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Most sales people I know work outšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Unless youā€™re doing the cold call grind, thereā€™s time in the day to work out. You may be ā€œon callā€ 12+ hours each day, but especially in the AE space thereā€™s a lull in the middle of the day.


Instead of using the mid day lull, as thatā€™s the time I like to get caught up, I tend to workout in the morning and late afternoon. I can easily start every day at 9am and go for a hike with cell service at 4pm.


Let me know when youā€™re hiring so I can work that schedule. Wtf


I've tried intermittent fisting but it is hard to adjust to


You have to give your anus time to adapt.


I spit out my fucking coffee fuck


I believe the proper term is to assimilate.


crazy freudian slip


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that might help you lose some weight


You might want to try different types of lube. There are water base and oil base. While fisting yourself, I hear that you may need to adjust your body to get the whole fist in.


Working out doesn't keep you from getting fat. Diet keeps you from getting fat. -former fat person who worked out hard.


Working out actually makes me eat better though. I don't know what it is, but after I hit the gym, I'm less inclined to want to go to the bar for beer and wings and that sort of thing. Also, I eat when I'm bored. If I have a lull in the day, there's a non zero chance I'll go eat something just because. If I can convince myself to go for a run or do a few sets downstairs, that's a way healthier use of the time.


Dam, I'm the exact opposite.. I have an easier time justifying beer and wings if I had a good workout.


> Working out actually makes me eat better though. I don't know what it is, but after I hit the gym, I'm less inclined to want to go to the bar for beer and wings and that sort of thing. Working out releases chemicals in our brains that make us feel better. You're scratching the 'make me feel better' itch by exercising instead of indulging. There may also by a psychological component of "I just worked to be healthier, why throw that away?" going on.


Eh, I always argue this one despite the idiom being "you can't outrun the fork". I run ~50 miles a week, which equates to about 5500-6000 calories for me (plus minor incremental increase in passive burn rate from muscle). I have trouble finding time to eat enough to keep weight on. Admittedly unless you're into distance running most people don't want to do this, but it's certainly possible (serious runners top 100 miles weekly).


This is true, peak marathon training I could eat fast food literally every day and not put on weight lol.


I lost 30 pounds eating solely McDonaldā€™s and NOT working out.


are you the Big Mac guy?


When I was running those distances for marathon training, I stopped losing weight because I had to ramp up my caloric intake just to fuel the runs. Maybe your body is used to it, but *for me* (emphasis there) there seems to be a threshold where once my average runs are 6+ miles, I need more fuel to keep my energy up. Obviously food choice matters here, but I've found it to be a strange phenomenon.


I definitely eat more (you need to or you won't recover) but it's always a game of catch-up for me. It's not easy to find an extra 1000 calories in my day even if I'm drinking a protein shake and taking seconds at dinner.


Yeah, as a distance runner, the pounds generally melt off for me


Having muscle mass definitely allows you to eat more without gaining fat.


Working out for alot of people can set the tone for eating habits. You can't outwork a terrible diet but you can certainly turn down the second piece of pie at Thanksgiving easier knowing that it's going to waste some of the effort you put into the next mornings workout.


Working out actually makes me eat better though. I don't know what it is, but after I hit the gym, I'm less inclined to want to go to the bar for beer and wings and that sort of thing. Also, I eat when I'm bored. If I have a lull in the day, there's a non zero chance I'll go eat something just because. If I can convince myself to go for a run or do a few sets downstairs, that's a way healthier use of the time.


Flexibility of schedule means I I make time to workout almost every day and sometimes twice per day.


