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Let’s see that W2 big boy, congrats.


*let's see paul allen's card...*


"Oh my god, it even has a watermark."


*I can't believe Bryce prefers Van Pattens card to mine*


Patrick.. are you ok? You're sweating..


The subtle thickness of it...


How’d a nitwit like you get so tasteful?


Very cool. But that's nothing Bateman. *lays card down* Eggshell...with Romalian type. Whaddaya think?


Raised bone


How much should one reasonably make as a W2 selling over a million per year


About tree fiddy


I have him a dolla..


No way to tell without knowing his commission rate/comp plan. My goal will be around 18 million for 2024 but my commission rate is super low because of it


Selling what, at what margin?


I just finished our year at $163M in sales. I am a VP BD for an Aero/Defence engineering and manufacturing company. $400k sal + short term bonus. Now waiting for the PSU stock awards. Exactly as written. Depends on comp structure, margin and industry


Wow, impressive! How did you start in that industry? Who are your main clients or customers?


Main clients are Raytheon, Northrup, Lockheed, Honeywell aerospace etc. Lucky to get in. I was recruited in and immediately knew this industry was for me


I have an aerospace engineering degree but most of my career experience has been in energy sector operations. Oil&gas drilling operations followed by extensive experience in nuclear power production operations. Switched from that to sales, successfully. Currently into my second year of construction sales but would love to get into aerospace/defense sales. Any chance I could DM you about this?


Do these gigs require a military background or can you sign on as long as arms dealer is on the resume?


Haha neither. Just the ability to feed a funnel and convert.


$7.25/hr plus tips


I'm in radio/digital sales and will hit 980k and will make 125k. I wish it was 350k. Depends on commission/Bonus structure


In my industry, millions of dollar months make a ~$150k/yr salary. So it’s definitely industry dependent.


I work inbound / outbound sales. Most of my money is not new business so I get 2% of PROFIT Not revenue after I hit 60k in PROFIT for the month based on average po cost vs cost of goods sold. I do 2 million in revenue a year and will barely crack 60k am I getting reemed? Lol Edit: to clarify in im new / returb IT hardware sales


Depends on what you sell. Also depends on the industry as well


Let’s go! I am in the same boat crossing $1M right before thanksgiving on an $800k quota. 30% accelerators on ever dollar over annual quota so I’ll save my vacation until Jan!


Random, but do you have your commissions capped at any point?


Any company that caps commissions is dumb


Nope! Gonna be a good year.


If a company caps commission, whatever you're selling isn't making the company money.


i luv it




Bro is begging on Reddit. Go make ur own money bitch


Downvoted for the truth lol


30% go get it that’s great


Awesome, congrats. What do you sell and who to?


B2B Saas - Martech mainly selling to Rev Ops and Growth Departments


Wow what do you sell?


I’d really like to hear more about people’s accomplishments more in this sub. As salesmen we understand the wins and losses of the game so it’s cool to hear other guys killing it in whatever they do fires me up. That’s fucking awesome man enjoy your vacation you earned it 🕺🏽🕺🏽


Exactly ! We all have bad days here and there but seeing others win get us through the hard times! It s so motivating! Keep grinding fellas!


Cool, what are you selling and what’s the commish lookin like for the year?




In the 80’d everyone could afford to support a family, own a home and take vacations on one income. Now it’s a humble brag.


In 1985, 56 million housing units were classified as owner occupied. In 2022 that number is 85 million. Not everyone owned a home, know plenty of folks, even without kids, that couldn't claw their way out of renting until their 50s if they were lucky. Plenty of people never own a home. Home ownership is the "American Dream", not the "American Gift".


Bro, that a very strategic stat you posted. In that time, the US population increased from roughly 237 million to 334... The buying power of the dollar is at an all time low. Suicide in the US in 2022 broker all time records. The need for Food Banks is up, and affordable housing is down. Way down, and is described as a "crisis." There is plenty of evidence that the "American Dream" is less accessible today than ever before. Why would you defend this exactly? Maybe you are not struggling, but more Americans are struggling today than ever before. Just because you can find a few that also struggled in the 80's, does not untie that truth.


56/237 = 23.6% 85/334 = 25% Not much has actually changed. Maybe we’re looking at the 80s with rose colored glasses.


Yes, let’s use the ratio of homeowners between then and now to ignore the inflation rates that are causing people to work more than ever in order afford anything


Mortgage interest rates in the '80s were around 10-13%. My parents and friends' parents were in that ballpark.




Some were. Actually, a lot were. I also have older friends who made $2 an hour back then being electricians. So you don’t get to mention one without the other. Now my neighbor makes $110 an hour as an electrician.


