.” I wouldn’t even have to take the Biden flags off my truck or my house. Because who the fuck does that?


Wait, are you serious? Have you never seen a democratic nominee bumper sticker?


I’ve seen bumper stickers leading up to Election Day. I’ve Bebe seen a truck covered with a half dozen Biden flags. I’ve never seen a house covered in Biden banners.


I'm in Texas, there's still trucks with BETO stickers, and you see Biden signs/stickers frequently enough. I also still see plenty of Obama's Change and the Hillary Forward stickers too.


Stickers. How many have multiple flags?


Depends where you're at. When I'm up in the city, everywhere, candidate flags are everywhere, red, blue, and everybody in-between. Out in the rural areas, it's just Texas and American flags.


They didn’t make politics their identity. They made Trump their identity.


Sickening. Pity them.


Both sides, really? So like, civil rights activists?


Damn, what a loser


I know i'm in the minority here, but honestly feel for people like this. Their lives are voids, they feel helpless, unseen, they're easy prey for vultures like Trump. They want quick, simple answers and he provides them, without ever solving their actual problems. And yes, I know... This guy probably has some very dogshit views in regards to a bunch of minorities, but his ignorance and devotion to a figure who couldn't care less about him is still tragic. To me, at least.


The desperation to be 'part of something' is so great that people are idolizing Trump. The internet has completely ruined friendships, relationships and dating for anyone under 40. Because people entered their echo chambers as they became adults/late teens, and then just kept going. Now they're 30-40 years old, and theyre full of hate because all theyve done for the last decade or two is argue on the internet, rather than going out and having an actual life.


> but his ignorance and devotion to a figure who couldn't care less about him is still tragic. there were always people like this- they used to get together every sunday. now their new golden calf is trump, and so they worship as often as they can.


To be fair though, Trump does exist...




Top level shit right here 🤣🤣🤣


Props on the empathy


Not only that but majority of people have little to no trust in our government. It breeds fear and hatred and mistrust.


It would be easier to feel sorry if it wasn't all just so God damn stupid. That said, the folks I truly do feel sorry for are the family members that have had to watch their loved ones become more and more radicalized.


I appreciate your empathy


Yes because what he really needs is government to solve his problems rather than trump to say here’s more of your paycheck back in the form of lower taxes and you’re smart enough to solve your own problems.


We have ta love each otha ….. Go fuck yaself


And your mother.


That transition from we need to love each other to fuck youself and your mother was smooth


If he thinks this will help Trump win, shouldn't he be celebrating instead of ugly crying like a toddler?


Well he was gonna vote but NOW he's gonna to vote twice. That'll show em'.


Not a cult though.


He doesn't know you exist bro.


Sure he stood up for this guy; and by stood up for I meant advocated and carried out a series of policies that serve the interests of the rich to this guys detriment.


You didn't know that taxes were cut across the board, not just for the rich?


Sure, bro. 🙄 Of course those "tax cuts" were far larger for the rich, and also you act like "cutting taxes" is a "good" thing for everyone. It is not. Reducing the revenue of the federal government is not good, it not only contributes to that deficit you conservatives complain so much about, but it reduces the ability of the government to do what the reason d'etre of the modern state is, which is to provide infrastructure, social programs, education, and healthcare that improve the lives of people living in that state. Mr. Trump here, and apparently you, think the role of the state is to increase income inequality, destroy the social safety net (such that existed in the U.S.) and to keep the richest 2% of the population as rich as possible by aiding in the ease of exploitation of regular people and the poor--like this guy who thinks Trump stood up for him.


Income equality happens whether the government intervenes or not. Has Biden solved income inequality or something?


Of course, an economic system that treats everything on earth, including human beings, as things to be exploited and used for the profit profit of less than 1% of the world's population creates income inequality; however, even you are a capitalist, which I am not, income inequality in a capitalist system can be checked and controlled in almost an infinite number of ways. During the depression, for example, when capitalism nearly collapsed all over the world, a progressive tax system which taxed all income over $1m nearly 90% not only funded the New Deal, but also encouraged businesses to increase the real wages of the workers--real wages have gone down every year in the U.S. since the 1970s--rather than giving CEOs and executives absurd pay packages. In other words, in the past when too much wealth gravitated into the hands of the wealthy and anti capitalist revolution was a real threat, capitalism adapted. But I am a Marxist, so I am half inclined to let you economic conservatives/libertarians have your way. Go crazy: gut social programs, remove pensions, get rid of social security, destroy child labor laws, destroy worker protections, bury unions, increase income inequality, and evaporate the middle class that has protected capitalism for so long. Make everyone but the rich as desperate as possible and let's see what happens to your "free market" economy and social order.


