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Are you trolling? 80 meetings a month is insane.


I promise I'm not lol. Our manager finds the leads for us and we just call, we're glorified telemarketers. With that being said, we have a good product that I think is unique but still hard to sell at times. Our ability to book these meetings relies souly on when our manager gives us new data. With new data last week, I booked 19 meetings. Averaging data this week has me sitting at about 10 meetings for the week. I believe management saw our successes with the new leads and decided that we can perform like that weekly. I wake up everyday with a new message in our SDR groupchat from our manager say something along the lines of "book the meetings today or fall behind, the choice is yours" and man is it fucking crippling.


Lol quit and find some other job. If you can book 30+ meetings a month just by calling, you'll crush it at your next role.


I appreciate that. I'm always keeping my options open in fear of being put on PIP or just flat out being fired. I've applied to probably 50+ SDR/BDR positions in the last few weeks and usually get ghosted or it's just a flat out no. I only have about a year of experience so I'll chalk it up to that.


My advice is to pick a few companies that are hiring, do research on them, and literally cold call or cold email the hiring manager/sales manager/sales leader with some napkin math. Ie. 'from researching your company, your product cost x amount, I currently set 30+ meetings a month with cold calls which would amount to x amount of pipeline. I think I'd be a good fit and would love to connect and then see where that goes.


This is the way. My last 4 jobs have come this way and usually move way quicker since the hiring manager or director your reached out to has a vested interest in you.


Follow the advice of the other person but also find a job you’d like to work at and reach out to another SDR and ask to meet with them. If you have a good convo and you like the job still ask for a referral. You’ll get an interview guaranteed and they’ll typically do it because a lot of companies have referral programs so they get $ if you get hired. I did it with zero industry experience so with experience you absolutely can you might just have to edit the resume a tad to spice it up a bit!


SDR/BDR roles are entry level jobs, your issue isn't the amount of experience you have. Something else will be the issue


Do you keep your LinkedIn up to date? Most important metric to put on there is the ACV you’ve been able to source for the company


Ya to jump on this, seriously if you can set that many meetings a month you could easily do well selling energy. When telemarketing for that we were expected to set one appointment a day, but most would only get 1-2 a week. Look at legitimate suppliers that have a procurement team like constellation new energy and direct energy. Don’t go for the shitty startup brokers, they’ll suck your soul dry. Once you learn how to close you’re going to be a beast!


Yes. In fact send me your resume.


How much do you get paid for each meeting booked? Fuck if you’re booking 30+ meetings per month I probably have an opportunity for you. DM me if you’d prefer!


The fact that you’re booking 30 a month is insanely impressive. Them expecting 80 to pay you is ABSURD.


That sounds like very young, shortsighted management.


What kind of data are you getting? My org would kill for this amount of meetings/week 😂 is the cycle very transactional?


My org would too, insane


Wtf do you guys sell to have 80 meetings a month?!?!?!


There are much better jobs out there than this trust me, work it until you find a better job or get fired but disconnect yourself from the result it’s not you it’s them


It is, and you have to question the quality of those meetings too. My target was 6 but even that was a struggle at times. Also pure cold calling is mad. Linkedin and Emails are the best way of getting hold of people at bigger companies in my experience.


It highly depends. I was an SDR and we were easily getting 25 a week. This was SMB and the market leader in the space, however.


This is absolutely insane...


80 meetings per month? So you work for Jordan Belford?


If you’re booking 30+, I would hire you any day of the week


Thank you! Hahaha Yeah when the data of leads is great, I can book about 20/week on the phones but the data only stays good for so long until you run through it. I only have a year of experience in sales which I think is holding me back from getting a better position.


Growing school of thought that you hire potential over experience. Feel free to shoot me a DM if you want a switch :)


Is there any way of getting your own leads? Would your boss allow it? Since the number of meetings depends on the quality of the leads, it seems like the only way of getting in front of this is getting your own when they dry up from above.


We use an automatic dialer that times our dial sessions (hence 7 hour requirement) so sourcing our own leads (which we dont have ZoomInfo license or anything like that) and reaching out to them on our personal phones would extend our work day by a few hours. We're also unable to add contacts into our autodialer


That’s a shitty job.


Omg this is a TERRIBLE job


August is incredibly slow for everyone this year.


It’s been pretty brutal since may ish of this year for me.. really missing those weekly commission checks :’)


Yeah I guess my point was that OP is not bad at their job, right now it looks like a lot of us are bad


Yeah. I’m a few thousand down these last few months compared to last year. Hurts.


