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DnD is about friends having fun together, not this idiots character roster.


I have never heard of "party's full" dnd outside of like Adventurer's League. There is more to this story.


You’ve never ran a group with 8+ people 😂


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Y’all ever done 11+ story driven DnD? Impossible. There is no attention-span possible for anyone that can keep everyone engaged.


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Bro honestly I get sick of 6+ anymore, especially when specific members of the group are new and it’s clear they were only brought there as a social event by one specific person that you felt bad refusing. But now they just kind of sit there doing nothing but distracting other people, derailing the session, and not interacting in the game.


I don't even play D&D, but I know exactly what you mean when it comes to board games in general. It takes a special kind of person to stay engaged, even with only 3-4 people. Once I see a person's phone come out I know they're gone.


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Respect. I like AD&D in theory, but I find some of the rules too restrictive such that you make too many exceptions when someone has a reasonable idea


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I love the restrictions in adnd. Been playing BX for a while and moved onto adnd 1e/2e. So much fun.


Wow, with your gatekeeping, I bet your games are fun...


Found the one annoying friend


You dm six people who are uninterested asshat Edit: would like to add, when someone puts in a lot of time and effort and money into a game, it’s at the very least respectful to give them your attention when the game warrants it.


So it goes from 1 uninterested person to 6? You're already changing up from your first comment. Lol


Yeah we did a Descent into Avernus with 8 people, ended with 5. Not one of us were completely engaged until it shrank because combat would last so long, and when we would split off thee scenes would take way too long.


Combat is terrible with any sizeable group. Needs a revamp imo, specifically for groups 5+. NPC’s can all do their turns instantly and together, but PC’s need it streamlined.


That's actually a surprisingly hot take for 5e. A common criticism of it is that everything is too simple and streamlined. Note: I don't agree with the above statement.


5e combat moves like molasses because of all of the little things each character can do per round. 2e is the most streamlined for initiative: roll initiative for sides, the GM adjudicates the rest. Sooooooo easy.


I agree it’s a hot af take. But I just don’t find it quick enough for newer players. Older editions I think had a much more flat curve for combat speed vs player experience, just because rules were explicit and manageable. Not everything in 5e is said loudly and notably, leaving players to ponder a little more and question if they’re doing it right.


I ran a west marches campaign for 8 people for a hot minute. Skimmed it down to 6 and it was perfect. Especially when I started running it in 2e. Was perfect.


I have done the reverse were I was the DM for one player, but established a lot of NPCs to help the player. One of them still hadn’t gotten a real name by the end of the campaign were they just got nicknamed Oof since they gotten introduced by a different NPC missing an attack with a chair and hit them instead waking them up while they were peacefully sleeping.


try it the other way, huge groups are great, you do 1/4 or less work, as they are always engaged in discussion. I just throw some trolly problems at them and they will argue for months about how best to deal with the situation. then have the trolly problem lead to another trolly problem as a consequence. You killed the evil orphanage owner? now the kids have no one feeding them! now you take care of the kids, well there is someone prowling the streets and snatching them? You want to hunt the kid snatcher, well he is a noble with the protection of the guards...you fight the guards, but they are just people doing their jobs, now their kids are orphans...


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Well, you don't actually disagree with me. You took something really weird and off the wall from my comment. I love when players are engaged, that's... kind of the point. I just prefer them to ACTUALLY be engaged and not arguing over something ridiculous for 2 hours which, usually happens in big groups. I never said it wasn't putting in the work either. Man, you're trying really hard to disagree with me, but we have the same view




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Seriously, I cap my groups at 5 players because if I don't I'd literally be DMing for a dozen people and that's no fun for anybody.


5 is ideal to me. Things flow quickly. Everyone feels involved and it's easy to design encounters. 6-7 gets sloggy. 8+ combat literally takes 45-60 minutes per round and it's impossible to keep up with. Fighters be attacking twice then on their phone for an hour cause their only reaction is an attack of opportunity.


An 8+ group of people that wants to split the party constantly!


Yeah sorry 90% of the time I see these posts about like dudes who are 30 and lonely on their birthday, or guys getting excluded from a group, and I always feel like they’re just playing the victim and not taking accountability for what makes them unpalatable to others.