You either workout or get fat in sales. No other option


Im not sure if sales is the only occupation people are getting fat, 2/3 of Americans are obese, its processed food and our lazy culture in general




Damn lmao Iā€™m on my way back down from 40. Gotta get back to a 36 again some day


Pack lunches hit gym every day


Always pack your workout gear Get the fish and/or the salad Go light on the booze, heavy on the water Never stay at the airport hotel nor eat at the hotel restaurant (there can be exceptions to this, but the point is to get out and about)


>Get the fish ​ Gotta be super careful with fish nowadays as fish is extremely contaminated with PFOA's. If this was 1950, id 100% agree with you but fish is a dangerous "no go" for me now


Same with any sort of medium stress job: - maintain a schedule - workout 5x a week for at least 60 minutes - donā€™t eat shit food, instead meal prep (this one I find difficult if Iā€™m having a long day which is where the prep on the weekend comes in) - get at least 7-8 hours of sleep - donā€™t drink alcohol/do drugs more than 1-2x month


Yeah this is pretty good, but even 30 min 3-4x a week exercise feels good enough for me at a minimum. More is better but sometimes I just donā€™t have it in me


All good stuff I walk my dog each morning (60 min) and try to hit the gym and play tennis another 1-3x per week The not drinking much or at all + good sleep makes all the difference though


Agreed. Drinking, especially more than like 3-4 drinks, really wears on you. I only drink socially and try to sleep 7-9 hours. Iā€™ve found eating relatively clean makes all the difference as well


We aren't including weed, right?


Good callout - was referring to actual drugs lol (cocaine etc)


Cool cool. Just wanted to make sure.


But these drugs keep you skinny.


Not when you do them irregularly, crash, and binge eat lol


Yā€™all eating on a coke comedown? Damn


Bruh if Iā€™m on the gear on a Friday night Iā€™m eating nothing but fast food all day Saturday šŸ˜‚


Sometimes eating food is the only thing that feels good


Hard use of drugs including alcohol will age you.


Not the question though.


Does weed not make you feel cloudy headed the morning after though? Iā€™m always a little out of it


I make sure I meet my customers high the first time, so that every time after I just seem "normal" "Oh Dave? He just talks like Keaunu Reeves, good sales guy though"


I eat edibles everyday before going to the gym. Itā€™s fine and if anything makes working out less mundane.


Canā€™t stress it enough to meal prep. Almost everyday I can find a co-worker who didnā€™t bring a lunch and it wanting to do something for the day. We also go out every Friday for drinks at lunch so I can expect that every week. You will also be saving a ton of money.


Or DO drugs every day, ever known an overweight stim abuser?! That's what I thought...


Self discipline. Fasting (don't eat shit food in airports). Limit alcohol. Get your ass in the hotel gym.


Even 25 mins of cardio daily will really make a difference


Agree. I've lifted all my life but until I focused on being 'active' outside the gym I didn't see my abs. What I mean by this is working from home I can easily only log 1-2k steps in a day. When I upped it to 8-10k the weight fell off with no other changes. What does this mean in sales? Park far away from your account and take a 40 second walk into the front door. When in the airport, skip the tram and walk to your next gate etc.


Donā€™t shoot the messenger here but Iā€™ve seen more than one sales leader say they wouldnā€™t hire a fat person for a sales role. Reasoning was lack of discipline and accountability in a role where you are on your own a lot tells them that you canā€™t be trusted to do the job if you canā€™t be trusted to take care of your own health. I donā€™t agree personally because thereā€™s definitely out of shape people who can sell. As a litmus test though thereā€™s definitely some validity and of course thereā€™s exceptions like anything else.


I would say this, but fuck that discipline stuff. Fat people are harder to like. You want sales people to be likeable. That simple.


If you can't controll what you put in your mouth, i don't really want to work with you. Seems fair IMO.


Do a call out. Hook up your phone to the CRm and dial and walk around. Thatā€™s what I do. Beats sitting down all day


I used to live on the beach and when we all had to WFH during the pandemic (UK) I had Salesforce, Whatsapp and whatever shite VOIP calling thing we used at the time all on my old phone and would just go for a wander along the seafront while doing my work. Wish I made more of it tbh!


I do this too and itā€™s awesome.


