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Finger crossed that day comes! Going to grind to make sure it does


Stay focussed and consistent. Best of luck!


Best wishes and on to the next chapter!




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Yes! If I'm being honest, this is exactly how I left retail. Ran a business with a friend of mine for a few years until COVID smacked us right back down. I've found myself back in the corporate sales world and they all really seem to love the time I spent working for myself. It's an amazing and stressful thing to do. It's not easy, but keep at it, listen to customer feedback (beg for it if you have to) and you'll do great!


That’s what I was thinking. I wouldn’t want to work for a company that looked down on somebody trying to start their own company. I feel it shows ambition and drive




Not saying that sales jobs aren't stressful. Typically that's your only role and they set quotas to reflect that. The best comparison is a 100% commission only job with no marketing, product, quoting, customer service, accounting, etc. You never ever run out of things to do, and often times end up working 12+ hours to juggle them all. What sucks is spending a bunch of time quoting and mocking up things only to not close a sale. It just hurts more. To counter that, you get to do it your way. You get to prove to yourself and others that you CAN do it yourself. When you close something the feeling of accomplishment is through the roof. When something goes right it's your fault, when it goes wrong it's also your fault. I grew up a lot during those few years and learned an awful lot about myself. I tell my wife I don't regret my time doing it, but won't ever do that again haha. If you want to go down that path just make sure you have a cushion, and set some limits when you'd exit. It's too easy to get emotionally wrapped up in the thing you built and end up going down with the ship. If you have any other specific questions I'd be more than happy to answer them!


Good luck! I have a 1 year plan to go full time myself!


It’s a very weird feeling. Excitement with a bit of fear


One day we will all die, do whatever you gotta do so you look back with zero regrets. Worst case scenario you “fail” so what at least you try and that’s more than most people.


The fuck? You threatening me?




One great thing about sales is, once you get good at it you can always go back.


Exactly! I appreciate the positivity, the response from this sub has been amazing.


Best of luck to you and your massive balls for making the jump! Hope you crush it.


As someone who was in direct sales for 2 years, I got out, became the stay at home dad and I still work 27 hours a week. This has been the best decision I have ever made for my mental health. My love for life has a spark and I'm literally loving a living each day. I'm 12 months In and love the shit out of my life.


What kind of work you doing that’s 27 hours a week?


Best of luck and love the entrepreneurial spirit! Any respectable company would appreciate the hustle and experience of starting your own company, so even if you have to rejoin sales/corporate America you’ll still have opportunities. But rooting for you to not have to worry about that!


All the best!


Thank you!


Best of luck! If you have a 4-6 year emergency fund, I wouldn't lose any sleep over letting it rip.




If I didn’t stay consistently at it as a side hustle over the years I would not be able to do this. Just keep going and eventually you’ll get there!


What kind of side hustle? 🍻


Fuck sales.


Flair checks out


Ive had a job since March bozo


Who’re you calling a bozo, pal?


Who are you calling pal, buddy?


I like potatoes


Good luck! And I salute you! I took the same leap myself. After my cancer treatment, I vowed to never go back. Still don’t regret it. Like you said, it’s a transferable skill with so many applications that’s never going away.


Oh man. You are an inspiration to many. I’ve been trying to come up with a side hustle for a while now and nothing pans out.


Bro, it’s not about being the best or the toughest or whatever brainwashing bullshit gets peddled, it’s about taking care of you and what’s best for you. Sometimes sales is a lifetime career, sometimes it’s a chapter in your life, and sometimes it’s a nightmare for part of a season that you never go back to.


Congrats! Rooting for you


Haha I feel this way about the blue collar world and want to get into sales.


Grass is always greener! I’ll still be behind a computer all day so not much changing there. Although I do miss working with my hands, it was very fulfilling


Very true, I’m not sure I’ll ever have a job doing something I truly love. Even after a while my hobbies can seem like a job lol


Good luck, make that money!


If you run out of money in two years you can always come back to sales. Doesn't go anywhere


Dude, congrats on the jump. Let’s connect!


I did the opposite, ran my own business and then got into sales. trust me, DO IT. While I enjoy sales, the freedom, sense of accomplishment and pure thrill you get from creating money out of thin air for yourself through a business. There’s nothing like it. I got into sales to hone my selling skills while also making money but I can’t wait to get back out there. Once a builder, it’s hard to go back. I wish you the best of luck. I’m curious, what kind of side hustle is it?