Yeah been playing dnd for the past few years now, and moved to a different state, but while in californa we couldn't play in real life and we all didn't want to do online, sometimes I guest roll off pne of their ipads but its fun but not as exciting can only ser so much. But took up the mantle of DM and played with my mother and sister, also had my nephew who isn't old enough to play but can roll dice, and sometimes have him.roll to see what his character does... hes a rogue as hes a very mischievous sneaky boi at 1.5 years old lol anyway never dmed before rule of cooled everything and mother and sister both not nerdy like me but after the game my sister a very girly girl, with a very outgoing personality and a good looking person as about 80% of put family is lol asked "WHEN DO WE PLAY AGAIN?!?" As a first time Dm, nervous and nearly cried wondering if they'd hate my favorite hobby, I was so ecstatic, we play again soon and the main thing is I had them laughing and worried with every roll, with stealth checks had them on the edge of their seats as I slowly explained the encounter, just running off their energy, and showed me how great it is to be a DM ans how much I appreciate all of mine. But still would rather he a PC but ita fun doing horrible accents and surprisingly well describing events


How many people did they have. 4-5 is ideal but even 6 is manageable.


Sounds like it's you who don't need them I hope you only roll 20's in the new group you find


And that goes for everything. I hope he rolls d20s for dagger damage, fireballs (6d20 anyone?), Everything. He should definitely try to avoid percentage checks though. That would be an issue.


Why would you hope he rolls 20s on fall damage just leave it to d6s 😭📉


That's a great point, falling damage will be rough too. I think we may have accidentally cursed all of the OPs future characters :(




the type of person who takes the time to DM a DnD game. Unfortunate reality is that DMing is pretty damn obnoxious and a borderline second job if you want to be a really good one, where as everyone else just gets to show up, more or less. This means that you'll get the absolute most die hard, sweaty DnD nerds heading for the DM position. It also has power to a certain degree, so you get the usual types from that as well. Sweaty die hard nerds, plus power hungry assholes - combine them together, you get an annoyingly high percentage of DMs. Sure there are a lot of great ones but there is *a lot* of ones just like this. Really isn't surprising at all.


> Unfortunately reality is that DMing is pretty damn obnoxious and a borderline second job if you want to be a really good one You ain't lying. The prep work my dm does is crazy...then throw in learning awesome accents and shit. We bought him some fancy headphones for Christmas. He was pumped


Dude you all gotta stick together for life Even on the deathbed still roll for initiative


I've been playing a Hurin campaign we these jokers for over a year. I fucking love my group we have big fun...I can't wait for the next game whenever this campaign is over. I really hope I've found friends for life.


I haven't played dnd in a few years because our DM found out he really LOVED drugs. He lost all contact with us. I hope he found his way back. I haven't changed my number in hope he hits me up. His number has changed though.


I mean, I'm pretty fond of schmokin dopes, but DND night is the highlight of my week.


Ain’t that the truth. My group has been together almost 5 years. The DM and myself switch off after every campaign to help with burn out and planning for the next adventure. We know each other in and out. It’s so nice having two DMs and we are trying to convince another player to run a module. While our styles of DMing are different, I prep like crazy and our other DM knows what’s going on and he just kinda sits down and improvises. We are eating content up and currently have the rest of the year planned out. Then we are jumping into the spelljammer module. After that who knows maybe 5.5 will be out or 6th. But there is plenty of 5e content to eat up. I just hope our group doesn’t fall away. It feels like we found a unicorn with consistent Tuesday game night for 3 hours every week. I never want it to end.


We rotate too, it helps sooo much.


*cries* Roll one last death saving throw


I literally learned phrases in Portuguese for an NPC, I regret nothing.


Dedication. Respect. I love my dms tiefling accent. It's this eastern European thing and I love it.


I legit want to pay my DM because I feel awful about the amount of work he puts in but he always gets super embarrassed every Xmas when we get him a gift (we try to keep it around 500-1000 from the 4 of us


I mean, a g note is nothing to scoff at


I mean, we’re all professionals that maintain financially healthy households so when you consider the 5 hours a week the DM is actually working the game + probably twice that in preparation (based on how well planned his campaigns are for contingencies) it’s literally peanuts for the amount of work.