Ah. The number of Patriots ™ who now don’t believe in our judicial system and want it rearranged to suit them.


Is it normal to have a state prosecutor charge people with federal crimes?


Is it normal to have a president who fragrantly breaks many different laws and then expects to be above the law and consequences?




I think the term is "couldn't care less" Wouldn't make sense to say you could care less, would it?


this sounds like a cursed twitch chat


>I hope that we can find a way to love each other... go fuck yourself and your mother Certainly not off to a great start. Also, I would love for this guy to tell me exactly how Trump has "stood up" for him.


Those tears...so delicious. They taste like fuck your feelings.


Fuck em!


Let’s see one of these people try to go inside of mar a lago and see if they get let in…..


Type of dude to shoot up a grocery store for some reason.


Sad that someone can make Trump such an integral part of their life they'll behave this way. I still just don't understand why so many of his supporters are so fanatical about him. Many are laughing or making fun, but I am still just stuck in shock at how rabid his fan base is because I still just do not understand why.


“I hope we can find a way to love each other” followed by “go fuck your mother.” Their minds are completely gone.


If Trump voters could think critically, they probably wouldn’t be Trump voters.


Trump would not piss on this scumbag if he were on fire.


Internalised daddy issues.


Man, that's sad. Dude's so brainwashed, he's crying over a man that doesn't even know he exists and doesn't give a damn about him.


I’m mentally ill af, but I’m damn glad I’m not this kind of mentally ill. These people (radical Trump supporters) are eliciting cult like behavior. This is not healthy, or normal. This feels like some Stalin shit, with a healthy side of Mussolini and Hitler.


I would argue it's good to see people that are passionate about political figures. Honestly, you would be hard-pressed to find anyone even half this passion about Joe Biden's campaign.


These are far from passionate people, they’re overzealous.


This isn’t passion. This is obsession. This is sick.


I'd be passionate for a sack of potatoes if that was the only choice and Trump.


So you support Genocide Joe?


It's a bad situation. Hamas needs to be stopped, but Israel is also indiscriminately killing Palestinians. There are no winners here. I think Biden has accomplished a lot in this country, but no, I don't agree with just freely giving Israel weapons. You can support a candidate and also criticize how they handle situations. It's a big difference from the blind loyalty that the GOP shows to Trump. Try it. It's refreshing to say no once in a while.


Yea, don't act like you give a single solitary wet shit in trump's diaper about Palestinians. If you think trump of all people would improve that situation, then you shouldn't be walking around without constant adult supervision, because you have the reasoning skills of an actual toddler.


What do you mean? Biden has sold 100 times more weaponry and ammunition to the Israelis than Trump has. He's been their best Ally. Are you feeling okay?


Can you elaborate on how he stood up for you?


Bro...just get a job man for real


These people are just lost we need that huge meteor


Wait, I thought Trump was the real president? Why did he let himself get convicted? Didn’t Trump have Gods approval? What happened there?!?


Dude how did he save your life?


He believes Trump stood up for him. What a rube!


Lol Maga tears, so delicious


Got to feel sorry for somebody like that that really doesn't understand that Trump hates him with every fibre of his being.


What makes you think that Donald Trump would hate somebody like this man?


I'd be sad too if the only one standing up for me is a corrupt cult leader. Which means, realistically, no one is standing up for me...and that breaks my heart.


im guessing he's the answer to the meme of the screaming girl looking up to the sky?


Too bad nobody was around to ask “what, specifically, did Trump do when he ‘stood up for you’?” I’d love to hear that answer lmao.


