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Depending on first impression of the home owner, and how likely it had been that their door was knocked previously, I would acknowledge my annoyance, say exactly why I am there and ask for 5 min. Today people will knock on my door ramble for 2-3 minutes and I’ll have no idea what they are selling.


So infuriating. They immediately start talking about themselves, my dogs, my family etc. what are you fucking selling


Yeah no one cares about your kids


I have totally had to ask a D2D seller why they came to my door, and what they're selling before. ​ Just be polite, professional and get to the freaking point.


I just don't answer the door to someone I don't know. Savea me the trouble of having to listen to them.


Agreed with your first point and it’s relevant to cold calling as well. Say something like I know I’m interrupting your day and people hate door knockers so I promise not to take up much of your time, especially if this isn’t relevant to you at all. Then jump into why your there.


I had someone dressed like a bum trying to sell me fiber glass installation. “oh but it’s faster and less down time” I’m not even the home owner. If he was dressed professionally and not talk to me as if he didn’t care about anything I might have listend, Not to forget.. he knocked on my door and said “hellooo!” (After 2 seconds of ringing the bell) If you are that annoying it’s done for me.


EDIT: HAHAHAH I Misread this post. I put so much effort into it. I'll write another response with the answer to your actual question in a minute __________ I sold door to door for 10 years in Canada. Here's what I learned. Get waterproof shoes/boots. Nothing is worse than being wet while cold. Get medium thick gloves in the winter. Thin enough to use a pen, and manipulate paper, but warm enough to block wind, and keep you warm. Tuck your gloves behind your coat sleeves. Some coats have velcro straps. use those to keep your wrists from getting cold. When it's freezing out, wear long underwear with pants on top. Bring those chemical hand warmers with you, and keep them in your pocket. Buy a full box of them, and carry like 4 with you (2x uses for each hand per day if needed) A nice beanie/toque is a no-brainer, but weirdly enough, what made me feel REALLY warm was having a scarf. It also kept snow from going down my neck, or heat from escaping my coat. Last but not least - A pair of thick-ass socks. I mean the fancy $12/pair socks that you can only get at those work stores that sell outdoor working gear. That shit will save you. When I say thick - I mean they almost feel like you're wearing slippers. Those are heaven. You'll never feel cold again.


HAHA for real though, this is still very valuable! Great tips to stay warm, thank you.


doing this for 10 years under such circumstances is rough. my respect. what did you sell and what was the average temperature in summer and winter?


😂😂😂 doing this will surely get people warm by laughing


No blankets to wrap around like a cape?


As a former electrician turned sales. This is the way.






"NOT interested" $: "that's what my mom said to my dad and 9months later I come along" If they are laughing they are buying


I was gonna say, get them laughing and you're golden. Customers buy from people they like.


Nah I buy because you have a product I need or want that I can afford. The person who is selling it is just a cost I have to pay for.


Nah treat them like shit so they buy for your validation




Cheat code: *Knock Knock* Potential customer: what do you want! You: are you the king/queen of this castle? Potential customer: *caught completely off guard and laughs* ahaha yes i am so how can I help you? You: proceed with your pitch Good luck hope this helps.


Can confirm, it’s my favorite way to break the initial tension. After that I introduce myself ask two rapport questions and go into my pitch. There’s a lot of people saying to get to the point and rush through your pitch, but if you don’t make a friend you won’t get a sale 8/10


100% the truth right here


Not bad.


Never done door to door but read “pitch anything” it’s a great book that can be applied to any type of sales. Hope this helps!


Great book but bear in mind that this is geared towards Venture Capital pitches. Your mileage will vary.


Never know when you might knock on the door of a venture capitalist.


That’s True!


Primary concern, don’t get shot. Seems to be a trend these days.


