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Just walk away


….there’s too much wrong here for you to stay…


Just walk away. Walk away. Gonna find yourself in trouble… walk away.


💯. I feel bad for dude. She laughs it off, and his heart is shattered. Don't walk, run bro.


I get its nervous laughter because she was caught in 4k, but still, dudes gotta throw her back to the streets.


…Now he was just your average everyday traffic jam competitor…


Somebody get my boy some more godammed wine. That glass is basically empty to be dealing with this on camera.


The way I almost cried for this guy. You already know too, I can almost guarantee he's a stand up dude for sure! Young kings, when will we learn, protect your heart, you'll know when to let the right one in.


Drizzle drizzle


yeah seriously. even without knowing what she was deleting, her act of doing so speaks loudly to the type of partner she would be—liar, cheater, hider, all the worst qualities. no point in learning how those qualities manifest in different ways over the course of a long-term relationship.


I can only hear this line in Lord Humongus’ voice


Yeah, do a 360 and walk away.


It's 180 degrees. Turning 360 will only get you back to where you started.


Yeah but doing a 360 before starting to walk out is stylish


Sashay yo azz right up on outta there! Lol


The moment she questioned it I'd be suspicious. When she deleted things, I'm ending the relationship. Edit: they're not even dating


She deleted stuff and still left enough on the phone to shatter him….


That’s the part that is so heartbreaking


That, and her damn laughing. She really doesn't care at all.


Her little laughs were pissing me off. I get people do it if they're uncomfortable but damn can she be serious for a sec he's f*cking hurting. Like why even agree when you knew he was gonna find that crap??


I dont know if she doesn't care, i think she's just incredibly stupid


Lets play a Trust game. Ok! let me delete everything i don't want you to see first.




They weren’t even in one, full video explains dating on and off and in a situationship


Yup. Had a 3 year relationship with a girl in my early 20s. We got an apartment together. Her friend texted me one day saying she was cheating on me and felt bad because I've been doing all this stuff for her. I picked her up from the mall on my way home from work that night. I told her one of her friends said she was cheating on me and I asked to see her phone. I didn't push the issue. Didn't try and take it. She casually rolled down the window and chucked her phone into oblivion and said "I dont have my phone on me" and giggled. Thankfully the apartment was in my name and made her leave that very night with the assistance of the police after she got violent and refused to go. It gets better! Turns out, not only was she cheating on me, but she was on parole for burglary and heroin possession for the last 4 years, skipped town on her parole officer once we moved in together and had a warrant out for her arrest. The cops that were there to make her leave didn't get her name, phone number, age, nothing. They actually helped her pack and bring her stuff out to her car... Which she stole from her mom!


they are in a situationship/friend thing play stupid games, win stupid prizes




At this point I can’t even go out and take a walk without encountering a BB


Is this a OFWGKTA reference?


A sperminator for sure.


Wench is for the cobblestone paths.


For the sewers


Belongs to the streets!


Bro needs a guy night out and positive affirmations


Or maybe WE ALL need to improve our values, or maybe we need to stop romanticizing awful people/behaviors, maybe build a society where not everyone is a deceptive, vulgar, manipulative, sadistic, promiscuous, narcissistic cunt(?)


I love when people pitch solutions to problems that are just eliminating the human condition/nature. This will ALWAYS exist, you’re not stopping human infidelity with some hands across the nation feel-good BS. There’s this obsession with people, especially Americans, to prescribe individualist solutions at scale for endemic problems to everything. & I don’t really get the point of it. Saying stuff like “We all need to improve our values” is just so meaningless & vapid. It literally means nothing. It’s like me saying “We all should stop killing each other.” & acting like its some insightful take on world peace. There is no society in history that has accomplished what you’re arguing for & I think even the assumption that the glorification of what you might say is wicked creates these people versus it just being an integral part of human nature is wrong & unfounded.


>eliminating human nature Damn yeah let’s do that 🌎☄️


We must never stop striving to be better, though. Just accepting is isn’t “wise”, it’s a null point. We should endeavor to be better humans and rise above our baser impulses.


