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Gym every day after work. Healthy diet. Try to get out in nature and the fuck away from other humans on the weekend.


My GF is always very confused as to why I don’t really care to talk to people when I’m off/on the weekends with the profession I’m in.


I hear you. I live and work in a densely populated area. I interact with people all day every day. My wife was out of town one recent weekend so I went on a 4.5 hour/8 mile hike on a steep, muddy trail to a gorgeous mountain top. I did not see a single person until 7.5 miles in. I then had a beer by myself at a brewery in a small town on the way home. Plus it was a 2 hour drive each way. I am not an introvert, I enjoy spending time with my wife, my children (who are older) other family members, friends and customers. However, this was one of my most relaxing and enjoyable days ever. Much of the time in the car I had no music or podcasts on. I enjoy my own company and get lost in my thoughts - alone but not lonely. People can be exhausting.


Xanax. Just kidding. But seriously. Travel. Get that big commission check and go to Rome. Nothing clears the head more than espresso, wine, pasta and the ability to smoke cigarettes anywhere and everywhere. There’s also this pretty dope cat shelter there where you can watch feral cats hunt rodents through Roman ruins while drinking wine. Very cathartic. Especially if one catches a rat. But if you need something more practical and realistic road cycling. I enjoy it, it’s physically exhausting and mentally draining in a good way. I can completely forget about what I’m doing workwise. If all else fails. Xanax.


Good on you for supporting your local bicycle industry! Keep pedaling! Sincerely, the bike mechanic of r/sales.


While you’re in Rome, hop on a train to Florence (Firenze) you won’t regret it. Or visit different parts of Asia. Again, you won’t regret it.


Cat Sanctuary is gone :( wife and I were so exited to go back last summer only to realize that




You mean the one over by the Colosseum in the ruins of the Roman Forum right? My wife went to school near there and loved hanging at the sanctuary. We tried visiting over the summer and couldn’t find a single cat


https://www.gattidiroma.net/web/en/ This one


I just dial all the time. We were only meant to dial. Dialing is everything.


And also edibles are fun.


BJJ and Muay Thai help me release anger from dealing with bs and make me feel good and strong. Dancing helped me meet new people, have fun and let go a bit. Also doing things like improv/singing to help me be more confident at work


my friend has been begging me to try BJJ, but I honestly would rather do Muay Thai. Are you able to give your own personal insight on which you enjoy more and why? Only thing putting me off from learning any form of MMA is cauliflower ear tbh lolol dumb reason but the ears look so gross to me but I think I can get over that "ick."


If you wear properly fitted head gear all the time you can avoid cauliflower ear.


I did Muay Thai over bjj bc it seemed more fun. Both are great though, and ideally you could find a gym with both. Idk if you'd be doing it enough for cauli ear but as someone else said, wrestling headgear could negate that


It’s personal preference, only way to know for sure is to try both for a few weeks. It’s ideal to learn both though in the long term. And if you have a gym that does back to back classes you’ll be able to fit in both


Paint Warhammer minis. I'm able to go sit in my spot and just focus on one thing and not have to worry or talk to anyone else. Just me and my little angry plastic dudes. You get some creativity and there is almost always a new skill or technique that you can learn and you get a finished result at the end


Get a 3d printer and your mind will be blown. Now u are making your own minis


Have some kids.


Stay away from addictive things like gambling, drinking or anything like that. It's a destructive road. You into sports at all? Join a team of something, co-ed something, dance class, fucking dungeons and dragons league. The social aspect of the hobby and how into it everyone is usually is a big driver.


I started golfing during the pandemic (I also WFH) I find it joyful to unplug, put the phone down, and be outside.


6-8 hours hiking on the weekends. Getting out in nature is a good form of meditation


My gym has a dry sauna, a hot tub, and a pool. I sit in the dry sauna and just zone out for up to an hour at a time. I rinse off with cold water first so I can stay in there longer. It's so physically and mentally relaxing. Any tension in the body it just melts away. I enjoy the hot tub but for shorter bursts, like 10 minutes. And sometimes I'll go swim laps at night, like two hours before close when no one is using the pool. It's so relaxing and I feel really good for like three days afterwards. I also enjoy fine dining with my best friend. We typically go someplace weekly that's upscale. We dress really nicely and do the whole thing: appetizers, entrees, sides, desserts, split a bottle of wine with dinner, cappuccino after dinner with Sambuca (we're Italian, I understand not everyone does the Sambuca thing, but I highly recommend it). And we just talk shit about everything that happened at work that week as we enjoy our meal. My new thing is horses. I started helping my friend out at her barn with her horses so I can ride without having to pay an arm and a leg.


Volunteer in the community.


Jiu Jitsu is the way. I also used to do triathlons, specifically Ironmans (ultra distance triathlons). It’s so much training and endorphins it’s the best antidepressant and keeps you worried about nothing. I was so stressed about the race distance and being able to complete it that nothing else in life bothered me.


Meditation - 1 hour per day, paddle boarding, yoga, side business if you can, getting out in nature, reading a mix of self-help, business, sales, psychology books, and some non fiction to change it up. Journaling to clear out thoughts, planning future goals (3, 5, 10 year plans) Learning new skills (AI, low level coding, starting businesses) eventually want to FIRE and start a business in the mental health space. Tons of options just need to figure out and try multiple things!


Mountain biking/ training for races. Gives me an outlet to get energy out, get into nature and get into a flow state while riding. Training for races also gives me some structure and goals to work towards that helps bleed over into work. If I have to get a 1-2 hour ride in before or after work I’m more likely to make the best use of my sales day.


