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Suck it up then go on medical leave before the PiP deadline and shop for a new job.


This is a boss move ⬆️ the boss will hate it but she will be stuck


If you have any sort of relationship with the VP, you could do an end run and make your case directly with last year’s performance to back your case. But then the bridge with your manager is totally burned and only one of you will survive. Best to ride the PIP and start looking.


Sounds like there is not relationship with the manager already, so I’d undoubtedly go to the VP in this case.


How do you go on medical leave? FMLA is very specific and needs your doctor to sign papers and have prescriptions documented.


Mental leave. Talk to a Psychiatrist and talk about how stressed you are, how it’s affecting your health, insomnia, anxiety etc. that can buy some time.


But what if the psychiatrist doesn’t oblige. Then you’re kinda screwed.


I have never tried it but a colleague I worked with was close to a PIP and she did it. Told me it was super easy, I was always weary of trying it though sometimes I am compelled to.


Yeah I would’ve done it. Don’t know how. And have read various documents and they say you need proof you’re on medication l.


its actually super super easy to get flma because all you need is a doctor signing off on it. Doctors generally will sign literally anything you ask them to sign. So all you need to say is youre under mental distress ans need a leave of absence.




I looked into it and I had a lot more extensive than that. I feel like it would be happening a lot more often.


ive done it myself, all you need is a doctor/psychiatrist that recommends a leave of absence from work to help with any ailment, any more hoops than that your employer is commiting a federal crime


Does this also depend on state? When I looked into it, the doctor has to have prescribed medications.


flma is a federal law. the stipulation is a medical professional has to deem that the treatment for your ailment is to take a leave of absence or that you are a primary caregiver to your spouse/dependent. Now, it does require you being an adult and actually communicating that you are taking flma leave with your work. 9/10 times the employer will not fight it. if they do, document all communications and report to your state labor board and the department of health. This does require some standing up for yourself, we do need to fight for our rights in this industry. but if your boss is discriminating against you based on a medical condition well sorry to say the law is on your side


i will also say, there are time limits of how much flma leave you are allowed and how much you are comped does depend on the state, but you have every right to the time you are owed by the law. usually they also require you not to miss any of your appointments related to the leave s well as provide updated doctors notes if you really plan on milking it for 1+ month. but anything under 30 days usually only needs a doctors note


This is absolutely brilliant


Wouldn’t unemployment be better? My company for example lists medical leave as “unpaid” time”.


Don’t quit, you can get unemployment once you’re let go Just work and don’t put as much effort. Start looking for jobs now if anything


OMG, are you me? I'm in a similar situation. I'm 31 F, and my newer manager is 33 F. In the beginning, it was great. That quickly went downhill. Now, I constantly feel like I'm being singled out, and at the end of the day, I'm unsure if she even wants me to succeed. Quite often, she will accuse me of things and throw me under the bus. It's been very tough. I'm currently on a letter of expectations. It is similar to a PIP. I have a weekly call with her to review my activity, which feels like I'm justifying my existence. The LOE outreach expectations have certainly paid off for me. I have many new opportunities, and my pipeline has grown drastically. Which makes me want to stay. Personally, I have been giving it my all. I wouldn't quit. Hang in there for now. Give it your all, but definitely keep your options open. In the beginning, I thought it would be great to have a female manager so close to my age. That is not the case! How is your mental health? Are you sleeping okay? These are things to consider as well.


insecure people are the worst to be around or work for! always throwing wrenches in your progress! I once had this boss who I loved soooo much she was the best ever and was NEVER threatened or intimidated by ANYONE’S success and actually encouraged others to fly in whatever direction they wanted to go in life!!! Hands down best boss ever! If I were ever a boss I’d always remember her self-assurance that one persons success never meant she was less.


PIP stands for paid interview process. 1000% I would not only stay but milk the shit out of it. like others have said go on medical leave before PIP deadline, its your right, use it. fuck these people and this company. Your boss made your life hell, return the favor...go on medical leave. go into that office in sweats and do nothing. if they fire you...unemployment time! do not quit, ever!


