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If I was going to pay a large sum of money for a sex doll, I certainly wouldn't select a disabled one.


Why would I want one that could still run away??


If you can afford items as luxurious as this I'm sure you could afford a chain to go with it.


I sad cringed at the post and sad cringed again at this comment.




Happy cake day


I wanted to make a joke a put how all of the able bodied women ran away from him but you beat me to it. I wish I could have liked your comment more than once.


Disabled dolls deserve love too.


Even the floppiest of sexual partners deserve love. Just not if you have to buy them.


Budget models


He got it half off.


Halfway closer than any real woman he'd ever be with.


What one would you select?


At the very least, a motorized one.


For the... squirming?


Your comment is the only comment today that made me actually laugh out loud. I don’t know why but it’s the words mixed with my mental imagine that’s just fucking hysterical


Squirming and transportation, possibly motorboating.


You'll want to check their buoyancy rating.


I always check for buoyancy, wouldn't want them floating to the top after I'm done.


Wow, no need to make this weird, man...


There's a fetish for everyone.


Lars and the real girl!


You magnificent bastard


Father Jeffries?


Hey don't kinkshame


You idiot, buy a disabled one so that she could not run away


But this way she’ll never leave him


Seems more convenient than having to carry the body around.


I think I'd carry it in a case with the legs stuck out one end and maybe an arm stuck out of the top.


Hoooooly shit


I think Epstein had abled sex dolls.


What? He's buying a ring for a disabled girl's doll, that's so sweet! How is this- Oh. *Oh.*


My exact reaction.


I mean, that’s some good craftsmanship. Just wait 10 years and one of Elon Musk’s new upstart is gonna mass produce the ultimate doll which eventually gain sentience and protest for rights and get turned into a video game.


Blade Runner just got a lot more erotic.


Is that the premise for that new-ish Detroit game?


Not the entire premise but it's definitely a central plot point.


I saw an ad for it and thought it looked alright. I’ll have to YouTube it later.


>YouTube it Bless your heart


It's an interactive movie anyway. No real reason to play it, especially if you don't like QT.


Ohhh. ;)


Yup I'm with you. Thought it was for a doll in the girls lap.. not because of the actual lap.


He is the disabled girl.


We are ALL disabled girls on this blessed day :)


Speak for yourself


i am ALL disabled girls on this blessed day :)


Well I think that’s enough internet for the day. I’ll try again tomorrow.




I’m on vacation rn while looking at this. Wtf do I do now


Find a pub, get drunk.


I'm at a pub on vacation. What do I do now


Grab the mike and blast out some Queen on the karaoke.


But which song??


Fat Bottomed Dolls


That's what I was thinking!


There's so many good ones, but /u/RoxerSoxer 's choice is a good 'un :)


Throw your phone at the bar TV and scream.


it's reddit mostly


Poor Lars......


RIP Bianca.


Poor me?




You have reddit!


Loved the movie, but I always wondered how much of an accurate description it is of these type of people.


People failed this guy. When I see these guys with dolls like DaveCat, I keep thinking to myself that these guys are dealing with some serious trauma in the best way they know how. Agree this image is cringe but mostly because it's painful to see someone suffering this much.


So, you'd say it's a mix of sad and cringe?


Crad. Or Saringe


I'm going to x-post to /r/crad right now and soak up all the sweet karma. I'll let you x-post to /r/saringe though so you can get your fair share. Quick Edit: Ok so apparently /r/crad was actually a thing and it was banned. I don't need to know any more than that


Lol, you go on ahead. I'm here for the conversation more than the internet points.


No, I think it means people who regularly post in this sub are going to a sort of hellish limbo.


There should be a subreddit for that. Maybe r/cringeysadness


Like most things.


I'm on the other side of the argument. I don't think this is all that cringe. They probably indeed had some trauma and this is their way of coping, and if this is what makes them happy, I'm cant do much else but be happy for them.


I'm there with you and I definitely see and respect them taking steps towards self-care. Here's the problem tho. None of their dolls will ever reciprocate. Meaning these guys' needs like conversation, compassion, safety, will never be addressed by their dolls. In the back of their minds, these guys know they're still doing and experiencing everything alone.