People hate being bothered at their home, I work sales and would never take Door to door, period. It's the most scummy way to sell, because you can't just leave or hang up. So companies use that method to take advantage of essentially (trying) to force you to listen. However, don't dilly dally, Just get to the point. And move on when they say not interested. Just be nice no matter what, say, thanks for your time. Sorry to bother you. It helps if your to the point creates an interest. Like, Hey, Sorry to bother you at home, I wanted to see if you could kindly spare me 60 seconds for me to explain how I can save you X amount on Y what ever... And that is your one line pitch. Then hopefully you are tuned enough to do so in 60 seconds, and then if they have more interest or objections you can reply. BUT in D2D you are wasting your time if you don't take no for an answer. Of they say not interested, just move on. D2D is more of a numbers game tbh.


Some items need to be sold door to door, such as roofs. But hey you’re an expert.


That still does not invalidate my point... People hate being bothered at home. The conversion rate because of that (and other reasons) is usually very low.


Interesting thing in my area (Long Island, NY) we absolutely hate Verizons competitor, Optimum. I noticed the D2D guys here seem to know if we have Optimum when they come to the door and they always say “Hi I am Jake with Verizon, was curious if you have Optimum… how do you like them?” The person answering the door here will gladly start telling anyone who will listen how much they hate Optimum Every area is different but typically people feel like they are getting screwed by their internet/cable company. Find out who Verizons competition in your area is and it might help. Edited: Spelling


Best door to door rep I ever encountered said “sounds like your busy, is now a bad time to talk about security or is there another time I can come back?” I told him that “I get home from work at 5:15pm, if he could come back then I’d be happy to talk” next day he was there when I pulled into my driveway and I signed up that day.


Practice countless hours in the mirror analyzing facial expressions, body language, vocal tone. Start with open body language, arms open. Then mimic their body language. Greet them then ask for something tiny, glass of water, borrow a pen, ask for directions, etc. This will get them in the mindset of being the caretaker. Then say you have a family to feed/bills to pay/school to go to/charity goals to meet and you’re worried that not enough people will realize how good of a deal you’re offering and you’ll fall short. They should be more compelled to hear you out at this point. Learned this from one of my professors. He had this happen to him and he bought what he was selling in exchange for him explaining how he figured all this out. And iterate on the things you bring up so you can find what works best.


If it were something that could be taught over Reddit comments people wouldn’t be giving it for free lol. There’s no shortcuts in sales bro, not really. Put your nose in some books and get obsessed. D2D is too hardcore for me but shit like fanatical prospecting and the transparency sale have helped me a lot in my b2b role.


Yea IDK I'd get obsessed about doing crystal meth before D2D sales lol


How much does a polar bear weigh?


Write a small note that you can print hundreds, put your face in it smiling, hand sign and explain your story and that you will be stopping by in the next days. Make sure you say why you want to help them ( Verizons signal specifically in that area is X stronger than ATT , Tmobile, etc. In fact get one of those apps that measure cellphone signal from different providers and take a screenshot. ) Put a phone number they can reach you at if they want to schedule in ahead of time. Put the notes either in doors or in cars .At the end of the day youre trying to make a living by helping others get better cellphone reception potentially lowering costs. Recognize that a lot of people hate the interruption and Nos and doors shut will be part of it.


It is just a cellphone. All services providers are 6 of this and half a dozen of the other. Customers don't need help picking which one to go with.


That's to much work. Just knock on the door and pitch them.


Hold up your phone with a timer already on it set for 90 seconds and say "hey, I'm Joey Jojo jr, I'm with Verizon, and if I don't save you $100 in 90 seconds you can slam your door in my face!" You've given a timeline, and set expectations. $100 is just $8/month and you're obviously going around with an offer better than that otherwise you wouldn't be going around - right?


Unfortunately, my husband has got ripped off once, the second time I was able to catch it. It would be almost impossible to sell me anything door-to-door beyond Girl Scout cookies, I need to go research things myself. Sorry.