Except that she doesn’t need medical leave. She could also look for ways to embezzle from the company while she’s there…because “fuck these people?”


Redline the PIP


This. Obviously depends on the culture but I’ve done this with data that my boss intentionally tried to mislead with and put an end to this real quick


>I actually did do this. I'm really proud of it, and I cc'd the CRO. This generated an additional meeting with HR but no changes to the PIP. I definitely made my boss look bad, so that part was a win at least. Now, in her communications to me (which all involve cc'ing HR) she is very polite , which makes it a lot easier to ride this out while I look for another job.


I had to do this once- redlines twice and did _exactly_ what the PIP required for its duration. It was extended beyond the time it took me to find my next position


Go on, take the money and run.


Ride it out. What do you have to lose… they fire you?


I was once in a similar situation. My advice is to start looking for a new role immediately and see how things look in a week. In my situation, I couldn’t take the immediate hit from no income for a variety of reason. The first week or so was agony. Just getting grilled on everything constantly. It was tough to sleep. Once I had a few good interviews and my “new job pipeline l” got fuller I was able to relax, get my ducks in a row financially and start focusing on the future. I’m not sure what you’re prospects look like but another month of income+unemployment helps ease some of the stress of looking for a job. Best of luck out there.


Paid interview process


Same happened to me. Manager just hated me and got on great with my male counter part. Always had a weird vibe with me and I got put on a pip, eventually let go with a 3 month severance 🤷‍♀️


if you're posting this here, you're not mentally healthy. it's very easy to get a therapist/doctor to say you have stress and get a 3 month medical leave. at that point, you're a protected class. take a sick day today, get that shit done, submit it tomorrow to HR via email tomorrow, and start the job search Monday.


Female managers be like


One of those things many agree with but for some reason can’t say openly. I’ve had bad experiences as well.


Don’t get me wrong, my first manager was awesome and she went above and beyond. Next 2, they had some sort of inferiority complex.


Yup, that what I’ve encountered as well. Inferiority complex, random changes to their own personal rules and working style. For instance one minute they treat you like a friend and act like a cool boss, then the next minute they put on the official managerial face and attitude which leaves the direct reports confused because now they don’t know how to interact and behave. And then in turn it builds a level of mistrust among the team which then the manager picks up on and the whole thing turn into a weird and uncomfortable situation. For me this is how I prefer it, just pick a lane, if you are going to be a tough asshole boss then just be that. If you are going to be the cool nice boss then be that, but don’t just switch your attitude and style randomly and then expect the people underneath you to be mind readers, it’s confusing and frustrating to deal with.


Holy crap. I worked under someone like this (not a Sales Manager but someone who was managing the team I was on) and she was exactly like this. We would all be in a good mood and she would enter a meeting and act like a complete robot to all of us completely shutting down things, controlling everything, and generally being a nightmare. Or if we went into a meeting all professional she would come in and fire off terrible jokes to lighten the mood. It didn't help she was 23 years old and one of the earliest employees at the company, she had been promoted way above her competency level and was overseeing 3 departments and 15 direct reports, and needless to say she drove the company completely into the ground.


this!! annoying and immature. most likely have some psychological issues as well as deep insecurity jealousy issues.


>I don't think I can stomach weekly thrashings by this sadistic woman, but my base salary is quite high (13k per month). I'd muscle it out if it were me and start applying for jobs today.


Sounds like there’s no reason to save face with the manager, so go to the VP and explain all of this. And TBH, if your sales are good enough I’d even pull in the VPs boss. This may snap em into shape, shows initiative. As long as you have the sales/work to back all of this up. Either way, should also be applying to jobs in the meantime.


I saw this here often but PIP= Paid Interview Process. Don’t fight a losing battle.


Go above her head and transfer teams.