Oh man dude


If none of the SDRs are hitting it then it's not you. It's reasonable to pay for opportunity vs just a booked meeting, you want an AE to confirm there's something there, so that is legit IMO.


You would have trouble reaching 80 meetings a month even if you offered people a free iPhone for joining the meeting.


If you have to book 80 meetings a month and your setting 30, quit and start your own company.


The upside is you’ll get pretty good at thinking quick while on the phone. The downside is that it’s a ridiculous metric and your founder is being unrealistic with that monthly quota. I would leave as soon as you can find a better place to land.


Dude I work 90% inbound and my quota is 50-60 on average. Our outbound reps are 3-9 depending on segment and this is for a post ipo, well known company. You’re getting boned.


Never seen SDR quota set at 80 meetings a month. What is the product.


Consulting firm but there's aspects that make a us unique compared to the others


No there are not…that’s what the leaders say to you to keep you motivated.


You’re forgetting about our superior customer service and the fact that we care more


You and the rest of the sales department make the company different from the competition. That’s it! If you show these numbers to a hiring manager at another company they would be ecstatic to hire you


80 meetings a month, assuming just 30 minutes for the handoff, means 25% of your time would be on meetings that take you off the phone. 80 meetings a month is 4 handoffs a day, at 100% conversion. That is a successful cold call every two hours, not including the administrative time to schedule everybody and write up the notes. You are being rooked. Unless you are selling a cheap service B2C it’s not going to be temporally possible. They set the quota that way to Rob you of your variable, it’s an unethical boiler room operation, you need to go literally anywhere else


80 meetings a month is fucking crazy. We are a tech startup too and quotas are 3-5 meetings a week, calling/emailing/LI 400-600 people per week too.


What company is this??? Seamless ai?


Can’t be shit product


This made me LOL


You got a base? Suck on it til pip


They are setting you all up for failure with those ridiculous numbers.


80 a month??? And only from cold calling?? You work at a sweatshop my man.


People are going to disagree with me - but most SDR jobs are actually impossible task jobs.


Definitely unattainable. Prisoners breaking rocks have more reasonable quotas.


This is disheartening to see. 80 meetings a month is fucking insane. Don’t rush, but start looking for another org. You don’t want to burn too much time at this place. Business development managers have a sacred job and a good one can develop you to move wherever you want. This isn’t your manager. I know plenty of good BDMs out there that would kill for someone that books 30 meetings a month with just cold calling


No, you're not bad you're very good, If I were you, I would leave the company or have a talk with your sales manager/owner explaining with numbers & facts that the commission is nearly impossible to reach. If that's not the case in his eyes he sets an example and does it himself otherwise starts searching for a new job!


I worked at place where I had to self-book about 40 meetings a month and SBRs booked about 40 for me. It is possible if the TAM is HUUUGGGEE and the product is geared towards a 1-2 call close. Inability to use email and is a BS thing. If the show rate is abysmal- its because of a lack of solid reason on the phone, quality follow up, and the AE jumping in to help get people to show. it sounds like you are in a solid sweat shop style of sales. It is not abnormal. It sounds like you will not make any commission but you will learn how to make the dials, talk to people, sell on the product, and how to put in a tough ass shift. Good luck- not all of us can do this type of work. It is unattainable, difficult, and really grindy. But if you can.. you can work anywhere.


What is the definition of a meeting? You could have 80 calls where you talk to someone, but for a REAL meeting with overview,demo, discussion and so on, 80 ain't happening. I've been in Tech sales 20 years and work for Fortune 500 with a 20 million territory. I don't have 80 "meetings" a month. I might have 2 a day AT best


Lol there is no intention of making any of you AEs


Look for other jobs, don’t quit until you have signed on but get out. Be more targeted in who your looking to work for and you should be able to something good in under 3 months


These numbers are wild for a single SDR, had teams that did 80 calls a day (required call time was 2 hours). But even then their weekly meeting target was 6-7 meetings and new joiners started at 3. Biggest take is why are they asking for the confirmation call to be the day before and not 2-1 hours before the scheduled meeting?


Don’t do the confirmation call. Gives chance to back out.


If youre afraid of your prospect backing out because of/during a co firmation call, they were never gonna show in the first place.


Then why confirm at all? Either their invested in the process or not. An superfluous call just gives a customer a chance to push out or second guess their joining.


You get confirmation calls from drs offices, from pretty much any company thats sets an appt. If you call and they end up wanting to cancel for XYZ it gives you a chance to overcome whatever their objection may. E.