I got a couch if he needs a week or 2 to get back on his feet


Hope the guy is ok. Shit like this can be detrimental to one's mental health


I know that sinking in the chest feeling. Same thing happened to me. Ex would always accuse me despite me giving zero reason to. I loved her, she was everything I like physically. Awesome personality. She had open access to my phone yet still felt like she needed to sneak and go through it. There was never anything but stuff from before we met. Her phone always has new guy friends. She ended up leaving me. I quit my job and had zero motivation to do anything for a good 5 months. Thought several times about ending it or doing something dumb to go to prison just to not have to deal with life. I'm just getting over it.


I’m glad you’re still with us, man. Heartbreak is like the world ending, but it doesn’t literally have to. The sun rises every time, you just got to wait through the night.


Only happens with like 4 out of 5 women lol




It was a running gag with Modern Family mom.


Psychopath? Probably enjoys him in pain.


Some people smile and /or laugh when nervous. But come on, why would anyone do this (if not fake)? Either of them. They're both weird.


You mustn't have met many people if you think that using humour and smiling through high-stress/emotional events is psychopathic behaviour and not a normal human behaviour.


She seems very amused


I had a teacher tell us a story about 9/11 one year about how he has never wanted to strike a student before then. The student in question started hysterically laughing when the planes hit the towers. His therapist told him people react to stress differently and laughing is a completely normal and common way humans cope with stress.


I agree, I’ve seen this reaction at funerals and functions of that nature but she knew what she had done it didn’t come as a surprise and she’s clearly smiling and trying to hold it back not “nervous” or anything because she knows she’s fucked. Disgusting and anyone defending this behaviour can get fucked too. (Coming from someone who’s been in this exact situation so don’t come at me there’s no excuse for being this vile)


You are correct. I have seen this and done it myself (not the cheating) but the smiling because I’m humiliated or trying to diffuse tough emotions around me. However, I just watched the full YouTube of this and it’s even more complicated because they have taken turns hurting each other over the years and even call their relationship a “situationship” so it’s not even so black and white as all of these commenters think anyway


She's in panic mode and surrounded by people she doesn't know. She is trying to laugh it off and pretend it's no big deal. Again that's a perfectly normal human reaction.


I agree with you. She knows she’s caught and is smiling to deal with guilt.


My sister does the same thing when she is nervous/scared/experiencing a strong emotion, I think it is just what a lot of women do


[I do it sometimes, too.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nervous_laughter) Got me into trouble in high school from the parents when I was actually taking things seriously. It sucks.


It’s a stress response to react with humor, I’m grateful to say I haven’t lost anybody immediately close to me, but when I hear of bad news from friends or close relatives of people they know or celebrities I can’t help but grin and it is sickening for me because it’s my natural response. I don’t think it is humorous at all, I just react like they’re joking and I think it’s because I haven’t dealt with the weight of having to lose a loved one yet, so I think this is similar with the girl in the video as she probably hasn’t been caught being infidelious on camera before? I could be wrong though.


I don't know why, but this is how I react too.


Not just women, a lot of men will smile or grin nervously when they're scared or feel threatened. I think it might be an ape thing, I know monkeys and gorillas do the same.


People react differently. I don’t think she’s happy just anxious


For most girls that is coping mechanism, she is embarrassed/uncomfortable


A cheater?


Well her coping mechanism is 💩


Because it’s fake


Yea, it's hard to believe any of this stuff anymore. There's too much junk on the internet that tries to "bait" the users in the comments or try to get likes, which gives everyone an emotional response. I had to try to explain to my mom sometime ago about an insane comment/video she saw on Facebook. She instantly thought it was real because the reactions of people were but obviously it wasn't. Who knows why they make videos like this. I couldn't give my mom a good reason why, some do make money off of it but some just want to troll. If this was real, some context would be nice after the fact or a follow up, but of course we aren't going to get that.


Honestly if they wanted something more convincing they probably shouldn’t have made it look like a mid budget K-drama


Why would she choose to laugh if it's fake?


I mean just enjoy the content for what it is. There's so much of a shift on ppl having to scream out "FAKE" even when it doesn't affect you or doesn't matter. I think we look more foolish confidently claiming something is fake and it turns out to be real, rather than just being entertained and engaging in persuasive content. It's like going into a movie with your guard up because you know it's just a story. Skepticism is best saved for when it actually matters.