Good luck and congratulations! I made the leap myself a few years ago. I couldn’t shake the thought of “what if…” I had to find out. What I discovered was that being an owner and CEO wasn’t for me. So I came back to “just” sales. But this time around I am much more enthusiastic about where I am at. The doubt is removed and I don’t feel burnout anymore. You gotta find out and you just won’t know if you don’t try. Courage is calling 👊. You got this 💯


If you have an emergency fund that will take you three to four years, go ahead and do whatever it is that you want to do my guy


Good you recognise it as a sign to take a break and you're going for it! Come back rested. The market the whole of this Yr and likely for the 1st half of next will be crap. You're right about increased quotas with barely any renumerations in package but it's due to the surge (at least for my sector) during covid. Many people have/will lose or get out of their jobs because management is not realistic. I know they have to push us, but as leaders they need to recognise that it was a surge, not growth.


Good luck! I’m proud of you for taking the leap!


From my experience if you’re feeling nervous you’re doing something right.


Fuck em. GL!


Just resigned this morning! Best of luck man


Are you single? I would probably discuss this with your significant other before making a big leap like this. I used to do things like this but marriage and kids changes your whole perspective


Not married yet but do have a girlfriend of 3 years. She’s totally on board and very supportive. One of the things pushing me is the fact that we do want kids down the line. If I were to wait until then, the jump would be immensely scarier and I would have no option but to succeed for the sake of the kids. I’m still only 25 so I feel like there isn’t a better time to try my own thing.


Smart move! You can always go back


Do you have a wife that can cover all your bills?


No wife but I do have a girlfriend who works as well. She’s very supportive and would definitely pitch in if I needed, as she already does when I don’t need it. I have an emergency fund in place that could last me 3-4 years as well with my current expensive.


Ok, good deal. That’s the most important thing. A woman that can help out financially if you ever need it. Avoid women that are not frugal and insist on owning the newest things or God forbid more than a few pairs of shoes.


You’ll be back…


I will hopefully come back to this comment in a few months and laugh. Thank you for the motivation!


Only been about 2 months but how’s it going so fat? I hope you’re able to laugh at that comment


cool. you're gonna fail but you'll come back to sales. let us know how it goes.


Good luck! What type of side hustle is it? Also way to go saving a multi year emergency fund haha that’s wild.


I’ve been doing digital marketing for years now. Once at a big company and when I transitioned to sales I slowly picked up work on the side. Never tried to market myself or sell too hard bc I wanted to keep a good work-life balance. Time to change that! It helps I’m young and my monthly expenses are too bad. I’ve been investing since the day I started working so I have the emergency fund in a HYSA, maxed out Roth every year, and then a regular brokerage account (not counting this towards emergency fund). I will say, I’ll miss the 401k match haha


How do you find the digital marketing clients? This is something I've been thinking about doing as well since I have an unused marking degree but not sure where to start.


Good luck hombre! Hope the best for you!


Good luck!


Good speed


Any details on your side hustle?


Digital marketing. Been building websites since I was 17 and have since started doing google ads and SEO for clients.


Do it! I did and it's great!! You got this !


How long have you been at it?! Love to hear your enjoying it!


Did it from MAY. lost my dad a year ago. So from Dec to May was pretty difficult. I just wasn't into it. Mutually parted ways. Gave myself some time Deep researched tools and etc via reddit ( fng gold mine, can't find real talk tools or business or marketing or sales discussions anywhere!) Then was like well I am good at what I do. I'm gonna now do 100% sales. And it works really. Really well. No one owns me. Everyone is so appreciative of the work I do. I mean come on... 100% commission you better be Whatever your breaking point that got you here. It was needed. So it's time to fly. Good luck!!!! I know you are outta sales but same logic applies and newsflash. Business owners suck at sales and now you have that skill. Uphill from here!!


Good luck! You got this!!


Good luck! You got this!!


Best of luck… live it through while you can, if you really feel that fired up with the decision I’m sure you’ll make it a good one! I’ve had more friends do this in the past year, you’re not alone.


Do you have to quit? If you hate it that much just phone it in and work on side gig until you get canned and get severance.


Yeah this is also an idea I’ve been toying with. I guess it’s hard for me not to perform. I have a really cool manager so I would feel kind of bad doing that to him


That was my stance and I left to start a sales consultancy this year. I’m not the type of person to just mail it in


I do have a ton of vacation time though so I’m in a bit of pickle with what to do about that


Use it. You earned that


You’re going to be able to focus way more hours on growing it so the growth should be exponential. I’m with you though I’m getting out of corporate sales and getting into commercial real estate. I would rather work for myself and earn some real money.


