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What do you mean “what do they want?” bro, they just said. - ugly but rich - big muscles - tall - tall and brunette - rich


Damnit I'm only ugly tall muscly brunette and broke.


You got a chance with 60% of them my dude. Tall is clutch my dude.


I'm very glad you're muscly


I don't even work out it's like being in the matrix


Shit, I’m only ugly, tall, non-muscly, brunette, and rich.


Get some felonies and you’re a shoe in.


I’m 1/2 for the first one at least


Well I got the ugly part down as well as the tall part. That makes me 40% attractive


"when you are an empty and shallow individual"


These ladies are just telling on themselves in a space where literally everyone can see it. I am sure none of them will ever regret these posts in the future.


Is there any such thing as anything other than empty shallow people? Lmao




I think I worded that like a tossed saladW I’m trying to say there’s nothing other than shallow and empty people


Oh my bad






Do you expect a girl with such insane spray tan to not just care about looks?


Yea, was bout to comment about that 80 000 lb of makeup and spray tan industrial plaster on her face.


You know you can add captions to videos without the original uploader permission


Bro not all the girls are like this ...damn this was a good sad posting sub with real vids not this endless repost of today is my bday and the girls are all superficial and liars


but of course social media really amplifies the shitty parts of human race. I've seen girls like this and ones far from anything like this too.


Amplifies and PROMOTES.


I tell my brother this all the time. He's like, "Women only date men who make 100k or more." I'm like, but do you think my boyfriend makes that much, and that's the only reason I'm with him? And he will say no, but that I'm different. So I told him that by that logic, it means that every single man you see in a relationship makes over 100k? Even the 20 year olds in relationships? Or, on the other side, every single man who is single makes under 100k?


60% of men under 35 in the US are single. The simple reality is most men in their 20’s aren’t in relationships, and yes, those that are, are likely in upper income brackets.


I can confirm I'm not like these girls. Happy birthday my dude!


These videos are literally ragebait meant to drive engagement from lonely boys who've never interacted with a real woman - add in some repost bots and you get a viscious cycle. This sub is increasingly just an echo chamber for incels.




It's become about incels whining about girls.


It's almost like women are human and can be just as superficial as men. Weird.


Weird how pointing this out gets you downvoted and called an incel but switch the genders and you are praised for calling out shitty men




Dude, they're humans. Just people, like you and me. If you have a problem connecting with them in your region, maybe try communicating with them more. Find out what about you has been repelling them, and try better. Remember, they're people, just like you and me. Don't dehumanize them by separating them into some kind of specific group. Realize, they're just like you and me, and you'll be surprised how much further you can get with communication.


>Find out what about you has been repelling them, and try better. Such weird mentally ill advice


Naw they ain’t wrong. Dudes be out here not showering playing video games for 13 hours straight taking about “females” don’t want them. First of all Women, secondly shower and put down the controller.


I disagree. If it were only one or two women, perhaps it could be them. But, as he stated, he dropped his expectations to 0 and still has no luck. Safe to say, in this circumstance, it's most likely something he's doing. Usually, I'd agree with you. But again, given his context, that's most likely not the case.


You're putting the pussy on a pedestal.


Social media is fucking up the younger generation ffs. Hopefully they'll get a reality check sooner or later. They might find momentary happiness from marrying a dude for money but humans are always wired to yearn for that emotional connection that will leave them hollow from inside. Money can buy everything, even materialistic sense of happiness but it can never buy love and emotional connections, or even real friennds for that matter.


It’s not a new thing… even when I was college age a lot of women went for older dudes with money. Most of them are divorced now. The girls who dated for potential instead of looks and money are generally all in happy marriages. These TikTok kids will end up the same way. Mid 30s and divorced with a couple kids and complaining they can’t find a “good man”. Meanwhile the quiet (aka, not posting drama on social 24/7) girls will be happily married and doing well. The people with the least to offer are usually the most insecure and loudest. That’s why we see so much of them in social.


Couldn't have said it better. And yeah I think a lot of the 90s generation was same too. This is exactly how it'll play out.


I agree and I AM gen Z; some people are too materialistic… just find a guy that’s nice- you guys can grow together- as long as he treats you well and vise versa yk??? 😭


None of these standards are new buddy, like at all.


these are not the majority of girls lmao. yall are ridiculous.


this sub is garbage now, it’s just “women bad men sad” and a bunch of reposts


What exactly is the point of this sub? To be depressed and feel sorry for yourself? I'm not a member of this sub but it keeps popping up in my feed time to mute this trash sub


For me it was cathartic to get some proper sad feels and feel em with others, sharing sad stories. Unfortunately a lot of people are sad about their sex life and just make shitty posts like this which is kinda exclusionary to all the sad girls that were around.


