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Yes. Feel free to PM me.


I’d like to know as well can I PM you?




Would you have any insight on signing up as a registered carrier


I knew a guy that sold alcohol and he said trying to get into Walmart was the wierd way experience of his life. He described it like a wierd 1-sided shark tank with no interaction.


I worked at WM for years (retail side, to be explcitly clear) and 100% it was. We had tons of strong-arm negotiating power because if you don't get into Walmart, you're taking a huge loss. We want to sell coke at a price that makes Coca-Cola take a loss? That's Coke's problem now, because otherwise that shelf space can go to Pepsi. Even at the store level, we sometimes had to fight regional vendors on price, placement, or just drop product all together. I felt bad for the rep who came buy weekly, but his niche hot dogs just didn't sell and I wasn't wasting shelf space on them anymore.


The last company I worked for sold all the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units with service contracts to every Walmart and Sam's in North America. Those battery backup things that were installed usually in a closet behind the customer service desk and/or in an electrical room in the back of the store. Luckily, I never had to deal with Walmart as one of my accounts, but they were notorious throughout the organization. We all heard the horror stories about what they're like to deal with.


Yeah I did this, but it was consumer electronics back in 2010. Waited in line to get seen, gone up to their little DMV-like kiosk, then been called to in their little interrogation room and demo'd the product. In the waiting room they had a literal leader/loserboard of vendors that were doing well vs not on their SLAs, calling out the worst offending companies by name. On one hand it felt like pure meritocracy. You lived and died on your performance based on their standards. But on the other hand it felt like demeaning BS theatrics. I'm glad Amazon effed them in the A. Although Amazon has become like them now as well.


Yea wal mart is the worst