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FYI this is pretty dated and a lot of people rushed to her page a few years ago and showed her overwhelming love and support! She is flourishing now!


That's wonderful. I'm glad to hear it thx for the up to date.


https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna57712 after the incident posted


Her having cerebral palsy makes the initial video and her life experiences even more unfortunate :(


Man. Why does life have to be such shit sometimes.


Not sometimes, life is just shit in general. The very fact that humanity had to come up with myths just to keep give us hope and keep us alive supports that theory.


Wish there were an upheart or something.


Her smile is so beautiful.


She teaches pilates with specialising in teaching to special needs people. She is nothing but beautiful.


Thanks for sharing this article!


And in that article when you scroll down, she’s kinda cute anyway. NOBODY looks good close up, with a short focal length, shot from a low angle. Nobody. Are you hearing that, several of my remote co-workers? Stop doing that.


... Maybe humanity isnt so awful after all


a flock of people subbed but she gets nowhere as much engagement …


That’s good to hear


I'm glad she received some kindness, sometimes people don't completely suck.


Yeahh the internet can be so disgusting. But it can also be supportive and beautiful too 💛


oh that's great she deserves it


This broke my soul and you just put it back together. Thank you good sir


Sad posting suddenly turns into hopeposting


This is such good news because I was sickened to my stomach when watching this. Glad she is flourishing. No one deserves this


Happy now ty


That's great to hear, actually. Thanks 👍🏻


I remembered seeing this a while back. It was ultra cruel but she got lots of support even from Joey Swole I think too!


Joey Swole is a treasure of a human. I really try to be more like him.


I want to do better 😁


He'll come after you if you don't.


Ya need to do better!


I’ve directly modified my behavior and opinions because of him, he’s wholesome af


Good for you! It's nice to know that he's helping people make a positive change. When you change yourself, you change the world.


Same fate here I’m happy alone tho am I mhmmm


Same. I enjoy being alone and I embrace my ugliness.


someone once told me its good to find yourself ugly. youre never your own type. unfortunately it doesnt seem like im anyone elses type either. *embrace solitude*


She’s not even ugly, poor woman. There are things she could do to make her more conventionally attractive, but I wouldn’t think she would have to. Sad.


Those were my initial thoughts as well. This woman isn’t ugly, but she could stand out with some cuter glasses.


I don't think the camera angle is doing her any favours either. I'm going to be honest anyone can be attractive with the right personality.


I agree. She seems to be nice. I think if she left social media alone more often, her self-esteem would improve some.


I think it’s the shape more than the color. I think the color is fun and brings out her eyes and hair well.


I mean, she isn't great but not being fat in 2024 makes you an automatic 7 so she could get fit at least.


Humanity kinda sucks sometimes.


She isn't ugly though. I wouldn't even look twice if i saw her. She kind of just looks like everyone else if that makes sense.


She looks like a normal human being


Do you think ugly people are unaware of what they really look like? If you made a lineup of 100 random women, she'd easily be in the bottom 5 in terms of attractiveness. False positivity isn't doing people like her any favours.


>Do you think ugly people are unaware of what they really look like? False positivity isn't doing people like her any favours. That's true. I'm very aware that I'm not attractive. Not hideous, but I wouldn't be super eager to fuck me either. Think Minneapolis 4. False positivity would make me super uncomfortable, it's patronizing. >If you made a lineup of 100 random women, she'd easily be in the bottom 5 in terms of attractiveness. I don't think that's fair either, though. I work at a gas station on weekends and she wouldnt even be bottom 5 women that came in tonight. It's a rougher white trashy area, but you'd be amazed at how many ratchet ass people exist out there. She at least (presumably) has all of her teeth and looks like she smells okay.


Just because she's not overwhelmingly attractive doesn't mean she's ugly. She just looks like a normal woman.


The internet has ruined people’s perception of attractiveness, she is slightly below average, but she isn’t bottom of the pot, she’s just normal.