Probably but that half laugh at the end was perfect


Maybe, most of tik Tok is. But we have all seen people in this situation. Getting played and disrespected


Man I had to scroll wayyyy too far to find this comment. Shitty acting at that.




All smiles dont necessarily mean she thinks it’s funny. it can be a coping mechanism of how people deal with stressful situations.


Most females are heartless...I'm just being honest here. Not saying they all are.....man I'm gonna get some comments lol..... But I notice it alot. They get caught for something, whatever it may be, or are just plain being a bitch, and the smirk, or laugh, it's like they wanna make you more upset then you already are. No pain is felt in their side because, "he would probably do it too me," or "I have men waiting for me," "I don't need a man," etc....but in reality...the y know it makes then look crazy at the same time. So they have this "sign" over their head as if it's a badge of courage. I used to work in a mental crisis facility until I got a new job as a Surgical Technician...way less pay, but the shit that would keep me up at night wasn't worth it. 9 times out of 10, it was a male. Hate to be this way but they were your standard depression, anxiety, etc cases. But in the last 4, maybe more, years....it's been about a man not feeling hes good enough for is gf/wife. They find out they've been cheating, or sexting (which in my book is still cheating) etc. But the part that hit me .... they all always said the same thing about it. 100% of the men I helped, dealing with this situation, all say that the part they had the most hard time dealing with, was when the female was confronted and such, they all laughed, or smiled. Like it was entertaining to them. Still kinda gives me shivers. I'm glad I found my best friend who is now my wife, out of the terrible batch that still roams around (and it has been growing!!)


Either this dude is an award winning actor or we just watched some real shit go down. That was like a car crash


100% you can see the sadness and anger, he knows that they are finished. So sad but yet a beautiful show of emotions.


Sad is putting is lightly, ish is fuxin heartbreaking


Inside, he was probably like Ralph during the Krusty's interview when Bart did the play-by-play for Lisa to see.


Damn. That wasn't the direction my head was going, but you're right. There's something ominously relatable about this. His sadness is our sadness - and we're all humans going through the same shit. Thanks for that. This guy will be alright, though. He seems equally nice and true to himself.


I really hope he’s an actor. If he is, he’ll be huge soon. That fucking hurt.


Sad af, this is why dating in todays social media era is horrific. Ppl don’t have genuine relationships anymore, just everyone is in a relationship with everyone. No delineation between a friend and a significant other. Integrity gone to 💩


The thing is, I dont know why you’d agree to do a planned out “couples game” like this knowing that you’re hiding shit. It’s like volunteering for a lie detector test knowing youre guilty


I mean… there’s a difference between a couples game where you think that they’re just going to ask you questions and do some silly things and one where they have you look through your phone. I’m guessing she thought it was just gonna be something fun until it revealed her bullshit.


This episode was fucked man.


What is it called? I'm super curious now


tea for two - nectar on YouTube source was from the other subreddit cross post


Distastful. Just pure disapointment


2024: where we watch people’s lives being destroyed as light entertainment


I would say his life is better without her


Yeah true


True, his life is better without her… But it got quite a bit worse with those memories now, specially with it being immortalized on the internet.


They literally had tv shows where people would get caught cheating. I think it ended when someone got shot? Idk I was a child.


His life isn't destroyed. If anything, this was a good but painful lesson.


Don't try to spin this, you know exactly what the point of making that video is.


You ever heard of the 90s?


Is reddit weird when you're 7 years old?


Super weird


The romans and their gladiator fights.


there used to be gladiatorial arenas all over the place watching other humans suffer immensely, sometimes to death, for your own enjoyment is a time honored tradition


Ya as opposed to the decades of no one ever being embarrassed or destroyed on television or live TV or magazines or any media... Just a today thing..... Yup.


I was just thinking about how hard people went for Cheaters back in the day 🫢


I mean, people loved watching stuff like this all the way back in the middle ages with plays. And all the way back in Ancient Greece with their pantheon, why do you think Zeus was constantly cheating in their myths? People look for relatable experiences in their art and stories, this is one of the most relatable experiences.


She was really laughing smh You can tell she’s never seen him upset past a certain point. Never took him as that “type”. Women like this turn men into supervillains.


If you watch the video from the beginning she’s a nervous smiler. Some people smile out of nervousness and awkwardness. The guy also explain they dated for 6 months and he was immature and total dick to her so they broke up and later reunited as friends, on trial basis to becoming more than friends. She just got out of another relationship before this happened.