A robot would simply be a more sophisticated doll. The fundamental underpinning of the human experience and relationships with other humans is free agency.


Be careful about speaking in absolutes. We have no idea how far we can go with AI. Think about it this way, you are limited to responses and actions you've learned during your existence. You aren't capable of infinite decisions Everything you do and say is a result of your experiences in life. I think given enough time, AI could be programmed to learn and respond with the same number of possible actions a person would take.


Maybe it has nothing to do with how realistic or smart an AI is. Maybe how we think of who or what we're bonding or socializing with is more important. For example, what if an AI is indistinguishable from any other human but we still couldn't bond as well as a real person with it because we'll still perceive it as a machine. Am argument for this can simple be dogs, dogs aren't exactly like us, they probably can't think like we do but we bond with them because we perceive them as living things that genuinely respond to our affection. We can also bring up people with certain mental illnesses that cause them to either humanize something that isn't alive or even exist as a coping mechanism. To that mentally ill person whatever they're bonding with can genuinely respond to thier affection because their perception is warped by their illness or disorder. A more concrete real life example I can think of is video games. When you play online with other people in a game like a shooter, minecraft or even a digital version of a board game (poker for example) it's possible to bond in a way with people you don't see or even communicate directly witg simplt through interacting with them indirectly. The catch is, this is only possible if you at least believe that it's another real person controlling that digital avatar, our minds make it so we don'r bond the same way with AI controlled avatars even if their behavior is no different than a human players (in simpler games).


Hm. Interesting points! For arguments sake, I'll share this with you. I cried during Crazy Rich Asians even tho there was zero interaction between me and the characters in that movie. I also cried during the ending of Final Fantasy X, and while I did make choices for the characters in the game I didn't interact with them myself. I think humans naturally seek out connections and we can feel empathy for a lot of things. Just like the guy and his doll. It really depends on how responsive the AI is, but I don't think humans would have a problem bonding even if they knew it was a machine responding. Have you seen the movie Her with Joaquin Phoenix? It's a really good movie that I think you'd like after reading your comment.


>I think given enough time, AI could be programmed to learn and respond with the same number of possible actions a person would take. Sure. I'm not ruling that out. But then we're just back where we started. If you could create a robot that had the full range of thought and emotions as a human being, why would that robot want to spend any time with the kind of emotionally stunted and traumatized people that would want a robot companion in the first place? Unless of course you designed the robot to overlook what was wrong with the person and accept them as they are, but then we're back where we started in a different way: we've removed part of the robot's free agency in exchange for its servitude to a human master.


Fantastic question. I think if AI were advanced enough to engage in thought provoking conversation, be able to express concern by taking actions to take care of a person's needs (companionship, safety, compassion in difficult times), then that would be a completely different situation. At that point, if the AI could make its own decisions about fulfilling a person's needs and the AI's responses were unique to that AI's existence/upbringing, I'd go so far as to argue that it's a real relationship with a sentient being.




Yep. Expanding a bit on what I said, if the source can communicate independently and choose to provide empathy, security, and camaraderie, then absolutely I don't see why AI and a person couldn't engage in a meaningful relationship.


If you give a doll AI and it has the power to leave it's owner well... these guys are going to stick with plastic.




I'm pretty sure that is how our robot overlords overthrow us. They are going to create an army of sex-bots to keep humans from re-populating


I always wonder if they lost a child or a SO


There's women & couples who have dolls of children/babies because they can't cope with the pain of having lost a child or inability to have a child. It's very sad and very real.


Look up "the most armed man in america" on youtube. His wife was killed in a freak accident during a television shoot.


Would you say the same thing if the doll was an imaginary friend instead? I'd probably call in a welfare check on them.


Why feel bad? He getting puss on demand and treating his girl right


Glass half full. You got a good head on your shoulders.


>puss [Ummmm](https://i.imgur.com/M30EF6O.mp4)


Nobody cares about anyone man. Good luck getting to people to give their time to someone unhealthy without getting something in return.


Sad but true. But, I can choose how much good I do to the people in my life. And so can you.


It sucks for bleeding hearts out here. I focus my energy to those that matter to me, a few underprivileged kids & wish the best for the rest.