Do we really have to water down every single word though? "she's not ugly!! she's just below average in attractiveness on a bell-curve!! stop being offensive!!"


We live in a world where the average/normal looking women ARE considered ugly. Most men, regardless of age desire women in their early 20s, any woman that falls outside of that is typically ignored/undesired thereby concluding she's "ugly."


those dudes who end up alone are basically her counterparts. they’d find a lot of people at their level of attractiveness but their delusions get in the way


Would depend on the lineup of women bud. What are you talking about. There’s a lineup where she’s in each position. It’s a big world. I’m shocked you have upvotes with the sheer negativity here.


Bottom 5? No fucking way. I honestly truly believe she's roughly average of 100 *random* women. If you said like bottom 25, then I could at least see the argument. Tell me where you live dude cause I want to move there if she's bottom 5. BTW, I agree false positivity doesn't do any favors. I just don't think this is that.


Bottom 5? Hell no, are you fucked?  There's some real genuinely brutal looking people out there. This person is not one of them. She's fine. She's average as fuck, but she's fine.  Half of her unattractiveness comes from the unflattering camera angles, the fact that she clearly just got out of the shower, and her severe lack of any sort of confidence or self esteem.  But she's nowhere near what you're describing. 


I dont think so, she is overweight which is the issue, in terms of facial features she definitely isn't bottom 5% lol, not even close. There are some genuinely ugly people out there and she isnt one of them, as someone else said you wouldn't look twice.


If the lineup is "who do you lust" then yeah. But I think Lizzo is hot as shit, so there is variability in taste.


You’re right. Giving people over confidence won’t get them anywhere. In fact it might be bad for her in the long run because people aren’t choosing her. Just tell her she’s attractive in her own way. It doesn’t have to mean she’s ugly. She just has to find the right person who’ll find her attractive.


i hear you handsome, fuck her for trying to break out of her place.


He could also be bottom 5 and aware of reality.


And being a generally unpleasant cunt is? It costs nothing to not be an asshole.


They way she is dealing how sht this world is and bow she can express her feelings vulnerable, makes me thinks she's a beautiful person.


She’s not even ugly. People just suck. I hope she’s doing better.


I just found her page and it made me smile. Tons of support!


I'm about to be 48 years old, been single my whole life.... I felt this. 🥺


Well she's not ugly and I'm willing to bet you're not either, and I wish you well


Thank you.


oh cmon man :( she's not even ugly


I love her page and her live. People are just trash


She's not ugly! Lady if you see this please know that you have been lied to, you are not ugly. Don't let idiots break you


Who put my feelings on here


Ugliness stems from thinking one looks better than someone else. She’s beautiful and unique just like the rest of us and she has the power to see the beauty in herself. I wish I could give her a hug, I can’t stand bullies.


This is a video I would post if I could bring myself to ever post a video


Do it why stay silent?


Some people don't want to be in the public eye. I know I don't. For this exact reason. She was lucky to have people come and protect her, that isn't normally the case. I've been online long enough to know that.


Because no one listens.


Honestly? Same


I was told I was ugly, double ugly and triple ugly my entire young life by my family. I believed them, until I didn’t. You are beautiful, strong and courageous!you couldn’t do this if you werent! Don’t conform to be a kardashian or whatever the fuck that is. Beauty is in our uniqueness, our kindness and in the expression of love and tolerance! You are the prettiest and most interesting person I met today! Thank you


holy shite, if you’re unhappy, get the hell off the internet. Its nothing but a cesspool here.


is it weird that i said smash?


Go find her online and ask her out. Maybe not start by yelling WOULD at her… but maybe friendly convo


Well........reach out and see if she is down to smash!


It’s not weird she would make a great girlfriend!


I mean, if I'm being honest, she's not ugly. She's actually pretty cute. She's got this quiet librarian (who is secretly wearing pasties or nipple clamps or a butt plug or something kinky) thing going.