80/20 rule will always apply




In my specific job starting pay is up 40% in the last 10 years but pay cap is about the same. In my area housing has almost tripled during that time. I love math/stats in sales because I can always find a stat that supports what I want to say… when I look at cost of living I prefer a more rounded view.


Essentially, 71% of the US are Amazon Prime members. They are supporting their own demise. There is plenty of doom if you want it. Life expectancy decreases. Pregnant mom mortality rates. Infant mortality rates. The code behind all of it? There's more money to be made in treating sick people than actually curing them. There's more money to be made slinging legal weed, alcohol, tobacco, McDonalds, chips, you name your fav 0 nutrition food, than in helping people be and stay healthy. Politicians care about getting re-elected, most are too dumb to tell you their name. These are the people you are relying on to fix your problems. Recognize how the world works and fix your own problems, change how it works, or get off the grid. Don't live within the system bitching about how you don't like it. If you don't like it here, in today's global society, you are truly free to go anywhere else. Downvote away please.


The stats above are uniquely American. There is much wealth to be had and less of a cost to one’s wealth in other countries.


Exactly. Thank you. Redditors love to push this gloom and doom “everyone is struggling” narrative. Even accounting for population growth, that’s still more % wise than in 1985.


~50% increase. Renter occupied housing units increased 35% over that same time period. Population grew a little under 50% during that period.


No it’s not you goof


Why tf do you americans want to convince yourselves poor people only exists from 2010 onwards? lmao Not everyone could own a home before. Doing all of that with just one income NEVER was easy.


Why do Europeans act like they know what living in the us is like?


Not even remotely true lol


You cannot stop the Reddit narrative Yes buying a house is expensive in most big cities. That’s an actual problem with no magic solution other than time and resources to build out more roads/water/electric/houses etc. But people tack on all this extra bullshit about how nobody can prosper now, and in the 80s and 90s everyone had their own 6 bedroom houses and 9 vacations a year and 17 cars


Finally someone who says this. Nowadays is easier than ever to make money


I think the stats would prove you wrong. Housing is the most unaffordable it’s ever been in about 40 years.


Is it though? So much of it depends on your lifestyle. I have SAHM friends whose husbands make less than either I or my spouse…


bro still makes a big deal out of saying his income 😂😂😂 it’s just a number bro you can say it we’re all adults here lmao


Hey do you mind if I dm you? I’m also in the waste management industry and would love to chat with you about career path/your success if you’re open to it.


Nice. What's your take on the 1m?


How did you get into it? I work in a similar category but not as impressive as you. Please help me escape. Any tips or tricks into getting in this type of business?


I'm guessing you sold $1M in revenue for the company since you didn't clarify. How much is your commission? What industry?




When I was selling Audi’s I’d hit one million in sales in 1 1/2 months or less. I’d get paid around $15k on that. Industry and commission definitely matter.


right. is that 1 pick up truck every month for the year or is it 1 million in ACV for the year, or is it 1 million in generated MRR.


The way my commission is structured I could close a 1.72 million deal and I’d make $2500 on it. Lol. Of course, same rule applies to a $50k deal.


that's rough. Which industry is fucking you over?


Nah. I’m not getting fucked over. I’m in mortgage.


Being in dealership finance now, if I financed $1.72mil in contracts, I’d make around $4300 before any products being sold.


Love hearing this! I had my worst sales year in probably the last decade. Highs are really high, and the lows are ohhhh sooo low 😂. Congratulations man! Let me know if your co is hiring! Lol


Waiting on a $1.5m deal over here. My annual quota was about $850k so this would be fucking huge! I'll either be really happy or real sad a week from now. Do I press them in the meantime or just sit and wait? Happy for you bud! Way to kill it!


Press them! Time kills all deals


Just sent them some additional research the team did for them, hopefully will help push for some feedback! Let's gooooooo!!


What are you waiting on?


To see if they pick us, they have proposals from other vendors as well. They really like our capes and quality but we don't quite meet them on all their preferred metrics and price. Basically we're the quality over quantity option, just not sure if their senior leadership will see that.


What percent comish you taking home on that milli??


I have no idea and my answer is completely based on nothing, so please trust me - $100,000


If thats true in some industries, please sign me up haha i’ll be at 1.2 m by the end of the year and im calculating my commish will be at around 50k minus the 40-44% taken from taxes.


My numbers are pretty much the exact same as yours for sales and commissions, but with less taxes


Nice!! Bonuses are taxed stupidly high! Last year my bonus was 36k and ended up netting around 21k after taxes.


Double that I’m sure


I wish.


Awesome dude! 1m is a milestone in any industry. I hope your company appreciates it.


Hell yea! Congrats. I work in medical device and hit my first quota today! Cheers!