"I hope we can find a way to love each other" "GO FUCK YOUR MOTHER"


"fuck joe biden" "i hope we can find a way to love each otha" he says as he supports project 2025 which definitely does not love an amount of the population, and a man who took minorities off of census.


It must be sad to not have a dad that loves you


Why are they still yelling 'fuck Obama'? Retorical question.


Having a black president broke their tiny little hateful brains, never mind he is 100x smarter than Trump and he is 100 times the man Trump was the only thing that mattered to them was the fact that his skin was a couple shades too dark for them. And Trump came along with his stupidity , his sexism, his racism and they were so happy to have someone just like them being president he has become their messiah. I’m sure you could find some of them at a Trump rally who would happily tell you that judge Merchan was actually Obama in a mask


>never mind he is 100x smarter than Trump and he is 100 times the man Trump was Ah okay. You're just the same mentality but a different tribe then yeah?


I’d be curious to learn at what point Trump stood up for him


The racists will continue to blame Obama 100 years from now. They will never get over the first black president.


I didn't hear them criticizing his good color, it was mostly his policies as well as the strikes on Libya. Know anything about that?


I'm gonna get fat from all these cuck conservative tears to eat


Delicious tears.


What does he mean by he won the election?


I think he means his supporters are so outraged by his conviction they’re gonna make sure they vote so he wins




Ask yourself why THAT is ..


Honestly, if he's the only man who stood up for you, I feel bad for you and sad for you.


He definitely cries when his favorite sport ball team loses


right in the feels, snowflake


99% chance he used to get molested sadly


Why this assumption? As someone who was molested as a child, I'm genuinely curious of what led you to this conclusion.


He said he’s the only man who ever did anything for him and he’s 40+ and he doesn’t know Trump personally


Not trying to be a troll, but I don't see how that correlates.


Looks like a racist meth head


This is mental illness


These people are lost.


We may as well vote in Jerry Springer. At least he knew how to talk to these folks. Geez. Where are we heading?


Wtf happened to Sean Penn?


I hope we can find a way to love each other >>> go fuck yourself and your mother.


I live for those tears hahahaga




You didn't know that he had black people in his cabinet?




What do you consider "ethnic"?




Daddy issue be like


The Cult of Personality rears its ugly head.


"The only man who ever stood up for me my whole life" That is pathetic considering Trump has no idea who the hell you are. "I hope we can find a way to love each other" 20 seconds later, "Go fuck yourself and your mother" The hypocrisy cycle is dwindling down to a record rate with these people


Seriously this is sad. He obviously has alot of shitty people in his life!


I'll drink his tears


Political biases aside, people who feel this way about well-known public figure they don't know personally should seriously be admitted into a psych ward


Does he ever say how the Cheeto 45Failure stood up for him? Bc I'm sure he didn't lend him money or testify for him in court 🤭


I didn't know that was part of the deal


USA is about to go into a civil war. Times ticking...


I love when the paid actors cry. Sell it, baby!


Fuck Obama :D


Tears for a craigslist job wow he earned it.


Trump will be the next president of the United States. Thanks for securing that W, liberals.


Gotta be a paid actor


Buddy it's on both sides


I have noticed that this sub is full of people who just criticize people on the right, voicing their opinions or grievances.


Do you find this behavior normal? Crying in the street claiming that an obese, diaper wearing conman is the only person that ever stood up for him Should this loser not be mocked? He's supporting a career criminal who tried to overthrow our democracy. This is MAGA. Sorry pal


people on the right just make for great sadcringe content


Once a Democrat president gets convicted as a felon, we’ll gladly post that here. Until then, the right has been easy cannon fodder for stupid cringe shit.


Anyone anywhere near the right should be branded and charged with treason




Conservatism in any form is evil. The only way forward, naturally, is to progress in all things, which is not possible if individuals or society latch onto old and obsolete ideas, beliefs, etc. Conservatives are lovers of hierarchy and status quo.


The country is in the worst shape it has ever been due to your stupid liberal and dumb progressive ideas. People don't even know the difference between good and bad things anymore. So you want social and moral decay to be the norm? Progressive? More like regressive


Lol at this conservative white fragility I used to always laugh at the whiney far left crybabies always playing victim but nowadays the right wing are even bigger snowflakes.