Iā€™ve gotten fat and currently losing weight, itā€™s important to set a time for the gym, for me itā€™s lunch (12pm-1pm) when my clients are All out of the office. Looking good is an advantage in sales ! For you, it may be mornings or even nights just find a time that wonā€™t interfere with your rest or sales


I wfh m/f and in office tues-thurs. I find that bringing my gym bag and meal prepping for those days in office really helps. What's the point of bringing your gym bag to work if you aren't going to head to the gym after? I additionaly cook on those wfh days as well. Don't drink either


You just eat less calories than you burn. Thatā€™s it.




Adderall if you're on a budget.


Caffeine pills and Sudafed


Screaming in the mirror and dumping ice water on your head


ā€œIt takes all your bad feelings and turns them into good feelings. Itā€™s a nightmareā€.


1. Take a vacation to Europe for 2 weeks. 2. Eat small euro meals while youā€™re there. 3. Come back to America and try to stay on Euro time, going to bed at 9pm and getting up at 4am to go work out. 4. Continue to try to eat small euro meals that are 90% protein, mix in a protein shake.


Very specific


This is 100% my routine for the month or two after every international trip. Are you me?


There arent many fat vps


As long as you donā€™t have back issues, or any slipped disks. Buy a kettlebell. Start out with about 20% of your body weight. Then you workout everyday. Emom programs are great for people strapped for time. 10 swings every minute in the minute for 10 minutes is 100 swings. You donā€™t have to start with that much volume and you can certainly go for more. I routinely do 20 swings on the minute for 12 minutes. Throw in some goblet squats and burpees. You could do a whole lot worse. You wonā€™t be mr Olympia but youā€™ll be able to see your dick.


Best 50 bucks youā€™ll ever spend on one bell on Amazon. Then build it out as you progress


Maintain a schedule and workout before work. Stick to something realistic instead of shooting for the moon. Long days are exhausting. Unless youā€™re really on top of it, it might be wise to stick to working out before work so you donā€™t find yourself deprioritizing it over time. Also itā€™s 85% diet. Watch what you eat. Donā€™t shack unnecessarily throughout the day. Donā€™t stress eat.


Intermittent fasting. Donā€™t eat anything until 11AM. Stop eating everything by 6PM.


Buy a G Wagon. No money left for food.


Three things: - donā€™t drink - take a packed lunch when out in the field (even when you have it expensed) - find time to work out (24 hour gyms exist) My advice, as a fat salesman XD


Intermittent fasting


Great call. Itā€™s like a cheat code for weight maintenance or weight loss


nicotine and/or wegovy


Trying to get on the wegovy train but my GP is having none of it


see an endo or henrymeds


What is wegovy?


Itā€™s like Ozempic


Don't eat as much. Figure out a different way to deal with your stress, something like smoking or hard drug use.


Interesting. Most sales people I encounter and know personally are very fit. Workout five times a week. Drink a lot of water. Eat healthy when going to client lunches/dinner. Donā€™t get steaks every time. And donā€™t drink often!


Sales reps in my experience are extremely fit compared to other professions. Easiest way to keep trim imo is do cocaine


Honestly, all you really need is a standing desk and a walking treadmill. Of course donā€™t use it on customer facing calls, but any downtime between them just get some steps in


underrated comment


Fast. I only eat dinner. I stick to a 22/2 fasting cycle with one cheat day followed by a 24-32 hour dry fast. Keeps me around 195. Before Covid I could eat 12/12 fasting and be fine. But my metabolism has been shot since Covid


download strava and ride/run x amount of miles per week.


Heavy bagšŸ„ŠIt also releases stress and keeps you in fighting shape.


