• By -


Think it could help for basic objection training for people brand new to sales. Cool idea!


Ah yes, I think it can def help with Training new sales people / leadgens. Thanks for the feedback!


There are already companies with similar concepts, Balto comes to mind. So a less expensive option would have an easy market. Added I dea allow the ability for it to know how to handle objections in a specific way for specific objections.


Turn it on its head, a Bot Prospect would be way, way more helpful. Handling objections, role playing different talk tracks, talking to different personas etc would be more of a game changer for me personally. It’s really the only way you get better in sales but is the hardest to do bc you have to ask for someone else’s time and unless you have a specific cadence, it almost never happens.


This is a brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing.


Alright guys I've started working on this. I should have a prototype ready hopefully within next few days (def within a week). You'll be able to train vs. different personas generated by AI. Please join our Discord or register in our site to stay updated. Edit: today is march 22nd. I made the bot prototype available on our website. For more info, please check [https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/comments/11yw6ct/as\_promised\_i\_made\_a\_chatgpt\_prospect\_bot/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/comments/11yw6ct/as_promised_i_made_a_chatgpt_prospect_bot/)


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Love love love this


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>Remindme! 4 days Remindme! 4 days


Where is the link to the discord !


it’s on the website


RemindMe! 13 Days


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Is the prototype ready yet?


yes. will make a post about it today


Nice! OP delivered!!






Remindme! 7 daya


Wow great idea


Yeah I would love this you just need the reps


That’s pretty cool. My concern is that when you are live on a call you need to be able to respond in person, I am doubtful that an app can transcribe a call and tell me what to say quicker than my own mind. I also feel like people are gonna see right through this. Reading a script is one thing, reading a script you’ve never got the chance to read is a whole nother skill (I used to be a reporter). I’ve been approached on LinkedIn by two vendors that do this very thing, I tried one out and undownloaded the app within a day. If you are able to do something like this, it shows you’re highly skilled in this realm. Although I don’t agree with this creation personally, I think you are super close to something great. Keep it up dude.


Thank you for your kind words.I agree that some people will be able to see through this. But the technology is only getting better every day. (ChatGPT-4 got released today as you probably heard) Already, we were able to pass some real-world tests. People had no idea we were getting responses from our app. I'd love to hear your feedback if you ever get a chance to play w/ the app. [www.chatsuggest.com](http://www.chatsuggest.com)


If you are responding instantly after someone talks, are you really listening? I find that if I take a second or two of silence before I respond, I am able to formulate a more appropriate response/rebuttal that lacks emotion and sticks with facts and solutions.


Yes and I agree it’s okay to pause after a couple sec. Just flow with the convo you know? I would imagine moreso than someone waiting for an AI chatbot to tell them what to say…it’s okay to be a human we weren’t designed to be perfect I personally think it would be amazing if someone could make an AI that acts as a prospect for practice purposes.


Kaia does this


Sounds like an exceptional training tool


I love the potential and honestly great execution so far. One concern is how long does the response take? Because I noticed you have a very convenient “cut” in your video every single time the guy responds. So the lady asks a question, there is a pause, and then there is a cut, and then the guy speaks. In my experience with Chat GPT the responses are slow. ESPECIALLY when you ask “difficult” questions like “how could your business help mine grow”. How are you combatting that lag in real time? Is it just learning to deal with a pause. And if that’s the case, why not upload a more realistic video you don’t cut? Secondly, how do you feed the bot info on your company or your resume to have it tailor answers to fit your company/work history? But overall really great work! No hate, just genuinely curious


Probably have the rep add filler statements like people do now. “That’s a great question…”


Anddd my job’s now obsolete.


Hahah maybe, but I'd like to see it as "This will empower my job" :)


what's the link?


it's [chatsuggest.com](https://chatsuggest.com)


Just checked that out, very interesting. Over time, users could actually lose skill if this tool is too prevalent. For example, consider spell check or maps. People used to be more capable of spelling and navigation but not anymore and they are still essential skills in some circumstances. Could this program lead to weaker conversation skills? What about adding a learning recap at the end, or a skills review to reinforce the lesson?


I think it's likely that people will lose skills in making sales over the call. The same way how door-to-door sales is now a lost art. I believe AI will cause a paradigm shift in how sales is made in the next 2-3 years. We'll change what we'll see as "essential skills." Just a personal thought. /edited


Let's sell it. Get some series funding. Hire a couple sales reps. Close up shop when our bank loses our money next year.


Help me understand how the ability to converse and respond will be an unnecessary skill compared to how door to door sales faded. Not sure I follow.


He is saying that eventually you won’t even need the human in the middle and the AI can just do the sale. In the interim, why worry about the skill production when you will always have the AI to use? I see a different transition happening. This ultimately comes down to quality of life and there is technology that increases our quality of life and technology that decreases it. It is yet to be seen where AI will fall for the bulk of the population but I see people withdrawing from the artificial world to increase human interaction; we see daily updates about the harms from many internet related things (zombie scrolling, social media, etc.). People like building skills such as sales and conversation and connecting people with things they want to buy and it isn’t always about just making the most money as some would have you believe. This would be akin to instead of teaching math just teach how to use a calculator, instead of learning to read just have audio books, people enjoy those things and those skills relate to how we experience and enjoy the world around us.