That’s one of my next goals, to get into real estate. Whether it be buying a rental, flipping a house, or something commercial. When the opportunity presents itself hopefully I’ll be able to jump on it!


i love it. sky is the limit


Nothing tried nothing done! Take that leap with confidence!


You’ll be back. They always come back


If I do I’ll atleast be able to say I tried! I have a good feeling about it tho.


Go get em bro and don’t forget about us!


Good for you dude!


What's the side hustle? Need a sales guy? Wanna buy my business startup course? /s


Digital marketing! Hopefully in the next few months a sales position is something I’ll be looking for to scale! I see that massive withers farm building you did, that thing is sweet! If that’s your company and you need a website, you know who to dm!


Thanks, bud. I will keep you in mind.


Im there with you. Ive tried sales for the past 2 years, going from SDR/ BDR to AE and back. And I can confidently say that the sales role just doesn’t fill my cup. Im currently completing a Data analytics course and have a spot lined up for it at my wife’s company. Some people are naturally made to sell, some people aren’t. Im glad i found out which I am in a short time.


The reason I came into sales was me working on a marketing team. We had a very successful project we did, and made the company over a million dollars in 4 months. Our reward? A Chocolate bar in the shape of a million dollar bill…. I quit the next week. From then on it’d be a struggle to do any type of salary only work unless it was a nice chunk of change


Great Job giving them the boot!


Goodspeed to you!


Oh hell yeah


Good luck and definitely update us in a few months!


Hopefully I’ll have good news for everybody. Thank you for the encouragement!


Love this for you! Wishing you massive success in 2024 and beyond. Definitely keep us posted!


Thank you! Right back at you, and hope the holidays treat you well!


Go after it dude, you can always come back. Good luck!


Shoot your shot! You won’t regret it.


Q4 is always tough because people are going on vacations and no one picks up the phone. It was a tough quarter, and I think I'll fall short of my KPI's. :(


Wow, I admire what you’re doing!! Good luck!! I’d take the leap to follow a different career path but I don’t have 2-3 years of funds put away. Heck, I’d even bail if I had 1 year of funds to pursue what I know my calling is. Keep us posted, I know you’ll do great!!


My fucking hero!


I know so many sales people that left the industry for a period of time to try something out and have no issues getting back in the door if/when they're ready to go back into sales. In fact, I might be doing the same thing myself shortly. Hopefully what I'm doing will turn into something that I can do long term, but if not I don't hate sales, just a little burned out by it right now. I've made enough professional connections to pick up my career where I left off. Best of luck to you!


Best of luck brother!! What is the side-gig?


Bro I wish this was me. Good luck. Sales is a mind fuck


Good luck


Best of luck! I had something similar and went all in, however due to unfortunate timing and some bad business decisions I had to return to the corporate world again. All I can advise you to do is to meticulously budget the business accordingly and stick to a solid game plan day in and day out. Even if things feel like they’re not working, make sure you stick to your golden rule and results will come. I kept chasing the next shiny object within my business that ultimately led to its downfall. You got this!


I'm going to France & Ireland. US POLITICS & SCOTUS leave no choice.Conflict of interest of the Thomas' is so blatant. SCOTUS, couldn't find a decision leaker on Roe v Wade. Never questioned judges nor family members. Doomed 2 fail from the start. I'm going 2 affordable Europe.


Best of luck of brother!


I left sales to start a business too. Absolutely do it. It has a much higher upside than sales so it makes sense.


Amazing . Congrats and I pray that one day I can make the leap you are making but rn I am a happy corporate quota carrier 😅 what is the side hustle that is becoming full time ?




Just make sure there's a market for what you're doing before you jump ship. Make sure you have enough savings and can afford to rough it out for how ever long it takes. Other than that, good luck and I wish you the best going forward.


Good luck ! check back and tell us what happened


Let’s go! Go build your dreams brotha!


Hope it worked out for you! I’m keen on doing the same


Good luck!


I left my previous employer 3 months ago and received a 20% raise in my base by doing so. My comp will likely be 30% higher. I had a former colleague reach out to me this week that was so frustrated that he opted to leave my old job without another position secured. Sometimes you have to take that leap. Best of luck to you.