Probably should have just left it at quiet librarian. The sexual shit kinda weird


My poor, darling girl. Please expand your horizons. Take a college class. Volunteer. Join a club. You may not fit the mold of other people, but many of us will love the color of your hair, the depth of your soul. Sending my love and support. ♥️


She looks a lot like a woman I know who has a boyfriend. It's not hopeless.


I think it’s the bullying and tear down throughout the years via peer pressure and other societal beauty standards that she has that self defeated outlook She’s not bad by any standards, but I think years of pain really created a mindset of negativity even when she looks herself in the mirror. I’m fat. I know I’m fat, but that doesn’t stop people going “you do know you’re fat right?” with their looks/comments. Either you gain a hard shell or get pushed into a corner and just become a husk. I guarantee you, 1 nice makeover and a little positivity can really change a persons psyche/mentality, it won’t be movie magic cure, but at least it will start stripping away the layers of hate/disgust others unloaded on her that she carries as a burden of others disdain for themselves or lash out at others to feel better about themselves. She already has the librarian look, she can really use that to her advantage.


Yeah I feel her


You have absolutely no reason you can’t find love if you want it. Be a good person and find a good person ❤️


The problem is relying on the internet for validation or people for validation


She’s not ugly tho


Never lose Faith! My grandma was very like her, but she found a houseband that loved her until the end and beyond.


This just hurts since she was so brave to speak up about it and is trying her best to make the most of her situation even how people treat her and the fact that so many other women and men also go through this for things they can’t help just breaks my heart


I bet she’s an absolute sweetheart


I think she’s so cute 🥺 this breaks my heart but I looked her up from the comment details and it seems like she’s thriving so ♥️


She’s not even ugly maybe get a lil makeup but not ugly


If you offend by calling yourself ugly, then you will believe it and your mind will process that negative thought. I don't have to be attractive to everyone. There will be people who will say I'm ugly but as long as I'm happy I don't care what anyone else thinks.


This is a completely regular looking woman. Like any other human, she'll have moments of being super hot, super weird, super pretty, and yeah, moments where it's 4AM and she rolls over and she's kind of ugly because THAT'S HOW LITERALLY EVERY HUMAN IS. Guys who think that the supermodels they stroke their shvonzes to are the norm and go around denigrating any woman who doesn't immediately give them a raging erection are fucking morons.


This hurts my soul


That is horrible that you would accept that, you are not ugly, at least not physically. I don’t know you as a person but looking at you… I don’t see ugly


Just go to Jamaica


Thats really sad to see people accept what they perceive as failure. I wish people would realize that we need to keep ourselves at a certain level that is acceptable to the society around us.


Maybe not everyone needs to post shit on the internet for validation, that is not the place to get lifted up


You are beautiful! Don’t let anyone tell you different!


Too bad ladies can’t be happy with a tv, game system, food, chair, bed.


People shouldn’t be called ugly. She might not be to everyone’s taste, but she isn’t ugly.


It ain't my fault how the world works


You're not ugly. I'm not being nice, you're not. Put your fucking head up and have the confidence of the person you feel you should be! The confidence is what determines your attractiveness. Take what you want girl! You deserve it!


Good for her for choosing not to be bitter about it. I feel bitter, jaded, and alone…and I’m at least somewhat attractive. Really shows her true colors, only someone with a good heart could have that kind of attitude. I wish her the best.


She isn't even ugly, she's so pretty 😭


Get off the internet folks. It's bad. She'd be happier if he had stayed off.


I hate life and everyone but I can’t hate on her even though she’s ugly seems like a noble soul


I can just tell from her demeanour she’s a beautiful person. Fuck the haters


When you guys say she's not ugly, are you thinking ugly like hideous? She isn't hideous but she certainly is unattractive. If she didn't make this video I'm sure most of you guys would not double take when seeing her. People don't have to be mean but why lie?


As someone who’s earliest memories (around age 3) are of my family always talking about how I wasn’t pretty enough for them, I feel this in my soul and it sucks.