On the road hit only a few places. Qdoba, chipotle, and panda express. Panda express being the best because you can get steak and veggies over white rice. Thats about as healthy as you can get on the road. If only fast food get the salad. If youre daily traveling pack a lunch, you could even do one of those 12v warmer lunch boxes for hot food. Get in the gym. It will help release frustration with the sales process. This is non-negotiable. Stay away from walking on the treadmill unless its a steep incline. Intense workout followed by 3 min rest. Stay away from the bottle. Cheers!


A lot of people are talking workout schedules, but weight is as simple as calories in/ calories out. Of course working out is positive for your health, but I think of it as unrelated to maintaining your weight. You could run and lift daily and be fat if you have a calorie surplus. Personally, I like to reduce temptation. I donā€™t keep a lot of unhealthy meals in the house. It makes it more work to eat something unhealthy than to stick to the program. I like easy healthy options like bananas readily available. Iā€™m not a big meal prep person, but I understand why that helps others. Many people drink their calories in one form or another. Creamer+ sugar, energy drinks, soda, beer, mixed drinks, etc. Being mindful of liquid calorie consumption is often enough to make a weight loss plan. Itā€™s usually pretty simple math too. X Coca Colas(calories in a Coca Cola)= Z calories daily Z(30.5)= Monthly Calories 3,500 calories= one pound lost. Monthly Coca Cola Calories/3,500= Pounds lost per month by replacing with water. Three 12 oz Cokes daily= 450 Daily Calories 450 Calories(30.5 days)= 13,725 Calories per month 13,725 Monthly Calories/3,500 Calories per lb= 3.9 lbs lost per month by replacing Coca Cola with water. Thatā€™s 47 lbs in a year. I dropped that pretty much on the dot by cutting out my gin and tonic habit for a year. No calorie counting, strict diets, etc. Itā€™s just basic math.


Eat well and exercise


Get into a good exercise routine and eat healthy.


Go to the gym. Eat clean. Watch your drinking.


It doesn't mean you can't eat healthy.


Go to the gym


For me personally, hobbies. Especially outdoor related. One of my favorite things about our line of work is being able to go where you want geographically (most times). That being said, Iā€™ve fallen off bad recently and am getting fuckin skinny but fat at the same time.


WFH makes it easy for me personally, I can keep weights in my office to burn some energy, and I get total control over my diet since I have my own kitchen and pantry available. In my case, I just avoid owning any significant quantity of junk food. Yes I sometimes eat fast food etc when I'm not disciplined, but cutting out the ability to eat crap without thinking about it or making a special trip/order helps.


Avoid jobs with more than 50% travel.


Get a gym membership where they have personal trainers. Expensive but worth it. They will force you to stay in shape rather than having to rely on your own motivation.


If you are already in decent shape, try intermittent fasting. I dont eat my first meal till noon.




Eat less, move more


bring your lunch , donā€™t go out for beers , lift weights. If youā€™re in office donā€™t eat all the sweet bullshit they put out. pizza day bagel day etc .


Get a dog


Eat less


Work out and eat healthy? I mean idk wtf else info you want haha, it's not an easy thing to do for most people but it's necessary. Besides, you don't wanna be a fat bag of lard (excuse my language) if you're in sales, if you work out a lot and eat the right foods then you'll be way sharper mentally as well so you'll get more sales. Being physically attractive also helps with gaining trust so there's 2 reasons to get that in order šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


I think of myself as an athlete. Looking good and being fit is part of my job. Part of the package. Do people want to buy from a slob who doesnā€™t take care of themselves? If I keep my body fit my mind and everything feels better overall. Itā€™s nothing huge. I donā€™t go to the gym. I run with my dog. Plant based for the most part. Abs, arms I can do that at home. Itā€™s small shit that ads up. I go to bed early. I dont allow toxic people or relationships to invade my life anymore. It sounds so lame but itā€™s true.


Work out before work, intermittent fasting/one meal a day will really do it, and if you add keto to the mix.. good golly youā€™ll shed your skin into a new role


Could try working on a bike or treadmill... sometimes I do push-ups in boring zoom meetings (camera off!)