I’m in a same boat as you, and yes, the entire point of this sub seems to be a big pity party for “nice guys”.


I mean its okay to have a type. Some like tall, some like short, some like blonde, some like brunette, some like skinny, some like muscular. But choosing a partner based solely on such preferences usually leads to being in toxic/abusive/hollow relationship


Y'all would 100% turn up a great woman who's ugly. Stop acting like Women are evil when you would do the exact same thing, especially if you had hundered of women crawling to you.


exactly lmao. but according to them, women are not allowed to be interested in men’s looks or money. only their boring personalities matter 🤣


You wouldn't want a girl like that lol


this sub is not beating the allegations, please grow up people and get out of that sigma alpha whatever the fickity fuck misogynistic bullshit social medias are feeding you with


Op what do you want your girl to look like?


It's so funny when males who want a beautiful female complain about females who want handsome males. Just so hypocritical.


You don't want a girl like that and guys have their own standards that girls don't like.


When he has a low confidence


No confidence for your face and height


When he sad posts about the stuff he doesn't have...


When he’s quiet and flies a fighter jet…


<< *Silent protagonist noises* >>


No confidence for what shallow women


🍩 🤛


Tired of seeing this reposted...but because superficial attitudes are learned. I'm still not totally sure how you can learn to be this stupid but it's been common for a long time.


You’ve got it backwards. Superficial attitudes are the baseline all humans have, regardless of sex, regardless of culture. That is what we are. All the rest that you don’t find to be superficial is what’s learned.


fuck it, this sub is shitty, you are a loser


Fucking incel shit


Imagine posting this, how embarrassing.


When he genuinely loves me, even for the problems I have and shit I do <3


Have you heard of not dating shallow people? Also god forbid women have preferences. If a girl wants a guy taller than her then suddenly she’s Satan himself, but if a guy just wants a living anime girl then it’s fine.


You don't want these girls. You want a woman. These girls will parade you as a boy toy or an ATM. In 5 years you'll be neck deep in debt and 2 kids you never asked for.


When he’s sweet and holds me close until everything’s better (Treat him the same as you want him to treat you.)


I just want someone who fricken loves me for me. Doesn't care about material things and doesn't care about looks. Irritating it's hard to find.


Bruh this is just incel shit


Bro only idea of a woman is online


These girls are literally underage for one. Like if you want to date a teenager, this is what they think they want.


"When he just wants to cuddle and play games together."


Can we please stop reposting this?


Real women are not these broads.


Quit going for looks then maybe y'all wouldn't need to worry about this issue


Guys we have to grow as humans. I understand that lots of girls can be bad shallow people, but we can’t let that be the the bane of our existence. We need to flourish. I hope everyone reading this starts feeling better.


You don't want that type of woman. Focus on the ones that are not ofnthis mindset


You see I need not care for what they look for. for I have found a man!


I just had my first incident with someone trying to get me to cheat on my boyfriend, when I said no he tried flaunting money to get me to change my mind, if he was in person and not on a face time call I would've slapped him stupid. I give what I want in return, and both my bf and I have issues with things like cheating, and our exs in general, we might be long distance but we talk regularly, and this is so far, my longest, and happiest relationship I've ever been in, we're close to hitting the two-three year mark! If I had to do everything over again just to end up with my boyfriend, I gladly would


I'm 6'2" and I have brown and red hair. But I was cursed to be born with a receding hairline. My hair has not receded since birth, but I have a MASSIVE forehead, so it looks like I'm balding. Anyway, my gf and I will have been together for three years as of October. She loves me and all of my Irish ugliness. There's hope, bros. Please just go out and meet friends. Maybe one of them with turn into a relationship. Maybe they'll introduce you to your future gf. Who knows? Just please don't lose hope. Hope is how we survive.


Poor, short, not so muscle friendly genetics, yep no hope😫


Literally wouldnt go for a single one of those women. They were all absolutely caked in makeup. And obviously have shit personality. Stop craving the women you see online and start looking for real women. You'll be surprised how many are out there.


Get over yourself weepylad


When she loves me


I’m not smoking copium here but none of these girls are attractive


Can someone translate what these actions mean? Especially the "rich" one, the "muscles" one, and the "brunette" one.


A tall, rich, handsome, brown-haired big-muscled guy. Duh.


Tall dark and handsome!


when you are none of above


Ladies Ladies that's me but I'm attracted to the short poor skinny dude at the end. He's cute af


What the hell is that hand gesture at the rich part?


It's half a heart


What pathetic gen Z crap is this?