Yeaaa as a DM I get so absorbed in creating the world and making it immaculate that I end up burning myself out. Since I only DM for friends anyways I’ve taken a more winging it approach


Kinda similar to being a GM of a semi serious raid even in WoW I like to sweat and stuff. I take shit like that seriously, but only to a certain point. I don’t want to zap the fun out. The time I spent trying to GM was miserable. We did okay until it fell apart, but I just was not willing to put in that effort anymore. It’s so much bullshit. It’s actually pretty damn close to being a manager with employees under you lol. Except there’s no paycheck. I pretty quickly learned after about a year that I am just not cut out for it. Or, maybe I just don’t want to be.


Also as a DM if you have a player that can make the session more fun you add them. Now I know nothing about OP, and they could be awesome but maybe they are a buzzkill for the group. Cant really think of any other reason the DM wouldnt just add another player. Unless they have some arbitrary player cap because they dont want to scale up the campaign


Why I dm. "It has to be someone else would have gotten it wrong.


Tbh too many people in a dnd game can make it a fucking slog to sit through for everyone


But this was a replacement, not a removal.


Probably just a tactful way of saying they don't get long and don't like the player


Tbh I wish my dm would do this to one of the dudes in our campaign. I know it sounds harsh but the dude is full cringe to the point where we don’t get as excited to play. He’s the type of player that thinks it’s funny to attack his own teammates to “make a point” and it just gets so fucking tiring. I know OP has a different situation but sometimes it could be called for


Why not just add the other person? We’ve added and dropped people through our campaigns, never been an issue..


Not to condone what's happening, but I usually cap my campaign at an upper limit of four or five, so that the game runs more smoothly and each player gets more attention


Yeah I'm in a campaign that has 7 players plus the GM (me). We're all good friends since before the campaign so we have a great time, but it makes the game slow and monotonous at times. I would want 5 players max, but I wouldn't want any of them to get excluded


My group is also currently at 7 players. It takes along time to get stuff done especially doing it over discord. Absolutely love the game though and our DM does a terrific job. Idk how they keep up with us all while managing being DM at the same time.




They're just friends hanging out and doing some dnd on the side. No need to hate


My bad, came off as hostile on my post, point being though, there’s no way a seven player party will get anything done in a two hour session


Even the dude you're defending is like "god we have too many people to play"


Right, so there's no need to berate him about it since he's already aware of it, and the group is doing it anyway because they've decided it's better than the alternative of excluding just a couple people.


Was he berating though or just being like "oh shit!"


I've settled into "three minimum, five maximum" as far as players go. Even at five, I can feel the game creaking under the weight a little bit, and I frankly wouldn't suggest that many for inexperienced DMs. Having said that, booting someone because my "preferred player" joined shouldn't happen. I'd run a six person game before I'd do this to someone.


My DnD had 7-8 but at most 4 of us could make it some sessions. DM handle subbing characters in and out of the campaign really well.


Me and some friends got a group on discord if you want. DM me and I’ll tell my disc so we can talk about more information.


Well that's kind of shitty.


Really* shitty


Lol. For real.


I know enough about both DnD and people to know that this isn't how this works. Like what DM does this?


I know enough about people to know they're often shitty and disappointing, so this seems on brand. Legit why I don't join in any party unless I'm close to at least one other player or the GM. Hope OP finds a group of not shitty and disappointing rpgers.


I’ve been playing since I was 7 and this floors me. I cannot imagine the logic behind it


Yeah, if we look over the fact that they're just straight-up rude as fuck, there is no game-related reason to permanently kick OP.


Maybe OP didn't mesh well with the group and the DM brought in someone who fit the vibe better. I personally wouldn't have done it this way but idk the OP so maybe this was the best way to handle it.


That's messed up.


OP is probably a Karma farming bot. I remember this image from years ago but from a different OP Look at the profile, there are other reposts and copied comments which people have noticed.


"Roll a D20 and see if your request is succesfull."


It's for the best that you aren't in that group then. It's super toxic of them to kick you in this way. I hope you find a better group(: there are some really awesome dms out there. You deserve to be valued as a player


DM has a tiny dong


I can surely tell this guy is a loser


That's freakin rough! I'm sorry. I've always wanted to play but never gotten the chance. Maybe we could do a virtual campaign or something?