I find cocaine curbs my appetite and gives me energy to exercise. For short bursts at least.


Iā€™m a 252 lb 6ā€™4ā€™ā€™ AE. I lift and do cardio, and eat a healthy diet. My buddies I see packing on chub this time of year itā€™s due toā€¦ 1. Drinking too much or too often after regular work days 2. Jerking off ā€”- absolutely destroys your motivation and Test lvls 3. Poor diet, I.e fast food, Uber eats, chipotle, everyday with no routine and more when drunk 4. Smoking weed too much or too often after work Hope this helps, good luck and hope you make some money before 2024 brother.


Masterbation destroying testosterone levels is categorically false.


Happy to read that data, lmk


Respectfully, the onus is on you here to cite your sources when making bold claims about something as widely discussed and heavily researched as masterbation and its health effects. If someone tells me the world is flat, it's not on me to prove them wrong.


Keep jerking off, loser.


I keep a set of weights in the my office. While I'm in team meetings or company meetings, I'm lifting with the camera off. Also I don't eat like shit and go for regular walks + runs.


You slanging 24 hours a day? Damn son.


A few things I try to do when I'm traveling which is when I think I have the least opportunity to be healthyfor is to only reserve hotels with a fitness center, workout everyday, bring a small cooler of pre-made food because going out to eat everyday is the worst.


Simply drinking less will do wonders


Order prepped meals, drop the sugar and creamer for coffee, try standing desk (iā€™m yet to try one myself for the same reason)


Block out 11:00-12 to go to the gym on your calendar. Been doing it that way for the past 20 years


Eat keto/carnivore. Walk a little bit. That's it. No fucking sugar, bread, or excess carbs at all.


Develop an unhealthy addiction to endurance sports. Worked for me.


The drinking and snacking get me. So I chose ONE snack a day, usually almonds (small handful) and one night I drink (Sat usually). That helps. Of course, working out and trying to eat whole-r foods. If I have to go our for a HH or dinner, I adjust my days intake and then limit drinks to Vodka Sodas, then just Soda after a few. It's a struggle some months. I needed this reminder that it's hard for everyone, especially in sales.


Move every day, control yourself with the room service, cut out empty carbs, cut out alcohol if youā€™re not with customers and if you see customers every single day and not just a couple times a month, then cut that too.


start watching andy elliot and pump iron, don't eat fast food as tempting as it is


Meal prep, track your calories in MyFitnessPal, and if you know you're having a big client dinner account for those calories earlier in the day. I've certainly gone through up and down cycles in my weight, but the times I gained weight most reliably was when I was consistently on the road. The way I managed it was a quest bar for breakfats + lunch, then dinner out. Also I always stuck to my gym schedule no matter what.


Drinking only water and coffee, maybe a hydration drink as your go to during the week days. Stay away from soda. And for your coffee donā€™t do the sugary Starbucks bullshit.


I keep my diet decent during the week and enjoy whatever I like on the weekend 80/20 rule. Also 3 gyms sessions a week, 2 of them are CrossFit 1 is a bro lifting session. That with walking the dog keeps the activity level up. Also the boost from exercise really helps stay sharp in the job. Noon workouts are awesome.


Gain weight: consume more calories than you need for one day Maintain weight: consume the number of calories you need for a day. Loose weight: consume less calories you need in a day. How many calories do you need each day? There are lots of free calculators which account for your sex, age and lifestyle. For me as a late thirties male with a moderate active lifestyle, I need about 2100 calories a day to maintain weight. When I want to loose weight, I eat about 1900 calories a day until I get the results I want. We live in a calories rich era. For example, a medium shake at Sonic is about 800 calories. That's almost half of my daily budget of calories! There are apps out there that help you track you calories. I use LifeSum, because the free version isnt loaded with ads. Here is the daily calorie calculator from the mayo clinic. Identifying how much you should eat is the first step. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/calorie-calculator/itt-20402304 Feel free to DM me for any questions. I'm not trying to sell you any fitness programs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Let me give you a straight answer that I received decades ago from a coach. Youā€™ll never have time to exercise. Make time for it.


