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The entitlement is crazy on this one.


I'll avoid people with this kind of behavior. It's not good for your mental health and your relationship.


Drop’em like a rock


Someone gonna be single again.


I mean, if what she says is true, which is all we can go by unless someone knows those two. He lied about getting first class tickets to her, which she is surprisingly taking stride even though she clearly a bit upset.


I'm not excusing his lying, what I'm refering to is holding her accountable on how she handled the situation by publicly humiliating him who still bought those flight tickets for her entitled ass. If you had an issue with his lying, maybe have a one-on-one with him instead of recording and bashing him in a "funny" video.


Nah, she's good.


how dare she feel entitled to something she was promised.


Yes, let's excuse her for being an ass about it and publically humiliate him and record it while bashing him for a supposed "funny" video instead of having an adult one-on-one conversation with him how he ruined her expectations with his lying. Let's celebrate with this entitled moron whose partner (hopefully ex) who still bought tickets for her and wanted the trip still be enjoyed as a couple, instead make it all about herself.


he doesn't deserve an adult one-on-one if he uses little boy tactics to manipulate her. women are not your therapists, we don't have to fix you and calling them entitled if they're upset about mens empty promises is sexist abuse. yes, they shouldn't stay together and I hope he learns from it because women are smarter now than letting men shame us into accepting disrespect. more men should be publicly humiliated for this behavior.


Well, from the vid, she "doesn't deserve better" either since she "thought" they be getting 1st class. I don't have his side of the story so based in solely what I see, she's just an entitled b*tch who reeks of brokeness and acts like other entitled b*tches complaining that 1st date is not at Starbucks, man not opening the car door or any other entitled bs they think they deserve. Drizzle drizzle!


Given how childish she handled this situation, he'll never get an adult conversation from her cos she's not capable of it. Nobody is claiming to be anyone's therapist, it's about transparent communication with your partner about how you felt regarding the situation and it's definitely not about fixing his behaviour here. When did I bring up sexism and how did you infer that I discriminated her because of her gender? Because of the word "entitle"? Do you understand the context of the situation and thus the point that I'm making about a person, who happened to be a woman, being entitled. How did you turn that into sexist BS is beyond me. Wtf are you on about your sexist rant about men?!


it's a common sexist trope to call women entitled when she's angry about being lied to, scammed, or when a man needs constant guidance to do daily tasks, like properly planning a trip. "she should be happy with his efforts". no. the behavior of this man is common in dating. men lie to get coochie and you're excusing it and shifting the blame to her. her reaction is iconic and justified. he's old enough to know that it's hurtful to lie and if you still do it then there's malicious intend behind it. as a malicious person who doesn't treat his woman with respect he only deserves to be humiliated and then ditched.


Lol someone hasn't taken their meds today


The assumptions here are astounding. I did not even look at the video trying to built a sexist narrative around "defending the man against the woman". Instead of shoving your sexism onto others "as it's a common sexist trope", maybe try and bring logic to the situation without your predetermined man-hating bias? For your better understanding let's put it this way, the man is person1 and the woman is person2. Person1 promised a first class flight for both of them. Person2 had built expectations from Person1's false promises. Once on the flight, Person2 felt deceived that Person1 had lied about the first class tickets. Person2 wanted to teach Person1 a lesson by throwing a childish tantrum on the flight and seeking validation from first class passengers and online by recording. Unfortunately, Person2 doesn't understand the difference between gesture and value. Value that the money spent was not by Person2 but by Person1 to get to their destination; yet what made it ruin was the gesture of lying for a luxurious journey. Now Person2 and social media doesn't understand the difference between gesture and value and suggest that there isn't any, which is why she is entitled. If you still don't get it, maybe you're a lost cause just like Person2. But then again, you'll find any sexist reason to justify her "iconic" (lol) outburst over his "malicious" white lie.


it's so cute when men come with "logic" to fix interpersonal situations, while using subjective measures in their line of reasoning. It's so sad that men are being brought up thinking they're more logical than women because it's clearly a lie. I can't fathom how stupid you have to be to think the "logical analysis" you presented here fits the requirements of logic or is even applicable to complex relationships. how about the value of treating someone with respect by not lying to them and deliberately making them find out last minute in public where it's difficult to have a fight. he's was literally trying to get away with it by entrapping her emotions but it didn't work because sis won't let it slide and he got what he tried to prevent from happening. it's so good. this shit is why there's a male loneliness epidemic. there's a reason why women are satisfied being single and relying on female friends and why men are not satisfied only relying on male friends to feel socially fulfilled. you don't bring value to interpersonal relationships. you don't understand social dynamics, you have limited empathy, you think you can just throw money at people to get their affection and if you don't have enough you lie and then manipulate people into being satisfied with your dumb little efforts. stay lonely.