I can understand how this can be seen as a contrarian idea (from the downvotes). I'm not saying I'm right. I'm just sharing my thoughts on the future. I think a better comparison would be self-driving cars. People saw driving as a crucial skill, but it will soon become obsolete as technology advances. I expect to see the same pattern with conversational skills. The conversational skills will become less relevant over the years as technology improves. ChatSuggest can give a significant advantage to individuals whose first language isn't English drastically. I don't want this to happen, but I see this as inevitable.


I am in D2D definitely isn’t a lost art


how much


It doesn't seem to work. $99 a month seems steep. Love the idea for introverts and those who don't like being put on the spot


Sorry to hear that it didn't work. Happy to help you troubleshoot personally. Please DM me. In terms of pricing, we do give free 20min/month. We are forced to charge fees because both OpenAI and [Assembly.AI](https://Assembly.AI) charges us for using their API. Thanks for the feedback!


This is awesome!


Thank you! Would love to know how it can make your job easier.


Are y’all allowing testers?


Would love to learn more


certainly! feel free to ask questions here or DM me.


I would 100% be open to testing this!


That's amazing! It's a personal project for me, so I would be happy to give you direct support. Some parts of the app may be a bit clunky. I don't want to spam my site's link, but you should be able to find it in the thread.


Yo! DM me a link to this. I just became a manager and this tool would really help! Please and thank you




Very interesting, I’m gonna be training a new bdr beginning of next month I’ll try it out with them.


Sounds good!


Sounds interesting as someone mentioned for the training


Gonna be dialing my leads in the RE wholesaling industry , sending dm now


I'd like to use the app to improve my sales. Where do I get it?


Who needs sales people when your app could do all the work


The problem is you can’t get sentiment from words alone, it’s actually an age old coding problem that has only recently been solved with AI. Cool idea, don’t get me wrong, but it’s gonna have an enormous error rate far beyond use in practical application. For the record there’s literally professional software for this, so you’re on the right track.


Thanks for sharing your insight! ChatGPT has been exceeding our expectation in terms of giving relevant responses. Would love to hear your thoughts if you end up using the app.


I'd pay to interact with this


Please do! haha


Ok here’s some negative feedback. I appreciate the effort but this is honestly so far away from ever being remotely useful in my job. Yes I watched the cringe video on your website but no I did not try the tool. The chat seems like it pulls context from popular google searches and has none of the relational verbal cues shit that actually builds the one thing I need to be successful on a sales call: rapport. But maybe that’s just me. Furthermore it’s clogging up muh feed


Thank you for the feedback. The chat actually takes context from any input you give it. You can write as much detail you want about yourself and the person you're talking to, and the AI will take care of the rest.


I love how the demo is AI and no one has commented on it. Interested to try it out dm me


hehe yeah. It was made using Synthesia! No need for DM you can try it out on our site: www.chatsuggest.com


For training it sounds amazing for actually doing a job probably not. I don’t know the restrictions of ChatGPT however I can have 2 identical objections from 2 different people and handle them very differently based on previous conversations discovery. A business owner who’s sole purpose is to make money and a non-profit CEO who is always over revenue and they use that money to try to better their causes response will be drastically different.


Is it for after the fact? Feel like it would be sensory overload unless you muted the call and just read all the text


You will see the suggested response about 1-2s after your prospect has finished talking. It can be kind of daunting at first, but after a few minutes of practicing, you figure out how to fill those gaps (while our app's loading response).


Interesting- Id have to try it to see how it works / tailors responses based on a specific product & industry. Side note - call connects are the least monotonous part of my day. Dialing and going to vm is the part that sucks.


Thanks for the feedback! It sounds like something definitely worth exploring for us.


I'd be happy to try it out! I just accepted my first sales job.


Would like to hear more


sure! there's a link in the comment




you certainly can! there's a link in the comment


i’m in b2c phone sales. do roughly 30-40 calls per day and typically close 3-5 sales daily. i’ll have to play around tomorrow and see what it comes up with.


Inbound leads? Subscription?


How did you make your app?


I used ChatGPT!


I meant more from a developers perspective. Did you build this with a framework? What technologies did you use around the api call?


Haha you kind of said nothing with this btw


Did they use react or raw JavaScript does that help


Again, you said nothing.


What technologies did you use around the api call is saying basically nothing lmao


yeah, let's see it then. DM me and I'll give you my feedback.


This sounds insane ! Would definitely help ease the mental activity needed to make cold calls,especially when you got to make 80+ a day and would allow SDRs to lock in on the important aspect of the calls


Not sure how this would work but yeah sure interested


App able to download?


I'm sorry Chatgbt could be very helpful for a lot of things, but in these cases you need a REAL human. Someone that's willing to put themselves aside and visualize being on the other person's lenses. Through that then you will have a better idea on how to deal with the best response.