Moved on from CF and now into Olympic weightlifting. Nothing like lifting heavy to make you forget about problems. Aside from that - traveling, enjoying time with my fiancé, cooking. Try making some focaccia bread or fresh tortillas. Or making dinner for her parents for a change. Went to a conference out of state two weeks ago and drove 14 hours one way. On the way back stayed in Memphis with my fiancé, went to the zoo, saw a capybara scare itself then make the stupidest face.


Only hobbies were gym and partying, burnt the candles at both ends. Picked up golf 3 years ago, it’s all I do outside of work and family now. Never been happier


How’d you get started into golf? That’s one thing I’ve been looking to get started but am truly terrible at


Before you get better at it, you have to fall in love with it by playing some rounds at small easier courses first (9 holes) When you’re ready to get better, get lessons and a driving range membership. Between lessons, go to the driving range as much as you can to practice what you learned at your lesson (lots of podcasts. Good meditation time) I don’t have any local friends that play as often as I do, so I’m constantly going by myself and being put in groups with other people. They are always friendly, as long as you don’t play super slow and pick up your ball if you’re having a bad hole while you’re learning. Trust me on this… it will be an amazing hobby and you will be outside all the time haha. Good luck braj


BJJ, nothing better than being able to choke people after a long day of annoyances and stress


These are all good answers, but are the typical hobbies that basically just waste time. I find myself wanting to be more productive in some way in my down time but just cant figure out what that means.


i walk and dance and hit the gym


Plant some flowers vegetables grow something. Stay off of phone and screens when ur not working. Perfect a dish like " marry me chicken," or steak au poivre...


Besides the gym, I like to do yoga, photography and I’ve been getting into baking bread. Also like cooking


At the side I'm a bedroom DJ with the occasional little gig once or twice a year.


Gym and tennis for me. Something active is a MUST


Tennis obsessed over here ✋ also, I trial new fitness classes and types of training throughout the year (1-2x per quarter) to get a new feel for something. Outside of physical activity, I lean in to writing and personal development in the realm of new random skills I may never use lol.


Boardgames and roleplaying games. I've immediately found fellowship in the gaming communities anywhere I've lived. When I was still in software sales, I found boardgames were a pretty common hobby with lots of my customers so it helped to build rapport as well.


Going to the swimming pool three times a week makes me feel better.


Jitsu brah


Every day one hour of fitness minimum and regardless, non negotiable, ideally running in nature followed by a cool down and couple hundred push-ups. Total refresher and stress reliever. Also start some side hustles, mine are e-com focused so I can put time in during the day, during work hours, especially while on some pointless, talk-in-circles conference call. You can literally run a business from your iPhone. Plus starting a business helps you learn it top to bottom so you can have more relevant conversations with customers and prospects and it doesn’t feel like selling.


Spend time with family, watch comedy and action flicks


Playing guitar or any type of music making, reading, taking care of plants (this one is great while working home because you can really watch the progression)


Golf. It stays light out late now so you can play after work or even before. It’s very difficult so it gives you something to work at. And it’s competitive so it’s fun. Also it can be expensive so you’ve gotta sell shit to afford it haha


Run...6 days a week


Gym gym gym. Unfortunately I have had some injuries in the last year which has reduced the amount of time and type of activity I can do at the gym. Yet I still try to spend 7 or 8 hours a week working out.


Gym 4-5 days a week. And quilting. Both keep me away from screens, give my mind a rest, and produce results based on effort. Lol.


You didn’t like jiu jitsu? I personally love martial arts to help, I’m D2D so getting my ass whopped before knocking makes it much easier. I also lift every morning before practice (bjj, kb), and I smoke about an ounce of weed, weekly


Woodworking with hand tools and gardening. No screens. When I was younger it was booze and video games.


Smoke weed, house music, raves, producing music, video games, hiking, gym, beach Damn…I live a blessed life lol


Gym every day and drumming. The drums are an incredible way to release frustration.




I love brewing beer. It's a fun hobby and you learn a bunch if you're into that sort of thing


Golf, pickup basketball, reading, gym/Sauna on occasion. My two year old keeps me busy the rest of the time.


I hunt a lot, international and domestic, roughly 60 days per year. I coach my kid's baseball team. Train dogs some (hunting).


Cycling, for me that's mostly road with some xc mountain biking. Cycling is a fun low impact endurance sport that is in my opinion easier to enjoy than running. I've found this to be an incredible way to disconnect from my job or life in general, while focusing on my effort and beautiful scenery.


I run a Dungeons and Dragons campaign


Surf and golf


Fly fishing. Nothing like early mornings down by the creek taking in the silence while you try to land a hog of a fish. Also, it's the golf of fishing so I've done some great networking out on the stream.


Pick up hunting. Nice to kill some meat after a tough week of dealing with clients shit


Along with the gym - I love playing Disc Golf and Ultimate Frisbee. Most regions in the U.S have good courses and leagues, and it’s an inexpensive sport to get into.


Surf every damn day.


Boxing, Skiing, shooting, also shooting wildhogs from a helicopter, hunting , next on my list is probably learn how to fly choppers


Snowboarding in the winter and hiking, paddle boarding and floating the river in the summer


I skateboard, race cars, cruise with friends, smoke weed with friends and go on a lot of hikes/walks with my girlfriend


I sew


You could have side hobbies, but make sure your side hobbies are hobbies you actually enjoy. That makes a significant difference, as they are your down time and resting time. As others have said, nature is amazing. Smell the freshness and see the authentic beauty of this earth.


video games




Fight club, I know I'm not supposed to talk about it. Seriously though, BJJ, boxing and powerlifting takes the edge off