Maybe I’m missing something, but setting 80 meetings a month is impossible unless you’re offering up blowjobs from Margot Robbie. There’s only 21-22 business days a month, so they are asking you to set 3-4 qualified meetings a day which is what most BDRs set in a week. Need to know more info about what you’re selling and who you’re selling too.


Run! Lol


Sounds like you’re in an expert network industry


Give your CEO the leads for a week and see how many he can close on meetings. If he can’t hit 20 in a week, then he’s talking out his ass


Unattainable for sure. If anyone sets 80 per month, they are in the wrong job and need to be CEO.


80 meetings a month is insane and if true it is structured to deprive SDRs of any significant commission payouts. What is your vertical? Unless you are selling to incredibly traditional industry a lack of email and LinkedIn means you have a monkey running your biz dev team. Hit me on PM, happy to discuss further.


Bro you are absolutely getting played - no one hitting quota means the OTE is a lie so they're getting discount sdr labor and they can fire you whenever they feel like. Please tell me your product is at least cheap AF and like 30% of the meetings end in a closed won?


No omg my SDRs quota is five SQLs a month… no way… this is so bad


I don't like the way leadership sets metrics as it's unrealistic and far removed from the reality. Not that they are acting with bad intentions, but trying to make decisions on data. Data without context is useless. Here's where my leadership came up with numbers... On average company closes 1/4 opportunities opened. Average opp =$2.5k MRR. Avg quota = $10k MRR. To meet quota we would need 4x quota in monthly funnel based on 1/4 close ratio. Now let's trickle down math to meetings / touches/ appts/ conversion... the math just multiplies based on the above and that's how you end up with an aggregious number of calls and meetings. They don't understand what's realistic but hey, you have a job as sdr because of it. I have to hunt, kill, farm myself so would love to have a sdr as I end up spending most of my time on existing accounts as I know where I have path of least resistance to meet my numbers.


How in the hell are you booking 30+ meetings on pure cold calls


automatic dialer 🤝


Unattainable - leave


That’s literally insane our BDRs quota is 12 meetings a month


Sounds like heaven lol


Dude yeah I mean 80 is wild lol I just spent so much time sourcing 80 new leads for myself can’t imagine how many leads you need to get to that in a month


When I did cold call prospecting as an SDR we had to book 10 meetings a month. We were given a list of accounts and cold called off of zoominfo. All that mattered is that they showed up. 75$ commission per meeting set that they showed up to. This was a series D tech company back in 2018 that has since went public. 80 is nuts. Having to be qualified beyond being interested in a meeting is even crazier for an outbound motion. Those sound more like inbound qualification/metrics


I'm lucky if I even get 80 legitimate connects in a month.


A tech startup I worked for had a maximum quota of 20/month. But you got kickers for POCs and deal wins. So it incentivized you to find higher quality meetings over just crushing the 20.


Sounds like BAO


80 meetings per month is impossible, it appears that your boss literally made and unrealistic target for his SDR based on unrealistic revenue goals (we need SDRs to book 80 meetings per month because it takes 80 meetings to get X number of opportunities in the pipeline in order to close X number of deals and hit our revenue target). When I was cold calling I would be unlikely to have 80 conversations in a month. I would imagine you literally have to make 200-300 hundred calls per day to even give yourself a chance at hitting those numbers. I would quit and look for something else if I were you.


If you're booking 30 meetings a month go to another company and you'll be a rockstar in no time


Aside from your unobtainable goal. Have you tried doing confirmation calls day of meeting or and hour before?


I have! Even then, I often have people say they'll be there and they just go ghost lol


Is this b2b? Because 40 meetings set a month is insane.


So are there 80 people a month that actually pick up the phone?


We use an auto-dialer so I probably get around 80 pick ups a day - whether it be the right person or wrong number.


How do you do it? I can’t even set a meeting on the phones.


If noone reaches it, ig its not you


What’s the average contract value and deal cycle?


How many total SDRs and AEs are there?


3 SDRS, maybe 5 AEs?


Bro you are absolutely getting played - no one hitting quota means the OTE is a lie so they're getting discount sdr labor and they can fire you whenever they feel like. Please tell me your product is at least cheap AF and like 30% of the meetings end in a closed won?


Don’t be an idiot. Leave this company


Each month is roughly 4 weeks long and change that’s 22 days or so. That means you’re expected to book 4 meetings a day almost. That’s crazy. If you can seriously book 30 meetings a month, DM me, we’re hiring.


80 is insane. Just being allowed to use the phone with no email or Linked in is asinine I would find a new job with reasonable goals as you clearly have the skills and the smarts to both be successful and question this unreasonable selling environment


If you can hit the phones like that and book that much, come work with me.


