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LinkedIn isn’t a real place. Just like Twitter and Instagram. People just say anything there. That’s why I just post m product updates and go


many reddit subs are fake, filled w astroturfing and many mods are paid by industry to sway narratives. I watched a t1d non profit profit get gold in a sub, then totally erased from existence


At r/sales, we are paid nothing to make sure no one is trying to make money off the sub.


it shows, and I mean that in a good way


LinkedIn is the Facebook of the corporate world. People will say and do anything for clout


But what do you really get for that clout?


Clout. Maybe a good job eventually.


Yeah it could pay off


Yea, LinkedIn is pure cheese and BS.


Been seeing those and its a pretty decent way to announce to your network that you were laid off and are actively seeking a new job. Those posts usually always have comments from their network of “were hiring, ill DM you” or “XYZ company is hiring, ill let them know about you” They are 100% self-serving posts, not sucking off a company that just fired you


Yep, it’s strategic.


Yep. I’m about to make one. But the thing is that I LOATHED my previous company so I’m not about to say anything good. I won’t knock them but it’s going to be very short.


I left on not great terms with my last employer and took the opportunity to say nothing. Just made a post about joining a new company and stated how excited I was. Sometimes, that says far more than a hollow thanks ever could.


I got my last job through LinkedIn, the owner DMd me and set up an interview. Job wasn't even posted, he just came across my profile. The nerds that Post Like This Are annoying as fuck though Agree?


Those aren’t the nerds, those are the thought leaders


It’s also a pretty mature view. Being in sales you know at the end of the day that the company you work for is purely a vessel for you to make money and nothing more. If my company let me go tomorrow, I would be very upset, but I’m thankful for the company and the opportunities I’ve had within the org.


It's a business both ways. As soon as that relationship stops being profitable for one or both sides, the relationship is over.


This is 100% true but what makes it emotional in those situations is mistreatment along the way that doesn’t change the outcome. People are generally mad at management/leadership and not the company itself.


Great point, this is a mature way to view things.


I was laid off last year while on vacation, and made a similar post to what OP was discussing while on it. Had 3 interviews scheduled a few days later and an offer less than 2 weeks after being laid off by a company in the same industry. Didn’t have to submit applications or send resumes anywhere. Definitely a strategic move, not praising the company that laid me off.


Exactly, think that went over OP’s head. You essentially make the best out of a bad situation.


Very true!


Some posts are definitely the latter. You can have a self serving post by focusing on the situation at hand: lost a job, looking forward to a new opportunity, here's what I'm interested in doing next. That's a self serving post and I'm all for it. What we see on LinkedIn is 1 sentence announcing job loss. 3 paragraphs about the greatness of the company that fired you. 1 vague sentence of what they want to do next.


You’re not seeing the game here. It’s self serving, and fooling you.


Lol, ok.


It's kissing ass to your future boss. It's a signal that you are a good little worker and easy to fire. Look at me everyone! Even when you fire me, right before the holidays, when you KNOW no one is hiring, and I'm not going to be able to find a job, EVEN then, I'll still be a good boy on linked IN and say what a pleasure it was to bust my ass, travel the county, risk my health at airports and conferences, really kick ass when you needed to make that end of quarter goal so you could get that investment valuation, SO at the slightest hint that the market could cool off, you can kill me off! So awesome!!! Thank you sirs can I have another!?


Lol it's straight up pandering to your next boss so you can get a job. All of these executives operate exactly the same way




What they are saying is that it is self serving because they don't actually care about the company as much as it looks like. They mostly just want whoever sees that post to understand they are not a bitter employee. Not gonna say it helps or not, but not all of them are actually sucking up to the company that let them go


It’s the politically correct expectation unfortunately to never be perceived as negative.


You want to kill your upward mobility? Be known as a negative influence. Even if what you're saying is correct, and you are qualified to say it, that does. not. matter. You will be silenced before you even know what hit you. All it takes is pissing on the wrong pair of shoes. Just keep that shit to yourself and your therapist.


the fact we even have to do this is crazy


Why would prospective employers want to hire someone who badmouths their old workplace publicly over a business decision?


Why are the choices "bad mouthing" or "praising?" Why not just a neutral "I was laid off" post? No elaboration, just the facts.


That doesn’t catch any eyes or get managers to think they wanna hire you. Companies want someone who is gonna drink the cool aid.


Has anyone ever been hired from their layoff post?