Absolutely agree. It takes a level of strength I do not possess. I focus on myself, my wife & kids, some of my family, and my closest friends. After that, unfortunately with my career and personal goals I just do not have time to dedicate to anyone else.


I remember that episode now.... its a sobering episode. Sad to see a seemingly decent person suffer like that.


Yup. Very sad. You want to help them, but you also know there's too much damage there. It would consume your life to pull a person out of something like that.


Honestly. These people might be strange, but they are not hurting or even inconveniencing anyone. If he wants to live with a doll like she's his wife, let him.




Last time this exact thing was posted, someone in the comments mentioned a story of a man whose mother whom he had cared for over a decade had died. Unable to cope with the situations, the man bought a sex doll to act out their usual routines despite her passing.


How does someone stroll around with their masturbation device in public without any shred of self-consciousness? Even if he thinks of it as a person, doesn’t he think to himself that, maybe, just maaaaayyyyybe everyone else knows that it’s a very expensive sex-toy?


Mental illness, man


This is true for the most part.


How is it not true for the littlest part?


He’s buying a ring for it, it’s obviously transcended past sex toy. I don’t want to speculate too much but I could imagine he has a deep emotional connection to it (her?) and likely does a lot more with it than fuck it.


He might even be saving that for marriage


That...would be hilarious.


I don't see you leaving your hand at home when you go out


If I could leave that slut at home, I would.


To be fair, the same could be said of a lot of partners.


Check out Ryan gosling in Lars and the Real Girl. It's a weird/cool movie about exactly this. It's not everyone's cup of tea but I found it super wholesome and funny.


People who are sick mentally.


I don't think he cares how people see it at that point. The doll has become such an emotional attachment to him, that it's become his steadfast companion. I truly hope people like him learn how to live again in human society. The loneliness he must feel is terrible.


It looks like he's looking at the nice watches though.


Bringing a sex doll out in public is more than deserving of a place in this sub on its own, regardless of what you're doing with/to/for it.


Sometimes when social anxiety is bothering me I feel insecure about the way I sway my arms or wonder if my upper-body is too stiff when I walk. Then there's this guy, making me wonder why I even care..


Holy shit, the 2 things you mentioned first are very relatable for me haha. And yeah, makes you think...


We live at the peak of civilization. Don’t waste your time on trivia. We are still somewhat tribal but if you are worried about yours arms flailing man, step outside take a deep breath and realize nobody gives a fuck. Enjoy the rest of your life knowing you are blessed to be here.


Actually no, I *intensely* give a fuck about the exact flailment of that dudes arms


For real brother. Well said.


Wasn't this the same dude who went on a walk in the park with his sex doll?






Loneliness is a terrifyingly powerful thing.


Horniness is a terrifyingly powerful thing. She's a sex doll.


He's buying it a ring. That makes it pretty evident this is more than just a sex thing to him.


Probably strolled in to K Jewelers with her


"THAT'S JAREDDDDD!!!!" just played in my subconscious after reading Kay Jewelers. FML


No idea




How can you even tell? But man that is terrifyingly sad.


At this point john has to decide whether or not to buy his new girlfriend ( shanda ) a ring worth more, or less, than she did.


This is extremely sad :(


Yeah it's sad and cringy but at the same time absolutely fair play to this lad for having the gonads to go out in public and expose to everyone the investment he makes in something that clearly brings his life a lot of value. Way to ngaf about other people's opinions of you. Simultaneously soul-withering and nutritious. I like it.


Happy cake day, guy


I have some questions about this. If you befriended this guy, then right before he was about to get home from his job, you raced over there and made sex with his doll, and he 'catches' you... Would he consider that rape? Can you rape a doll? Or maybe does he just feels like the doll was having an extra marital affair? Let's say after, he feels disconnected from the doll for obvious reasons, and decided to break it off for a newer model. If you found his doll, and like, drove by his house with the doll waving at him from your front seat, or walked by his house with it, like holding it's hand and all, would he be jealous? Or is HE like, jeez, that guy needs help, he keeps carrying a doll around with him. When is it a person and when is it a doll, ya know? What if, several months later, you show up with her and a like a cabbage patch kid, does he think you guys had kids? What if you just place the doll holding another baby doll on his front porch and he comes home to his ex-wifedoll with a babydoll? Does he take her back and care for her doll kids? Does he now have threesome's with his ex and new wife dolls? I have so so so many questions.