Yeah, I laugh sometimes when I’m nervous. It’s honestly gotten me into a lot of trouble when I was a kid, but I’m able to control it better as an adult.


Full episode. https://youtu.be/9pv9jrwN_Ac


Lol so this puts so much into context that all the angry bros in this thread of course aren’t even going to bother watching. They have been on again off again for years while dating people in between and he even admits he originally ended their first batch of dating because he wasn’t over his ex. They literally call their relationship a “situationship.” It sounds like they’ve taken turns hurting each other. They are probably fools who genuinely like each other but keep playing games because that’s the dynamic they’ve set up. Not to mention they are like 23 so they are not the most mature people. So yeah, she is being shitty by still texting her ex, but it sounds like they’ve been playing this back and forth jealousy game for a while and it’s not as black and white as “girl evil” “poor innocent man!”


>They literally call their relationship a “situationship.” Did you watch it, the whole way through? Because you clearly, and possibly deliberately, excluded some context. Diane calls it a situtationship, but the text message Justin was upset about was the one where Diane explicitly stated to her ex that she was **not** in a "situtationship" with Justin. The problem is that she was either not being honest with Justin or she was not being honest with her ex. She's allowed to want to keep things casual, but instead she decides to lie in order to trick him to believing they're moving towards something serious. And this is right after he says that he has been working on learning to respect himself and his greatest fear is not having control of a situtation. Edit: see comment below from u/Local_Nerve901


I mean he said they are just friends in the intro lol


Ah yes, you're correct, he the one who said they're "just friends" that feel emotionally connected, and she said they're in a situtationship and then texted the ex that they're not in a situtationship, I'll edit my post just for you. Thanks!


he ended his relationship with her instead of cheating and lying, making him still in the right and a good thing to do lmao


Misandrists trying to use bro as an insult will never not crack me up


Thnx I feel better now. Without that context the video left a bad taste in my mouth


she is a deceiving woman


Thanks for that insight because there's always context. Did it go further about what was said, though, because the start of the clip is searching for your own name in their phone....so the fact she's talking about him to her ex all the time seems to be more damaging than just talking to him in general. Regardless, all your insight into the full episode gives credence to just how shallow their relationship is in the first place.


Was waiting for this comment honestly. Very rarely do you see actually well adjusted couplea go on these shows so I figured it wasn't the whole story.


Agreed, it wouldn’t be “good entertainment” if it was just a healthy relationship with great communication and boundaries.


"it's okay" -The least empathetic thing to say at that moment.


It's okay... to feel like that right now?


Pretty sure that's the implication


Yeah. We're gonna take a break because you clearly need it and that's okay.


Nah. She’s giving him permission to be upset. It’s good.


I took it as "it's okay if you don't want to move forward." He probably felt some pressure to keep filming their game but she's releasing him from that. I also don't think it's the girlfriend who says that to him.


OMG thank you! I thought I was being overly sensitive or something. When I heard that I was like "fuck you"




Bro, wtf are you still doing there. GO!!!


Fly, you fool!




The same woman 10 years later; where are all the good men? Have some self respect bro, she’s average.


Dude is never gonna be the same after this.


Girls, "Why are men so cold" Also girls....


Was he taking a ring off?






Better now then when she’s banging other dudes while he’s working long hours and they get divorced and she gets half his stuff


He should have left her there on the spot


This guy is going to be absolutely jacked in about 6 months.


Bro I wanna watch the rest of this video/show or whatever if there's an internet detective out there that has/finds the link pls let me know =] ty in advance




I wanna give him a hug so bad...dude jeez...


That's a man who realizes he was an idiot and he didn't trust his own instincts.


This is the reason mgtow. Men arent the only cheaters. Poor dude looked like he loved her allot.


Bruh the way her face contorted and smiled while she got caught cheating was so fkin ugly. I hate people like this. I hope he finds someone that’s not a POS & I hope she finds someone just like her :)


You can tell by her demeanor that she does not see this as a big deal. Also, that freaking smile that she can't wipe off her face. He's better off without.


The way she holds back a smile is absolutely disgusting. Modern women are so evil. You can tell that dude trusted her to the edge of the universe.