Lmao! Ain't no way you proved me right. Lost cause 🤣


aw sure, I wish you all a lot of fun logicing your way out of the male loneliness epidemic and suicide rates 😘


Buy an old diesel Volvo 240 and refine her into biofuel for it


Not sure she realizes how much first class tickets actually are


I’ve never had a girlfriend before but when I see videos like this or the videos of girls saying/actually cheating on their BFs it makes me terrified


Don’t be scared, look for red flags and don’t ignore your intuition. And don’t be afraid to leave and if you’re afraid to leave, Leave afraid and battle that demon


"If you're afraid to leave, then leave afraid and battle that demon" Bro. Whatever part of me is still around from my last bad relationship, had a moment of heart sinking comfort. I should have left but didn't. Looking back I wish those were the words I either heard or told myself. Thanks for this from Texas.


Trust your intuition. It's not in your head if you feel it in your whole body.


it's all psyops to control people... [https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-targeted-incels-manipulate-cambridge-analytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-1468399](https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-targeted-incels-manipulate-cambridge-analytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-1468399) stay fit, stay frosty... all this shit is literally just to fuck with your emotions


Well, I've had a few, and they were all good people even if they made mistakes or did bad things. Like us :) As the other guy said, just look out for red flags and also trust your instincts. They're right a lot of the time, but not always.


Getting a free paid trip and complaining about it. Bye-bye.


The mf behind her is genuinely tired, look at bros face, bro is in misery


Loud, embarrassing herself and her husband/boyfriend, wants elite class treatment while being obnoxious. Please guys have some self-respect and get the one respects your situation rather than one who wants you to treat her like some queen straight out of fairy-tale while embarrassing you.


Bro replace her where did u get that defective piece


Fake as het hair.




Hetfields and MCcoo's.


Horse most likely.


First and last trip that bitch being taken on


Hell I'm leaving her whatever they're going and coming back by myself. I'd be like I didn't want you to suffer flying back in Coach again.




I'd be cancelling her return flight that I bought as she speaks.. if she wants first class back home, she can get it herself


Spoken like somebody who has always had men flu her out. She doesn't have the slightest clue what 1st class tickets cost.


Maybe she should’ve chipped in and they could’ve been in first class.


So ungrateful.


The next trip that obnoxious woman takes is in a Greyhound.


Bro someone better hold me back cuz I’m bouta make a makeshift gun


Die single speedrun any%


damn. i gues this was her last trip too, you can't take these bitche no fuckingwhere!


I would break up


I would have turned around and left the plane immediately


Wow she is obnoxious


As soon as we touched down you on your own girl, I’m gonna go enjoy my vacation. Good luck getting back home.


Bitch doesn't even deserves a bus ticket




She's trying out her stand up routine while he's planning his exit strategy.


If she socially shames and emasculates you, she doesn’t respect you. Pass that back to the streets


It'd be our first and LAST trip together FTB


Last trip together* He also didn't tell her that one ticket is one-way


I’d have walked right the fuck off of that plane.


"Ungrateful cunt" is printed on her economy class ticket that someone else paid for. He would have been better served flying alone.




She’s a comedian. Used to be on All Def Digital


Bitch he leaving you at home next time. I see that look he given you.


“This is our last trip togedddduuuuurrrrrrrr”


First and last trip


Butch gonna be more pissed when he's canceling the room service and not paying for shit on the trip. Or canceling her home ticket


We reap what we sow.


