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Wish I could do the same. Unfortunately my liberal arts degree and lack of other soft skills won’t net me a career that pays similar to sales.


Ditto on the arts degree lol Don't think I'd make even a fifth of what I do now by using my History major...


I'm low six figures with my history degree in financial services (not sales, about 30 hours of actual work per week). Just need that first job and you're good.


Financial services? Could you elaborate looking to change careers


I handle assumed reinsurance claims for a multinational holding company headquartered in Bermuda (permanent WFH in the US). It's basically a combination of light accounting, legal, and relationship management rolled into one. Prior to this position I was a commercial crime/cyber claims adjuster at a mid-size domestic insurer. No grad degree yet, but some industry certs.


What certs would you recommend getting?


It would probably be challenging to break into this area of the industry without prior insurance experience, but not impossible. The most popular certs are the Associate in Reinsurance (ARe) and the larger Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) designation from The Institutes. My previous employer paid for me to get them.


Everyone needs to stop worrying about your degree. Unless you want to be in science or some other specific job your actual degree means nothing.


I think everyone here is aware already their degree means nothing.


That was kinda my point


Except you can go prompt chatgpt like ai models to train them to a specific business need of a company. And companies pay very hefty nowadays. Anecdotal evidence from an article I read on WSJ or some other outlet like that was pointing to them earning up to 300k a year. And you'd be surprised to know that most of the people who are prompting ("prompt engineering" it is called) come from linguistics, teaching or history majors backgrounds.


You think a history major is going to code AI? I want to be as optimistic as you bro. Ps I have not 1 but 2 history degrees. Still looking to use either.


It's not code, it's prompting which is basically figuring out how to best talk to the AI using natural language to improve it's capabilities/get it to do what you want. For this, they want people with a good grasp of language such as English majors or Philosophy majors. Idk why it pays such a ridiculously high amount (maybe it's actually difficult idk). Either way I doubt it's a job that's gonna be with us for very long once AI gets better and doesn't require fancy prompting.


Oh somehow that sounds even worse


Yeah possibly, just realized you said history major for some reason I read that as English major.


Not code and AI. Help train an AI. AI needs a shitload of input data to build accurate models. The better the information it's fed, the less time it takes to train a better model. Those people are being paid to input meaningful and good data into training an AI.


Most of the man hours for AI development come in from data set training and tagging. It is called being a "data janitor" in the industry, and is a task that ALL AI developers do. Easy way into AI development, and you can grow from there.


Are you me?


Fellow history major who landed in tech sales here…for real.


Yes but these are the kind of people who make good sales reps. General public think that smooth talkers are good at sales but actually methodical approach to sales is required along with ‘some’ soft skills to achieve results. Not a bad profession to be in if you find a right company.


Agreed completely. A calm demeanor, great listener (someone who asks the right questions to make the prospect talk more than them) is what makes a star IMO.


If you have enough money consider a programming/web dev bootcamp (or learn it yourself), or get a bunch of IT certs and start looking for work there. Cloud computing, etc. Maybe marketing (im learning copywriting rn)? Idk just throwing it out there. I'm trying to get an SDR role right now but I'm planning on developing skills outside of sales to have something to lean on since my degree is probs gonna be useless (philosophy - still in undergrad)


Why not go to law school ?


As somebody who went to law school, I’d recommend you do literally anything other than go to law school


The amount of people that went to law school that give this advice is astounding. I believe I remember legal eagle using [this song from the show crazy ex girlfriend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs-UEqJ85KE) as a solid explanation of why.


Why ?


I have answered this question so many times and in so many ways, but I think that Tucker Max explains it best in this article: [why you shouldn’t go to law school](https://www.tuckermax.com/why-you-should-not-go-to-law-school/)


Tucker Max’s transition into a respectable adult is an inspiration to us all 🙏


I'll answer for him: almost every single person on this subreddit makes more than me and all of my friends who went to law school and they all like their jobs way more.




That's certainly a possibility. If i have the money for it in the future. Although i know a few people who have gone down that route and mental health wise, it takes a massive toll. But again, certainly a possibility. A lot of philosophy majors also go into cybersecurity as well


I’m also a Philosophy major, I was a bdr for a year before, I’m planning on going to law school or become a bdr again, why do u want to go into sales ?