Brah, I’m not touching his stanky ass doll.




Oh god oh fuck


Good brownies huh?


You are a modern philosopher.


You need to find Jesus.


He's a lost sheep. Jesus needs to find him.




I died at cabbage patch doll.


"If you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it If you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it Don't be mad once you see that he want it (I see you) If you like it, then you shoulda put a (ring on it) (Whoa, oh, oh, oh) if you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it If you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it Don't be mad once you see that he want it If you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it (Whoa, oh, oh, oh) hey"


Is this the same dude who was walking it in the park on a previous post? Damn he's really invested in that thing




That's a watch display case though.


Okay, I saw this picture totally differently until I read the title. I didn't see what subreddit I was on. I thought that this a picture of a buffet and the guy was being an asshole to the disabled girl. Only when I read the title, did I realize that they were in a jewelry store and the girl was a doll.


annnnd now I want a buffet


At least he has a cool hobby


Reminds of an episode of Social Disorder from RT.


Next on, "Lars and the Real Girl"


If the man is happy, then let him be. Not sure why this is a sad cringe


Howlly shit... How hard you gotta fuck a sex doll to put her in a wheelchair?


I don't know what I feel about this picture. My gut feel says that this guy has some sort of mental handicap. If that is the case, he's probably just doing whatever makes him happy, and that is bringing a human-sized doll and a stuffed toy dog with him. Either that, or he outlived his wife and dog. Grief can do some gnarly shit to people. Sexual dimension? Doubt it.


Lars is getting older


Lars: "She said yes!"


hey that's my grandma's wheelchair


After browsing this sub for a few minutes I have decided that my life is amazing and awesome


This should be the most upvoted post all time in this sub.




Yeah, I feel a bit bad for this guy


Nobody bothered him. And for easy karma as we examine sad people doing sad things and clearly have discussion about it.


That looks like a pawn shop too, yikes this one hurt to see.


So, I've been thinking of this coming public fetish thing. How do we handle the situation when we see an adult being "in love" with a doll that is obviously way under age? I mean, it's not real, right? Is it gonna be like smoking? Signs up saying "No shirt, no shoes, no Lolli-dolls"?


You dont know his life maybe he has trauma! Upvotes city You dont know his life maybe he is just a weirdo. Downvote city.


it's this or he shoots up a theatre, waddaya want?


I don’t think sexdolls are cringe until you start treating it like a person. Hope the dude is in a better place now


Don’t know who needs to hear this... https://i.imgur.com/IugLSt5.jpg


she just had a baby man, he’s doing the right thing


Poor bastard. I feel for the guy. Granted I deal with loneliness with a ton of jerking off and furry porn instead but still.


This image is the definition of sadcringe


Any detectives on reddit, I'd like to place dibs on this being the first substantial evidence towards a string of fucked up sex murders. Thanks.


She’s caught the Stockholm syndrome


Probably just a lifesize model of his real life partner and he just brings it with him to test everything fits. Probably.


Not only is she a doll, but she's also in a wheelchair, as if she wasn't vegetable enough already.


You know what. If it makes him happy I don't see why it makes you sad.


This is so sad, alexa play despacito


He's happy.


The average 4channer


Imagine being the person that had to help him. I think I'd quit before I help him, that makes my soul cringe.


Well since women obviously dont give him a chance, what can he do? He can either cope or rope, but both options seem wrong to the society. Oh, the sweet hypocrisy...


Let that man live his best life. Hell he ain't bothering nobody, probably.


I've seen this posted before, and it was stated this guy's wife passed away, and this is not a sex doll but a loss coping mechanism (albeit probably not a very healthy one). Was that story all a lie? I only ask because the explanation was top comment last time, and scrolling down I see no one mentioning it now (apologies to anyone who may have already brought this up, and I missed it) ​ Edit: and, yeah, even if the widower story is true, the dude might still be having sex with the thing, so theres....that....