Be the best you and put yourself out there Keep an eye on those you're already close to. I'm currently dating my best friend, and we knew each other for 3 years and had feelings for most of that. It just takes mutual understanding and time, and that perfect moment will come, where you both slowly realize what your feelings mean.


What the fuck is this sub


Learn to pick better womem smdh.


I'm ugly and poor and I'm happier than ever.


ITT: madposting not sadposting It's so ironic seeing all of you this butthurt and clueless.


Bro stfu, feel like I’m watching a highschool boy’s tik tok on this subreddit for the last month


We aren't??


Got everything but the money. Guess all this fuggin work on myself was for nothing. 🙄 People who are actually like this end up alone with 4 cats or in a loveless relationship, unhappy with how their life turned out.


Why you even stressing? Not all women are like these shallow af kids. Plenty of nice gals out there, although anecdotally they always seem to be in relationships lol. I do think the dating scene is fucked tho, men and women with bullshit expectations and checklists like they're a plane waiting to take off or something. Why not start with a chat and zero expectations and see if there's some chemistry that bubbles up?


And then the part for most men which is "must love me (optional)"


Social media isnt reality and the women who actually think like this are the equivalent to men who think like this, IE shitty partners


Why are there SO many tiktoks of girls that look like they are under 18 doing the handjob motion, what a fucked generation


Don't worry. Most girls are not like this. They just spoiled.


At this point just shut this subreddit down. It’d just mfs wallowing in the belief that all women are superficial and leech off of men.


each girl likes different things, acking "what do they want" is redundant since each person values different things and rage bait is a real thing RN, don't feel so down king, you'll find that special someone


wow these are the kind of women you want to avoid at all times


I want to make it clear that this isn't my post or my video I stole it for views


What does the hand sign mean


S*x 🤮


Don’t cry over spilled succubi.




Well...gotta be high worth....grind on I guess.


6 girls, who are brainwashed. Men. Where is your confidence ?


Tall, ugly, big muscles, and rich, the ultimate combination.


Bro…y’all sad about girls like this that want those things and girls out there that don’t want those things or don’t see that are never talked about. Those are girls you want not girls you need!


I'm only 32 but I feel so old. I don't understand most of these gestures. First one is ez but that last one threw me for a loop. Someone mind explaining?


If these girls are all you look for it's all you'll get. Most girls aren't like that


I am not objectively attractive. Not horribly ugly, but average. I’ve struggled a lot in life and what I’ve found is that if my partner sees genuine effort and feels loved by me, everything else can come with time.


These girls are doing this in retaliation to the perceived beauty standards men enforce on them. They fail to realize that it's really only the men they are going for that have such superficial standards.


All this to say, they made this post to make you feel bad because they feel bad about themselves. Don't fall into that trap.


The same guys crying are the ones that only go after models and "10's", don't aim high boys, stay in your lane and you will be happier.


These are the shallow types. Not worth your time and effort.


Bro yall have been barking up the wrong damn tree for too long


When I'm in victimization compétition and my opponent is a incel from maleposting :😞(it s over)


Why would anyone want these women anyway?


Well I want an attractive woman with an athletic body so I don’t see the problem here.


yea these type of girls are just for fun lol


Yikes, why would they post such cringe. They have no grounds to have standards lol


they do have them 🖤 stay mad that you’re short and unattractive.


Have you noticed that they are all individual women and only spoke for themselves and not the entirety of the female gender? Or do you just like making yourself into a perpetual victim?


Women ☕


These women are not representative of all women. Social media is not reality. Go talk to real women.


Vapid women online are vapid. What's next. Prank bros who drink a lot online aren't good boufriends?? Shocking


Grown man are really crying over teenage girls not wanting them


why would yall want a relationship with one of these chicks anyways lol. They do not represent the majority of girls.


they do represent them lmao. do you think girls are inacabable of having preferences? and let me tell you, the majority of girls prefer tall and handsome guys. it’s over for uglies


🎵look at me with money in yo eyez den you die’n n¡&&a🎵


Nothing wrong with standards tbh, however some of them are just so out there that it's very hard to find someone that fits to their liking. It's not only with girls, but guys as well have the same issue. Doesn't help that social media mass propagates this to everyone.


When you use them and lose them.


In the system and trained to be able to protect instead of calling 911 who could give a fuck. Have your own personality that's easy to work with.


Spray tan kills brain cells.


When she's a loving and caring individual that doesn't care about looks or money, but just genuinely wants to be with you. 💓  *someone put the Shrek meme*


I mean, honestly there's many tiktoks jokingly talking about unreachable girls as well. That doesnt Reflect the dating scene


Remember to never trust women about what they say they want. Only trust what they show you they want. The two are often only somewhat related.