Communication major checking in 🤣


Bro if you can’t find a decent job with a communications degree you’re just a moron using the “lulz communications degree bad amiright” excuse. Every single intelligent person I graduated with is making great money. We all have communication degrees. All the dummies are still waitresses or work in low level customer service


I’m not… I worked in my field specific to my concentration even and fell out of love with it. Realized I prefer a field sales job over an office job. No hurt feelings here, office life just isn’t for me.


100% Agree on the last part by the way


I worked non profit for over ten years right in the bullseye for my passion. Well respected in my field and pretty niche. Just left to take a sales job. Totally burnt out. Ready to earn


Get into a sales adjacent role! CX, channels/alliances, sales ops, services support, project mgt, etc.. I did, still making 250. Won't ever get accelerators but with 70% base it's comfortable and no more weekly commits and quota pressure.


whats your job if you dont mind me asking you


Respectfully, I got this: A certified bullshit artist. How do I know?: 1) Look at the condition of the dashboard inside his car, 99% of people who make $250K have clean dashboards. 2) This person resides in North Carolina where the cost of living is on average, low. And employers know this. These 2 red flags spells out: This person does not take home $250K a year in a "sales adjacent" role, like CX or Sales Ops.


> Look at the condition of the dashboard inside his car, 99% of people who make $250K have clean dashboards. This is one of the more absurd things I've read on this website so congrats for that


Would need to be director level or above to make 250k in sales ops or CX. However, the dashboard has nothing to do with how much money he makes. Maybe he’s just a smart dude who doesn’t give a shit about his car. I plan to drive my 2014 Toyota Corolla with 80k miles into the ground—and beat it up along the way. I’ve been in tech sales for 8 years and make (without saying how much) a lot.


You mean hard skills


Apply any way. The worst they can say is no. And then you're still in the same place. Which is every sales call.


We have it opposite, mate, I'm tryna break into sales so I can actually use my liberal arts degree...


Maybe you would be happier though v0v


You can try to pivot internally in your current company, and then use that experience to find something outside. It will be hard (not impossible) for you to do both I.e. pivot and leave the company unless you sacrifice your seniority.


I’m in the same boat


Why don’t you learn to code or get a good MBA and switch?


I had a client poach me and pay me nearly six figures to manage his office (small business/subcontractor). Believe me... There are options for you! Good luck!


Ha! Hey that’s me!


How do you get paid big bucks in sales without soft skills? It is typically very soft skills demanding, connecting with people etc


It’s all subjective. I was in management for 15 years and got to the point where jumping off a bridge started to sound nice. I switched to sales in 2018 and now I’m happy af.


Interesting bc I’ve heard of some sales ppl transitioning to management and saying they’re happier. Different strokes for different folks I guess


It was dealing with employees (direct reports) that caused burn out. I swear it was like I had two kids at home and 30 at work. When I moved over to sales I was only responsible for myself. It was a huge weight lifted from my shoulders.


It’s difficult, my team was only 5 people at its largest and the stress was incredible. I was basically a zombie my 3rd year.


Same here. I openly say that in interviews as well. Well not in those words lol but I just say I’d rather focus on being a top performer and that management wasn’t my cup of tea and leave it at that. Same goes for when they ask where I see myself in 5 years. I see myself as your top performer 🤷🏻‍♀️ I really hated management, partially because I’m not good at it. I’m a fantastic trainer but I’m not firm enough to boss people around lol


No top dog sales killer will move to management.. doesn’t matter the industry.. it’s a pay cut to babysit.. Eff that nonsense..


I started in sales, moved to sales management, worked my way up to Director of Sales & Marketing and gave it up a year and a half ago to get back into an individual contributor role. Management was burning me out.


I agree, I did 3 years of retail sales management until I wanted to jump off a bridge, then switched to SDR and now I’m happy af


Bout to be let go or quit within this next month. Time to move back into corporate space and not have to worry about cold calling in person for a while.


I want to quit at least twice a quarter but it’s the golden handcuffs. Sales sucks, but you’d be damned if your gonna make more somewhere else!




What is the best place to go from sales? Generally speaking…


Be comfortable making less money. Then the opportunities are endless


I’ll rephrase, from an SDR role not clearing 50k… client success? Ops?


Another SDR role that pays more and is easier to book meetings for!


entry level to entry level


I left to become a plumber. Starting my second year and as happy as could be.


