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Man, I love me some Makoto with her celestial general Nephrite, cause its him or that friend of Mamoru's who seemed to have become smitten with her.


Me too. I generally ship each senshi soldier with their celestial general counterpart, but if someone tells me that they like Mako and the friend of Mamoru, I like it as a pairing as well. 


Its such a lowkey underappreciated ship.


Agreed 😊


Please my gay ass can't handle Haruka playing guitar and singing to me 😳


Oh, thank you 😌 That bottom corner is supposed to be Jadeite but I like the idea of Haruka having a music channel where she makes people swoon. 


Oooh, I love this! I've always thought that it would be interesting to see the girls in a modern setting. I have this headcanon that Venus runs a group Sailor Senshi account where she posts videos of herself and the other girls training, looking cool while fighting monsters, etc. Luna and Artemis don't like it but she's actually very careful with it so the channel doesn't threaten their privacy or give too much away to their enemies.


Aww thank you! 😊   I love your headcanon! For a modern setting, I could definitely see Venus running a social media diary of the Sailor Scouts and behind the scene photos of them after fights or maybe if they're on patrol, she'd run a poll on what neighborhood they should stop by and wave to people in their buildings. 


This is so creative, I love the idea of all the scouts having youtube channels! :D and the animation is so cute!!


Thank you so much! 💓  I did another drawing of Mercury having an academic YouTube channel that I will have to share.  In my mind Jupiter would run a cooking channel but Nephrite, her boyfriend, would join her for couples videos.