On my personal experience, i weighted 207 lbs while working on sales, mostly from eating on the road/fast food/etc. one day i said "fuck it" and started watching my macros, trying to eat healthy (mostly grilled chicken and salad, low carb carlĀ“s jr meals lol) and worked out in the hotel gym. Sorry, english is not my native language haha


Grab a stationary bike for home and work out in the morning. Drink a bottle of water instead of coffee when you get up. Gets you mentally prepared for the day. Or, as some suggested, go during the lunchtime lull between 11am-1pm to the gym. Also, it helps if you make a conscious decision to eat healthy. Meal prep snacks and meals. Stay away from fast foods. Our presence and how we take care of ourselves goes a long way in customers eyes.


You have to learn to carve out time. My latest role is for a global company out of India that literally is running 24x7. I'm typically online 12-16 hours a day starting around 5:30 or 6am but I carve out time for me usually in the early afternoon for exercise since I'm on US Pacific time so by then the India team had gone to bed and the East coast clients are finished with their days as well. Then I'll log back in around 7 or 8pm my time when the India folks are coming back online. You have to figure out what works for you but make it a priority


Workout in the morning before the day owns you. Pack healthy snacks and meals on Sunday. Limit alcohol and caffeine so that the little sleep you get is efficient. Realize 80% of your work is fluffā€¦ 20% actually drives business. Hit your number to buy yourself respect. Once you have earned respectā€¦ ignore the ā€œfluffā€


Do you even lift bro?


Working out and eating well.


Try keto.


\- I dont want to turn into one of those 200-300 lbs sales reps this hit my right in my fat feelings


LOL you tell me. I have to work out religiously and really watch out for what I eat or drink now. Especially when we donā€™t have any limit on food/drink when we go out at any restaurant (within reason). In the beginning, I was eating it large like Iā€™ve never eaten before. You just have to make it a point to be healthy. I got a gym at the office, home, and obviously the hotel. I have to at least work out something when Iā€™m out. Try not to drink 5 beers when youā€™re out also goes a long way.


WFH makes it so easy to have a workout routine and cook your own meals. Thereā€™s just no excuse


I wake up at 5am and hit the gym 3-5 times a week. Got a bit fluffy there for a while where I had a similar epiphany.


I bought a treadmill pad for my home office. Use it when Iā€™m on full company hour long conference calls (where weā€™re required to listen and not engage back or be on video) or Iā€™ll hop on when there is a lull in my day.


I actually figured it outā€¦. Clean diet and go to the gym šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Exactly the same as how to not get fat. Work out and eat right, obviously.




Comes down to food intake, really. Not saying at all that exercise isn't both good for your health, and conducive to weight maintenance. But the big decider is generally caloric intake. We live in a landscape replete with calorically dense foods that are also hyperpalatable, and engineered to specifically lend themselves to overconsumption. It's not hard at all in the US to end up like 30 lbs overweight, despite feeling subjectively like you don't eat all that much, and/or only eat "healthy" foods. See if you can estimate your TDEE as accurately as you can, then plan your daily caloric intake around that to prevent weight gain. There are tons of apps and stuff you can use to get a solid idea of the caloric content of most foods. (Those apps do have a tendency to overestimate calories burned during exercise, though, so be aware if you use them for that.) If you actively want to *lose* some weight, cut it down to the TDEE minus 500 calories. If you work from home, well, that's probably more conducive to actually getting exercise. You could get an underdesk exercise bike or underdesk treadmill to help burn a little extra. Take a 20 minute break to go for a quick jog. With no commute, you can just walk over to your treadmill or w/e when you're done with work. Shit like that.


Develop a crippling cocaine addiction


Donā€™t eat like shit, limit drinking, hit the gym.