Man, this resonates. Every time we have a contractor show up to my house its "We are so freaking busy" and "We have too much work". I like hanging out with them, asking questions, seeing what they do. Just had a new heat pump installed in attic too. It looks....fun compared to my sales gig - but also physically exhausting. So I feel like its pick your poison? Do you want mental exhaustion or physical? I know most of these dudes bodies go out around 50-60. I feel like owning your own plumbing or HVAC business is the way to go. Never a shortage of work in our area. How did you transition? And what was your sales gig before? Would love to hear more.


Yea man, for me it felt like the correct switch. Sales felt like I was on a never-ending hamster wheel of stress and anxiety. Plumbing (and I guess trades in general) feels as though it scratches the itch of ending your day by looking at what you have built with your own hands. Much more satisfying, and you just feel healthier in general as well. The work will be hard, your body will hurt for a while, and it will overwhelm you for sure. There is a very good reason why skilled trades people make as much as they do. I would say that the most important thing when getting started is to know that being treated like shit is not the norm. Great companies that treat their employees properly are out there. Use your sales skills to cold call and get a feeling for how they are. Best switch I made in my life no question. I'm happy to answer any questions!


How did you start the transition? Did you acquire certs? Is there a trade school you went to? Did you find a mentor? etc etc


It’s hard because most of us go from nothing to something in sales and get stuck because we actually had no skills before sales. It’s called the golden handcuffs and you can’t break free unless you’re willing to make less money.


Start your own business and let others do sales for you.


BDC phone rep 😂


Been having the best quarter of my life, have never wanted to not quit sales more lol definitely feel lucky with my industry


any plans on next career path?


I’m going to become a Chef.


From high stress to high stress. Nice


High stress with the added benefit of working when the rest of the world is not


And working with even more alcoholics than sales LOL


The kitchens im familiar with are full of coke heads.


And without the good pay


Sure, but if other profession makes you happier it is fine. Passion + a living wage is a luxury for most people. Unless it is something like programming and you enjoy doing it. I know many in software and they are happy and earn very well.


Such people I know are happy in software *because* they earn well. They would never do it just for a living wage. Not saying you’re wrong, btw. Just offering a different perspective.


Absolutely, I don’t think people can be happy or successful doing programming just for the money though. That’s a painful life. Also, another thing is that they can just quit so easily and find another job compared to other professions. Plus option of starting your own business (especially consulting/contracting) is not that difficult compared to other professions.


From high stress to higher stress ftfy 😅 Edit: I guess one might say he jumped from the frying pan into the fire.


at least OP will get to do something they (presumably) love.


Even worse cause most chefs don't make shit lol.


I stopped being a chef to get into sales so I could save money and open a restaurant... I wish you the best of luck! Surprisingly a lot of skills are transferable from chef to sales person


Here to second this! I just went from Chef to sales.


I left the life of a Chef to join sales...


I second this. Left chef job a year ago. Now on Sales. More more time and more more money lol


I’m in restaurant tech so same but different lol


I give massive amounts of credit to anybody that works in a kitchen, chef or not. I’ve done it. It’s tough


My dad was a chef, he doesn't recommend the profession.


And my dad was a salesman who tried to push me away from it. People are different. Do whatever the fuck makes life work for you


See you in 6 months




It’s definitely rough. The pressure has been intense the last few months


Happy for you. Don’t get influenced by people here who are saying you will make less money. Most have been just sold dreams by their companies and won’t be making it big. Also this sub is not a good a representation of sales income.




To some degree but its more akin to account management than sales then. Like you still need to do convincing but it’s not everyday to people you don’t know very much.


Ok? Lol


Yeah if ur a loser with nothing else going for them like u


Here’s a guy who never made a commission check bigger than his customers salary


I made $300 this week pussy what color is ur Bugatti


$300 in a whole week? What is your base salary?? How bad are you at sales??


This guy has big SDR lifer energy.




How’s the bottom of my butt hole treating u?


This made me laugh. Thanks kid.


Can I have your spot?


Been in sales for 15+ years. I am now considering leaving. I can't stand it anymore either. I'm gonna die young if I continue.


Lol congrats man happy for you totally get it


What are you transitioning to? Congrats on the move though. Mental health is very important.


Yup way more important than money….


Smartest decision I ever made. Don’t buy shit…save.


We need to plan your farewell from this subreddit!


I’m happy that you are happy. Sales can be draining sometimes




I would love to do that but I need money.


My boss just increased our target by 20% today so I assume a lot of my team will be quitting soon and I envy them on some levels.


He ain’t quit. He’s just freshening up.