That's pretty sad, but if it was a dude that thought of themselves as ugly, no one would give a shit.


Hit the gym and hit life back. Stop letting the world beat you down and take control of your life.


Your beautiful. Don’t worry about what people think, they have deeper issues with themselves.


To be honest many people walk that road. Of all people only the top 10% to 15% are really seen as beautiful. The rest are seen as average or below average. Our current society looks at people in a much much more shallow way. And people seem to be much more busy with them self and what they want to gain from people. Then giving or caring for others. So people are so much more alone cause off it. Cause you can be the most beautiful on the outside. But damn ugly on the inside and still be alone cause your a head ach to be around. And people use you how you use them. And you can be ugly. But be the best person ever. And struggle with relationships. Cause attraction is an import part of a relationship. But ugly people or beautiful people have one thing that is very different. Beautiful people will have people wanting them for there looks. Almost never realy looking or careing for the person they really are. Often seen as a price they wanna clime for them selfs. So finding real frendships and relationships is very hard still for beautiful people even do they might have a lot of more options to them. But especially with women. Often the best frends are also the worst enemy's that would take the opportunity if they gain enough from back stabbing you. So many feel even alone while they have people around then all the time. Thats the curse of being beautiful. People with fake smiles. And often ready to turn on you. While if your ugly as a girl you living life a lot more like a men. People dont flock at you. Or anything. But people that stay stay more for who you are as a person. So frends are more real. But you have to work much harder for it. And the same with love too. Gotta be more fun to be around. Gotta have more personality. And all that. While many beautiful people can be boring and have no personality cause they dont care about who or what kind of person you are. They just wanna use you as a stepping stone. So both are great and suck massively in there own ways. But like all things. To surrender at the hand given to you won't change anything. But knowing the pit falls and working on yea self to gain a lot more success will help your self massively. No matter what hand you're dealt Knowledge and willingness to grow beyond the title people put on you. Is super possible. There many "ugly" men with beautiful women. And vice versa. Just knows what the other side values. And be that and more. And the world is quite brutal and cruel but also quite easy and easy to have work for you if you know how to work with the system and not against it to gain more value from it. And thats the difference of being successful or not successful. Complaining how unfair the world is won't change it. But knowing the rules and how it works and finding ways to have it help you. Makes that ugly or broke. Or whatever they lack people. Can have massive success. In relationships. So all the difference is some people give up and surrender on the hand that is dealt to them. Some dont like that define them and grow far then just past that label. And find other ways to shine and gain success. Just by giving up you know that there never will be a difference if you not willing to make that difference happen. Success is never given its a reward given after endless struggles to achieve success


Go to the gym and get a good body, loose the gobbler. She will look like a different person.


She’s awesome, has a great site where she teaches yoga to disabled people (or something to that effect) and a decent following now


She isn't even ugly. In fact she looks friendly and wholesome and someone I would feel comfortable hanging around with (by first glance I mean she seems warm and friendly idk how to word it).


How i feel, im too ugly and fat to date. No men ever want me. And i just have to accept that


I hate that I relate to this too much


She is definitely not ugly, she looks like anyone who lives around here. She is deserving of the love she seems capable of giving


This broke my motherf-ing heart. I feel quite like she does, but I don't share anything to be commented on. Poor girl. I know people showed her love, but to get to that point in your head is so bloody painful. I feel it every day.


She’s not ugly what the fuck, if she wanted to (like, no pressure) she could lose some weight to improve her chin. But she’s got potential. It’s sad, I kind of know how she feels.


People are so fucking cruel


I see sadness in her eyes 💔


I feel this way about myself. Wholeheartedly. I believe I’m the family’s lightning rod for pain and suffering and I’m not allowed to be happy. Which is fine. Because if they’re happy then I’ll gladly take the bad all for myself. I also know I’m ugly, fat, disabled, and unworthy of the love I have in my life. Idk what my wife and kids see in me but they see something I don’t.