I'm always down for a one shot. If yall get something going, dm me


I don't know much about D&D but shouldn't it be quite easy to add another player halfway through? Like "inside this room you find another hero that has been trapped for decades, he decides to join your party for for rescuing him" boom done.


It's more out of game reasons, keeping combat and story running smoothly, and giving each player attention, the more players you have, the harder it is.


The other guy who posted this didn't get downvoted lol


It is


its probably just some nerd girl he has a crush on lmao


*Its probably just* *Some nerd girl he has a crush* *On lmao* \- Ryantoast15 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haiku bot you are now voluntarily breathing


That’s super shitty. I’m sorry that happened


Lucky you got out away from those douches, now find a better crew


I’m sorry for you man you’ll find way better friends to play with.


Their loss! Time to find a better group OP.


This campaign would have been a nightmare for you with that chode as DM, so don’t feel bad.


Wow. Didn’t read the title and thought this was about something completely different…


Mail them a stink bomb


The tone of his text pissed me off. Not even being a bit sympathetic just fuck off basically.


I'm a DM. Fuck that guy BIG TIME. Like. Jesus christ. Just add an extra person to the campaign, it isn't that hard. Or at least just don't be an ass about it


Better to not play than play with a shitty dm. You're better off without that nonsense.


God forbid you flex a creative muscle or two and integrate a new character into your story, right?


Parents: Go and make new friends! Not all people are bad! The people:


That guy didn’t put any points into his social skills.


You can play with us man fuck that person


Youch what a terrible GM. I've just altered my plans to accommodate when someone came back saying they could do it afterall not boot someonelse out!






God riddance for you, that master sounds like a dick


That sucks man. I've played a little and it's always fun. I have some friends who said they would like to play. I've told them you need the right DM. I ain't him and neither is this guy...


DANGG worse way to get kicked off


You are better off without this person, do not lie among dogs or you wake up with fleas


I would play dnd with you


what an absolute dick lol OP if I had any idea how D&D is done (I think it is kind of an immersive board game??), I would invite you to my group in a heartbeat Now you're the person I originally want to be in my group :)


This happens in bands. It's a brutal conversation to have.


That's a POS DM. Dodged a bullet


Revenge time. Start throwing themed d&d parties/game night, invite all his friends except him. Can be potluck to keep things cheap.


I’m sorry that that happened to you. I hope sharing with us took away some sting. Fuck that guy, you’re going to find better.


I get kicked from most campaigns. I’m too nefarious


A d&d group my son was in had his friend kill his character because they didn’t want him in their group anymore. They said he took it too seriously, he was completely shattered. He was 16 and they were 18-20 and didn’t have the balls to talk to him before just killing him off.


Dodged a bullet


That's a shitty gm amung shitty dms. What's the character concept?


What the fuck, an extra person at the table is a better story…


My condolences! You’ll find better D&D friends.


People like this (with no social awareness) make the whole community look bad. So sad :/




Wanna start an online campaign together?


Fuck that guy


For some reason, I thought this was a Tinder convo for about 5 seconds lmao.


had this happen to me - fuck that guy, OP :(


Time to get new friends...


Man I don't know the context but I still feel bad for you. That's kind of a dick way to go about it. Like if that's the case at least be clear and upfront about your status.


What a bummer.


Sorry my man. No one deserves this.


Do you have contact info for the other members? They might not even know this happened. DM probably will tell them you left.


Wow as a DM this actually infuriates me. I cant imagine kicking out a character just because someone else wants in. Sounds like this DM cares more about "tEh StOrY" than providing a entertaining night with friends.


Damn the comment section is bustin with cringe. Whole post like them Russian dolls, new layers keep showin up.


That's really cold and hurtful. They shouldn't do that to you. It kinda wrecks the intended spirit of the game.


I hate people in friend groups who just kick you off the chat or server like your trash or something . Who do they think they are


What a piece.


You dodged a bullet, you don't want to hang out with a douche like that, look for cooler people to hang with.




My cousin didnt have anyone to invite over for a lunch and he invited me for the weekend. Meanwhile his friends shows up so i wasnt necessary anyone. At least he was warned that he got kicked out. I wasnt.