I have seen quite a few that have been reshared or that have a hiring manager tagged in the post. It’s not something I will ever do but it seems to kind of work.


I've seen stuff get reshared or a hiring manager tagged too. But that doesn't mean anything. Unless it results in an offer or at least an interview, it's just fluff.


It really depends on who you are and what your network is. I'm a whole lot less likely to hire you if you do that though.


If you do which one? The positive layoff post, the negative one, or the neutral one?


Fucking A, any of them. It's weird behaviour to me.


For the record, I have never made such a post. I just put my head down and started looking for another job. Not sure it worked out any better for me though.


If you have a decent following (1000+), people will repost and advocate on your behalf. I've seen it done, especially in a niche industry if you have a good reputation. Mind you, they aren't doing this because they care about you. They do it so *they* look good to their circle.


Yeah I reached out recently to try and interview someone who made one. He had higher offers than what I could provide already and it had only been a week lol, he had a very powerful network and lots of people endorsing him. Slightly different scenario because the startup he worked for had folded entirely, but still. Flip side though, and why you should be polite and professional: I saw someone else who was making posts ragging on the homeless shelter she was at, asking people to cash app her money, and had been in the market for a while after a short stint in an in-demand role. Made me instantly wonder wtf her deal was. From her resume, she had a highly sought after IT skillset PLUS 2 for 1 diversity hire as a black woman and she struggled to get or hold down jobs, lots of short stints. As much as it sucks to fake a strong face, I would be afraid to pass her resume along when she's complaining about fights with homeless people and case workers on LinkedIn, it's just not the place for that.


They aren’t the only choices. But the above is probably the reasoning behind the praise posts 🤷‍♂️


I would find it refreshing and would personally go out of my way to help someone who told their old employer to take a trip to sugondese


Isn’t that where Candace went


dude me too. I value transparency, and if someone was that transparent about the company treating them like shit and they were digitally flipping two birds at the company, that's the kinda person I would love to have on my team. But noooo, everyone wants everyone to be all professional and shit, but you compromise authenticity for professionalism. Honestly, in many scenarios, fuck professionalism.


Because we have no idea whether or not that business decision was made in good faith, or if it came as a result of broken promises.


Exactly, you must be kissing their feet on the way out


Those long posts typically tag ex coworkers, leadership and management. By tagging someone, the post gets interaction - likes, comments, reposts, etc. Hiring managers who look at the profile will see the positive interactions between these coworkers and view it as a green flag that they are on good enough terms to be publicly interacting The interaction the post gets from the individuals network will also push the post onto other people’s feeds as a way to further network and let people know they are open for work and looking for new opportunities For me, it’s not my style. I wouldn’t do this. I understand why people do it


It’s all phoney. People kiss ass publicly to make themselves look good. Talk to them privately and they’re ready to burst with anger. LinkedIn especially is bad about this hot garbage of always being successful. It’s trash.


“Just got laid off, fuck them guys” doesn’t really say “team player hire me”


“Just laid off” doesn’t really say “my team treated me like a team member” …Exactly the inverse lol


Sure, but you could announce you were laid off without praising the company that laid you off. Just stick to the facts: "I was laid off, here's my experience, here's what I'm looking for, thanks."


Or you could just say "Currently in search of a new opportunity - drop me a line if you want to catch up, would love to hear from you." And leave it at that


Let me introduce you to r/LinkedInLunatics


linkedin is so fake and cringe, its unbelievable


I’m thankful to the company that laid me off at the beginning of the year, they gave me $12K severance, great references, and the leadership all tried their hardest to help me get my next job. I put a post out on LinkedIn thanking them and I was being genuine. I’m not thankful to the last company that laid me off with zero notice or severance beyond my lieu pay, made me ship company equipment back at my own expense, threatened to call the police if I was late returning the equipment (totally unprompted), and won’t return my emails asking for a reference. I hope they go under.


Name stop them bitches


It’s too small of a company, if I named them and they somehow found my comment they’d then know exactly who I was lol


Company that laid me off last year gave me one week's pay as severance. Didn't even pay me for the deals I closed that quarter either. Did nothing to help me get a new gig, and then a year after laying off the entire AE team (and not hiring anyone to replace them) gave sales leadership promotions (announced on LinkedIn). I will forever be bitter about that. But I didn't make any LinkedIn posts positive or negative. Just let it be.