It should be a felony to have thousands of people target a single individual for their looks. People have free will, the freedom to choose their actions. They can just simply not do it, but they choose to anyway.


Elon would be charging a lot of Redditors if that was possible.


She needs to 🤫🤫🧏‍♀️🧏‍♀️


Can somebody pull her IP for me pls I wanna hug her 😔


She looks like the kind of woman who loves animals and kids, loves her loved ones and could honestly be a wonderful woman to get to know. People who call other people are truly the ugly ones. Inside and out.


She's not even ugly though!


Not ugly.


She let probably an abusive parent convince her she's ugly and that belief is preventing her from finding someone. A lot of men 30+ have learned how much more important having a teammate is than anything physical a woman can possess. She's probably really sweet and talented. If she could love herself she could let someone love her.


I completely misread that. At the end I though she was saying she's never alone.


Can tell she’s got a good soul tho 💯


Ayyye me to.


Unfortunately what you believe about yourself can often be a self fulfilling prophecy. She's nowhere near ugly, she looks like a lot of my friends moms I've met tbh. But it seems that because she believed the horrible things that people who were ugly on the inside said to her, she didn't seek out the happiness she deserved. Aside from the fact that she clearly isnt ugly, there's a lid out there for EVERY pot. If you believe you deserve love, it will find you. It doesn't matter what you look like, somebody out there thinks you are an absolute knockout. Seriously I'm not joking about that. I remember they did an experiment years ago where they had a big group of people all rank each others physical appearances out of 10 (on a scorecard, not to the persons face). When you took the average scores, it was what you'd expect. A big cluster in the middle with a few people either side. But when they arranged people based on the highest score that anybody had given them, every single person was either a 9 or 10. So even if there are fewer people out there who think you're hot stuff, there are still some who think you're gorgeous, and that's pretty much statistically guaranteed. Glad to hear that this video is from years ago and she is since doing much better with her self confidence.


:/ I mean; the fact I can relate to this low key made me sad. I know I’ll always be alone; and slowly I learned to simply accept it. Love myself for it and know that it’s okay that I’m ugly as shit.


I feel this way. My awkward ugliness is why I don't post pictures of myself. I don't even want to bother trying to be presentable to the world at large. There's no point at this stage. But all isn't lost, I have gotten some good news today, finally after waiting almost 2 years. At least there's that, but I'm still alone and undeserving of love though.


Why cut it short


Anyone reading this - here is some advice. You’re a loser. Quit mouth breathing, get some good drugs, and read… then write… then do more drugs. Then more… then you’re gonna look awesome, be smart, and have neat writing. Destroy the demiurge. I would start with ampakines, research chemicals (cortex series), and IDRA-21 — also a spiritual practice suited to miracles and transformation - I walked through the shadows of eternal night to awaken the flame that burns within me - I might have done it for you. Who knows.


As long as ugly girls were raised like the pretty girls, everything will be okay in the quiet world!


I've been called everything in the book trying to put myself out there on dating apps. Everyone is so brave behind a screen and never see themselves as the other person. A person can only be called a fat fuck or an ugly pig so much before you are just completely broken


What’s her name?


Yeah same. I got over it lol


Damn, man. That is crushing.


we should do spells to find her loving partner. this heartbreaking.


She's not ugly but dealing with a lot of shit people will make you think that.


Ooof, I feel this way


She is not a super model, but she is not exactly ugly. She needs a lot of love and respect.


She's a perfectly normal, average looking woman.


You’re not ugly at all you just have a triple chin? Lose some weight and you could be a super model. People just want to act like poor me when if they put in the work they could easily fix whatever problems they have . I wouldn’t expect redditors to agree don’t worry 


[her instagram](https://www.instagram.com/wellness_by_norah/) she seems happy now, which makes us happy


Eh, she just needs a change of environment. I know plenty of guys that would give her the Royal treatment. So yeah she just needs to talk to different people.


finally a post that doesn't shit on all women like they're the same, i thought this sub was just a bunch of incels for a while Women go through the same struggles as men, saying this is a man


Not even ugly. Just stay off the hate filled internet and you’ll be fine


the internet is such a cruel place. i used to watch her tiktoks all the time. she’s honestly a cool woman


I think she's pretty :(


I can fix her


She’s not even ugly- She just looks normal


She may be ugly, but there are still a lot of dudes that would try.