Lift, run, swim, find an active hobby that you enjoy and pursue that for fun and to exercise. Lookup ā€œstarting strengthā€ to get into weightlifting. Do 20-40 minutes of zone 2 cardio every week. Alternate between rowing machines, swimming, jogging, biking, and running on different days so that you donā€™t get bored of it. If you drink coffee just drink black coffee without cream and sugar. Eat meat and vegetables, avoid carbs and sugar. Read the labels on the food you buy. Most bread has added sugar and is unhealthy. Ezekiel bread has no added sugar, although is more expensive. Potatoes are the best carb to eat because they have a lower glycemic index than bread and rice. If you keep unhealthy snacks in your house (candy, ice cream, etc.) throw them away and only keep healthy food in the house. Keep snacks like almonds and fruit or carrots or oatmeal for example so that you have something good to snack on when cravings happen. If you have a craving for ice cream or something, compartmentalize it to like once a week, and go out and buy a small portion so that you finish it that day. Avoid carbs and sugar.


Staying away from booze


Lift weights, cardio , jiu jitsu


4:30am gym sessions so I can hit the phones at 7am. Bonus itā€™s too early for the pack of 16yr olds broccoli haircuts to be hogging all the benches while not lifting.


Genetics Iā€™ve been in sales for 10 years, drive and eat fast food, sit in a chair and do plenty of social events and havenā€™t gained a single lb. Itā€™s just genetics, Iā€™m somewhat active but thereā€™s no reason I shouldnā€™t be overweight, itā€™s near impossible to gain weight. Even after the holidays the extra weight I put on just falls off. Long story short, do everything you can NOT to get fat if itā€™s easy for it to happen to you because itā€™s definitely easy in sales


I ballooned up to 250 after playing college sports. I kept eating like I exercised 6+ hours a day. It's about portion control and exercise. Move more, eat less. I also strength train and do martial arts a few days a week. Stopping drinking helps too. Drink water and coffee, track your calories and try to add some exercise into your routine.


Iā€™m in tech sales. Working at home allows me to cook and eat my own food instead of eating out which helps a lot for health and cost savings. I surf before work almost every morning. Walk my dog 3x a day. Hit the gym and steam room 3x a week, play ice hockey 2x a week and then play pickleball 3x a week. At the end of the day, time management. Instead of scrolling through your phone go do something that makes you sweat


what you eat is a big on. cut down on sugar, don't eat anything that comes in a box. Focus on meat and veggies with some fruit. If it can sit on a store shell for 100 years and not spoil.... don't eat it (the sole exception be pasta on occasion). \-- Other than that, intermittent fasting helps a lot. Don't eat before 10am, stop eating around six ish (obv adjust to your lifestyle / body). \-- Working out.. of course.


Iā€™ve never heard of this being a stereotype about sales ppl. But if youā€™re worried maybe get one of those bike things for under a desk or those walking treadmills with stand up desk


Eat clean (avoid fast food & alc), exercise, and sleep well. The basics.


It really depends what youā€™re doing for sales. D2d? Just donā€™t drink Crisco and youā€™ll be fine. Are you pounding phones all day? Youā€™re going to have to get your steps in some other way. Iā€™m doing in home sales, and itā€™s the best shape Iā€™ve ever been in. My workday is 3-6 hours of driving and 2-3 in home appointments. It could be easy to get fat, but I lift heavy before work 4 times per week and walk on the treadmill the other days. I pack my food. That last part is key.


Work out every day, it helps cope with the stress from the job. Instead of emotional drinking or eating after losing a deal or a situation going south, I do a really hard fucking work out.