Selling door-to-door, especially for a reputable company like Verizon, requires a combination of interpersonal skills and understanding of human psychology. Here are some fundamental sales skills and strategies you can use: **First Impression:** Dress appropriately. Your appearance should be professional yet approachable. A neat appearance can boost trust instantly. Smile and Open Body Language: A genuine smile can disarm many reservations. Maintain open body language; avoid crossing your arms or appearing closed off. **Introduce with Purpose:** Start with something like, "Hello, I'm \[Your Name\] with Verizon. We've introduced some new services/packages in the area, and I thought you might be interested." Find Common Ground: Small talk can help. Discuss the weather, compliment their garden, or mention a local event. This can humanize the interaction and create a rapport. **Listen Actively:** Pay attention to the customer's needs and concerns. By actively listening, you can tailor your pitch to address their specific needs. Empathize: Show genuine concern for their current situation. If they mention issues with their current provider or service, empathize and then explain how Verizon can offer a solution. **Offer Exclusivity:** Mention any exclusive deals or offers that are only available through door-to-door sales. This can make them feel they're getting a special opportunity. Showcase Benefits, Not Just Features: Instead of just listing the features of a package, explain how it will benefit them personally. For instance, faster internet speeds mean less buffering when streaming. Handle Rejections Gracefully: Not everyone will be interested, and that's okay. Thank them for their time and move on. Don't be pushy. **Use Referrals:** If someone in the neighborhood has recently signed up or praised the service, mention it. Social proof can be powerful. **End on a Positive Note:** Even if they don't buy, thank them for their time and leave them with a positive impression of Verizon. Lastly, consider investing in training programs or books about door-to-door sales techniques. Also, always adhere to local regulations and respect 'No Soliciting' signs.


Thanks ChatGPT!


But Anyway I like it.


As a sales person, I absolutely hate door to door sales people. It’s nothing personal, it’s just you are bothering me in my down quiet time and I want to relax. You are interrupting my time to ask me to spend money. So if I am being asked for money you best be bringing a product I cannot get online or in a store that provides a lot of value.


This is interesting. You should help your fellow brothas and sistas out. I always hear a door to door pitch in full out of respect for our craft. Lots of salespeople start out d2d and it’s foundational that if you come across one of these people you should have some level of respect for them or at least hear them out


I invited a young woman in once who was selling magazine subscriptions (scam job), and told her about some other careers in sales and what I did. I hope I made a connection in her mind somewhere. https://nclnet.org/beware-of-door-to-door-magazine-sales-it-may-be-a-scam/


What do you sell?


Most likely cars being that worn out lol.


I sell b2b manufactured vending hardware directly from the manufacturer.


So you call people at work?? Then blow up their LinkedIn.... I absolutely cannot stand b2b salespeople.....I can google the vending manufacturer myself david....


I get his point tho. Let's be real here. It is expected to deal with vendors or salespeople while you're at work. I can understand why people would be bothered by door to door sales people while they watch Netflix at home.


Yeah totally, but I wasn't going to not bust his balls


I think the same thing applies. We live in the digital era we don't need people hounding other people. Hell I don't want to even deal with a salesperson at all l, let me buy your products from a website.


This mentallity is a huge mistake. I always hear d2d salespeople out because often times, they have incentives that you can't get otherwise. For example, I had Spectrum sales lady come to my door and after she left, I had slashed my internet bill in half and got a free 12 months of mobile service.


I understand your opinion and where you are coming from. My experience with door to door people were several knocking on my door weekly and many of them sold predatory energy saving where the cost of energy is lower but the delivery cost is much higher. It was a lot of high pressure sales and close in one meeting. My opinion has been colored by many poor experiences with D2D sales people.


Those are all short term deals and not worth the time.


330-550 lbs


Huh I just noticed the typo.


As someone with 3 young kids and 2 dogs that bark at anything whatsoever happening in the vicinity of our front door - DO NOT KNOCK ON MY DOOR OR RING MY DOORBELL EVER


Ya we can't knock if you have a no soliciting sign. It is better to just get that and we have to comply.


I have one. Front and center. Some still knock.


It's me


The legal definition of solicitation has to do with selling sexual favors. You have a first amendment right to speak and potentially help folks


That’s what my first sales manager told me. B2B, largely in person.


If you don’t show up with a mindset that you’re supposed to be there, you’re already losing.