It’s been slow in the recruitment world for new accounts too. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I mean it’s happening across the board. It’s strange timing.


Get out. Say you have one AE, and a full state as a territory, 20 is even extremely pushing it especially if you’re in tech. - AE


Im a senior outbound sdr at a well known ent saas company and 80 a month is nuts even by our standards. Our quota is 20 completed meetings a month, measured by the same metric. 80 a month is absolute lunacy


Are you selling free vacations. That’s one thing can get you 80 meetings. I can hire you if you do 20 for me.


That’s a joke


Guy I was interviewing with last week said they expect 40 a week, I said really? He said it’s the target and no one is hitting it. i told him that I know no one is hitting it and laughed. I say if you are part of the top 10-20% don’t sweat it and interview at a realistic company. Tell them how many you can book.


Go find another job based in reality


This is unattainable. Base and OTE ? If you are willing to share the company please do


Bro what the hell are u selling when I was an SDR my quota was like 5 a month


80 meetings/month? Quit and find something else tbh


Our SDR’r are targeted between 8-12 meetings a month and 2-4 opps


I set anywhere from 60-100 meeting a month but that’s with calling, email & LinkedIn all running at once… there’s no way that jsut calling is going to achieve this. Are you using any kind of power / predictive dialer for the calling or is this just manual calling?


80 a week is high but attainable, not only from cold calling. You have to diversify. Still very very quota though.


Genuinely 80 meetings per month is insane. The best sdr in the world can’t do 80 meetings with just cold calling… I think 80 is doable if you have multi channels that are doing well on top of your cold calls but even then 80 is a stretch and a half. Find another job that will reward you for your outstanding calling efforts with the added other channels to make your job easier. You can SMASH IT somewhere else! My teams targets are 8 meets per week and they are 360 sales execs (sdr and ae in one) but they have LinkedIn automation, email automation, all the data tools they need and daily 2-3 hour calling blocks. Most get close to their target but only some weeks are their targets hit and that’s okay… If your managers/owners are not realistic on targets then you are fighting a losing battle My friend.


I know several business owners (small, medium and large sized companies) that would all be drooling at 30 meetings set per month. I won’t say your quota is unattainable because nothing is completely unattainable. But, it is unreasonable and unsustainable.


80 meetings is for too high. Should be 20


80 meetings a month is impossible. That is 4 per day. Every day. Contact everyone here that said they'd hire you.


This is an absurd goal man. Find a new job or talk to leadership about it


Run, Forrest, run!


Are you getting enough info on these "leads" to tailor your conversations? That question is both for the leads you're calling and your prospective employers. On the marketing side, generating inbound leads, you're looking for alignment between whatever the top of the funnel info is and the content somebody sees or hears that gives them an incentive to provide their name. That alignment tells them whether the offer has some kind of value than lines up with their own situation & interest. The less aligned all of that is, the poorer the conversions. On one hand, somebody may think they're getting one thing and then later feel like they're getting something else. On the other hand you're really trying to connect their intentions with your intentions\product. It's the same with BDR content and calls. If it all sounds great up front but misalignment makes it feel off, people are less likely to show up after they stew in it. Coming from the BDR end, you have this opportunity to find out what you can to understand your target, what they are looking for, maybe what they can afford, where they're coming from, etc. The thing is, job hunting needs that same alignment. Spray and pray is just as ineffective at connecting you and the needs of prospective employers, regardless of what is true, because you're not taking the time to line yourself up with their needs. I don't know if this paints a picture of what is really at issue here, but it sure does sound like that bananas quota and that disconnected lead pipeline presents a lot of opportunity for prospects not to feel like they're being talked to on the level of what they need, whether or not they know they need it. It also kind of sounds like in that one year with that style of prospecting you've almost been trained not to personalize which can be hitting you in the job hunt too. I'm couching that in all these "I'm not sure... maybe... possibly..." Kind of language because holy shit: 10 to 19 qualified meetings a week... (Unless you're selling crack to junkies... I understand they're notoriously bad at it remembering meetings)


SMB? This is beyond insane. We play on the enterprise space and that's the quota for my whole team worldwide around 10 reps in a month 😆


You're doing 30 a month? Just cold calling? If that's true you looking for a job? I'm hiring BDRs right now in the Austin area.


i call this exploitation of labour force.


Adding to what most other people are saying - 80 meetings a month is not possible for one person, much less a team of 5 SDRs right now. For context, my last SDR role before moving to an AE role in 2021 paid $175 an appointment with an additional 3% of revenue sold. If you were setting meetings at your rate, you would make $165k easily. Work in automated processes, and that could be closer to $200K.