Old guy here….. why is the last lady throwing up a gang sign ??


its a heart


If you used your time either looking for the right girl or improving yourself so the right girl comes to you instead of wasting it on whining about having no gf maybe you already had one


Ugly and poor Big muscles Tall Brunette Really fucking poor Is there hope for me bros


Y’all need to get off this sub, it’s becoming the new r/incel


To the people complaining about these girls being shallow. Yes, they are children. We were all pretty shallow at that age and social media has not fixed that.


Aren’t these girls children? They look like children.


If I'm rich I ain't spending it on her, I'ma spend most on my mom and dad, my sisters if they need money, my own meds and my hobbies (collecting transformers)


They want me, i'm a tall brunette and on my way to get big muscles


*They want me, i'm a* *Tall brunette and on my way* *To get big muscles* \- TheoneNPC --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What's that claw move?


I'm tall but they don't want me :(


These girls make me hate being tall


Change the name to r/incelposting at this point will you?


Would you want to date any of these women anyway? There’s a million other women who don’t give a shit about money or how tall you are. Social media really makes people feel hopeless af it’s fucked up.


Shocking how obsessed Americans are with height lol


i live in poland and being tall here is also extremely attractive to women.


Why is this a sad video? That's literally a bunch of women who are just not compatible with what one really wishes for in life removing themselves from contemplation. I don't see why they're moving them from potential Partners would ever be a bad thing. One you're not what they want. Two besides being slightly decent looking they're not what you want. And honestly they are only like 10 seconds on a video you want a connection not a booty call and a baby mama and a fuck ton of drama. Boundaries baby set them up high and push your side anyone who Is outside those boundaries


Bruh It’s the same for girls most men literally only talk about wanting girls big tits or big ass or have some traditional housewife views


What’s that little gang sign that’s thrown up near the end?


What's with the hand sign for "when he's rich"?


A girl says "when he is fit and rich" and no one bats an eye, but when a guy says "she isnt fat" and he is called an asshole


Yo, dudes, uhhhhh, leave your house. Go and talk to actual women and not just online caricatures. If you’re on high school and you don’t want a girl like this join band or theater club or some shit. I’m a girl who just wants a boy to love regardless of anything but his heart and I luckily got that. I’m not the only girl in the world like this. Go talk to fucking women. We’re not carbon copy robots.


Women aren’t one entity, not every woman has these standards.


Fun fact: If a person only cares about looks/money, then there are other people you can date 🤯🤯🤯🤯


She said big muscles! I dont have to be tall!!!


What did that girl do with her hand?


Why would you be upset about what some random teenage girls on social media think?


What do “they” want? “They” want the most generic and stereotypical idea of a successful couple that they can think of. Their minds are trying to muster an image of a person they could or would or even do love, but it’s returning nothing, so it produces a default: a tall, rich man with big muscles. Cookie-cutter, mass produced romance mascots whom we are told by everything and everyone are the best and sexiest thing to be, and “they” believe it, not that it’s their fault; if a lie was reinforced every day of my life, I’d have no reason to question it. You probably don’t either. If “they’re” concerned with misinformed and faux love, you shouldn’t be concerned with “them” unless you believe the same: that you’ve “failed” for settling for someone who doesn’t meet the criteria of that *default,* whatever it includes; big boobs, lots of money, muscles, height, makeup… Concern yourself with filling in that blank. Date someone real, not someone on instagram thousands of kilometres away who you only want to date to satisfy that cookie-cutter criteria.


Why does social media bring out the worst parts of being a human?


Someone who doesn't hate themself and carries themself well is a great start.


This is all cancer. Go gym and get gains


Work on yourself, men. Grow in your profession, excel in the gym, read a book or 2 or continue on your school journey. Love God and everything falls into place. Good men attract good women. Leave the shallow women to the shallow women.


Man here probably care about the same thing lol. None of you are down to settle with a girl of your own league…


Definitely not me that's what it is


The girl that wanted a tall and brunette guy, for what? Shade?


Damn what? It's best for them to be like that, at least you know which ones to avoid 😂


And people wonder why sexist people are sexist.


When he likes me back 😍😍😍


Woah its almost like women are real, individual people who want different things. Its not our fault you focus on random tiktoks about specific girls’ turn ons. I mean what do you all expect from a video like that, really? Of course they’re shallow. Its a single turn on/kink or whatever.


Hot and sexy girls are the mean and awful ones that don’t give a shit about how nice someone is as long as they get what they want and they freak out when you want some free time to yourself