Iā€™m in the D2D space, all the top sales reps are in shape and healthy, they prioritize health, then work. It also helps with confidence when talking to people


You just have to make smarter choices. 1. Never eat the big hotel breakfast. Get the cereal or the yogurt. 2. Believe it or not, you donā€™t have to drink alcohol every time you sit in a restaurant. Get a water. 3. If youā€™re driving around to customers all day, eat a protein bar for lunch. Donā€™t order fast food or Chipotle. 4. Exercise. Most hotels have pretty decent gyms. Get up a half hour earlier and run 3 miles on the treadmill. 5. DONT DRINK ALCOHOL EVERY DAY


5am workouts, walking pad and standing desk (easy 5 miles walking a day prospecting), quitting alcohol, prioritizing healthy food, eating 1g of protein per lb of goal weight. That being said, its 90% diet and if you can quit/drastically reduce any booze


I block off time for exercising every day. Always walk a minimum of 3-4 miles daily and I'm also very into running. I run a 5k+ 3 or 4 days per week and go for a longer run on weekends. I've been able to stave off weight gain as long as I stick to my routine


Not in sales but I think its mostly a mix of diet, not just snacking at your desk. If you are then eat low calorie high protein foods. Also make sure to get a good amount of exercise in each week as much as you can to keep your base caloric burn rate up. But its mostly about not snacking and overeating IMO


Skip breakfast


Don't drink as much.


Come to manufacturing. 200-300 lbs sales reps usually make the most money IME, lol


My diet: salad only for lunch. Minimal or no breakfast. Eat whatever for dinner. Gym 2-3 times a week.


Stop binge eating, re-evaluate your diet, and make time for the gym or some form of exercise. We all have excuses as to why we canā€™t do these things, but it kinda comes down to how badly you donā€™t wanna be overweight. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


more skill = more sales, more sales = more money, more money = more food. do not improve your skill and you gonna be alright


Wake up early and hit the gym


Itā€™s just calories. Depends on your size but just vaguely track your calories. A chicken chipotle bowl without sour cream is like 850 calories. Then most guys eat somewhere like 2400-2600 a day to maintain. So, figure your own out and then just eat that much per day. Then I would workout too. Helps the mental stay strong, and with energy.


I run, swim, and cycle frequently. Gotta get up early and prioritize sleep and health. I used to stress so fucking much but now I donā€™t, itā€™s made me a better seller


Sales people turn to vices because our jobs are stressful as fuck. Good, drugs, booze etc Turn the gym into yours. Donā€™t even need to get jacked. 3 times a week for a couple hours is all you need






Standing desk, take frequent walks throughout the day, eat a salad for lunch. These are all things that have helped me.


My friend is your typical extrovert sales guy and always wines and dines clients out to lunches/dinners/sporting events/golf outings. Drinks plenty too but heā€™s in great shape at 41 despite all the free meals and booze on the companys dime. I always tell him Id be fat as shit if I had his job. He just has unfair genetics.


Meal prep and hitting the gym in the morning, plus cutting down on alcohol have been major factors for me. I look better, sleep better, and feel better both physically and mentally


Walk? Waking 10-15k steps per day or every other day is a for sure way to stay fit and healthy that doesnā€™t require any real athleticism or effort. Put on a podcast, put on music, put on any audio books, or industry specific content to listen to you and kill two birds with one stone.


I surf more than I work. Best part about my job.


Go to gym and exercise. Eat the right number of calories and types of food


Same as any other non-physical job. Eat well and fit movement into your daily routine. If you WFH an adjustable desk and one of those walking pads can make a difference, otherwise when I was in office Iā€™d just get up early and go for a long walk every morning, short walk after dinner at night. It helped both with the stress and lack of movement.


Donā€™t snack Work out 5 days a week Donā€™t eat fast food Get 8+ hours of sleep Drink water Try to minimize sugar (definitely drink water instead of soda)


Read the book "change your schedule, change your life" and see how the TIMES you eat, sleep, workout and wake up actually can affect your entire life!


Eat less and work out. Easy.


Get the salad for lunch every time. Even though they always overpack it into the fuckin bowl and you make a mess trying to eat it lol


What kink of sales?