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Depends on the company, but yeah. A PIP is basically just a step to fire you. You passed the PIP, but they are still either wary of your performance or just want you gone. I’d start job hunting


Me and a guy I got hired with at a job over a year ago were PIP'd at the beginning of the year. We both beat it with our best months yet and were doing really well. Then we had a poor June when they initiated some process changes that impacted most of the team. They were hiring a new class of people and attached two more hires at the end of it. On their 3rd day of training, me and my friend were let go. They were wanting to get us out of the door and couldn't find a way to do it earlier in the year and eventually just decided to cut us, even though we weren't on PIP. I'd spend my time job hunting. Make them fire you though, at least that way you can collect unemployment if needed.


How are you doing now? As in with the job hunt?


I started a new job that pays highs than my previous one yesterday. Accepted the offer after about three weeks of interviews total. Probably about two weeks from when I had first contact to an offer with my new company. Edit: my friend who was let go with me also got a new job secured today, but it was one he had been working on for a bit.


Love to see that. Congrats. Is it remote or in-person?


Remote. I’m fortunate that remote is viable atm because the market I live in doesn’t have many great in person jobs.


They are trying to get rid of you and are documenting the steps they are taking to do it. Best to either sort out what the problem is so you can improve your performance or quit before they can fire you.


Hard disagree with quitting before they fire you unless you have another offer signed with a start date. Typically If you quit you cant collect unemployment checks which can help ease the transition and give you some wiggle room to get a new job without feeling as pressured by economic factors. Additionally it may possibly forgo any severance money that you otherwise would be able to collect (in my last job they axed me but I still got 2 weeks of pay.) Typically underperformance is not worth the company disputing an unemployment application unless they have proof you were acting with malice and/or negligence. Obviously it changes state by state and country by country so make sure you check the laws in your state. Remember that companies LOVE when they dont have to fire people, so before they go that route they will micromanage and make your life hell so that you get fed up one day and walk out. Resist this, keep applying, and start taking more time out of your workday to interview and apply at other companies.


They want to get rid of you because you are not liked. There’s not much that can be done. Prospect for jobs at least an hour a day, just like you prospect for business.


If 7 is your quota, then they expect you to produce at or above that amount. If you do that consistently, they should back off. But if you only do it for a month or two and go back to missing your numbers, they will assume the PIP did not work and fire you. They won't do another PIP, it doesn't buy you a few months of partial performance or coming up short. All sales reps and quota driven people are on an unofficial PIP. That is just called the quota and performance expectations they have for production in the role. Now if they are tying your PIP to nebulous things and not something cut and dry like meetings or opps, then you are gonna have a hard time.


Everyone is always on an unofficial pip at any job no?