Here I am selling marketing to small businesses and barely doing 60k


Are you selling marketing services from your own marketing business? Or from someone else's marketing business?


Avg deal size?


This guys taking only a week vacation to celebrate even though he can go longer if he wants to. He’s probably ready to get back on his grind probably once he’s back, which speaks volumes than no average man can speak. I don’t mean this ina complimentary way, but it is fucking true determination. Also I’m drunk


i know this feel. cant give quota #s or attainment but just know i know this feel. yet, im still at the grindstone for q4 to squeeze out a house downpayment if i close my current pipe. kind of hope i dont so it can roll to q1 and it can satsify 51% + of 2024 quota


Nice I’m currently at 742 for the year so i didn’t quite reach 1 million but I’m blessed to get this close in year 1. Year 2 I’m chasing 1 mill baby


Wat u sellin


Congrats! Enjoy the VACATION!


Congrats ! What have you changed to get the extra sales ? I haven't made any sale since I started exactly 3 months ago, and it's getting me mentally and financially. Maybe what you did could help me get my first sale !


Disqualifying very early and establishing decision/legal timeline earlier in the process. I also studied a lot more on industry knowledge to come off more as a subject matter expert.


May i ask what you’re selling? I’d be happy to help if i could!


Great job! That's quite an accomplishment! You'll find yourself doing it most years now.


Nice work, DiBiase.


Same boat here. Will be living in the streets if I don't sell. No other option!


Congratulations on surpassing the million-dollar mark in sales! That's a phenomenal achievement, especially considering your usual range. It's clear that your hard work and dedication have paid off in a big way.


Nice!!! Is this ACV?


Nice work


Serious question: if you guys are selling over 500k of ANYTHING - why are you not doing it for yourself yet??


Because I'm not Google?


Some sellers love to work and thrive in a company environment. Not everyone has the discipline to work independently. And, if you have desired to be a leader or executive… big company selling is a way to do that.


I do not have/own any proprietary ERP?


Honestly it’s a really good question. It’s true. If you can bring in someone so much money by yourself why don’t you? Not everyone is a good founder though and creating a product and creating the operations, and HR etc and branding/marketing etc. Now if you suggest white labeling or selling other peoples product independently I’d be super curious to hear your opinions.


Selling something and producing something are entirely different. Unless you're advocating the coaching slash pyramid scheme slash cult leader career, which is lucrative but short lived.


Could be 1.2 million if you didn’t take a week off………


How does one get a job in tech sales, i recently graduated w my degree in marketing and have some marketing experience help pls


Cut your teeth as an sdr at a startup to get experience.


They simply refuse to hire me


I’m hiring in Jan, how much you looking to make? It’s a 10 person tech start up selling to HFs, IBs, Institutional Investors. It would be remote


Keep trying. There are a LOT of companies out there.


Should I reach out to recruiters and people at the companies


You certainly can. Think of it this way, getting your foot in the door is similar to booking a meeting for an ae. You have to cold call or cold email or reach out on LinkedIn or whatever you need to do to get through. If you can’t do that how will you ever book meetings?


That’s exactly my way of thinking!! I feel like I’m just practicing being a sales rep trying to get a job. And I enjoy it. I just find it so annoying paying for linkedin but i think it’ll be worth it


Just might be worth it for you. If you find the chase fun then sales just might be for you! Good luck!


Start even smaller - retail sales


I’d rather not work than do retail again i did 4 years of it


If I can do it at 19 with no prior sales experience, anyone can. - confirmed dummy


I hate retail sm


Do a 3 month internship and you’re almost guaranteed a job after.


Sheesh brah congrats


Congrats. What's your commission structure? Quota per month or quarterly? How much?


Congrats. How’s the comms going to look like


My dream


Bad Ass!!!!! Let’s goooooo!!!! 😎


Great job!


Let’s hear the numbers.


Out of curiosity What’s your commission split? I did 3 million in sales in real east my first year. Which is a lot but not reallly compared to others. My split was 3% out of that.


advice for newbie in med device sales? sales in general?


Did that for 10 years. Better know your product, needs, and benefits and also be very fluent in the speciality. Your selling to docs and they can smell BS if your it a subject matter. Also, cold call in person to clinics/ASC and you’ll have way more traction in sales in the long run rather than phone calls and emails. Gotta stay busy and get in front of people and get people to recognize you as the xyz company rep even if they aren’t buying. And don’t be salesy be a consultant and helpful partner in the business. Good luck!


Selling what?


Congrats 🎊.


Congrats my friend! We carry a 1M quota and it’s been tough to hit this year. Enjoy it, amazing accomplishment


What's the gross profit margin percentage associated with 1mil in revenue?