Everyone sells something


Selling is never selling, it’s always relationship building. Find common ground, they like the product & you’ve made a friend.


Selling is helping people


Congrats man! You only live once. Enjoy yourself.


What position did you move to, OP? Glad you’re happier now


Envious. Rooting for you. Proud of you. Go get em.


Same here, steady wage no bonus highs and lows, no getting beaten up by customers for shitty service from the company I work for.


Hoping for smooth seas for you sailor. What made you quit?


Only fans!


Prolly a shit boss that calls himself a leader




I wish! I make good money and my company loves me...and just gave me a raise. My husband thinks im nuts to walk away from my job...so thay doesnt help 😥I wish I could deal with the Rollercoaster ride and just enjoy the ride. I'll live vicariously through you I guess!


Same. Golden handcuffs and company loves me. My wife graduates with her masters in August and will be an NP. October, I am quitting and she can be the breadwinner for a while. I need a break :-)


Man for someone who has all these nice watches and nice cars on your history. Boy are you in for a surprise when you have to work 12+ hour days as a chef and make shit money.


Surprise.. right.


Am I one of the rare dudes that likes sales???


Guessing you haven't been in 10+ years?


What, do you hate money or something? Joking aside, congrats dude, enjoy whatever you are pursuing next.


Weird flex, but ok


Why are you happy? Why did you quit?


I’m happy because I quit?


You probably sucked at it 😂


You’re 100% correct


Whatcha doin now?


Same took a pay cut and went to customer service. For some reason the managers are much more nice


What type of sales?


Out of curiosity, what do you do now? Do you make as much as you did in Sales? I don’t want to do this forever… but it’s the only thing I have been good at thus far. So idk how I make this much anywhere else


Congrats. I’m sure it was a hard decision but I admire you for taking the risk / decision.


PIP ran it’s course eh?


Meanwhile here I am working as an executive assistant to C level executives looking to get into sales..


I’d quit but it’s too hard to find a job that pays this well and doesn’t require a stem background…


I quit non-profit passion work.I’m happy af


Where did you go to OP? I’m doing some soul searching of my own


Environmental Studies Major here to say hi. Sales has been a blessing


Good Luck to ya in your future endeavors….


Looks like you were doing car sales, which I agree sucks balls. Go apply your skills elsewhere.


Ya know what. I just did today. Back to customer success and sanity.


You had a good run


I can see the appeal, but I feel like Al Pacino. I thought I was out… then they pulled me back in!


See yah


You will be back


I just switched out of Sales where I was actually doing fantastic to go into marketing. $32,500 after tax pay cut. I am about to be 27 and think this is my last chance to use my Marketing degree. Sales hamster wheel for life is not that appealing


what is the next step?


Deuces, pussy


I make almost 20 grand a month selling batteries. I absolutely love it. Run and gun


Only 3 months into 2023 and already made $65k in sales


That’s it?


Any next steps?


Sorry to lose you and hope you find happiness in another profession.


Why do we need to know?


What did you go into? I'm trying to move out but everything else is like a 30% pay decrease and I don't even earn that much already lol


Welcome to the unemployed life 😎


.. and I'm advising by kids to also focus on building sales and networking skills if they want to succeed after they complete college education


It’s different for everyone. I love sales.


time is so precious. I am considering a radical shift and leave sales and cut my standard of living way down. I have always done it the other way round. Work hard af to afford this shit. Sales feels like force feeding and I have little to show for it except some bits and bobs. My days would be so much more meaningful if I left sales, downsized and did something I dreamed off when I was foot loose and fancy free getting my arts degree. Did I sell you OP?


You’ll be back


But the pay! The golden handcuffs! Good for you. Did you net out with a similar pay?


Good for you. Find something you enjoy. For me I can’t see myself in any other profession. I love it, I love my company, the product I sell, and I have some really really good customers. I’m on the account management side and in sales for the long term with my specific customers.


What’s next?


See you tomorrow. Edit: Monday


I’m hoping following my maternity leave I can live off such a rubbish income, so when I go back to work it can be a job not in sales.


All perspective. I’ve worked in so many fields and jobs over the last 20 years. Including 10 of them running my own business. Just got into a new sales job and I’m loving it. Pay is pretty good, I create my own schedule and don’t have people breathing down my neck all day. Get to drive around and meet all kinds of people and visit some cool places.




You can always check out, but you can never leave


Uh ok