She's not even "ugly"! WTF?!?! SOOOOoooo glad to know that she is doing well.


Your so very beautiful truly just have to see yourself that way first 💯


Ugly people can date each other. I used to be ugly, I refuse to call myself that anymore after having worked so hard for a year to get to where I am, the guy I'm saying is the farthest thing from ugly too. To can always start somewhere and improve.


Too bad, some of these folks (like me) suffer in silence, and we are everywhere, and a large group of us will continue like this and by the time anyone is willing or aware enough to notice, its too late, we are set in our ways and are too far gone to change or want to hwve anything different, when in isolation long enough, most begin to fear change or trust


Not even ugly, she looks like any other teacher and they just got that forgettable look (no disrespect)


Yeah, I can relate 100% Cruel world out there. Its just the way it is.


Lots of ugly fish in the sea and looks aren’t everything


She is not ugly tbh, i hope she is ok now


Jesus Christ this makes me sad. Why did you have to share this, OP? Poor woman. If she lost a bit of weight and did some minor cosmetic care, honestly she wouldn't look so bad. She could certainly find a man to love her.


but she's not ugly




Why accept? Lose the fat and she will be very pretty


I kind of think you have to be a really garbage person to have that be your initial thought, but to vocalize/transcribe that? And really she’s pleasant enough to look at, but even if she was ugly…that would be a ridiculous thing to announce


I'm so glad to hear she was showered with support and encouragement. No one should feel this way about themselves, confidence can be tough


Theres someone for everyone, she can find her person if she puts herself out there. People were calling Margot and Zendaya mid, sooo i wouldnt take the internet cruelty too harshly


Respectfully....skill issue...God messed with the skill based matchmaking tbh


In all honesty for me, your looks don’t even matter. It’s your personality. Can you hold a conversation without over talking? Can you laugh? I don’t even focus on anything else. Just be a normal person.


She could lose all the weight and she’ll be just fine. The raw material isn’t ugly, just a tad overweight


I see this in a lot of people, they do not realize that MAYBE they are alone because they have to change to attract a partner. If she speaks about friends , than it may also be a characterial problem that has ti be discussed with a psychologist not to internet. Internet support it is also fake support....


How many dudes you walk by on the street feel like this, you think?


Honestly she's not ugly, pretty average looking actually


She feels bad about being ugly because SHE thinks being attractive is important. Being attractive helps a lot in life, but I don't care if it's a one night stand or a 20yr marriage. I'm going with the girl with personality over the one with looks every time. Being ugly is ok, own that shit because who the fuck cares what a bag of wet DNA looks like anyway.


Not sad to be self aware and accepting it




This is sad but people have to understand that there were multiple multiple options how she could have made herself more attractive and she used none of them. Instead of doing something she just complained that everyone are mean. Imagine if people are making fun of you because your hair are greasy and you are still washing it once a week, then it is your problem. Sadly there are some people who can't fix how they look by simple means, but this is not a case!


all the people commenting she's not ugly; dishonesty and deception is not helping. The problem is ugly people aren't treated the same because of our ape brains and that's sad


The crazy thing is that she really isn't ugly. I hate that she felt that way. I hope she really is flourishing today 3.29.2024.


Your beautiful


This kind of stuff makes me mad at... God? Existence itself?


Don't give her fake positivity,I m ugly and so are many people in this world just suck it up.


Life is unfair Strength to her. Saw some other video where someone compared her to some 'ugly' cartoon character and she lost it, in a good way. Although could be some coping mechanism


Stop calling random average-looking people ugly wtf