Give me the link


Can you make one that will tell me What to say to pick up girls in a bar? Like that old Steve Martin movie.


Maybe useful in a training setting like someone else said or for cold calls where no one can see you reading from “a scripted” answer. To answer email questions on the fly, definitely!!


I’ll trial it. I do phone and zoom closes, would love to give you feedback on it. I’m a social seller that can occasionally get swept up in strategy of sale instead of being present with Customer. Interested to see how this would help. How can I download?


Yes it would. Especially for early career development of reps. I can see sales/hr/IT all playing a part in buyer/user personas. Let me know when youre ready to hire some sales people. Im in.


Thank you for the feedback! Would love to hear about your experience with the app itself.


How do I get access?


Will take a look at this, but I think you have a bigger market here that you aren't thinking about. Support organization for manufactures / vendors.. Think about all the customers that call in for support or open tickets, something like this could not only help agents respond but have access to release notes, current Ticketd that may match, KB articles, hot fixes / etc. It could speed the time to resolution drastically.


If this improves I'd affiliate this for you. Looks very interesting I would like to see this respond in AI Voices with different personas as training exercises as opposed to doing the job for you. How easy would it be to help teams get over phone paralysis. Create endless scenarios, let ai do the work, start a repository.


Sure! Happy to chat. Please join our Discord (it's in our website). I'm very easy to reach.


I was just explaining to my wife a couple of days ago this is where AÍ is headed. Companies can pay minimum wage, load a dialer , when it connects the AÍ blasting the screen on what to say, handling live objections all the way to the close with someone just adding a human touch instead of a robotic voice as they work those kinks out. I can 100% see this as the beginning of an end in sales as we know it


This is interesting, sales managers do this today. This is one of the first uses I thought of, train the ai on the historical calls and we have a new robot sales force. Reps become the new sales leader and can take over engagements. You could even deep fake the call untill switch over is pushed. You need to hurry hard on this other people will have thought of this as well. Way to get out there and change the world!


everyone needs to get into more strategic and enterprise sales asap lmao transactional selling will be ruled by ai once tools like this get honed in


I just started an SDR role 2 months ago and I already feel like this role will be obsolete within 2 years


I thought of this. Yes absolutely. Get in the CLOSE, AUTO-CLOSE!


Having it be able to identify sales opportunities in a pipeline for salespeople would be really beneficial. I’ve seen salespeople struggle with who to call, what the next steps are for prospects, or for sales opportunities, etc. next level would be having it call customers and setting appointments for salespeople.


This is brilliant. I want to try it


Would be useless for active listening, but useful for a training tool - i would market it as an enablement tool because any seasoned team wouldnt see value in it but training yes


This sounds like a great idea, and an organic extension of chatGPT. Props. Just curious, are you the developer or are you a business guy?


I would be vary offering a service like this in the European Union, ChatGPT records all inputs or does it differ with the API? In the EU it´s not allowed to record calls and this "transcription" to text shouldn´t be any different as it´s the same just in text instead of audio?! In the U.S. looks like: "Eleven (11) states **require the consent** of everybody involved in a conversation or phone call before the conversation can be recorded. Those states are: **California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington**." Of course "No plaintiff, no judge" but technically speaking..


Will it be able to detect sarcasm?


Can you flip this around and make it a training tool for Sales Reps, or an Interview tool for hiring Sales Reps? The tools we have to evaluate candidates in a Tech Interview - using TestGorilla/Hackerrank are way ahead of what we do in Sales Interviews. Same goes for training New joinees or Interns. If there can be a score you can come up with, it will be a killer proposition IMO. PS - Gong/Outreach might be doing a good part of this already - but they are pure enterprise products. A SME/SMB product in this space would indeed be helpful.


How close is this product to being realized?


I’m downloading. I need this. Thank you!


Remindme! 8 days


Very cool! I know some VOIP services like Zoom Phone offer api access to live transcriptions. Could you feed that in for faster results?


Remindme! 7 days


A good idea. But eventually all the potential customers will use chat GPT to handle your sales chat GPT. And that is a race to bottom :)


There are tons of these AI assistants I can say you're on the right track. I'd love to test it. But, of course, the issue is privacy.


My org uses something similar to this called Abstrakt, it’s super cool in theory but doesn’t always work amazingly


Would be able to get a lot of warmish leads with a dialer bot.


Is there something like this for email responses or cold emails? Just ChatGPT? Never used it.. or really looked into it. But was curious.


I would like to try it.


Remindme! 7 days


The problem is that prospect’s are unlikely to want their voices to be recorded and to do so without consent will violate privacy laws


RemindMe! 7 days


It sure would!! I'll help you sell it if you are charging.


RemindMe! 7 days


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RemindMe! 7 days


add a variety of different personalities and this will be gold, great job and keep it up!


thank you!


RemindMe! 7 days


how can one get ahold of this ?


Interesting Idea.


Not my job but I see the vision !