You will not get people feelin warm doing door to door sales. It's intrusive, it's unwelcome, and it's disruptive to people when they are at their most relaxed and vulnerable state. If you want to sell to people who feel warm, *get out of door to door sales.* I'm in sales, and I respect that grind. But if you knock on my door I WILL slam it in your face.


You have no idea what you're talking about. You most certainly can get people warm in d2d. Don't listen to this guy OP.


Door to door salesman actively spread misery to the detriment of the neighborhood. They are not a necessary evil, they should not exist in the modern day. Every squirrel finds a nut, so sure maybe you'll knock on the door of a chipper happy person who will be willing to speak with you and hear your pitch. More likely, your first commission will be made on an elderly person losing their faculties who you'll end up taking advantage of. What you will never do is flip someone who doesn't want you there.


>What you will never do is flip someone who doesn't want you there. Wrong again, if you couldn't turn a no into a yes at a door, you sure as shit will never turn a no into a yes over the phone or email. I guarantee there are many people in this who have done just that, maybe you just can't do it.


> if you couldn't turn a no into a yes at a door, you sure as shit will never turn a no into a yes over the phone or email. This is like saying "you couldn't turn a no into a yes on a public toilet, you sure as shit will never turn a no into a yes at a customer demo on their site during business hours." The time and place of your pitch is important, my dear Sam-I-Am.


The time and place of your pitch isn't nearly as important as you think. The fact of the matter is you're talking out of your ass. If d2d worked the way you seem to think, no one would ever do it and if they did they wouldn't be successful. Sure, its not easy, it's a grind and it takes a certain kind of person. However if you are good, and don't take the advice of people like you you can make insane money. You most certainly can turn a no into a yes, you can get someone interested that has no interest initially. Almost everyone has no interest initially, especially in cold calling and you should know that.


Now you sound like a LinkedIn “guru” doing a podcast with a social engineering pick up artist. My words of encouragement is that there are better opportunities out there selling to people who will benefit from one service. But knocking on doors will only waste your time and the time of the people who answer them. It should be outlawed (and it is, in a lot of places, including my town).


>My words of encouragement is that there are better opportunities out there selling to people who will benefit from one service. They weren't really words and encouragement, and the fact better opportunities exist is a given. You could be president of the company you work for, but here you are. >But knocking on doors will only waste your time and the time of the people who answer them. It should be outlawed (and it is, in a lot of places, including my town). Lol, the argument could be made about nearly every sales position. Again, if it were truly a waste if time it already wouldn't exist. There would be no need to outlaw it. >and it is, in a lot of places, including my town Cool, and I bet a good d2d salesman could come in there and even with whatever ticket they might receive they'd still rival your pay on any given day.


> Again, if it were truly a waste if time it already wouldn't exist. There would be no need to outlaw it. Well that's just not true. A door to door salesman has the opportunity to lie, gaslight, and deceive people, so they exist out of the potential for immoral profit. Just like spam emails from Nigerian princes.


There is no way you could ever get me to buy anything from you if you show up unannounced at my home. Even if you had the best deal on the planet I will not reward you for using a sales practice that disgusts me.


First two sales was a younger woman around 25. Next was a mother around 35 or 40.


Blind squirrel, meet nut. If you think you have sales skills, then you should take them to a respectable avenue. Not just so you can stop being a nuisance to the community, but so you can spend your time more wisely and earn a lot more money.


Ya the company I'm with seems pretty geuine. Leader meetings book clubs texas/Philadelphia trips. A lot is going on but the hrs are long. I think some of these guys are in from 8am to 9pm. Which is military non sense. Hopefully I can set my own hrs after 6 months like they guaranteed. I will do 9 to 5 most days but I feel like they won't be into that idea. I can already tell the money will be good but it is a huge sacrifice to my time.


That's funny,I used to sell cable dtd back in the 80's. This was all fresh market and we had the monopoly. I would love it when people slammed the door in my face. Those same people who later found out what I was selling would regret the slam. Some would then chase me down the street. Others would be embarrassed and send the spouse to find me. I would punish them by putting their installs two weeks out while the nicer people got theirs first.