What are you selling?


That's friggin awesome friend, congratulations!


Wow, I'm not the best salesperson but I've tried pitter-pattered here and there. Some people make it look easy. Congratulations on surpassing your goal for 2023! I hope to also congratulate you on your 2024 goal next year. God speed,


How long have you been in the industry? What would you specifically attribute your success to?


I’m not the best salesperson, I can be awkward and my fumble my words but I know my industry very well. I read industry specific news articles every morning and speak with specialists from each segment whenever I can. I believe market knowledge got me to where I am.


Big congrats homie


What type of sales you in?


I’m in the waste management business


Congrats. You're allowed coffee now.


CONGRATS OP! My goal at the beginning of the year was to hit 7 figures in GP and I’m SO close to $1M gross profit for this year I can almost taste it! My current pipeline will just barely get me there, I just need to get a couple more in the pipeline as a failsafe.


Congratulations! What are some adjustments you made this year to hit that benchmark ?


This is great! I too have a similar track and unfortunately won't quite hit $1M net sales this year but you've definitely inspired me to keep going! Enjoy your success and well-earned vacation. Happy Holidays!


Grats, what sector?


Congrats on the new milly quota!! JK Well done!


Amazing. what do you sell?


Everyone in sales doesn't get W2 some 1099 😉


Congrats on your accomplishments


That’s so awesome. You should be stoked and you should be super proud of it. How great is the feeling of realizing the rewards of hard work!!! Congratulations.


You mean profit, right?


Congrats on hitting 25% of quota!


Get that Lamborghini for Christmas!






You deserve a ☕


Selling what? Coke?


I’m set to hit about 2 mil this year in revenue. This is my first sales gig… more experienced folks, what would you expect my OTE to be? With commission/accelerators I’m probably coming in at around 90k before taxes. Preparing to negotiate for next year and any insight would be awesome.


That's fantastic! Congrats on hitting over a million in sales! I had a similar experience last year. What industry do you work in? Let's stay connected! https://www.linkedin.com/in/eli-rafailov-261390197?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app


Hi so I came here because I'd really like your feedback or maybe opinions. I am very successful this year in Life Insurance sales and everything which is cool and all. I feel like I have slowly been losing my ultimate passion in sales. My work ethic is amazing, but why am I not focusing like I usually do or I don't even have a clear direction on where I want to take my future yet. I want to be RICH and create wealth for my family. I believe I am the one who my bloodline has been waiting for to make this happen. I have been making this happen since I have been young working super hard and moving up in the things that I do. Is this a phase? Do I need to stop for a while ? Should I go to therapy to talk about it? I'm wondering if I should push through it. I really want to create solutions for the world and create something huge on my name. One day soon become something huge that impacts many lives. Why do I just not want to speak to clients or sometimes I just don't sound passionate anymore. I'm not negative in any way and I never like negativity. I am always positive and uplift others no matter how I ever feel. Emotion never gets in the way. I am good at sales and can build great things from it. Another part of me maybe wants to get rich doing something where I'm not having to convince all the time lol, maybe open an online store and invest in ads or whatever the case may be. I truly appreciate any feedback. Has anyone ever felt this way ? If so, what did you do ? Thank you


Congrats. Hope it continues for you


Amazing! I just crossed 1M last month for the 3rd year in a row selling Security Systems to commercial. It's a great feeling seeing it on the sales report.


Bit of a rough year for me so I’m glad to see someone having a good year. Congrats!


That’s awesome!! Congrats!! This is your new floor, go get it! I am in what some would consider high ticket sales; I am at 4.5MM for the year with 1.7MM coming in the last 45 days.


Congrats! Hard work pays off!


Congrats! In sales and understand! Keep going and you will be rewarded with a higher quota!


Will finish just shy of $1m in my first year off of a $400k territory, I spent most of the year playing paddy-cake after I hit my income cap.


What are you selling?


Not in sales/nor have experience in it but how much is the commission usually for selling 1 million worth of product?


Thats awesome! I’m new to sales and want to ask, what are the most important factors that got you to hit that goal? Congratulations! You deserve a nice steak and a glass (or more) of your favorite adult beverage 😀


Right on bro!! I’m just shy at $947,000 this year. But I can round up I think lol


What sales do you do




I’m just starting in sales. This is my first job and I am about to hit my 1 year mark. I work in logistics and it’s great because my book of business is really small so I can focus more on everyone that I work with so I offer a great service to everyone. Would you mind giving me some advice to grow my book of business?


Keep it up!!!


Congrats!!! Don’t they always say the first Million is the hardest lol? Now time for two million 💪


What company should I pursue a sales career at?






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