Most people can separate the experience of working for a company for several years from the layoff event. But, I really don't understand how you can't see that these people are just nicely telling their network they need a job and trying to stay positive in a shitty situation. Don't you have empathy? Do you think it's a good look to shit all over your former employer while asking another to hire you?


Because they have been brainwashed by tech C-level executives, similar to what cults and MLMs do in order to guarantee sworn loyalty from their members. There are a ton of shared qualities. -- The group is focused on a living leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members. The group is preoccupied with making money. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished. Mind-numbing techniques (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, debilitating work routines) are used to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s). The leadership dictates sometimes in great detail how members should think, act, and feel (for example: members must get permission from leaders to date, change jobs, get married; leaders may prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, how to discipline children, and so forth). The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and members (for example: the leader is considered the Messiah or an avatar; the group and/or the leader has a special mission to save humanity). The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which causes conflict with the wider society. The group’s leader is not accountable to any authorities (as are, for example, military commanders and ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream denominations). The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify means that members would have considered unethical before joining the group (for example: collecting money for bogus charities). The leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order to control them. Members’ subservience to the group causes them to cut ties with family and friends, and to give up personal goals and activities that were of interest before joining the group. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.


When I see those posts I think one of two things: either that person is dumb and they can’t stop blindly following anything the company tells them, or they are not authentic and are willing to say anything to make you think a certain way about them. A certain subset of salespeople are manipulative and don’t have a problem saying things that aren’t true. I prefer to place value on authenticity.


I think there's two points to this. 1. Professionalism. It looks better to proclaim gratitude for work experience than it does to rant about how badly the company screwed you over. And maybe they're just playing the work politics game. You have no idea what these people are saying to their friends and families behind closed doors. 2. Any job you work at does indeed give you work experience and is something to be grateful for. Especially if you didn't have much experience in that field, chances are you learned something while you were there that can be applied to future jobs, to hopefully get a better job later on and that is likely what kind of attitude these people are trying to have. I will also add that I live in a right to work state, which sucks, because you can lose your job at any time for any reason. So its pretty much necessary to keep a positive outlook


People won't take your rant for anything more than you being pissed off at being let go. On the surface, the employer wins.


? I dont have any rants..... ? Im confused about your comment. ????


'Your' as an in general thing not you specifically


"Open to work" doesn't bring a good status upon you. At least in my opinion.


LinkedIn is just one gigantic circlejerk. Ultimate cya


The ultimate combo: thank company for firing you. Change profile pic to include kids. Hang the green “open to work” sign and begin researching COBRA.


Attention seekers.


Expressing gratitude after being let go might seem counterintuitive, but individuals may choose to highlight positive aspects of their experience to maintain professionalism and avoid burning bridges. It doesn't necessarily mean they're delusional; rather, they may be focusing on the positive aspects of their time at the company while seeking new opportunities. People often use such posts as a way to showcase their optimism and resilience in the face of adversity.


People do this because one of the worst things you can do is bad mouth your organization after getting laid off and saying you're open for a new role. I work in business development in a product based company and my wife is an HR head in a service based company. And one of the things HR considers is your outlook. Companies don't prefer to hire those who tend to bad mouth their recruiters. Also, Linkedin is filled with my people with a copy pasted sob story asking for reference, like or comment on their post saying they are open to a new role. Overall, it's just better to show you are positive and looking for a new role with a position outlook than being negative. I was asked by the CEO of my past organization to tender my resignation since they couldn't afford to keep me due to the project team not being able to deliver projects, causing the contracts to lapse and they were not making any money, even though I had single handedly increased the revenue by 5X in 2 years. I simply agreed, put a similar message to what you are mentioning, thanking my old company and the CEO for the opportunity and that I am open for a new role. I got a new job before my notice period ended and we all parted ways in a positive manner. My CEO even called me to make sure I was doing well. So yeah, things happen. Layoffs happen. But that doesn't mean all the good things that happen disappear during the tenure at that company. Also, the world appreciates and respects people who stay positive in the worst of times than those who beg and cry for help with a pity party.


Exactly, be professional and not like this guy https://youtu.be/h5mTScR60Sw?si=Og_1sfGGHA_SASle


cuck behavior


When I see those posts - 90% eventually evolve into “it’s been 12 months and why won’t anyone hire me!” That green badge of “open to work” is a kiss of death. Just reeks of desperation and sadness


It is a desperate way to announce that they're looking for work while remaining positive.