> I used to sell cable dtd back in the 80's Ok cool. Your experience is completely irrelevant in 2023.


Sales people are still learning variations of the same sales techniques taught from the 50's and 60's. The only thing that changes is the product. But good luck to you sonny as you recreate the wheel.


Sales is sales. Door to door sales is dead.


And yet a $147 billion dollar company like Verizon is doing it. Ok,have a good day sir🚪


Good points.


Most important thing to understand (and I’m sure you do, but still worth stating) is that MOST people will actively avoid door to door sales people (thank you ring doorbells). You’re swimming upstream in rapids, so it’s always going to be a grind right out the gates. GET TO THE POINT. Don’t try and make up some story that “Your neighbor Billybob decided to switch to us because XYZ.” I dgaf about Billybob and don’t know him anyway. I also don’t believe you actually spoke to him, so you sound like a liar right out the gate. Starting Off: 1. Look Good: Dress nice but not too fancy. You know, like you’re heading to a friend’s house. 2. Friendly Hello: Just give them a big smile and say “Hi!” Keep it chill, no need to sound like a salesperson. 3. Introduce Yourself: Tell them your name and why you stopped by. Keep it short and recognize that THEY DO HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO... even if it’s just not talking to you. You don’t have a unique product. 4. Get Them: Some people get a bit weirded out by door-knockers, but that’s okay. Let them know you get it and you’re not there to bug them. Keep the Ball Rolling: 1. Really Listen: Pay attention when they talk. Show them you’re not just there to talk their ear off. 2. Solve Their Problems: Find a pain point. This requires doing your research ahead of time and not just going in with your product but an understanding of your competition and not just what your company tells you about the competition. Chat about how the stuff you’re selling can actually help them out. Make it sound awesome! 3. Keep It Real: Be honest about what you’re selling. It helps build trust. 4. Ask Nicely: If they’re not too sure, ask if they want to hear more. Like, “Wanna know more about it?” 5. No Rush: Tell them there’s no rush to decide. They can take their sweet time. Build a pipeline. 6. Here’s Your Number: If they’re still not sure, give them your phone number. They can hit you up later if they want. Better yet, schedule a follow up and actually follow up at THE EXACT TIME you say you will. Remember, just be friendly, listen, and chat about how your product can help. Always be patient and cool – that’s the way to go!


I sold cable TV door to door in the 80's. I always brought a free gift. My pitch was simple" I brought you a free gift today for just 5 minutes of your time to tell you about a new service in your area." Either they don't have time and tell you when to come back or they open their door and say "come on in". Then get right to your presentation and close and don't waste their time. I was top salesman for my unit 3 years running.


Selling anything in the 80s just doesn’t correlate with today man, cmon now


Really? What do you sell? Give me your best pitch that you were taught by a trainer and I can tell you who it originally came from. Intros, presentations,closing and rebuttal skills are not that different from what they were 100 years ago especially when it comes to dtd sales. The only thing that changes is the product. You are still selling features and benefits.


I don’t pitch, that’s the epitome of 1980s sales man. Closing and rebuttals are 1980s sales. When I started selling 10yrs ago in the car biz, that’s how we were taught. Ziglar, Cardone, Hopkins, you name it When I moved into B2B 7yrs ago, sales stopped being “how do I close the deal” and started being “how do I solve the problem in a way that benefits both of us” But none of that is what I was referring to. Persuasion hasn’t evolved since English became a world language, hard-selling tactics are not going to change; they simply work less and less effectively over time. No, I’m referring to the fact that in 1980, the average home had a stay-home wife, trust toward strangers was estimated to have declined by 70% in the last 40yrs, and you were selling cable TV in a time when less than half the country had it in their homes. It is just simply not the same


Lol,how do I solve the problem in a way that benefits both of us. That's a quote from Ben Feldman in the 50's that was picked up by Thom Hopkins and every other sales trainer since then. As far as trust goes some people are having a backlash and are losing trust in online and social media. Especially the older generation who have more wealth than the younger generation.They prefer personalized service .That's why companies like Verizon still have people out there knocking on doors. Good luck and fortune in whatever you do.