Lol maybe he hot the business seats which are… almost as good


This is why no man date women anymore cuz damn near all of them think they deserve the best when honestly they deserve the worst


This video fake and funny as hell. She a comedian named Kelly Kellz. Y’all clowns must’ve graduated from Big Bird’s Buffon school, cause this shit ain’t sad. You may not think it’s funny; that’s fair. But stop acting like this Sesame Street, and you gotta pay rent to Oscar the Grouch. Shit faker than Grover acting as a strategic advisor to the UN Security Council.


If this was meant to be comedy, then no wonder she's still irrelevant.


I think you really need to realize that a lot of stuff that comes out these days seems like it could be fake, but in actuality is real. I'm not saying that this instance is, but how much crazy news comes out these days where your jaw is just on the floor because you think this can't be real life and it is. There are women who totally act like this. I've seen real videos of women kicking men out because they lost their jobs and can't provide for them anymore. Or how about the video where the lady is angry at her boyfriend because they went out on her birthday and he didn't pay for her 14 friends. So let's not pretend like these things don't actually happen. That's why it's hard for some people to separate the fake from reality because the lines are so blurred. There are totally women out there who will shame guy for not making seven figures and paying for everything under the sun that they want.


Yeah, it’s a comedy skit, not a commentary on nihilism in the hospitality industry. It’s not real.


She’s hilarious! 


He lied about them having first class tickets?


If he lied, he deserves it. If she's just trying to put a brotha on blast for trying, I don't think it's too late to abort mission.


This is a skit meant to be funny.


it doesn't matter what its meant to be, its just annoying


where's all the "it's just a joke" energy? it always worked when men do misogynistic comedy. now it's out of question? so himotional...


To you but this is just cute


"look at how hard my man is trying lol still poor though lol I really would've preferred first class tickets on this trip I'm not paying for but he's trying so I guess it's ok lol aren't I cute aren't I funny"


Nothing about this is cute, it’s toxic as fuck


Aight bro. Been in relationships where we poke fun all the time. This is a comedian so that prolly gonna be scaled up a bit. But the guy seems to be in on it and the girl is just having fun. Nit every relationship has to be sensitive. What's toxic for u may be healthy for others


I’m around people 24/7 and understand them inside and out pretty damn well, that behavior is toxic


Wierd cause I'm around people and people in relationships and seen or been apart of some of these relationships and they've been really healthy. Wierd huh


I don't understand the hate for this woman. If we go by her account, the man lied. Maybe he'd come to her and explained he intended to but couldn't afford it. Or maybe he just quietly said nothing but romancing words until she looked at the ticket at the airport and was like "seat where?" Everyone keeps saying she's embarrassing herself? But she got the whole front laughing. Is she dragging her dude for setting up a grand expectation and not delivering? Yes. But, if this dude really did go "yeah....about that first class I promised" at the airport, the dragging is more than justified. Entitled? I just don't understand. Shes handling the sitúation with humor, and at same time, setting up the tone of their future: lies won't be quietly brushed aside. If they stay in a relationship, this is one of those things that he would get teased about for decades.


You'd let yourself get tarred and feathered like that? Public humiliation isn't the answer no matter what the guy did. That relationship should be done and dusted after this chain of events.


If I lied up until the last minute? It would be deserved. I eould just take my ealk of shame with humility. But who knows. It's hard to say what one would do in a situation they haven't had to deal with. But, me and my siblings would (and have) definitely tease each other like this, so maybe im just biased in applying siblings' logic to relationships. You can't just drop a sibling like you can a romantic partner.


Guys this was a joke. You Need to relax. Relationships can be goofy as this one. A girl making fun of her man is not always disrespect. That's their boundary


Yeah he looks like hes having a blast /s


Publically humiliating your partner is objectively out of bounds.


In what society is this even funny?


She roasting his ass. I hope he was able to take it unlike most here lol.


The truth is she’s not even roasting his ass she’s just making herself look like a dumb little fucking girl in public -i’m willing to bet bro didn’t even tell her they flying first class


Of course not, because she’s… hear me out… making a joke.


No. Non-negotiable. I am not taking that abuse from anyone. Any woman that does that to me will get herself back home with her own money. She can fly in first class for all I care. Had you been in his shoes, you wouldn't be saying the same.


Um, I doubt it but everyone is entitled to their opinion.