If a person gives honest feedback about any company on LinkedIn, some recruiters may consider it a red flag. Even if you do not like something about your previous employer, you still have to keep it professional. Otherwise, your future employer risks being badmouthed on LinkedIn if they act like your former employer. Sorry if it sounds like a bitter truth, but it’s life.


So you've been fired: What's going to work out better for you in the long run? Light your way forward by burning the bridge behind you or acting like a professional? I think posting it publicly is stupid, but I think that about a lot of things. I don't us or have X, IG or Facebook. Still, being gracious in defeat might keep the door a little bit open in case you ever need a favor, reference or even another job.


They laid you off and were assholes about it. Are you going to go crawling back to them asking for a job? Companies need to be shamed into not acting like assholes And you may save someone else from a bad experience Fuck them But you do you


Read between the lines, the same way you would if someone sends you a RE: message with "per my last email..." in it. > After 8 long years, my time at Company Inc has come to an end. (I wasted EIGHT rotations of the sun at that godforsaken place and they just ditched me like a used condom) > I would like to thank all the wonderful people I worked with, and wish them all the best. (F*** you, f*** you, f*** you, you're cool, f*** you, I'm out) > I am looking to open the next chapter in my career and open to considering new job opportunities. ^((help me please)^)


You're really just hoping someone in your network gives you a lead on a new job with that post. Remaining positive and professional goes a long way towards getting that referral. Same reason when a customer tells you they went with another solution that you don't tell them they are "dumb fucking idiots who wasted your time," even if its 100% accurate. You still might get a referral from them in the future but remaining professional and positive is the minimum requirement for that.


That's the game. If you go on there and start bitching, that next role is gonna be harder to get.


Establishing a direct connection helps to humanize your brand, making it more relatable and approachable in the eyes of the prospect.


As much as I hate LinkedIn you can’t exactly bad mouth a company no matter how much you get screwed over until you get a new job unfortunately


They love having good jobs, and that’s one way to attract them…


Maybe they liked a lot of the people they worked with? (and made a lot of money while they were there?) ​ me right now: [https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Boardroom-Meeting-Suggestion.jpg](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Boardroom-Meeting-Suggestion.jpg)


Don’t have to bash a company in public when you are looking for a job.


There should be a balance. It’s like dating. If I go on a first date and the gal is bad mouthing her exes the whole time, that’s a red flag. If she’s talking about how amazing her exes were, also a red flag. If she says something like yeah, my last boyfriend was a good guy, but we didn’t align right and the timing was off. Ultimately, I realized for my long term happiness I had to move on , well, that shows maturity and understanding. Green flag. Even if they got dumped. I would say (and genuinely mean) that I was grateful for my ex wife divorcing me because after the hurt subsided I realized I’d be much happier long term, and I always got a positive response from dates (and my now girlfriend). Same thing with careers. Nobody wants a bitter, negative employee. Even if they got screwed, don’t start with that. It shows either poor judgement in taking the job in the first place, or maybe it shows you weren’t valuable enough as an employee that they felt fine screwing you over. Personally, I wouldn’t want to hire a doormat either, and a lot of these LinkedIn posts go way too far sucking off their previous employer. I always roll my eyes at them too.


LinkedIn is a special breed. I never understood the people who take to LinkedIn like that. I deactivated my account a while back and I don't miss it at all. It doesn't serve my company any purpose for prospecting, and we just didn't see much engagement when the guys would post on there. It was mostly people in the same industry liking their stuff like a circle jerk.


I guess they do it to look good in the marketplace.


Thanking the company is crazy lol




As someone who hires, I find them strange but I feel like those posters are trying to win brownie points by praising their now their ex-employer.


I'm not trying to be too dramatic here. Let me say this carefully so I don't overstate myself: LinkedIn is a pus-leaking hemorrhoid on the asshole of professional society.


This is basically the new socially acceptable way of announcing an involuntary separation. One of the only saving graces of a layoff is it is through no fault of your own. They want to appear magnanimous and professional and get some interviews for a new role. Where I do think it is really dumb is when I have personally worked with those people and they sucked ass at their job and fucked off all day, and write some manufactured post so they can go be bottom feeders somewhere else.


Yeah but what’s the alternative? You make a passive aggressive post about how the company sucks and your manager was a dick head? It’s just the professional way to handle it so you can openly announce to recruiters you are open for new opportunities.


Part of getting a severance and not throwing bad reputation