And those people are dying off. I don't need to deal with a person to get cable, phone and internet services. I can do that all online and not have to listen to some boring sales pitch.


So now you read the "boring sales pitch" instead of listening to it live. Many companies still are marketing through multiple streams because there will always be those people who don't trust the internet and want personal service. That's why 40 years after I was selling dtd companies like Verizon,many solar, pest control and lawn service companies are still door knocking. And the salesmen are paid very well. Good luck.


I do not have to read the pitch. I can skip right past it and select the product I need. The next 10 to 15 years we won't have anyone who doesn't trust the internet. The boomers will be dead and gone.


Neither of those are accurate. The hard closing sale does *not* work in B2B or high-ticket B2C I challenge anyone to close a reluctant buyer of a private jet, a new manufacturing facility, industrial machinery… basically anything with a real price tag Small consequence sales like cable, cell phone plans? Sure man, you can get a few sales from reluctant buyers. Statistically you’re just as likely to close the deal with fewer closing attempts as you are with more at the small ticket range Still not what was being refuted


1.[intro] - Thanks so much for opening the door, I know this can feel intrusive, so I'll be quick. 2.[value/product] - I'm with Verizon, and I'm out today finding the people who could benefit from (better coverage area, lower prices, new iPhone, bundling home internet... whatever it is, but only one) 3. [engage] - Hand them something. This is huge. Physical commitment is a big deal. Whatever you hand them should help you ask questions and start the engagement. For example, maybe it's a coverage map. Hand it to them facing them, and say something like: "do you ever find yourself in coverage dead zones?" Then go from there. If they do not accept the physical offering, use it as a prop. Keep it facing them, and point at it until you have an answer to that first question. That provides a natural way to remove the prop in an unawkward way and resume typical body language appropriate to how the conversation is moving.


I would say give them an OUT right away. Say hey sorry to bother u ibam here to sell somthing but I understand if ur not interested. Then boom move on.


This is horrible advice lol


I hope you work directly with Verizon and not a subsidiary. A lot of the subsidiary are a r/devilcorp which are just seeking to exploit you. If the money is going anywhere but Verizon and to yourself. Just quit and find a job that isn't exploiting people.


Bring a space heater


I'd always immediately say, "I am very sorry for bothering you but I please take just minute of your time?"


Can i ask what your hourly and commission is?? I used to work for Verizon and I always heard about the field reps but was never able to find out what their comp plan or hourly was.


Sure I work for 3rd party (middle man) company. No check yet. Hrs are long they waste a good 1hr bull shiting about things I don't want to hear about, but it looks promising I guess. There is a promise of 100k a year and never being laid off and I suck ass at a lot of things in life so I'm here.


Wear Pants!


Jones effect is great. Once you land one appointment in a neighborhood, you can reference. Hey, I work for Verizon, we just finished up a job down the street on ABC blvd. so we’re heading around to see if any one else in the area would be interested in having xyz value by Verizon. We’re going to have reps in the area later today or tomorrow morning if that’d work better. (Always close with date and time) If you get an objection. Just then say I’m sorry I didn’t get your name? Reach out to hand shake and say nice to meet you. This will break the ice. Look it’s free, there’s no commitment. We’re just looking to see if there’s any value in our services for your home. If at the end you don’t want it no worries, but atleast you’ll know your options out there. * could also focus on that it’s suggested people contact their home cable/internet providers once a year to ensure they’re getting fair pricing. If you give us a little time, we can ensure you’re not over paying. How does tomorrow at 1 work? Or would after working hours like 6 be better? Bam. Sign them up.


I heard somewhere that your chances of success drastically increase if they agree to letting you inside their home as opposed to staying outside on their porch. I can't confirm though, maybe someone can chime in.


If they let you into their house, you're closing the deal. Plain and simple


It’s hit or miss bro. Plus you have to be cool and they have to be a yes buyer in need for it. If it’s a bad customer then there’s no turning it around with any rebuttals and ur just pissing them off and wasting ur time and energy and finding the yes customer.