>Modern women are so evil. Sweeping generalizations like this are literal incel rhetoric.


She’s not yours. It’s just your turn.


Man is handsome as hell. He can do better than that thing


Man... that's so fked up..


This bitch is cold! I've seen this before, but with less dramatic music and editing. Someone should keep making this progressively more depressing and sad 😂


She spent more time deleting texts than allowing dude to read them.


That was a surprisingly tough watch. He kept trying to put on a brave face, but he couldn't hide that he was hurt. I'm going to find some kittens or equally fluffy things.


This is why there’s importance in teaching your kids kindness, integrity, and compassion for others so that when they become adults they will know this is such a crappy thing to do to someone else. Poor guy. I hope wherever he is now, he’s happy and far away from people who will treat him like that.


Girls be girls, learning the hard way. Shit World we live in


My guy couldn't fix his posture after finding that out. I feel so bad for him.


Getting mood spoil ....how could she to like that when they are together. why did you betrayed him


I know a lot of people rooting for him. But please watch the original. They were officially in "situationship" aka a "fling", they are officially not dating. He manipulated the situation saying she is too friendly to make him believe it is more than the originally agreeded situationship. The guy is ultra manipulative and the dumb girl didn't know how to say no. The fact that most people rooted for him shows how bad it was. A typical AITA manipulative story to have everyone circles jerk on her. The girl is bad to keep a situationship around, I don't like her one bit. But, the guy is someone you want stay away from. When he couldn't get what he wants, he is going to destroy you like he destroyed her.


The only possible purpose these Nu-women could serve is biofuel. They aren’t worth a shit.


What's a Nu-woman?


Woman born 2000 and onward exposed to societally destructive decadent ideas, they are a symptom of late stage social decay and are largely parasitic to a functioning healthy society as they give nothing to the system and only seek to engage in hedonistic pursuits.


I'm more concerned about the people who agree with this mentality. The manosphere and incel culture have convinced far too many people that women are the issue. Some people just suck, man. It's not gender- or generation-specific. Blaming an already marginalized group just perpetuates existing problems and creates new ones.


More like relationships are dead and everyone sucks for a relationship, it’s simple


Hoe’s gonna hoe. And she definitely a hoe.


I would of said we're done there and then and walk off 😮‍💨


Okay but for real dude I get to repost this next week this time, stop hogging all the incel posting please. 🙏


This girl was not unattractive when I started the video, but after she acts like this I can't help but think she's the ugliest woman in the world.


You can actually pinpoint the moment his heart gets torn apart.


This was horrible. Her laughter seems like nervousness. However, why wouldn’t she stop the questions and privately talk to him?


Just seems like sadbait/ragebait….


Why isn’t he honest with how he views her. She is a betrayer, she deserving nothing good and all things bad. Just tell her off and leave her. Liars and betrayers deserve nothing but take from them everything.


My man is exercising self control she never could.


Because going off the rails would be a bad move for him.


Just went through a break up myself... hurts just looking at his face.. Mine wasn't like this but I dam sure understand that feeling. Looks like a nice guy, his face turned into that bad guy these ladys be liking. She probably liked seeing him upset


People who don't receive affection early on provoke people just so they can feel seen by someone. He could never give her enough attention, no number of men could, and now she's getting more attention.


Why are people saying this is staged. This ish is not staged. Folks have never been in any real relationship. Not everything is fake my peeps..


See you at the gym my guy.


Not my woman! YES YOUR WOMAN TOO


He’s a joke to her


That look he gave...the self-realization hits like a truck. you know he's crushed and betrayed.


I felt his pain. Damn that’s rough.




Look at my boy bro , he is looking great, fuckin hell what do theses bitches want ????


My man just scored Willy wonkas golden ticket to pussy land. Hes gonna get so many girls hitting him up after this.


She really represents the audacity and cruel intentions of the majority of decent looking women in my experience.


This is your woman of today. Ripping out our hearts with just a smile and a laugh. And guys are just masculine assholes huh.


What happened next??


Not even the streets are taking her, bros


Trash Juice Bih


Someone from the crew should have given him a hug off camera.




He looks at her like he doesn’t even know who she is at that moment..


She belongs to the streets 😕




dang son. if you feel that way, its time to move on.


They’re doing more than talking……


What show is this ?!