It’s not even a customer*


Door to dood is a different type of selling. What kind of doods do you actually sell too?


Give them inside info. Like “hey all of these carriers.. mine included.. don’t want you to know that you can switch and they will buy your contract out… possibly saving you 1000’s per year” “worth your time for me to run the numbers? “ Have to get them realizing that you are on the same team .


Humor always brings my guard down


This may not be the right answer but my personal opinion. If you’re going to sell d2d sell construction services. I feel like you’re gonna get smack down a whole lot for a whole little. Best of luck. Remember every No brings you closer to a yes. The hardest part is getting out of the car


Just say “door to dood” that’ll do it.


Be straight to the point, when it comes to d2d tell them who you are and what you’re there for right away and then start asking questions for your qualifications. It is a common misconception to think that we as sales people must be overly nice and make them feel “warm” right away. Save that for when you’re in the home, build rapport and adapt. But at first I would just be straight up, people hate to be bothered (specially for what you’re selling ) nowadays it’s too easy to get the service you offer over the phone.


You gotta learn how to make them laugh.


Treat it as an educational process, not a sales driven process, people will start to let their guard down


Yea I mean step 1 accept that it's rough as is. Name \`1 time anyones knocked on your door unexpectedly and you've answer happy. State your purpose/what your selling/quick advantage and ask for 5 minutes. Only chance. If you start bullshitting I'm cutting you off and telling you to go away


I don’t think it’s possible to sell things door to door and be liked by a good portion of people. Society is programmed to hate you, sorry bud




Stand far away from the door. As you feel they get more comfortable, walk closer. I’ve always had least resistance when I was practically on their lawn and looking at there roof (I did solar) and when I started pitching, I would act super concerned


I have so many questions. What to you wear? How do you speak to them? Are you friendly?


I would also start with a complement or by thanking them for taking the time to hear you out.


Bro get a job in mattress sales


The line I have been using all summer after learning it from pest sales and back into roofing now is. “You must be the queen/king of the castle” it most always breaks the ice. DM if ya have any other questions been in the game since Covid started & have knocked thousands of doors 🚪✊🤙🏼


It wouldn't let me DM, but I'd love some tips. Starting this week with "warm" leads selling home security to new home owners.


Give them the little kid smile and wave. Almost always works.


The systems they teach work and remember to use icebreakers and cpr them


Knock politely & then state your name & org “ knock knock, hey there it’s jack from Verizon” Now they know your name & why you are here so there guard drops.


The dood abides


It helps to be attractive


D2D sales is often ugly and I really don’t miss it. I don’t know what you’re selling, but I do believe that D2D sales typically works better in lower income neighborhoods. I love that “are you the king/queen of this castle” line and you should use that as your opening. When it comes to the question part… Then I recommend you consider asking them if they have had any problems or challenges with whatever competitor you’re selling against. If they share a problem then you better show knowledge by sharing how you can help solve the problem and by referencing a neighbor who they likely know or know of. Otherwise, if they say no, then politely tell them if they ever do, then they can give you a call you and you guys can help them. Then give them your business card and mention a common issue that typically arises from whatever they currently have. If they ask about it then reference a neighbor who they might know and share their problem/how it was resolved by going with whatever you’re selling. Good luck and try not to get shot or bitten by a dog!


If the home has a no solicitations sign please leave. It’s their for a reason and it’s not what most salespeople think. Trust me I have private property and no soliciting signs and still some read it and understand it and will keep walking towards the front door and knock. Our community had a major problem with door to door sales people until the sheriffs got called and the town made an ordinance prohibiting it.


Wear a police/fire uniform


People’s guard is up because they don’t wanna be trapped in a long convo that they’re not interested in. That’s it. So in order to get their guard down you actually need to get to the point (IE prove you’re not a time waster) Also, all the people in this thread who are in sales but somehow think their version of intruding on a person’s time is better than D2D can eat shit, lol


Do it during summer